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1、Unit9Unit 9 How I Found My VoiceWatch the movie clip and answer the following questions.How do you understand the statement that “every stammerer always fears they will fall back to square one”?Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 1Audiovisual supplementCultural backgroundThis statement p

2、oints out the psychological cause of stammering. It means that anyone who suffers from stammering may have the fear of being defeated in competition, or being inferior to his rivals.Lionel asked the king to erase the shadow of his father and bother as better kings than himself, remove the invisible

3、pressure they gave him when he was a child, and be himself.2. What is Lionels suggestion for the King to shrug away his psychological problem ?Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 2Audiovisual supplementCultural backgroundThe Kings Speech The two men enter and sit down. A moment of uncert

4、ainty. Then Bertie blurts.Video Script1Audiovisual supplementCultural backgroundHeres your shilling, Logue (puts shilling down) I understand what you were trying to say, Logue.I went about it the wrong way. Im sorry.Now here I am. Is the nation readyfor two minutes of radio silence?Every stammerer a

5、lways fears they will fall back to square one. I dont let that happen. You wont let that happen.BERTIELIONELBERTIELIONELVideo Script1Audiovisual supplementCultural backgroundIf I fail in my duty. David could come back. Ive seen the placards “Save Our King!” They dont mean me. Every other monarch in

6、historysucceeded someone who was dead, or about to be. My predecessor is not only alive, but very much so. What a bloody mess! I cant even givethem a Christmas Speech.Like your Dad used to do?Precisely.Your father. Hes not here.Yes he is. Hes on that bloody shilling I gave you.BERTIELIONELBERTIELION

7、ELBERTIEVideo Script1Audiovisual supplementCultural backgroundEasy enough to give away. You dont have to carry him around in your pocket. Or your brother. You dont need to be afraid of things you were afraid of when you were five.A pause Youre very much your own man, Bertie. Your face is next, mate.

8、LIONELLIONEL (CONTD)StutteringCultural background 1Audiovisual supplementCultural backgroundStuttering is a communication disorder that affects the fluency of speech. It begins during childhood and, in some cases, persists throughout the life span. The disorder is characterized by disruptions in the

9、 production of speech sounds, known as “disfluencies.”Disfluencies are not necessarily problematic; however, they can impede communication when a speaker produces too many of them or does not resolve them promptly.Cultural background 2Audiovisual supplementCultural background2. Stuttered speech Stut

10、tered speech often includes repetitions of words or parts of words, as well as prolongations of speech sounds. The frequency of these disfluencies among people who stutter tends to be much greater than it is for the general population.Structural analysisThis text is an autobiographical narrative and

11、 it is intended to tell the readers that the building-up of self-confidence is very important to ones personal development.Part I (Paragraphs 1 2): The writer presents a striking contrast between his successful career as an actor and television announcer and his severe stutter in his early childhood

12、. (beginning)Rhetorical featuresStructural analysisPart II (Paragraphs 3 22): The author recollects how his high school teacher, Professor Crouch, helped him overcome his stutter and find his voice. (development)Structural analysisRhetorical featuresStructural analysisPart III (Paragraphs 23 29): Th

13、e author tells the reader how his voice found with the help of Professor Crouch turned a new leaf in his life and brought him great successes in memorable roles on stage, in films, and on television, and how grateful he is to his teacher, “the father of my resurrected voice.” (ending)Rhetorical Feat

14、ures 1Rhetorical featuresStructural analysis The New Testament is mentioned twice in the text, first in the first paragraph and then in the last paragraph. It is repeated and distributed this way to give the essay a sense of completeness and to imply that Professor Crouch was “the father of his resu

15、rrected voice”. Resurrection refers to the rising of Jesus from the tomb after his death. His resurrection is the basis for the Christian belief that not only Jesus but all Christians will triumph over death. HOW I FOUND MY VOICE James Earl Jones Today I am known for my voice as much as for my actin

16、g. It has been my good fortune to receive jobs such as the speaking role of Darth Vader in George Lucass Star Wars trilogy and the voice-over announcer for CNN cable television. I also narrated Aaron Coplands Lincoln Portrait on a compact disc I recorded with the Seattle Symphony. Perhaps my greates

17、t honor came when I was asked to read the New Testament on tape. But it took a long time to believe such good things could happen to me. When I was a youngster I stuttered so badly I was completely unable to speak in public. Detailed reading1-2Detailed reading12Detailed reading3-4Detailed reading Si

18、nce I was eight Id had trouble speaking. It was so bad that whenever I stood up in class to read, the other kids snickered and laughed. I always sat down, my face burning with shame. Im not sure what caused my stuttering. Perhaps it was an emotional problem. I was born in Arkabutla, Mississippi, and

19、 when I was about five, I moved to live with my grandparents on their farm near Dublin in northern Michigan. It was traumatic moving from the warm, easy ways of catfish country to the harsh climate of the north, where people seemed so different.34Detailed reading5Detailed reading Fortunately, my gra

20、nddaddy was a gentleman, a farmer who taught me to love the land. He was short and he had a prodigious amount of energy. He even built a church to please grandmother, a fervent worshiper of the Lord. All sorts of people were invited to our little church; white, black and American Indian came togethe

21、r in a nondenominational fellowship. Granddads Irish heritage came out in his love for language; during the week he used “everyday talk”, but on Sunday he spoke only the finest English.5Detailed reading6-7Detailed reading As much as I admired his fluency, I couldnt come close to it. I finally quit S

22、unday school and church, not wanting to be humiliated any more. All through my grade school years, the only way the teacher could assess my progress was for me to write down everything I had learned. Oh, I could talk, all right. Our farm animals knew that. I found it easy to call the pigs, tell the

23、dogs to round up the cows, and vent my feelings to Fanny, the horse whose big brown eyes and lifted ears seemed to express interest in all I said. But when visitors came and I was asked to say hello, I could only stand, pound my feet, and grit my teeth. That awful feeling of my voice being trapped g

24、ot worse as I grew older. 67Detailed reading8-9Detailed reading Then when I was 14, Professor Donald Crouch came to our school. He was a retired college professor who had settled in nearby Brethren, a Mennonite community. When he heard that our agricultural high was teaching Chaucer, Shakespeare and

25、 other classics, he couldnt stand not being a part of our school. So he left his retreat to teach us English, history and Latin. Donald Crouch was a tall, lean man with gray hair; English was his favorite subject, poetry was his deepest love. Hes been an associate of Robert Frost. He held a book of

26、poems as if it were a diamond necklace, turning pages as if uncovering treasures. He memorized a poem every day, explaining that if he ever lost his eyesight he would still be able to savor all that beauty.89Detailed reading10-12Detailed reading When he learned that I not only loved poetry but was w

27、riting it, we found a kinship. There was, however, one difficulty between us. Professor Crouch (we always called him that) could not stand the fact I refused to read my poems to the class. “Jim, poetry is meant to be read aloud, just like sermons,” he pressed. “You should be able to speak those beau

28、tiful words.” I shook my head and turned away.101112Detailed reading13-17Detailed reading Then he tricked me. I labored long and hard on a poem, and after handing it in I waited expectantly for his critique. It didnt come. Instead, one day as the students assembled, he challenged me. “Jim, I dont th

29、ink you wrote this.” I stared at him in disbelief. “Why,” I started, anger flooding me, “of course I did!” “Well, then,” he said, “youve got to prove it by getting up and reciting it from memory.” By then the other students had settled at their desks. He looked at me meaningfully and nodded. With kn

30、ees shaking, I walked up before my peers. “Jim will recite his latest poem,” announced Professor Crouch.1314151617Detailed reading18-20Detailed reading For a moment I stood breathless. I could see smirks and wry smiles on some faces. Then I began. And kept going. I recited my poem all the way throug

31、h without hesitation or fault! I stood amazed and floated back to my desk in a daze, amid wild applause. Afterward, Professor Crouch congratulated me. “Aha,” he said. “Now we have something here. Not only will you have to write more poetry and read it aloud to know how good it feels, but Im sure tha

32、t you will want to read other writers poetry before the class.” I was dubious about that, but said Id try.181920Detailed reading21-22Detailed reading Soon I began to discover something other stutterers know. Most have no problem singing because the lyrics rhythmic pattern flows by itself. I found th

33、e same cadences in poetry, and before long my fellow students actually looked forward to hearing me recite. I loved the rolling beat of The Song of Hiawatha, especially since I had Indian blood in my veins. I discovered I did have a voice, a strong one. Under Professor Crouchs tutelage, I entered or

34、atorical contests and debates. He never pushed anything at me again; he just wanted all his students to wake up.2122Detailed reading23-24Detailed reading As my stuttering disappeared, I began dreaming of becoming an actor, like my father, who was then performing in New York City. No one in my family

35、 had ever gone to college. But encouraged by Professor Crouch, I took exams and won a scholarship to the University of Michigan. There I entered the drama department and after graduation fulfilled my ROTC responsibility by serving with the Armys Cold Weather Training Command on mountain maneuvers in

36、 Colorado.2324Detailed reading25-26Detailed reading Later, on the GI Bill, I signed up with the American Theater Wing in New York and supported myself between roles by sweeping floors of off-Broadway stages. In 1962 I earned an Obie for my role in an off-Broadway production of Othello, and have been

37、 an actor ever since. Meanwhile, I always kept in touch with my old professor, by letter and telephone. Every time we talked it was always, “Hi, Jim. Read any good poetry lately?” He was losing his sight and I remembered his early explanation of why he had memorized poetry. In later years when I was

38、 doing Shakespeares Timon of Athens at the Yale Repertory Theater in New Haven, Connecticut, I phoned him. “Can I fly you in from Michigan to see it?”2526Detailed reading27-29Detailed reading “Jim,” he sighed, “Im blind now. Id hate not to be able to see you acting. It would hurt too much.” “I under

39、stand, Professor,” I said, helped in part by the realization that though my mentor could no longer see, he was still living in a world vibrant with all of the beautiful treasures he had stored. About two years later I learned Donald Crouch had passed on. When I was asked to record the New Testament,

40、 I really did it for a tall, lean man with gray hair who had not only helped to guide me to the author of the Scriptures, but as the father of my resurrected voice, had also helped me find abundant life.272829Why could the narrator hardly believe that such good things as described in Paragraph 1 cou

41、ld ever happen to him? (Paragraph 2) Detailed reading2Question 2Because the great achievements were far beyond the expectations of such a poor stutterer as he used to be. When he was young he was completely unable to speak in public due to his serious stuttering. Thus he could never imagine that he

42、would make such good achievements. Detailed readingWhy does the narrator describe his moving at the age of five as traumatic? (Paragraph 4) Detailed reading5Question 4Because he felt that the place he moved to was drastically different climatically and culturally from where he had been. Detailed rea

43、dingWhy did the narrator quit Sunday school and church? (Paragraph 6) Detailed reading8Question 67Because he wanted to avoid the humiliation he suffered there for his stuttering.Detailed readingWhy does the narrator say the farm animals knew he could talk? (Paragraph 7)Because the animals never laug

44、hed at him, he was not nervous at all when he talked to them as a way of venting his feelings. Why couldnt Professor Crouch stand not being a part of the narrators school? (Paragraph 9)Detailed reading8Question 9Because he loved English classics, especially poetry, which was one of the subjects taug

45、ht at the narrators school. His deep love for poetry was vividly described in the metaphor: “He held a book of poems as if it were a diamond necklace, turning pages as if uncovering treasures.”Detailed readingWhat event made the narrator open his mouth in public without stuttering for the first time

46、? (Paragraphs 1318) Detailed reading8Question 1318It was Professor Crouchs trick. When the narrator handed in his poem, Crouch purposefully challenged him for his authorship. Consequently the narrator was provoked into reciting his poem in the presence of his classmates without stuttering.Detailed r

47、eadingDetailed reading8 ActivityGroup discussionsHave you ever spoken to a large audience? How did you feel? Do you think voice is important to personal development?Detailed readingComparison: newscaster, host/hostessnewscaster: sb. who reads the news during a newscast host/hostess: sb. who introduc

48、es and talks to the people taking part in television or radio programse.g.The newscaster was in competition with ten others for the job.e.g.Benidick is a popular TV host.the voice-over announcer: the unseen announcer who makes a commentary or gives an explanation which is heard as part of a film or

49、television program Detailed reading1 the voice-over announcerDetailed readingin public: If you do sth. in public, people in general will hear about it or see it.Detailed reading1 in publicDetailed readinge.g.She was too proud to show her grief in public.On this occasion, we departed from our normal

50、practice of holding the meetings in public.Antonym:in privatee.g.Cecil can be very rude in private, though in public he is usually polite.Detailed reading1 trauma 1trauma: n. any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture or an emotional wound or shock often having long-l

51、asting effectsDetailed readinge.g.Counseling is helping him work through this trauma.心理辅导正帮助他面对痛苦。The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma.恐惧症可能源于童年的创伤。Detailed reading1 trauma 2Detailed readingDerivation:traumatic a.(1) of a wound or injury(2) (of an experience) distressing and unforgetta

52、blee.g.a traumatic operatione.g.The onset of depression often follows a traumatic event.抑郁症发作常常发生在遭受创伤之后。Detailed reading1- prodigiousprodigious: a.(1) so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awee.g.That writer has prodigious literary output.Detailed reading(2) far beyond what is usual in m

53、agnitude or degreee.g.We are all overwhelmed by his prodigious memory.Synonym: colossal , stupendous, extraodinary, exceptionalDetailed reading1- come close tocome close to: v. become almost the same as, or very near to Detailed readinge.g.His performance has not yet come close to winning the award.

54、他的表演离获奖水平差远了。get close to natureleave sb. close to tears使某人几乎掉泪Translate the novel close to the original.The speakers remark hit close to home. 发言人的话很中肯。Detailed reading1 assess 1Detailed readingConfusing words:access: v. & n. enter /entranceassert: v. declare to be ones rights e.g.The database allo

55、ws you to access the sales figures in a number of ways.e.g.She asserted her ideas loudly and clearly. assess: v. consider or judge the quality or worth of sth.e.g.They say they can assess intelligence from these tests.The test was designed to assess the students level of language proficiency rather

56、than what they have achieved from the course. Detailed reading2 assess 2Detailed readingConfusing words:asset: n. property assent: v. agree e.g.to assess assets 估价资产e.g.The Queen has benevolently assented to my requests. round up: v. gather together animals or people, often when they do not want to

57、be gathered together; arrest a number of peopleDetailed reading2 round upe.g.The cows are rounded up twice a day for milking.The dog helps the shepherd in rounding up the sheep.The police had to round up some football hooligans as the situation seemed to be getting out of hand.Detailed readingDetail

58、ed reading2 ventDetailed readingvent: v. give free expression toe.g.I dont see why you should vent your anger like this. It wont do anyone any good.The rioters vented their indignation by burning a number of police cars when they learned about the brutal murder of a young black African American. n.

59、as in the expression “give vent to”e.g.Most people did not air their views at the meeting; rather, they took it to be an opportunity to give vent to their strong feelings.Detailed reading3 retreat The platoon was forced to retreat under heavy enemy gunfire.After he retired from his public position,

60、the former politician retreated to a quiet life in the countryside.e.g.Detailed readingretreat: n. a quiet or private place that one goes to in order to rest or concentrate on a particular problem or taskDetailed reading3 associateDetailed readinga business associatee.g.associate: n. sb. you work wi


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