1、人物类 (性格描述表解决)Class5 目标1.人物性格词汇表会说所有人事件类的心情三段式(正能量,负能量,中性和婚礼)2.3.熟悉最高频题目,能够用已掌握素材会说所有题目eresting neighborTwo people from same family Made you laughRoommate作业/示范题目可以合并的题目身边的人Describerson you would like to spend time withrson who moved to live with you 室友rson who made you laugh 让你开心的人有创造力的人A creative in
2、ventor or musinA famousin your country观点客观(凭什么这么说)(和你的关系,选择使用)Knowledgeable知识渊博的He is a book-lover/he is my go-to爱书之人/解决问题的人 He has got rich experience in terms of As long as I come across/run o problems/bottlenecks, he will be the one I turn to for help只要遇到问题,他就是我第一个寻求帮助的人Wise/wisdom I really look
3、upto/admire/apprete Grateful/nkful to have him/her;He isrson who is full of life wisdom.eresting speech;Espelly when he shared his experience of working and studying with people from all walks of life with different background, I was grey inspired and encouraged, cultural shock; I was determined to
4、follows footsteps and study hard,It seems like He could alwaysexplain something difficult andOcca ally I would come across some bottlenecksy life, and he is helpful to give me suggestions.遇到瓶颈,能够给我建议Soany ways, this is , who is like a Every cloud has got a silver lining;Light house/beacon to shine u
5、pon my way;complicated inaneasyand simple wayt I can understand小道理解释大问题Currently,Imvery confused/struggled about my major selection and life future path , it seems like I am standinghe middle of a junction;He is experienced in studying and working abroad, so he gave . for me to get over it; 过这一关;Pat
6、ient adj PatienceI consider to be patient; His patience has left me a lasting impres ;She/he ich a good listener好的者Whenever there is a situation, she/he is always willing to be my loyal company 做 陪伴To help me get over/movee difficult times;Soble/eas y-going社交能力强His has strong ability of solization;.
7、is able to get along well wi ll types of people in a shortest time; 最短时间之内So he is quite popular among friends;I feel a sense of security when I am with him/herhis communication and language skill i ch a strength 优势 to deal wi ll sorts of situations解决各种问题Diligent/diligence hardworking 勤奋的 industriou
8、sI consider to be . isconsidered/viewed/seen to be a ;He is always the to come to( classroom/stadium) and the last to leave, studying/reading books all day long;any ways, his fighting will is rather inspirational and encouraging 斗志感人He has set a good ex le for me to learn from;Under his influence, w
9、e started to work hard as well;Smart/creative/brilliant Whenever there is 糅合了 xx 和 xxI m surprised/amazedt he is such a quick learner, he is able to get the hang/beauty of(获得的For the same question, he is more likely toe up with more creative ideas.合并维度: 身边的人(示范题目)rson you would like to spend time wi
10、thWho theis?He cways come up with good ideas to create new types/genres 流派 of music; like combining street pop/rlement and Chisensation 中国风;窍门).in a shortest time.eslhave an ie of OCD obsessive compulsory disorder;Versatile/Talented Besides being excellent in , he /she is also good at.Apart from bei
11、ng excellent in., he is also famous/good at作 曲 com e 演 奏 乐 器 instruments 导演 表演 评委 judge of talent shows. Hosting events;So ts why he has gained nationwidefameand repu ion/fortune;ts why we always look up to him/herWe have so many Common GroundsIt is this common groundt brought us together in theplac
12、e,Even if we were not familiar with each other in theplace, gradually, it is thist brought us together ande good friends.Toillustrate,Weareboth fans/fancier of.TVWhenever we get together, the fun never ends.Our moments will always be full of laughter and joy;We have endless conversation wivariety of
13、 topics aboutAmusing 搞笑的Humorous; hilariousIt is so caring and loving for her/him Cheer me up in many ways, like Going pubbing/clubbing; singing karaokeHe is full of sense of humor, it is a treat talking with him; 幽默感,跟他 很舒服;Sometimes, it is quite common for me to feel Low/ blue /down; be wasnthe mo
14、od forbut It is a treatng.Since he is good at sharing and cheering me up, like .Throughout the trip, I would never feel boredHow did you know each other?Whatalities does thishave?Why do you admire this?well, the admirableId like to share with you actually is called Simon, who is my cousin; sobasical
15、ly we have been known each other ever since I was born.When we have the chance to be together, we will do a variety of things, like .I consider him to be the知识渊博的:Theho I look up for some reasonsaspect Id like to say is the Simon is rather knowledgeable, it seems like heknows everythingerms of finan
16、ce, accounting and economics, so every time, as long as I havequestions, he will always be theone I turn to for help, it seems like he could explainsomething difficult and complicated in an easy and simple wayt we can understand幽默感强的:Additionally, he is really amusing, as long as we stay together, t
17、he fun never ends,for exle, when I feel down or low, he will cheer me up through all sorts of ways, likelingme a joke or showing me to a movie.的,爱帮助别人的:Above all, we really look up to his generositywill spare no effort 不遗余力 to help those people who are in need, so, for the past years, heany ways, he
18、 setsle 树立榜样 for us to learn from.such a good exGenerally,ts why he is theorth sharing.rson who once moved to live with you(合并题目)搬进来和你住的人Who theWhen did What kind ofis?ppen?he/she is?Why do you want to talk about this?和你的室友叫做 s, who 最近刚刚搬进来跟我住 roommate1.Well, the RM id like to share with you is call
19、ed , who moved to live with me 3 months ago;鉴于她搬进来大概三个月,也认识了三个月;Givent he has moved in for 3 months, we have known each other fort time.对象:My roommate; my cousinSimon时态:一般现在时分析:第二问:we have known each other ever since第三问:好的性格: general, hardworking, knowledgeable, patient etc.第四问:emotion: he is amusin
20、g, always cheer me up when I feel stressful.health: 想不到to: he is well soble, always share his storycareer: he is experienced to give me suggestionscost: 想不到efficiency: he is my go-to, since he is knowledgeable, as long as I have ies, he is theone I turn to for helpquality: very hardworking, he sets
21、a good exle for me.safety: 想不到Actually, 一开始 from the very beginning, gradually ,我发现 realized/discovered不是很熟悉彼此 be familiar with ,但逐渐的有很多共同之处,也变成了好朋友tAlthough we were not familiar with each otherheplace, gradually, I realizede good friends since then.t thereare so many common grounds among us, and we
22、 have我喜欢她有些原因 both of us are首先呢,我觉得正是共同之处吧he middle ofng sth.带到了一起,打个比方,总是充满欢声笑语;都喜欢, 因此每一次在一起,有关的话题不会结束,Initially, it is this cgT brought us together, for exle, . so every time when we , thetopic about .will be endless, our moment is always full of其次呢,我也很欣赏努力,他总是第一个离开,最后一个回来,所以在很多方面,她都为设立了好的榜样Plus,
23、 I really admire s diligence, simply put, he/she is , soany ways, has set a goodmfor us to learn from.还有一点,他是很多才多艺的,更细节地说,除了英语好之外,还擅长弹钢琴和跳舞,因此他在朋友们当中很受欢迎.is loving and caring, he/she is always willing to give anyone a hand who is in need of help. 伸出援手;这是为什么,he/she is worth sharing;如果是leader 呢?chairm
24、an of your student club.I consider him to be a qualified leader for some reasons.首先呢,除了学习好之外,还擅长体育,主持活动 hosting events 和社交 so lization,这是为什么他总是能和各种人相处的好,也在学生们当中很受欢迎;and he has gained popularity among us.其次,样欣赏他的勤奋,总是第一个到,最后一个离开,所以给树立了很好的榜更重要的是,他有很强的个人能力,例如说, 他总是能以理解的方式明白一些复杂的事情,他是的 go to还可以说,他很有责任心,
25、if anyone in our team blows it, he will cover it and take up the dutySots why he is a qualified leader;rson who made you laugh 一个让你笑的人Who theis?How did you know this?How did thismake you laugh?Why do you want to talk about this?宋/:Well, theId like to talk about is called xiaobao/zhaosi, who is a fam
26、ousy country;comedian and TV star怎么知道他的:Basically speaking, thisis well known to us from some TV show, since he israther active in all sorts of TV programs, like comedy stage show/gala show, movie and TV series.I find thisparticularly hilarious for some reasons喜欢模仿别人: heplace, he is really talented/
27、gifted and responsive inmiprining/simulating others performance, it seems like he could be anyone, like a doctor, as, a gangster member and so on. His funny acting has been grey rooted in our mind.很有才:Besides, he is quite versatile, by this I mean, apart from acting, he is also good at singingand da
28、ncing, but we are so amused by how lousy and awkward his moves are.表演接地气:Morent, we all like his down-to-earcting, which is originated from reality,and we tend to be cheered up easily when we find resonance and connection with ourday-to-day life experience.ts why he is theorth sharing.(musin or arti
29、sts, etc)Who theis?How did you know each other?Whatalities does thishave?Why do you admire this这人是谁:well, the creative?Id like to share with you is called Jay Chou, who is awell-known artist and musin in China.怎么认识的:when it comes to the way of knowing him, basically speaking, I have known him formor
30、en 10 years, ever since I wasy primary school; back then, histers and CDs wereavailable everywhere, his songs were rathshows.opular to be played in different TV programs andI consider him to be a creative singer for some reasons;I am really a fan of him for various reasons多才多艺:ly, I have to say he i
31、s really talented and versatile, to be more specific, apart fromsinging songs very well, he is also excellent in aspects like hosting, directing, acting, comingand playing instruments likanouitar; a good exle ist Jay is one of the few Chiactors who starred Hollywood movies. Soby his followers.any wa
32、ys, he has grey been admired and adored开创性地融合:Plus, he is quite creative/imaginative in producing in his music; by saying this, I mean it is Jay who sucsfully combined Chielementso/and popular music, from whichsensation, including our traditionalwe are able to feel strong beats of music along with C
33、hicostumes, Peking opera tunes and ancient poem lyrics, it is something we have never seen before.It is mind-blowing; you blow my mind;慈善有爱心:The last but not least poI still want to add ist he is totally warm hearted andcharitable; for exle, he and his foundation will spare no effort to help those w
34、ho are in need,as a result, many have been inspired by his good deeds ande part of the charities.ts why he is really the cerity we look up to.额外的人物素材lady of ChinaWell, the ceChinarity Id like to share with you is call Peng, who is thelady ofI knew her so many years ago, while I was still a little ki
35、d, since back then, she was one ofthe most famous singers in our country; and afterwards, she became thelady whenher husband took theder-in-chiefition.She is versatileany ways, apart from taking part in so many sol activities, she is stillresponsible for raising publics awareness of helaids patients
36、.I really look up to her for some reasonsthe vulnerable people, like drop-outs andof all, she sets a good exand charitable;le for us to learn fromany ways, sinhe is hardworkingMoreover, as a symbol of our country, we really take pride in her singracefully and elegantly whenever she appears in public
37、he cways drepOthernt, she is versatile, espellyerms of diplomacy occaany things.s, foreigners friendscan be deeply impressed by how talented she isGenerally,ts why事件类(心情三段式解决)tenacious/tenacity/persistence; until I nail it;作业/示范题目可以合并的题目正能量经历战胜自己的一次经历A difficueciyou madet turned to be right 做的后来是正确的
38、决定A songt you areerested in 有的歌A thing your family has kept for a long time 家里老物件Aneresting photo 一张有趣的A character of yours 你的一个性格负能量经历-堵车/航班延误DescribeatimetyoumissedanAn occayou got angry 生气的经历A mistake you made 犯的错误Catch a flight to the airport; totally and utterlyI had no choice but to doSimply b
39、ecause I would experieno many things for thetimey trip.但是后来,当我到机场的时候,我知航班被延误了;I was toldt my flight wasdelayed, at, I felt understandable, since it was common in China; but after waiting for threehours, there was still no any update, I became anxious and frustrated, no matter how hard I tried,it mad
40、e no difference. I was worriedt I had to reschedule my following itinerary, which wasrather time/labor/money-consuming, and I had no one to blame; 重新预定接下来的行程;Eventually, I still made it, but I wasted 5 hours in airport, I learnt a lesson from this experience, Iwill try to be stuck at home during haz
41、y days as much asStraw boatWhenwherewhatwhysible.here until I nailed it; 坚持直到你搞定它He told me to hangMy father is so proud of me and he still keeps it in our Bookshelf, as a record of my hard work;Till today, as long as I feel frustrated, I will take a look of it to draw strengthappoment 错过预约的一次时间a sh
42、ort trip you disliked/a time you shared somethingwithothers (modation/transpor ion) 和别人住宿交通的一次场合An occayou got up early 早起的经历A short trip you disliked 不喜欢的短途中性的经历-组织同学会或者赛事Describe an event you prepared oranized你组织或者准备一次活动A teroject you participated. (study or entertaent)A spel meal you hadsomething
43、 you once plannedA time you made an appoment for somethingA time when you were busy婚礼A wedding ceremony you attendedA dinner you enjoyed 喜欢的晚餐正能量的经历1.我要的经历大概发生在三年以前,当时我正在准备去参加一个contest;2.比赛; speechWell, the experience Id like to share with you roughly happened ago, while I was about toattend a publi
44、c speech contest3.4.5.heI cried like a little girl, while I was holding/lifting a trophy on a stage;It reminds me ofrsonal story of me fighting for myself;一开始呢,我感到很紧张, 主要是我对自己不自信;我给班级带来失败place/at the very beginning, I was/I felt , mainly/simply becausex, I worriedtif I failed, I would bring shame to
45、 my school;At, I was nervous, since I wasnt confident about myself, meanwhile, I was fearful,since I was afraidt I would bring shame to my school if I failed;Once a time, A teacher named S approached who shared experience with me;Accidentally, I came across a teacher named ., who .8.后来呢,我碰到了鼓舞了;我告诉老
46、师 S, who 给我,我一定会全力以赴了他的经历;她告诉我, 我被深深地But afterwards, I came across my coach who shared his life experience with me,espelly when he told me9.,I told myself to be all in; 1 As long as I put all my mindt, I waso one thing, everything can be achieved;I should leave no regrets to myself no matter what de
47、cis I made;If it doesnt challenge you, it wont change you;I was grey inspired/motivated, I decided to put my mindbest;o this, and I would try my very10. 最后,我做到了,我赢得了第二名,当我在台上拿到 trophy 的那一刻,我很骄傲;Eventually, I made it, the moment I gorophy on the stage, I was so proud;5 直到今天,我都会向 guests 讲述这个故事,因为她是我努力
48、的Till today, my father still keptpersistence;t trophy as a record/witness of my hard work/ tenacity andWhen I feel frustrated, I will take a look of it to drawcourage;er and strength; motivation and负能量的经历1 我要讲的经历发生在三周以前,当时我准备去机场赶飞机 catch a flight;Attend a joberview in a company;2 一开始,非常兴奋,因为是我第一次去a
49、magnificent这个美丽的地方 it was mytime to visit such4.但是后来,当我发现有交通堵塞的时候,我开始变得焦虑,因为如果我了,我就不得不重新安排后面的行程,同时,我也感到很沮丧,因为由不得我做出改变5 但是后来,我错误地选择了做 xx,而不是做 xxI mistakenly chose to do , instead of/rathern,The moment I realizedt ., I became. /started to feel anxious; because If I were late, I had toreschedule the fo
50、llowing itinerary, which could be .money-consuming;6 最后,我还是到了机场,但是我了,我非常的生气和后悔Eventually, although I got there, I still missed ., It left me nothing butanger and regret;And I left them a bad impres; att moment, I was so, it wasnt up to me to make anydifference; since it took me two hours for a 20-mr
51、ip;7 我学到了一课,下一次尽量坐公共交通,因为没有交通堵塞;一开始 很紧张 : stressed/ense/anxious/nervous/worried/concerned/fidgetysimplybecause/mainly because it would be the last round of gettingo this company, which was mydream of all time./it was competitive, and I didnt want to fail it; so I htime.repared it for a long后来:Afterw
52、ards, I was so disappoed/upset to realizet the traffic was congested, even if Ileft home 2 hour in advance/ear r, I was stuckhe middle of the street; after sitting in car foran hour, barely did we move; duringt time, I felt nothing but frustrated, mainly due to the factI couldothing but to stay in c
53、ar/and no matter I tried, it made no difference;最后呢:eventually, I still got there after running on street for 20 minutes, unfortunay, I didntmake it,I missedt important joberview, no matter how hard I begged them, I didnt get asecond chance, since they told medidnt allow me tot being punctual is qui
54、te a basic courtesy/manner; theyAtt moment, I was so hopeless and helpless; and I had no idea who to blameThroughout, I learnt a lesson, which was using public transport as much as事件类题目的重点 1. 时态,过去时态 2 表示尽情进展纬度的连接词sible next time.负能量经历这个经历发生在以前,当时正准备去做 : Well, the experience Id like to share with yo
55、u roughly happened ago, while I was about to do,一开始非常的憧憬和激动,因为第一次可以做 At the very beginning, I felt ratherexcited/ipated, since I it was mytime ofngIt wasnt up to me to make any difference. It didnt change much,但是后来,遭遇了不爽的经历,我没有办法只有坐等:But afterwards, I started to feelupset/morose when I came across a
56、 slow traffic., buthe same time, I also felt frustrated,since there was nothing I could do to deal with it, I had no choice but to stay in car; moreseriously, after almost one hour, I felt anxious/desperate, since if I missed my flight, I wouldhave to reschedule my following itinerary/trip 重新安排 旅途,
57、which could be verytroublesome; I was stillhe middle of this , prepaidmodation and transporion. And Icouldnt get a refund from it;(anxious/depressed/hopeless/helpless/frustrated/worried/concerned/depressed)到最后,我不得不做了 (题目要求你讲的)Finally, after almost 2 hours, I still got to the airport,even if I was al
58、most late, I didnt miss my flight;and I wasnt in a mood for this trip;att moment, I felt really exhausted/tired,从头到尾学到了教训,那就是: Throughout this experience, I learnt a lesson, which is to usepublic transport instead of private cars as much assible next time.具体到其他的题目,可以用以下的角度来扣题got angry/someone apolog
59、ize to you 生气/向你道歉ipated-frustrated-由于没人理变得非常生气-没有来解释或者照顾很绝望-最后等待了 10 个小时候,飞机才起飞 没有心情去旅行Got up early 早起-变得很累和ipated-frustrated-等了 5 个小时后, rescheduled to the following flight of 6 am被安排了第二天早上六点的航班(had beenhe morning, we had no choice but to get up航班)到目的地的时候很辛苦around 3 am to catch this red-eye flight(
60、示范题目)a time you missed an appoWhen was it? Where was it?ment 错过了一次预约Whappened?How did you feel about it?对象:三个月以前没有选择机场快轨 airport express 而选择自己开车去机场后遭遇堵车,然后差点错过了航班 miss the flight时态: 一般过去时发生在三个月前, 正准备去搭飞机 Well, the experience Id like to share with you roughly happened 3 months ago, while I was about
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