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1、Fog牛津高中英语M3U1 ReadingWe dowiththe senseLink v.seeeyessighthearearstastetastesmellsmelltouch/feeltouch/ feelhearingtongue/mouthtastenosesmellhands/feet/skintouchlooksound In such a thick fog, what may happen?accidents getting lost There are different types of stories. Stories have basic elements as f

2、ollows: A plot : W_ happened; Main characters: W_ were involved A time period: W_ it happened A place: W_ it took place A problem to be solved: H_ the story develops A story with a c_ or a surprise e_ is usually more eye-catching. hathohenReading strategy: reading a storyhereowlimaxndingFast reading

3、 At 86 King Street. 1. Where did Polly live?2. How did she usually get home? By bus. A stick. 3. What was the old man carrying? When Polly left work, she thought the buses would still be running.2. On the bus a tall man gave Polly great help.3. As Polly walked along to Park Street, the footsteps wer

4、e always following her.4. A blind man helped Polly because she once helped him.5. The blind man did something useful to pay back the help he once received.Listening Detailed readingPart : Fog warning & No buses to King StreetPart : A tall man & FootstepsPart : The helpful strangerPart : The grateful

5、 helperPart Fog warning & No buses to King Street1. Whats the weather like in the morning?The city was covered in a grey mist.a thick fog Because the fog is too thick for the bus to go to King Street.2. Why did Polly take the Underground to Green park?in the afternoon?Part A tall man & Footsteps 1.

6、What happened to Polly on the train?She sensed she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat.2. What was the weather like outside the station?The fog lay like a thick, grey cloud.Think about1. (Lines 14-15) she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat.Why wa

7、s a tall man mentioned here?2. (Lines 23-24) Polly felt a rough hand brush her cheek Why did the man brush Pollys cheek?3. The writer mentioned the two unnamed men( line 15 &24 ) in order to show that _. Polly was in danger they wanted to help her they would do something bad to her Polly was too ner

8、vousDPart The helpful strangerPlace Time &weather Person What happened in the street In the afternoonPolly; an old manThe old man took her hand and helped her find the way. Part The grateful helper1. Why could the old man help Polly to find the way?Because he was blind and the fog had no effect on h

9、im.2. Why was the blind man willing to help those who were caught in the fog?AIt was his duty to help others.BHe wanted to pay back the help that people gave him when it was sunny.CHe was a blind man.DThe passage didnt tell us the reason. Can you figure out how Pollys feeling develops?1When Polly st

10、epped out into the fog 2When Polly learned that the bus wasnt going as far as her home3When Polly sensed that she was being watched by a tall man(Really such a man?)worriedeager to return homenervousConclusion 4found the station deserted and no one in sightheard the sound of footsteps and felt a han

11、d brush her face5Heard the footsteps again“Are you sure you know the way?”6Polly got home safely.scared, frightened, frighteneddoubtfulthankful, gratefula plotmain charactersa certain time perioda placea problem or anissue to be solveda climax or asurprise endingA story - foga woman lost in the fog

12、was helped by an old mana woman and an old manone afternoona foggy cityHow she should get homethe old man was blindConsolidation 1.What is the personality(性格特点) of the old man?2. What can we do to help those disabled like the old blind man?DiscussionLanguage pointsaffect one another hold ones noseon

13、e of the senses failspeople with hearing/sight problems sign language confuse sb. make great achievements (in)lose the ability to do sth相互影响捏住你的鼻子 听力/视力有问题的人失灵,丧失功能手语 令人混淆 取得巨大的成就 失去做某事的能力 leave/go to work fog warning be covered in a grey miststep out into the fog =walk faster into the fog run that

14、far / this badtake the Undergroundobserve sb. do/doing sth a tall man in a dark overcoatthe rest of下班/上班浓雾警报被笼罩在灰色的白雾中加快脚步进入浓雾中跑不了那么远 / 这么糟糕乘坐地铁观察到某人做了/正在做什么一个穿着黑色大衣的高个子男人其余的 glance atsb be nowhere to be seenthe fog lay like a thick, grey cloudin sight/out of sight set offhear the sound of footsteps

15、 approachingthe approach to doing sth. a mans voice in her ear saying “”扫视/ 瞥了一眼 在视野之内/在视野之外 做某事的方法 看不见 雾像浓密的灰云一样聚积着 出发,使爆炸,引发,衬托 听到了由远及近的脚步声 一个男人在她耳边说“.”的声音 feel her heart beating with fearhesitate to do sth fear hold sb stilla hand reach outgrasp ones arm=grasp sb by the arm find oneself staring u

16、p at the facewatch out forcarry a stickat the crossroads伸出手(去取) 发现自己(向上)盯着看/抬头看见 回报,偿还 在十字路口由于害怕而心跳犹豫着做某事 without hesitation 毫不犹豫 恐惧让某人一动不动 抓住某人的手臂拿着拐杖 come to ones aidin reliefrest for a whilebe offpay backget across the roadmake a difference (to)make no differencefrom one place to another宽慰地 来帮某人的

17、忙休息片刻 偿还 ,报答,报复穿过马路 离开有作用,用关系,有影响Changing schools made a big difference to me.从一处到另一处 confusesth. confuse sb. 某物使某人困惑confused, confusing某人对于某物感到困惑sb. is _about sth.他的困惑的表情his _look/expression某物令人困惑sth. is_他对这个令人困惑的消息感到困惑。He was _about the _news. confusedconfusedconfusingconfusingconfusedholdhold sb

18、still “使保持某种状态”hold ones nose / head “抱住,捂住”approach: vi. 接近,靠近,即将到来 The summer vacation is approaching. 暑假即将到来。vt. 接近,靠近He cautiously approached the house. 他小心地走近那房子。 n. 方法the approach to the problem 问题的解决方法1.L7. Once out in the street, she walked towards . bus. Recall the rules of omitting the sub

19、ject in the clause. Put it into use and translate the sentences.1. 一旦出版,这本词典会非常畅销。Once published, this dictionary will be very popular.2. 一旦被抓,他会受到惩罚。 Once caught, he will be punished. Once she was out in the streetWords of similar use:if; when; while; unless etc.When _, it is of great help to learn

20、 some skills.A. reading B. read C. to read D. students read2. When _ (tell) the truth, he lost his mind.3. Unless _ (make) the most of, time will not be enough.toldmade1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. Once out in the street 相当于 Once she was out in the street

21、引导时间状语从句。在从句主语与主句主语一致且含有be动词时,从句可省略主语和be动词。 First aid, if (it is) properly done, can save a persons life.Once 可用作连词,意思为:一 就,一旦。 e.g 一旦出版,这本词典会非常畅销。 Once (it is ) printed, this dictionary will be very popular. 他一到我们就可以动身。 Once he arrives we can start. Once可用作副词,意思为:一次;曾经。 Attention please, Ill repeat

22、 the question once more.“ I was young once.3.(L31)Polly a man Analyze the sentence.find +O +O.C.With + O+ O.C. found herself staring up at standing with his hand resting on her arm.Attributive clausefind +O +O.C.doingdonePrep. phrases发现某人在find him lying on the grass find him surrounded by water find

23、 him in a beautiful valley With the letter to be typed, the boss walked to the secretary.The guy entered the room with his hands tied back.With + O+ O.C.doingdoneto doto be doneadj.prep. phrasesWe are having a lesson with a cat in the room. He stood there with his eyes looking at the dog.She slept t

24、here with the window open.With too much work to do, she cant help do the housework.Verb + with phrase “做时伴随着.(动作/状态)发生/存在 L 10 The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.L 14 She sensed that she was being watched by a tall man.L 33 The face that she saw was that of an old man

25、.4.That的用法L 53 A fog this bad is rare. (this or that can modify an adj. or adv.)to such an extent or such a degree;引导表语从句,无意义,不可省引导一个宾语从句,可以省略定语从句,做从句宾语,替代the face避免重复;代替the face;相当于the one; It was in the lab _ was build three years ago _ the students made the experiment. A. that; where B. which; th

26、at C. what; that D. which; whereCompare: it/one/ones/that/those2. Sorry, Miss, replied the man, the truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far. 句中第一个that引导的是表语从句。 问题是我们钱已用完了。 The problem is that we have run out of money. 第二个that (或this) 在此处等于so,意思是“那么” (或“这么”),修饰形容词或副词。 艰辛会使人变化那么大吗? C

27、an hard work change a person that much? 判断下列句子是什么从句?The reason is that it was foggy that afternoon.She had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat.The radio forecast that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon.It gives me the chance to pay back the help that

28、 people give me when its sunny.When he left school is still a puzzle.表语从句同位语从句宾语从句定语从句主语从句tooto do sth 太而不能The ice is too thin for us to skate on.注意以下特殊用法:too anxious/ready/eager/pleased/glad 等表心理活动、情感态度的词to do sth.表示肯定意义“非常”She is too anxious to know the result.Cannot/nevertoo 再也不为过You cant be too

29、careful in the street.在街上越小心越好。 5.The Tall man was nowhere to be seen.“nowhere” 为否定副词,”to be seen” 为主语不足语,补充说明主语的情况。We could find him nowhere. Nowhere _ _ find him.The boy is nowhere to be found. We have nowhere to find the lost boy. could wePlease compare the following sentencesThey could find no r

30、oom _.(live in)They have no food _. (eat)People used to have clean water _. (drink)There is no clean water _.Clean water is nowhere _.(find)to live into eatto drinkto drink/to be drunkto be found6.L24.She could feel her heart beating with fear. “with” means “because of”e.g. She trembled with horror.

31、 Her face turned red with anger. She was frozen with fear.8.way, method, means“way” 意思为“方法”,是普通用语,后跟of/to do ;“method”意思为“方法”,指合乎逻辑的或者系统的方法,后跟of;“means” 意思为“方法、办法,手段”, 后跟of/to do 。用这种方法:in this way, with this method, by this means 1,We cant use illegal _ to get a passport.2. What is the modern _ of

32、teaching math?3. The best _ of storing information is to use computers.meansmethodwayL16 . the rest of L 32 his hand resting on her arm.L50 .and rest for a while?其他人/物放置,停放休息The rest of the milk has gone bad. The rest of the cows have gone mad.Translation. Parents rest their hope on their children.

33、The unknown goddess rested her hands on her hips.把寄托在放置在上11.Work out whats the meaning of “rest”agreement完成下列句子的英文翻译:1)你注意到他话里有什么奇怪的地方了吗?_ in her words?2)我没有注意到外面下那么大的雪。I didnt_ _.3)他看见一个男人在马路对面走着。_ on the opposite side of the road. observe that it was snowing so heavily outside She observed a man w

34、alking Have you observed anything strange4)他注意到了他们之间发生的事情。He_was going on between them.5)他不知道有人看见他上楼了。He didnt know he_go upstairs by someone.He didnt know someone observed him _ up stairs.observed what was observed to go 6. Outside, wherever she looked the fog lay like a thick, grey cloud.lay 是lie的

35、过去式。“躺,位于”lie-lay-lain-lying 躺、位于lie-lied-lied-lying 撒谎顺口溜:规则的撒谎,不规则的躺,躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则。(lay-laid-laid-laying 下蛋、产卵)The book lay open on the desk.Dont trust him. He is lying.If you are young, life still lies before you.如果你年轻,你仍然有远大的前途。8. She had wished for someone to come along.wish for=hope for 希望come a

36、long 过来9. Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still.hold 在句中的意思是“使身体保持某种姿势 hold-held-held(put or keep part of body in a certain position)。 The dog held its tail between its legs. 宝宝能自己站立了吗? Can the baby hold herself up yet? He held her hand firmly. hold 握住10. Polly hesitated.hesitate to do sth.

37、 做犹豫Dont hesitate to turn to me if you need help.如果你需要帮助,尽管来找我好了。without hesitation 毫不犹豫地他毫不犹豫地接受了邀请。He accepted the invitation without hesitation.11. A hand reached out and grasped her arm.reach out 伸出手来The little boy reached out his hand for milk.reach 1).vi 延伸The woods reach as far as the river.树

38、林延伸到河边。 2).n. 够得着的某物within ones reach=within the reach ofout of ones reach=beyond ones reachYoud better put the medicine beyond childrens reach, for it is dangerous.12. (L31) Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man with a beard.an old man _ _ a beard found herself staring up at “ find oneself diong sth/ done in/on a place” Eg. When he woke up, he found himself lying under the bed. After he came to, he found himself tied to a tree. The Lady in white found herself in a beautiful valley. (无意中) 发现自己在who hasPractice Complete the following sentenc


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