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1、Unit 6Do you like bananas?Section B 1a-1e+Grammar focus学习目标1.掌握第三人称单数的疑问句及肯定、否定回答。2.熟练运用 likes , but he / she doesnt like句型。3. 熟练表达三餐饭爱吃的食物。Lets enjoy a song!l_20120816103063186318.swfHow many kinds of vegetables can you hear? 你能听到多少种蔬菜?Vegetable songcome in here, follow me,sing a vegetable song wit

2、h me.eat the carrots , eat the peas .piz豌豆 eat the tomatoes, eat the beans. binz菜豆,蚕豆,豆荚 eat the turnip ,t:nip芜青,萝卜eat the corn. k:n 玉米 eat the cabbage, kbid洋白菜、卷心菜 and the french bean. frent bi:n豆,四季豆, (一) 自我复习 1.复习课本第31-32页Unit6的单词,大声朗读5遍,牢记单词的拼写和词义,听写一遍并对照课本订正错误。2.复习重点短语。将课本上标注的重点短语大声朗读5遍,听写一遍并批改

3、,订正错误。3.复习对话。将课本第32页的对话大声朗读3遍,翻译1遍并背诵。(二)复习效果检查复习检测一用所给单词的正确形式填空:1. There are four _ (tomato) in the box.2Jeff doesnt like _ (strawberry) very much.3Are these _ (you) oranges?4Sonia _ (have) an ice-cream .5She _(like) bananas.6I _( not like) apple.7. She _(play) sports every day.tomatoesstrawberries

4、yourhaslikesdont likeplaysMemory challenge(记忆力大挑战)复习检测二foodfruitvegetablesotherscarrot tomatobread, salad, milk, rice, ice-cream, chicken, egg, hamburgerbanana, apple, pear, strawberry, orange(其他)Brainstorm头脑风暴【一、 课内学习】一、教材处理:1. 完成1a,小组核对答案。2.完成1b,看哪个小组写的最多。3. 听录音,完成1c,小组核对答案。4. 再听一遍,完成1d的表格,小组核对答案。

5、5. 椐表格的内容,练习第三人称单数一般疑问句。1. orange 2. salad 3. eggs 4. apple 5. ice-cream 6. hamburger 7. banana 8. chicken 9. rice 10. carrots3471061 8 9 521aWrite the number of each word next to the correct food.1. 完成1a,小组核对答案。fruit: pears, _ _ vegetables: _ _strawberriesapplesbananas1bHow many other words can you

6、 add to the lists? orangeswatermelons/w:tmeln/, grapes/greip/ carrotstomatoespotatoespteituz onionnjn broccolibrkli: 西兰花2.完成1b,看哪个小组写的最多。Listen and circle the food you hear in 1a. 1c 1. orange 2. salad 3. eggs 4. apple 5. ice-cream 6. hamburger 7. banana 8. chicken 9. rice 10. carrots3. 听录音,完成1c,小组核

7、对答案。How many kinds of food are mentioned? (多少种食物被提到?)SallyTomsaladcarrots _saladvegetablesapples likesdoesnt likenameapplesbananasorangesice-cream1d _ _ _ _4. 再听一遍,完成1d,小组核对答案。Retell:Tom likes,but he doesnt;(复述) Sallybut1. 审题(Tom is a boy, Sally is a girl.)2. 把1c圈了的单词首字母填入横线里 3. 把单词补充完整TapescriptsSa

8、lly: Do you like carrots?Tom: Yes, I do. I like all vegetables.Sally: How about salad? Do you like salad? Tom:Yes, I do.Its great!Do you like vegetables?Sally:No, I dont like vegetables.Well, only salad. But I like fruit. I like bananas, oranges. Tom:How about apples?I dont like apples!Sally:Yes, I

9、like apples.And you know what I really like?Tom:What?Sally:Ice-cream!SallyTomsaladcarrotssaladvegetablesapples likesdoesnt likenameapplesbananasorangesice-creamPairworkA:Does Tom like carrots?B: Yes, he does.A:Does Sally like salad?B: Yes, she does.5. 椐表格的内容,练习第三人称单数一般疑问句。1ebreakfastlunchdinnerGuess

10、Whose breakfast is it? Why?Whose lunch is it? Why?Whose dinner is it? Why?TomsSallysTomsSallysTomsSallysbreakfastbrekfst For breakfast, I have two eggs, an apple and a banana.早餐【二、 课内拓展1】lunchlnt For lunch, I have a hamburger, an orange and two carrots.午餐dinnerFor dinner, I have salad, chicken, rice

11、 and ice-cream.Three meals(三餐)breakfastlunchdinnerI like two eggs, an apple and a banana for breakfast.I like a hamburger, an orange and two carrots for lunch,.I like salad, chicken, rice and ice-cream for dinner,.Three meals(三餐)breakfastlunchdinnerSally likes two eggs, an apple and a banana for bre

12、akfast.Tom likes a hamburger, an orange and two carrots for lunch,.Sally likes salad, chicken, rice and ice-cream for dinner,.TomSallySallySuppose you are in the KFC with your friends, now you are discussing what you are going to buy. 假设你和你的朋友在KFC,你们正在讨论晚饭该买什么。 (每人限买一样)role play【 课内拓展2】Foods in KFCF

13、rench frieschicken soup/su:p/hamburgerice creamcola Sample :A: What do you like ?B: I likefor dinnerC: I likefor dinner D: I likefor dinnerA: I like , B likes, C likes, D likes , So I go to buy/bai/zReport(报告) I am_. I like B likes, C likes, D likes , So I go to buy/bai/Do it like this:三、组内探讨 小组成员大声

14、朗读Grammar Focus,思考一般现在时的相关知识一般现在时:一般现在时表示经常性、习惯性的动作,或表示现在的特征、状态。Do you like bananas? 这是一个一般现在时态的一般疑问句,like为实意动词意思是_。含有实义动词的否定句或一般疑问句,在一般现在时中需借助于助动词_/_,当主语为第三人称单数时用助动词_.喜欢do doesdoes及时练:They like hamburgers.(变为一般疑问句) _they like hamburgers ? Ann likes bananas.(变为一般疑问句) _Ann like bananas ? I like ice c

15、ream. (变为否定句) I_like ice cream. Peter_ _ (not like) ice cream.提示:含有实义动词的否定句或一般疑问句,在一般现在时中需借助于助动词do/does。DoDoesdontdoesnt like( )1._ he like fruit? A. Is B. Do C. Does D. Are( )2. Do you like orange juice? No, _ A. I do B. I doesnt C. I does D. I dont( )3.Do you have any(一些) _ A. orange B. tomato C. hamburgers D. banana( )4.Julia _ vegetables. A. not likes B. not like C. doesnt likes D. doesnt like( )5. Do you like ? A. carrot B. i


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