



1、 / 4word.高二英语单词总复习 Module 8 Unit 3 Name 一、词汇检测Van Gogh created a lot of (抽象的)_artwork during the last years of hislife.She bitter tears(流出了辛酸的泪水)of disappointment.Yesterday our headmaster told us that a (有才华的) artist fromNanjing Normal University would come to visit our school next weekIt is said th

2、at his son is studying (建筑学) at university.Your technical (援助) in the project is greatly appreciated.It s a challenge for our scientists to (勘探)_the moon.Only in a (和平的) environment can we develop smoothly.They (放弃) all hope of finding the lost child.This is a very (主观的) judgment of her abilities.Th

3、e museum houses several of his Cubist (杰作)_.Every year he won sat school because of his excellent study.When he was young, he sas an officer in the army.In the market dealers (商人)were b with growers over the price ofcoffee.There s a good way to tie up your boat so that it does nt faway.As the parade

4、s marched through the street in a column, some of them peeled off (离队) to dleaflets.They found the medicine was very effective after they eon a largenumber of patients.It s a miracle that she didn t break her neck falling from that h.The bad fish had a dsmell. Yo ud better throw it away.It s complet

5、ely ruined, so we will have to start from s.R for several times, the sentence was eventually understood by thestudents.I am trying to how much paint we need.He had an for life and enjoyed exploring the workings of objects andanimals.US intervention (干预) has taken many forms, from supplyingmedicines

6、to air strike.Taking pictures replaced painting as his hobby because he thought he would love the life of a .All the girls in our school the handsome mathematics teacher whohappens to be a bachelor.Paul succeeded in the two pieces of paper together at last.The government and rebel leaders sat down a

7、t the table for the firsttime yesterday.I will call the restaurant and make a .He hopes to get a good job after .Sometimes we see a beautiful in the sky after a shower in summer.二、句型转换He was amazed to find his wife came at last. , he found his wife came at last.The moment we left the dormitory the n

8、ext morning, we realized we had left our map in the moon. we the dormitory the next morning we realized we had left our map in the room.News media have many similarities.News media .If you had come with us, I think you would have enjoyed Europe too. with us, I think you would have enjoyed Europe too

9、.He drives the car for a living.He by driving the car.Can you think of the answer to the question?Can you the answer to the question?He was talented in writing, and it made him famous around the world.His made him famous around the world.The government is sparing no efforts to make people aware of t

10、his issue. The government is sparing no efforts to this issue.He was punished by his teacher because he didtnfinish his homework. his homework, he was punished by his teacher.With the assistanceof a good teacher, John made great progress in his English study last term.a good teacher, John made great

11、 progress in his English study last term.If you don t accept his invitation, I will not accept it either.If you don t accept his invitation, .China is no longer the China in the past. China is no longer .三、单项选择The representatives were seen with the employers about their pay.A. seated and was negotia

12、ted B. seating and negotiatedC. seated, negotiatingD. seating to be negotiatedThe girl had to the journey because of her mother s illness.A. cut short B. abandon C. give upD. all of the aboveHe picked up a bike in a shop on his way home, it was .A. really bargain B. real cheap C. a real bargain D. g

13、ood bargainTom adoresclassic novels and dreams a writer.A. reading; being B. to read; of being C. reading; of being D. to read; beingThe man insisted a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in findingHe is the student to Beijing University last year.A.

14、 admitted B. to admit C. who admitted D. admittingHaving been warned of the likely lung cancer, Mr. White had to on smoking.A. cut downB. cut off C. cut inD. cut outHe abandoned the accepted styles and rules of painting and from scratch,created a style of art known cubism.A. started; as B. started;

15、for C. starting; as D. starting; forHere is a ticket for you, Sir.I wasnt speeding.A. Thank you. B. My pleasure. C. Whats the matter? D. Im sorry. Was Mary still angry with me?To tell the truth,reading your letter, she didn t open it.A. but forB. far from C. rather than D. no wonder- Ann is in hospi

16、tal.-Oh, really? I know. I go and visit her.A. didn t; am going to B. don t; wouldC. don t; willD. didnt; will Why are you so popular with your students?As a teacher, I seldom give my students so difficult a problem they cannotwork out.A. as B. that C. if D. whichYou needn t add any explanation here

17、 because the meaning of the word will be very clearly in the next paragraph.A. picked out B. brought out C. brought up D. looked upIt s so nice to fremr her again., we last met more than thirty years ago.A. What s morB. That s to say In other words D. Believe it or notMistakes in public notices can

18、be seen here and there.A. being translated B. translating C. having translated D. translatedAfter studying in a medical college for five years, Jane her job as a doctorin the countryside.A. set outB. took over C. took upD. set upEverything was perfect for the picnic the weather.A. in place of B. as

19、well as C. except for D. in case of Let us suppose that you are in position of parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing?Certainly not.A. a; aB. a; the C. the; aD. the; the19.I dont think I ll need any money but Ill bring some.A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time20.No sooner asleep than she heard a knock on the door.A. she had fallen B. had she fallen C. she did fallen D. did she fall21.At the sight of the policeman,from behind the door.A. did the boy rush out B. the boy was rushing outC.


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