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1、安徽省安庆市示范高中2010届高三第一次月考英语试题本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。第一卷(三部分,115分)第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题。每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper B. A magazine C. A book答案是A1. What are the

2、speakers going to do ?A. To hold a meeting B. To prepare for cooking C. To set a table for a meal.2. Why will the speakers have to cancel the fair?A. Because it keeps raining.B. Because the gyms being repaired.C. Because the school-hall is full of books.3. Where did the man get the news that the fli

3、ght had been canceled?A. At the airport B. At the meeting C. At the international flat.4. What time will the woman leave?A. 4:00 B. 4:30 C. 4:105. What does the man mean?A. He can come but his wife cant.B. He cant come on time because of his wife.C. He cant wife have made some other arrangements.第二节

4、 (共15小题,每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读各个小题,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Who is Mr. West?A. The mans boss B. The mans friend C. The womans husband7. Where are the speakers going to have their holiday?A. Ireland B. Scotland C. Som

5、ewhere is Asia听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. How did the woman get the skirt?A. She bought it.B. She made it herself.C. She got it from her parents as a gift.9. What did the woman do last week?A. She made s dress at home.B. She bought clothes for herself.C. She went shopping with her mum.听第8段材料,回答第10至11题。10. Why

6、 has a travel alert (警报)been posted?A. Because of the heavy traffic.B. Because of the freezing rainC. Because of a road accident.11. How can people get more information?A. By listening to the radio.B. By reading the travel alert.C. By telephoning the weather service听第9段材料,回答第12至14题。12. What may be t

7、he relationship between the two speakers?A. Wife and husband B. Father and daughter C. Mother and little son.13. What does the man like doing?A. Going out B. Watching TV C. Doing some reading.14. What do the two speakers probably do at last?A. Do their music.B. Talk with an other.C. Enjoy walking ou

8、tside together.听第10段材料,回答第15至17题。15. Which of the following is good for a dog?A. Tie it to some place.B. Feed it with small bones.C. Let it run around every day.16. Why do many children keep a dog?A. They like to look after it.B. They have it as a lovely friend.C. They need a dog to protect them.17.

9、 What can we know from the monologue(独白)?A. Dogs are pets for all the children.B. The best food is good for dogs.C. Dogs prefer fat sometimes听第11段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Why is the British government planning to tax plastic bags?A. To go with the rules in Ireland.B. To make them no too expensiveC. To reduc

10、e the amount of rubbish.19. In which countries can you go to prison for using plastic bags?A. Britain and South Africa.B. Bangladesh and Ireland.C. South Africa and India.20. Why are plastic bags also stopped in Bangladesh?A. Because they cost a lot to produce.B. Because they caused serious floods.C

11、. Because they were dangerous for animals.第二部分:知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:Its so nice to hear from her again. , we last met more than thirty years ago.A. Whats more B. Thats to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not21. Weve been told

12、the good news, but when and where to go for the exciting on salary vocation yet.A. are not discussed B. have not been discussedC. is not being discussed D. has not been discussed22. Arent the fans crazy to have waited outside in the rain for more than three hours just a look at their favorite singer

13、s?A. had B. having C. to having D. have23. To all the famous artists surprise, the unknown womans two paintings are also on show in the art exhibition.A. little blue oil B. blue little oil C. oil blue little D. little oil blue24. There is no light or sound in the house. They muse have gone to the ci

14、nema, ?A. didnt they B. dont they C. mustnt they D. havent they25. Young man, if you hurry up , I think quite that you will catch the next train.A. that; probably B. this ; certainly C. it; likely D. you ; nearly26. A new law will go into effect on August 1st. according to this law, people found “ha

15、rmful” advertisements in the streets will be punished strictly.A. putting up B. to put up C. being putting up D. having put up 27. Im interested in that beautiful MP4 player. How much do you charge for it?$ 150. And its of the value.Well, . but I cant afford it. Thank you anyway.A. please lower the

16、price B. its really niceC. its worth that D. thats too dear28. Were all the toys for the children carried to their new kindergarten?No, only some of them.A. it was B. they were C. there were D. there was 29. Once you enter the university, you will be free to study you.A. whatever that interests B. w

17、hatever which interestsC. what ever interesting D. whatever interests30. How many people are still leading life under poverty line in the world?Perhaps one fourth, according to the report.A. the ; 不填; B. a; the C. a ; a D. 不填: the 31. After the whistle rang, the coach appeared in the field. Behind h

18、im the team wearing black and white suits.A. had B. walked C. was followed D. led32. Not only give people relaxation and pleasure, but increase their knowledge of any kind.A. can travel; it can B. travel can; can itC. can travel; can it D. travel can; it can33. Without my glasses, I couldnt whether

19、that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight.A. make out B. make up C. make for D. make off34. Ill be able to come to see your performance at 8:30 tomorrow evening.Im sorry, by then my performance and I reporters in the meeting room.A. will be ended; will meet B. is to end; will meetC. will

20、 have ended; will be meeting D. will be ended; am going to meet35. Did Tim come back a little earlier last night?Yes, it was not yet twelve oclock he arrived home.A. why B. when C. that D. which 第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。An elderly builder was re

21、ady to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house building 36 and live a more comfortable life with his wife. He would miss the pay-check, but he needed to 37 . They could manage. The employer was 38 to see his good worker go and asked if he could build 39 one more house as a perso

22、nal 40 . The builder said yes, but at that time it was easy to see that his 41 was not in his work. He built it carelessly and used poor materials. It was a(n) 42 way to end his career(working life).When the builder 43 his work, the employer came and 44 the front-door key to the builder. “This is yo

23、ur house.” he said. “my 45 to you.”What a shock! What a 46 ! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all 47 . Now he had to live in the home he had built none too 48 .So it is with us. Sometimes we build our lives carelessly, willing to put up less than the best. At

24、 important points we do not give the job our best 49 . Then with a shock we look at the situation we have 50 and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had realized, we would have done it differently.Think of yourself as the 51 . Think about your house. Each day you 52 a nail,

25、 place a board, or set up a wall. Build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Even if you live it for only one day more, that day is worthy to be lived well. Life is a do-it-yourself 53 .Who could say it more clearly? Your life today is the 54 of your attitudes and choices in the 55 .36.

26、A. matter B. trade C. business D. industry37. A. work B. retire C. live D. stay38. A. happy B. anxious C. angry D. sorry39. A. just B. yet C. even D. still40. A. question B. favor C. job D. idea41. A. brain B. hand C. heart D. aim42. A. unfortunate B. quick C. uneasy D. direct43. A. started B. conti

27、nued C. quitted D. finished44. A. dropped B. handed C. threw D. sent45. A. wish B. prize C. gift D. benefit46. A. surprise B. joy C. shame D. disappointment47. A. differently B. eagerly C. hardly D. willingly48. A. badly B. well C. comfortably D. awfully49. A. effect B. effort C. strength D. power50

28、. A. created B. met C. seen D. got51. A. employer B. dreamer C. builder D. creator52. A. hammer B. pull C. press D. force53. A. way B. interest C. practice D. project54. A. result B. end C. answer D. reply55. A. future B. present C. past D. moment第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中

29、,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOur town is in the eastern part of our country . Once a year , we elect a girl to show how beautiful and great our town is . All the girls are eager to get this position in an effort to become popular. It was not an easy choice this years, since there were eight girls to choose

30、from. The elder judge finally decided that either Sara or May would get the position . Both girls were beautiful with extraordinary appearance . Besides , they had a good education and cared about how pollution had a bad effect on the earth. Most important , both girls got up early to eat eggs at th

31、eir breakfast .Eggs were important to people of the east because our economy depended mainly on the production of eggs. “Either girl will win,” my father said , “But someone will cry in the end”“Either will be fine ,” I said , “They are both great girls.”The final round was held at the east edge of

32、our town. Sara lived nearby so she did not need to get up early to arrive. However, she was the first person there. “You know what they say about the early bird, ”she said with a smile.However , May arrived fifteen minutes late to the competition . “Its the taxi drivers fault , ”she said . “I told h

33、im to head east ,but he was in one ear and thought I said Bread Cheese.” You know , Bread Cheese was the name of our neighboring town.I thought May would certainly lose because she was late , but to my surprise, she turned out to be this years winner. The judges liked her answer to their last questi

34、on, “If you could have anything in the world , what would it be?” Sara had replied, “World peace . ”May , on the other hand , said , “Better market to have our eggs sell well”. 56Why was it difficult to make a choice this year?AThe girls just looked alike.BPeople had to choose from eight girls.CAll

35、the girls wanted to get the position.DThe judges couldnt agree with each other57In the passage the underlined sentence “ You know what they say about the early bird.” means .Ashe liked the early bird very muchBshe was sure that she would succeedCshe lived nearby , so she should get there earlyDshe w

36、anted to showoff her good language knowledge58Why was May chosen in the end? ABecause her answer was clever and exact BBecause she gave a different answer from SarasCBecause she looked more beautiful than the other girlDBecause her answer was more practical than the other girl59According to the pass

37、age , which of the following maps is correct?BBrazil and Barcelona forward Ronaldinho has been named the 50th European Footballer of Year at great party in Paris held towards the end of 2005.Ronaldinho, 25 years old ,became the third Brazilian to win the title after Ronaldo, who won it in 1997and 20

38、02, and Rivaldo , who won it in 1999. “To be here with all those great players is a dream . This gives me huge encouragement to keep working and try to do well . I have the chance to do for a living what I like most in my life, and thats playing football . I can make people happy and enjoy myself at

39、 the same time, ” said Ronaldinho after receiving the golden cup at the party.The was no way Ronaldinho cold not succeed, as he was always full of uncontrollable desire for football. He would play on the dirt , in the wood , even in his living room-noting else staved in his mind . He began to shine

40、on the international games when he was 17 , helping Brazil win the Under17 World Championship(锦标赛). He was on his way to becoming one of the worlds greatest players, with his role in Brazils World Cup victory in 2002. With 22 goals in his first in Barcelona , he received footballs most valuable hono

41、r in 2004 : the FIFA World Player of the Year. “He isnt only able to win games on his own, he keeps our spirits high because he is always in a good state of feelings, ” says his captain . “You can challenge him , push him , trip him and even prevent him on purpose - nothing can stop him . And it sho

42、ws in his games . Hes not satisfied with moving the ball from one point to another, he has to dance it away . And with every match, Ronaldinho creates a new signature move . When noting seems possible , he can do.”60The nationality of Rivaldo is .AFrench BEnglish CBrazilianDSpanish61How old was Rona

43、ldinho when he first joined Barcelona?A17 years old B25 years oldC20 years oldDLess than 25 years old.62We can conclude from the passage that the author wants to give us an introduction of Athe great honors he received in recent yearsBa great and gifted Brazilian football playerCa famous sportsman i

44、n the worldDEuropean Foot baler of Year63Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AAt the age of 17 Ronaldinho helped his country to win the World Cup.BRonaldo won the title European Footballer of Year twice.CHe is more interested in football than in anything else.DHis fans want t

45、o get his signature after every game 64In the opinion of his captain, Ronaldinho .Ahas to sign his name before every football gameBis not satisfied with every mach he played inCis able to do almost everything possibleDcan make his teammates in high spirits.CSome houses are designed to be smart . Oth

46、ers have smart designs. An example of the second type of house won a Prize of Excellence from the American Club of Architects (建筑师)。On the shore of Sullivans Island off the coast of South Carolina , the prizewinning beach house was built to replace one destroyed to pieces by Hurricane Hugo 10 years

47、ago. In September 1989 . Hugo struck South Carolina , killing 18 people and damaging or pulling down 36, 000 homes in the state. Before Hugo , many new house built along the shore were poorly constructed , and the instructions for building were not strict, according to architect Ray huff, who create

48、d the cleverly-designed beach house. All new houses are required to follow stricter instructions after the terrible experience in Hugo. The new houses on he is land should be able to stand a terrible hurricane with the strongest win do 179to 209 kilometers per hour. At first sight, the house on the

49、island look anything but hurricane-proof. Its redwood roof makes it look like “a large bright ball ” at night , according to one observer . But looks can be not true. The wooden formation of the house is supported with long steel sticks to give it huge strength . To further protect the house from hu

50、rricane damage ,Huff raised it 2.7 meters off the ground on wood pilings, part of which were buried in the sand. In fact , they are strong enough to bear the weight of the house. They also lift the house above the sea water brought by the hurricane . The pilings allow the sea water to run under the

51、house instead of running into it. “These waves of water come ashore at treat speed and cause most of the damage done to the beach-front buildings,” said Huff.65After the disaster caused by Hurricane Hugo , new houses built along South Carolinas shore line are required .Ato be easily constructedBto l

52、ook smarter in design Cto meet strict building standardsDto be designed in the shape of lamp66Huff raised the house 2.7 meters off the ground on wood pilings in order to Aput stronger pilings in the sandBbreak huge sea waves in to small onesCstand the strong wind of about 200km/hrDprevent water from

53、 rushing into the house67According to the passage , which statement CANNOT be true?AThe report above was written in 1999, ten years after Hugo.BThe house designed by Ray Huff lay on the coast of South Carolina.CWhen a hurricane strikes ,waves of water come ashore at a great speed.DThe formation of t

54、he new house can make it stand a terrible hurricane.DA historical change is taking place in middle-school education Teachers are being asked to answer as never before for how well they serve their students It has become as common in middle schools for students to grade teachers as for teachers to gr

55、ade students In fact student ratings(评价)have become the most widely used and in many cases the only important in formation on teaching effectiveness In comparing three studies of the same 600 middle and high schools in more than thirty states it was found that the number of schools using student rat

56、ings to evaluate teachers had climbed from 29 percent to 68 percent to 86 percent No other method of evaluation got that degree of usage and other studies have found similar results One reason that student evaluations of easy to put to wrong use If they are expected to throw meaningful light on teac

57、hers performance the ratings must be sued in a way that shows at least some of what weve learnt about them from research and from experienceResearch and experience have shown us for example that student ratings should never be the only basis for evaluating effectiveness There is much more to teachin

58、g than what is evaluated on student rating forms When ratings are used we know that students should not be expected to judge whether the materials used in a course are up to date or how well the teacher knows the subject matter of the course There judgments that require professional background are b

59、est left to the teachers fellow workers On the other hand students should be asked to comment what they have learned in a course and to report in the classroom relationship with the students ability to develop interest in the subject and ways to encourage students to teach themselves68The central id

60、ea of the passage is that _Astudent ratings are the only way to learn about teaching effectivenessBother methods are better than student ratings in evaluating teachersCit is quite right to make student ratings popular in the countryDstudent ratings are very popular and should be properly used 69In P


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