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1、Lesson 14Air pollutionAir pollution is the human introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment. Air pollution causes deaths and respiratory disease. Air

2、pollution is often identified with major stationary sources, but the greatest source of emissions is mobile sources, mainly automobiles. Gases such as carbon dioxide, which contribute to global warming, have recently gained recognition as pollutants by climate scientists, while they also recognize t

3、hat carbon dioxide is essential for plant life through photosynthesis.The atmosphere is a complex,dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to th

4、e Earths ecosystems. An air pollutant is known as a substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the environment. Pollutants can be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. In addition, they may be natural or man-made. Pollutants can be classified as primary or secondary.

5、 Usually, primary pollutants are directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories.Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants r

6、eact or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog.Note that some pollutants may be both primary and secondary: that is, they are both emitted directly and formed from other primary pollutants.Maj

7、or primary pollutants produced by human activity include:Sulfur oxides (SOx) especially sulfur dioxide, a chemical compound with the formula SO2. SO2 is produced by volcanoes and in various industrial processes. Since coal and petroleum often contain sulfur compounds, their combustion generates sulf

8、ur dioxide. Further oxidation of SO2, usually in the presence of a catalyst such as NO2, forms H2SO4, and thus acid rain. This is one of the causes for concern over the environmental impact of the use of these fuels as power sources.Nitrogen oxides (NOx) especially nitrogen dioxide are emitted from

9、high temperature combustion. Can be seen as the brown haze dome above or plume downwind of cities. Nitrogen dioxide is the chemical compound with the formula NO2. It is one of the several nitrogen oxides. This reddish-brown toxic gas has a characteristic sharp, biting odor. NO2 is one of the most pr

10、ominent air pollutants.Carbon monoxide - is a colorless, odorless, non-irritating but very poisonous gas. It is a product by incomplete combustion of fuel such as natural gas, coal or wood. Vehicular exhaust is a major source of carbon monoxide.Carbon dioxide (CO2),a greenhouse gas emitted form comb

11、ustion.Volatile organic compounds VOCs are an important outdoor air pollutant. In this field they are often divided into the separate categories of methane (CH4) and non-methane (NMVOCs). Methane is an extremely efficient greenhouse gas which contributes to enhanced global warming. Other hydrocarbon

12、 VOCs are also significant greenhouse gases via their role in creating ozone and in prolonging the life of methane in the atmosphere, although the effect varies depending on local air quality. Within the NMVOCs, the aromatic compounds benzene, toluene and xylene are suspected carcinogens and may lea

13、d to leukemia through prolonged exposure. 1,3-butadiene is another dangerous compound which is often associated with industrial uses.Particulate matter Particulates, alternatively referred to as particulate matter (PM) or fine particles, are tiny particles of solid or liquid suspended in a gas. In c

14、ontrast, aerosol refers to particles and the gas together. Sources of particulate matter can be man made or natural. Some particulates occur naturally, originating from volcanoes, dust storms, forest and grassland fires, living vegetation, and sea spray. Human activities, such as the burning of foss

15、il fuels in vehicles, power plants and various industrial processes also generate significant amounts of aerosols. Averaged over the globe, anthropogenic aerosolsthose made by human activitiescurrently account for about 10 percent of the total amount of aerosols in our atmosphere. Increased levels o

16、f fine particles in the air are linked to health hazards such as heart disease, altered lung function and lung cancer.Toxic metals, such as lead, cadmium and copper. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), harmful to the ozone layer emitted from products currently banned from use.Ammonia (NH3),emitted from agri

17、cultural processes. Ammonia is a compound with the formula NH3. It is normally encountered as a gas with a characteristic pungent odor. Ammonia contributes significantly to the nutritional needs of terrestrial organisms by serving as a precursor to foodstuffs and fertilizers. Ammonia, either directl

18、y or indirectly, is also a building block for the synthesis of many pharmaceuticals. Although in wide use, ammonia is both caustic and hazardous.Odors,such as from garbage, sewage, and industrial processes. Radioactive pollutants produced by nuclear explosions, war explosives, and natural processes

19、such as the radioactive decay of radon.Secondary pollutants include:Particulate matter formed from gaseous primary pollutants and compounds in photochemical smog. Smog is a kind of air pollution; the word “smog” is a portmanteau of smoke and fog. Classic smog results from large amounts of coal burni

20、ng in an area caused by a mixture of smoke and sulfur dioxide. Modern smog does not usually come from coal but from vehicular and industrial emissions that are acted on in the atmosphere by sunlight to form secondary pollutants that also combine with the primary emissions to form photochemical smog.

21、Ground level ozone (O3) formed from NOx and VOCs. Ozone (O3) is a key constituent of the troposphere (it is also an important constituent of certain regions of the stratosphere commonly known as the Ozone layer). Photochemical and chemical reactions involving it drive many of the chemical processes

22、that occur in the atmosphere by day and by night. At abnormally high concentrations brought about by human activities (largely the combustion of fossil fuel), it is a pollutant, and a constituent of smog. Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) - similarly formed from NOx and VOCs.Minor air pollutants include:A

23、large number of minor hazardous air pollutants. Some of these are regulated in USA under the Clean Air Act and in Europe under the Air Framework Directive.A variety of persistent organic pollutants, which can attach to particulate matter. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are organic compounds th

24、at areresistant to environmental degradation through chemical, biological, and photolytic processes. Because of this, they have been observed to persist in the environment, to be capable of long-range transport, bioaccumulate in human and animal tissue, biomagnify in food chains, and to have potenti

25、al significant impacts on human health and the environment.14课:空气污染空气污染是人类引入氛围的化学品、颗粒、或生物材料,造成损害或不舒服,人类或其他生物破坏的自然环境。空气污染会造成死亡和呼吸系统疾病。空气污染往往是确定的主要固定污染源,但排放量最大的来源是流动污染源,主要是汽车。例如二氧化碳气体,会导致全球变暖,最近获得了气候科学家的认可,同时他们也承认,二氧化碳是植物通过光合作用生活的必需品。大气层是一个复杂,动态的自然气体系统,它是地球上生命必不可少的系统。平流层臭氧损耗就如同空气污染早已被公认为对人类健康以及地球的生态系统

26、构成威胁。 空气污染物是在空气中可以对人体和环境造成危害的物质所引起的。污染物可以有以下形式:固体颗粒,液滴或气体物质。此外,他们可能是天然的或人为的。污染物可以被归类为主要或次要的。通常情况下,主要污染物是直接排放的一个过程,如从火山喷发出火山灰,从汽车排放的尾气中含有一氧化碳和工厂释放出二氧化硫气体。二次污染物是不直接排放的。相反,它们是一次污染物在空气中相互反应形成的。二次污染的一个重要的例子是:地面的臭氧-它是构成光化学烟雾的二次污染物之一。注意,某些污染物即含有主要也含有次要的:也就是说,它们都是直接排放或从其他主要污染物排放时形成。由人类活动产生的主要主要污染物包括:硫氧化物(SO

27、x),特别是二氧化硫,二氧化硫与化学复合配方。二氧化硫是由火山爆发和各种工业过程产生的。由于煤和石油往往含有硫化合物,其燃烧便产生二氧化硫。二氧化硫进一步氧化,通常在催化剂如二氧化氮的作用下形成硫酸,从而形成酸雨。这是使用化石燃料为动力来源影响环境的原因之一。氮氧化物(NOx)的排放,尤其在高温燃烧时产生的二氧化氮。能够笼罩在城市上空形成棕褐色烟雾,二氧化氮是用NO2表示的化合物。它是氮氧化物的其中之一。这红褐色有毒气体有一个特点:有很浓的刺鼻气味。二氧化氮是最突出的空气污染物之一。一氧化碳 -是一种无色,无味,无刺激性,毒性很大的气体。它是由燃料(如天然气,煤或木材)不完全燃烧产生的。汽车废




31、层,是某些地区已知的重要组成部分)。光化学反应和化学反应是涉及IT驱动的化学过程,主要发生在白天和夜间的大气中。它的高浓度与人类活动(主要是化石燃料的燃烧)有关,它是一种污染物和烟雾成分。过氧硝酸(PAN)- 同样从氮氧化物和挥发性有机化合物中形成。 次要的空气污染物包括:大量的小危险的有害空气污染物。其中的一些在美国的空气清洁法和欧洲框架指令范围之内。一个持久性有机污染物,它可以粘附各种颗粒物。持久性有机污染物(POPs)是通过化学,生物和光解过程来加强环境恶化的有机化合物。正因为如此,它们已被观察到长期存在于环境中,具有远距离迁移能力,蓄积在人体和动物组织中,在食物链中产生生物放大作用,会

32、对人类健康和环境产生重大影响。河南省高等教育自学考试英语专业本科毕业生毕业论文(英文题目)Lake Poets in the history of English literature(中文题目)英国文学史上的“湖畔诗人”专 业 名 称 : 英语专业本科 论文作者姓名 : 刘志辉准 考 证 号 : 078203200008论 文 类 型 : 文学批评论文完成日期 : 2006/08/26联 系 方 式 : 河南省辉县市第二职业高中Lake Poets in the history of English literature摘要: 湖畔诗人就是一组英国诗人,Samue

33、l Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and William Wordsworth.他们居住在英格兰东北的湖区,是18世纪至19世纪时期浪漫主义运动的一部分.受到法国大革命和英国工业革命的影响,他们在诗歌创作方面做了大胆的 改革,无论是在诗体语言还是在主题。的选择上都有独到的见解. William Wordsworth 被人喻为自然的膜拜者. Samuel Taylor Coleridge 不但是著名的诗人也是一流的文学批评家. 然而Robert Southey却更为将精力注意到人人平等的大同社会上来.Abstract: The Lake Poets or L

34、ake School was a group of English poets: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and William Wordsworth. They lived in the Lake District in northwestern England. This group was part of the Romantic Movement of the late 1700s and early 1800s. They were inspired by The French Revolution and The Engli

35、sh Industrial Revolution. They made bold experiments on poetry writing, no matter on poetry language seeking or subjects. Wordsworth was regarded as worshipper of nature. Coleridge was not only a poet but also a critic. While Southy pay more his attention to his democratic community in America known

36、 as Pantisocracy. 关键字: 浪漫主义时期,自然,超自然,想象,改革,简化语言,内在世界,精神实质,平常生活,民主,大同社会Key words: The Romantic Period, nature, super nature, imagination, innovation, simple language, inner world, spirit, common life, democratic, PantisocracyOutlineThesis: Lake Poets, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and Will

37、iam Wordsworth, marks the beginning of Romanticism. They improve the poetry writing with an entire new conception, especially they composed their poems about nature and imagination, which is very different from those in neoclassical period.(1) The background of Lake Poets:1The French Revolution and

38、the English Industrial Revolution 2Influence of the economic exploitation(2) Features of Lake Poets:1They explored new theories and innovated new techniques in poetry writing. 2They believed that poetry could purify both individuals and society. A Nature B Imagination and inspiration(3)William Words

39、worth1Career 2Mayor features in poetry writing and classification of his works Samuel Taylor Coleridge his works. 1career 2 mayor features in poetry writing and classification of his worksRobert Southey 1career 2mayor features in poetry writing Lake Poets in the history of English literature The Eng

40、lish romanticism as a historical phase of literature, is generally said to have began in 1798 and ended in 1832. However, at this great period, there are three great poets who cannot be ignored, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and William Wordsworth. These three poets are known as the Lake

41、Poets, because they once settled at Dove Cottage in Crasmere, Westmoreland, the loveliest spot in the English Lake District. The Lake Poets play a transitional role between old and new styles in the poetry development in literature history especially in the English history. In their works we see the

42、 influence from both the past and the modern.(1) During the Romantic period, there have been great changes in both European society and economy, which were actually provoked by two important revolutions, the French Revolution and the English Industrial Revolution. And as a result, some of the great

43、imaginative writings in the Romantic period sprang from the confrontation of radicals and conservatives at the close of the 18th century. While the lake poets choose nature, imagination as their poetic subjects, other great poets, such as George Gordon Byron, showed a lasting contempt for what he co

44、nsidered the commonplace and vulgarity of the lake poets. Because they think the lake poets, to some extent, are too conservative in their period. The other key element for the exiting of the lake poets is the cruel economic exploitation. As a consequence of the English Industrial revolution, the Eu

45、ropean Society emerged a new Labor Class. Though the social wealth had been increased by several times, it was only the rich who owned this wealth. The majority of the people were still poor, or even poorer. The romantics with the lake poets as a leader saw both the corruption of the feudal societie

46、s and the exploitation in modern capitalist society. Under such condition, the lake poets emphasized the special qualities of each individuals mind. Wordsworth The Solitary Reaper, Coleridge frost at night, Southy Winter are all such poems.So we can see they pay more attention to portray the individ

47、uals experience. Its a typical character of the lake poets to place the individual at the center of art in order to express his or her unique feelings and particular attitudes. (2) With the coming of the French Revolution in 1798, and the primarily agricultural society replaced by a modern industria

48、lized one, these three poets inspired an entire new poetic revolution. At first, they started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature. They explored new theories and innovated new techniques in poetry writing. As we all know, the neoclassicists had some fixed rules and laws for almost every

49、genre of literature. Poetry should be lyrical, didactic satiric or dramatic and be strictly guided by principles. The neoclassicists also emphasized upon reason and intellect. However, the romantics started a poetic revolution. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and William Wordsworth, with th

50、e publication of Lyrical Ballads, were the major representatives of this movement. We can get such ideas from the following examples: The Ancient Mariner written by Coleridge; The prelude_(1) written by Wordsworth. In these famous poems, we can see they have made bold experiments in poetic language,

51、 versification and design. Second, they believe that poetry could purify both individual and the society. At one hand, they chose to live by the lakeside so as to escape from the rational and ugly society. At other hand, they also want to achieve their wishful society in the imagination. 1Imaginatio

52、n and inspiration, defined by Coleridge, is regarded as something crucial for true poetry. “Kubla Khan”, as we all know, was composed in a dream after Coleridge took opium. “So twice five miles of fertile ground, With walls and towers were girdled round; And there were gardens bright with sinuous ri

53、lls, Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree; And here were forests ancient as the hills, enfolding sunny spots of greenery. ”_(2) When we read these great lines, we are deeply impressed by the image of the river, the magnificent palace and other marvelous. We can hardly believe they were worke

54、d out in his unconsciousness. Similar examples can also be found from works of Robert Souhey, which contained a lot of vaguely Hindu tales. 2 The nature world is the first thing coming into poets imagination. “I wandered lonely as a cloud, The floats on high over vales and hills, When all at once I

55、saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Besides the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze._(3) Wordsworth wrote this beautiful poem of nature after he came across a long belt of gold daffodils along the waterside. In this poem, nature is not only his source of imagination b

56、ut also his poetic subject. But when we read it a second time, maybe we can realize that the writer want to recollect the beauty of nature in his mind while he is in solitude. (3)Since the lake Poets refers to three great English poets, lets appreciate them respectively. 1William WordsworthWilliam W

57、ordsworth is a leading figure of the English romantic poetry. The most important contribution he has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature. William Wordsworth

58、was born in an attorney family. As a young boy, he developed a keen love of nature, which influenced all his rest life. After the French revolution, his heart was stirred and his imagination fired. However, William Wordsworth was conservative in politics, which Percy Bysshe Shelley and George Gordon

59、 Byron were strongly against. William Wordsworth had a long poetic career. Though his life, he finished many poem volumes. But maybe the most famous one is Lyrical Ballads. That is because this volume is different from his early poetry, with an uncompromising simple language and fusion of natural de

60、scription. The Prelude is also among his best works and is regarded as one of William Wordsworths greatest works by many critics. Because he expressed his philosophy ideas in it .To him, life is a cyclical journey, in which the beginning finally turns out to be its end. According to the subjects, Wi


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