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1、PAGE 高三英语 第 PAGE 15 页 共 NUMPAGES 15 页南京市、盐城市206届高三年级第二次模拟考试英 语016.3本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分2分,考试用时20分钟。注意事项:答题前,考生务必将自己的学校、姓名、考试号写在答题纸上。考试结束后,将答题纸交回。第一部分听力(共两节,满分0分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。第一节 (共小题;每小题分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有

2、关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 Whe aethespekrs?A.A home. B.narstaurnt . In ahotl2. Whatdoes he o mea?A.ancalet the TV on.B. e forot trn off t TV. ancy embered turnig of e TV.3. at eth womandie te man do?A.Gotote pot office B. Call h psoffie . ontcth mai carrie4. hich wr can bes deribe thmn?A. Hrdorking. . Di

3、shoest. C. Humorou5 h canwe learn from thcoversatin?A. hemanisunhTwomanisyhelfu.CMrakleyidispine 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第段材料,回答第6至题。6 Were arethe oan childrenying?A.Atschool nerby.B. A

4、ta pivate scool. C At a pblic schoo. What a we lrn about thewomn?A.S is nw her . Sherks i ascol. C. he as ost hr way.听第段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Wht can we lan bot ela?A.h mst be the mans et. She must b e mans friendC.She mut be h mas ughte. 9. What dd hemnuse to be?. cor. B.Abos . professo0 What is themangoi

5、ngto do?A o board a trainB.T get n n irplaneC.Tocatch theary bus.听第8段材料,回答第1至13题。11 Wats h womans rigipn?.To suy i ala sh.B. o ork s lawyer broadC. o o aboa fo urt sud.2. hy idt wmanage herid?A Shefoud t wa tric her.B. She founduwise o goabr. Sethought i uldcos her too uch.13. hat d te speaers decid

6、e to do?. Kep nouch. . Have dinner today C. Mak aca toight.听第段材料,回答第14至16题。14. In wha fildoestewomnwanttworatergraduaton?A.L.B. dicinCanagent.5. Wtdestenthintheetoonessucces?A.erstB. Abiin. C. A bck a.16. Wtanwelrboutthewoan?.Shehsntndajobuonow.B. hanoabionandfeelwnC. eilacehefathers suggstio.听第10段材

7、料,回答第7至20题。17. a isth rst news hedline about?A Stret violenc .Personal safety. Sudents health.1 Why did ome parentster t schos iasgo?. Topariciaei shool actits.BTo call for betterrma eduaonC o rvent hose-dwn o schoos.9. What arete litter ickers dong?A.Cltgriate rbish.B.Havin aone-day bak.C.Cleaningu

8、p after tselvs.Which tem ill pa i heEuropeaCup Fnal?A. ACilan and Bacelona. B. Brcelona andverpool. Liverool and AC Miln.第二部分英语知识运用 (共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的、B、四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。21. Dffrent cltu feturesofethnic roups are_ oe another ad wo ou a mldy.A. in tunith B.

9、in aralll wi .in onrast t D. iresponset22._aincreasen reign legal olits, China is expcte to see thnumber connue ie.ATowitessB. engwitnesdC. WinsedD Hving witnessed23. Atth end testr ara,Wiligtondisplaydis _a oking prt ciy: arge wae-housean a f otrdaed offie buildng.A achiemenB rpaioC.cracte. taard4.

10、 Do you thinkImagod surfer?Ofcoure! I _ youearlr.Yu mdeit loos asy,gacful ven.A.am wchingB. watchigC.havetched. adted25. So a, only nean as a thor that eems o fit l th fact.Acm upwihB.pt pwithC. lined p thD. ugh up wit26. You cr shouldbe rdy nexTuesda.Wewere _hopigyou be ble to ty thi Friday.A. sil

11、B. ather C.always D n27y toughttt afte srring in the mmensely polrdama,iran i Fie,u Gwoud_ anavey seek new roes.A.make untain ou f a moeillB. haveoo many s i the re. srike while the in ihotD ptthe cart befor thhorse2Wework duing theweek, but ekends andenng areusually_. aantBcasl C. epyD clear29.Psin

12、 is siona it doesnatter_ itsirectedEactly,ianbe coins r sortso politcs.A. hyB.owC. whtherD.he30 Differettstsamong toursts frmoutsid thmailnd _te is ofhe ctrs attrctions. tpB haeC.led. shw31. Itwst eas haing m riendstalk abut their fesmn as _ wat apat f. whom B.when C. hat D. hat32. T desktt _cean I

13、coul dohework walays surrounded h bowl o,old magaziandso o. m av been. woul he beeC.muhavbeen D. sod ve been33.He _ whethe t seaside th mirdierences, thn he dd. eteB.prdicted. plttedD.calclated3. w ould I lie tr_sh lived fr the rth, whtri w ud in usic or pope?A sB. when C. whle D. thugh35.Mu, ook a

14、m oes. I ee aneair._.Iouht he fr yo on a weeao!A.YtB You said itC Yuont say. u name it第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。uman growt is a pces o exprimnaton,tral,ad o eventalyading t wdm. Ech ti you chs to trust youreln take atio, you can evr ut cerain how he t

15、tion ill3. Smetimes your victrios, nd somtime you beoe disappointed. he 37exeins, oweve, are no less alubetha te expermens ht inlly prsccessfl; infact, you8lear morefom or“faiures” ha yofrom your9 If ou have mde hat you think to be amiake or faild to live up to you own 0, yuilmo likely putu a brrir

16、beteen yo essnce and the par ofyou tha is the leed(声称的) wrog-der. Hwer, iewin st ationsas 41implies guiltan lae, and itis nt possb t earn anyting mani whil yoare engage in blain2,forgivnes rqurwhe u ae sevrlyjugg youself orgivenesi the a of ersin an43deb.her are fr ks offorivenes The rt eginner foin

17、ess or yourself. Thesecond of foivne is beginne fogivenessfranother. The third kin of forgenes i 44forgivess o yourself. Thisis forseriousmisbehavos,he es crry wih dee4.Wn ou dosomting ha violte your ow vales andpriniples,you create gap beween yo sanars d your ctual 46.In suc case, you nedt w vry hd

18、 t 47yoel or the deeds s thtyou canclosetis gap Tis deso tatyu s rush frge yousel or uldt feel regret, 49takingpleasre i theefeligsfr a polongedpri of ims nothealty.h 50and peraps t iffilt one is the avanc rgivenesso anoter.Atsoetme of orfe, you myeee sevrey wronged r hrt by anothr peron to suca ege

19、 ta orgivnes eems51. Howver, arboig anger ad rvene fatass onl kepyou 52invitihod. Uer uch circmstane, yo sould rce yourselftoseete big picureByso doin, o will e ale to hefou way from the angr and resntmen.t iony tough orgienesstat you an erewrongdoing ad5the memor. Wenyoucan rlease th sitato,you may

20、 ce t see i as a nesryart of yugrowt.6. A. n B. tur up breakup. brea ut7 A importantBenggeC faildD. ucesful3.A. obvioulyB. essaiy. continuouslyD usualy39.AcessB. falureC. aultD.beneit.A. abiliyB. epctatio belief.experince1. mises. vctories.xpeimentD. fati42. . Still B ThefoeIseadHoeer. A. absr. oigi

21、al C. emotioalD unsul. ordinB avanedC alternativD.ertin5.A. wisdoB ercC injuryD.shae46.A thouhtB.aprocC.ehaviorD prpse.A.punishigB forgivin. lmngD. prasig4. A. eanB. proe.reflc. rresen4. A. and. or bu D. so50. . uncetainprmierC. next ast51A. essental.alualC.impossibleDunaidable52.A. rappdB. oatC.los

22、D.oupied5A riveB. dragC. ptD shit4. A ke. efreshC.waenD. lean55.A.narallB. finallC. efiitely. ntialy 第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。A5 Secrets fe Travel SisBokng tripo an onlinetrave sit is connet, bu comes wth its ow set f prolems.1. Thyknow whos n Man

23、d whos on PC an hosgoingtospendore. Last ye, taleerch ompa Obitz tracked peoples oine aciitis to tetot whetr Mcuers spnd mre on ravel thanPCusers. On avrage, Ma users a out S20 mreper niht on hotels nd go fo mre tars, accrding tothe WllSteJurl s a reslt,onlin trave sitesshes sers mre expense tavelop

24、tis irs. To avi nadvetntypayinore, srt reulby prce. The sftre doesntalwashook up tothehoes tem. guaratedesrvaion is almosmpossile to coe b anyer uhe ris of yourlight or ol bing oeooked increases wh third-party provdrs. Te midl-mnssoftware isnt immune syste erors, so awas all thhoelor airline tomakes

25、ure yourbookinwa pocsd.3. Dont be fold ypackages:Oten, te low-nd it groupedtogether.Ever tice how ra stes rmnd he,a nta ar, ad tou pkg ll n one cik? se deals usuall feaure travel tht oone want, i lihtswith multiple lyvers. Chc nepri. 4. Youudmss ot onoyaty insThird-pary povidecan gtbetween you and f

26、eent fler me or pois. ay hote lalypora donecise eterna sits, theraward oy minmum nt nd xcud special ofers, lke doubl ponts on otl tys.5. Onc yur trip is purchsd, youreon your ow. An nletrve ancy cn provideasistance the same way an agent ca aflight is aclledor room s sbadad. Baily, whyouarive atthe a

27、rpt orhotel, yure just anohe iet wo boed a th lowes rate56.Which of the folowing is TRUE?A hr-artpovidrs an ere you reservtonB.Mac users r ikeysend more mneyanPC users.C.An inetrave acy fins the same a an agent.D.aagusualprovie tvelers wh sasfactryrogaes.57. Whas th purpose fthepssge?A. o encoure ea

28、est ook tipo anonine trave site. T make an averiseentabutsertrvests onlie. To convce edrsnttbk a ripo an onl traelit.D. To arn rae of se probls wt bookig trips olin.Wn to dd soe hours to yo da?k, o pobbly ant hangeefbric otime. But awstudy uggests the way you fel abut your goal achneyouronp of tidth

29、at some simple tatgis culd mae you feel lss rue.In series o experiments, Jdtkin,a pfesso ofmrktat Dke, and heco-auhors, Lnis Evalidis and ennif Aaker,looed atha happen wh pepl see their als sconficting it o ather. n one, they aske some particpats toit two f thergoa atth elt ere inconflic, ad thes ip

30、ly toliswothei goals who were fcd t thnk aboutconflictinams fetmoe tieprssur tan those ho ent n other eement, t esears gavepaticipanta similr pomptearding gl ofict, bt is timmasued heiraniety velsaswellas iratiudesoward timThy fnd tht partcipans ho houghtabout confc golsd oreanxitthan those wodnt, a

31、nd tha ti,i tun,ld felins f beingshorton te.“Stressanxity and tie pressure re clely linedconcept,”D. Etk xplaie. “When we f mrtres xityn eaon toourpesnal oals, tht aests(表现)as senso having less time”enlogicalaancesthatllowpeple to dolot o tigs a ce may ncease the feelin of oal oflict,se aid.“ thk th

32、 easrit is for usto y dal witha lo of these hings a th ame time,” sh aid, “the mor ppotiy thee i for us tofelthis oflictbetween ougoals.”She isnt h fst tosuggttht tal syness int the ol tig tat c make us fl us t the tlantic, DerekToson wroe ha “as coutry,werworkingess han wedidinthe96s ad198s.”H ofer

33、ed a umber of ossible reason someAmricas tillfeelsoovrworked, iludin“theflinss(不固定性) of wrk and leisre” As h ptit:“The ide t wokbegn ad ends at te ofce s ong. ntenehan, flibility i ie nthe thr,ing wrk ad liuretogethe ceate a lways-on expetatio hatmakes i dor iecollar workes to esce hesao of worrespn

34、sbiitie.”And rigid Schle wrtes inher214bokOvewled: ow t Wor, ove, an Pa When No neHas h Timeat some researche beiev“ime no sarpee.Wht ote mattes orthanhe ctviere oing a a momen ime, they have oud, iho w fel about it. Ou cocet of tim s, inded, urreality.”Foruately, Dr. Etkinander eam id find as f mak

35、ing s feel better about tir, at east, of redcingh egive infuenc of goal conflit When particiantrfomed a brethngexrcse at reduced heir anxiey, theimpac of such cnflict o ther rcion of tme as lss pronouned. efraig anxiet as ecitemet (b readng phrase “Ia exctd!” oudeeral ties)asimilar effet.Bahinand ef

36、mi ay ole eroestie probeM Schult writes toe merics areindeed oringme tan tey sed o. She iteh wrkote socogit Mihal Hout and Caroln anley,have“ndthat wkinarbied ut 13 ore horsawe on thejobn 20 han they did170 T6 ousf additonal aid o a year fr family. Ad thas to of allthenpaid hurspnt crg frcildren ad

37、keein the hoe together” omete, we my feel shor n tie eas wectuallyare. Howeer, r.ki believes efindingssuest e ay “hav e abilityoifunc ou exprinc time ore h we tnk e d.”“Were al oing to ha times i o les henou gals sem to b nmo conlict than oths,” he said But t echniqueike he ones hr tem test, “w rely

38、 can help ourseles fellike we have meme”5.hat mkes peolfeel uhdtda?A.Goa cnflict. B. Hh pressure. . To mch eectatin. . ack of ercise.5.Whchof hefolitatement i TRUaccorng tothe passae?A.ost ople ae havng ess rk to nwadays.B.Pople under lot o sreshav a bette ense o time. Technoogical aances allw pel t

39、o f les stressed. The flexbiy of ork increases wite-collar workrspresure.60 heueled tene“ur concept of ti i,inee, our relity”e _.A. we sholdmak fullso tmeB. e lue time ore than heaye lieC. we ca fee btter abo tim if we wa to. we dnt havethe tim njoy lif in reat“Over te yersteunthinkabl as ctinkal an

40、d oda we snse e ar cose being bl toater huma herediy(遗传)”ese wre thewos of avd Baltmoo theCaliforiattute ofchnolo, o cmbr 1st, when hopeed a threeayeeting n Wasingtn t dicus h oaity ause o hua ge eing.r aimore san ol hand at tes orts ofdscussio, forhe ws also a paticipan in the silomarerece, n 175,

41、whch rugh scietts ogthe to iscuss asf y f uig teth-ew tehnolog freombinnt DNA, adose rmmendtoninfluence a eneati of botehnoogy rearches.our ces on, the edf a simila sortofchin-w has rien. Th ntenatioal Summit onHuan Gene Editin hs benhld bythe ationa scinifc cadee f threecontries meric,Brain ndhiaTh

42、eyare particulary concerdabout whther gene ediing sould beus tae eritblhangs oteman germ line, somethng r atimore decrbed a a deep and rouing quion. Liktoseo Asilomr, onclusions fthis meingi no be iding. Bu thpe is hat, aan lke silomar, xure of cmn sns and er prsure ill cra a oldn whicientit are tse

43、d t rglattemsevs, ater than having poitiia and civil erat doit frthem e tig is beig hl aginst a ackro apiscienific advance. Sinc 202 resrch nto a e, easy-tose editing tol calledCRISPRCas9asblossme This tehnique ilves a piece f RNA (a chemical messege,ich can be se to reisea target section of DA) and

44、 an enzyme(酶) cale a nucleae tacanni unant gee ou ad paste ew es n. Public tees wa aroused in Aprl, whn hisecentst annced y ad edited gen i nonviabe(无活力的) hu ebryo,an again i Nvemew Britisrhes said hy had sucessfull treatd a nyroldgirl ho hadekaemi(白血病),usin ene-ddT-ells -clls re part ofte imun syst

45、em thttack, amongothe thngs, tumor cs. Thereseachersaltered Tclls from a healhyto ere them toecgnseand l patientscncer,t mahm imueo her leukaa dug, adtonure ydi ot atack hrhealtycs.n anter rent developent,a im calldtas Medicin, whichis sd in Cabridge, Mssaches, has saiit hope,n 07, o strthumn clinic

46、altils of CRSP-Cs9 asa tament for a rae gent fo f blidss knon as Leber gital maosis(伯氏先天性黑蒙). Thoughoer compane arearedy testig gene-eitin taes,thee mplo oldr, lunkir forms o thetechnolythat seem kel t he ls commeca oenti. Moroer,researhrst the BroadInstiute,also inCambride, aihis we th the ad mde c

47、hages toCRISPR-Cas whicgretleduce te ratofeditingerroseof tmain ostaclesto hteniques medialue.On hesbctor-lie editing,Erc ander, thBrad he,told h meti it wodbeuful l n are cases nd saidit mighbeaeo “eercise cauion”befremkin permnthang to the ee pool. nedfr cauion sadvce thatmt ls be heed by thse pus

48、ing workn nimls otherhanpeople, ad inplatssujets not beig overed y t summit. 1 Which of the flwing is TRUE abuCRISPR-Ca?A. It ha fewerside effects. B. Ican mdiy hma gene.C.Itca otet immue ystemD. It haslessomeca otetial.62. heunderlind wor “cin-wa”in Parph 2 cbe plced y _.A discusson. gotiation.argu

49、men. ompario63. h can benerredfromhe passage?A. D.Baltiore sad hisrsrc n moiying nein 975.B.Scienistsonins aut teusef gene editiga csistnt. CRIPCas9has en aped tcur Leber ongitalauosis.D.Mereearch soud be e befre he teholog comes int wide se.64 This pssage i mtbaby a _A.ience ctioB. scinific eprt. o

50、fen summyD.cmrcaladertemetBefore he law ts agatekee.To this gtekeepe comes a m rmh countwo aksto gain eny into telaw. u thegatkepr say thae antgranthim enryt th nt. Thean thinks abu it and thnass f hewll b alowd t omein sotimelaern. “Itis possle,” ss the gatekeeper,“butnot .” he gae oth lawstsp,as a

51、lways, n te gatekerwalks to theide, so thean bens over in oderto see thh the gte into te insid.When the gatekeepernotce tht, he lauhs nd ys:“I it emps you so uc, ry goin isie ispt ofmy pohibition t ta te. Ia powl. AndI am ony te st lowl gaekeer. Bu from om to oo and gteper,ec orepowerfu than th oth.

52、I canot dur ve one glimpe ofhe ird.”Te a fomte cutry hanotexpecteduch ifiies:thea hold awy be cssibefveryone, he thinks, uts h w ok ore closelat theatekeepe in hs fur coat,t hisarg pointed nse andhis long, thin, blck Tatarsbeard, he dcdthat would ett waitntil h t perisio togo isd. Th gkeer ive h a s

53、tooland llws hm to sit dwnat te side in fonof the gae There he sifor ays an yrs. e maks mny atempts o be le i, n hewer hetekepe ou wthh requests. h gatekeeper ofte terogatehbriefl, quetioning hi aout his homelanda many oh thing, bthey idiffrntquestis, he kind great mnut, ad at te nd he alwy ell i on

54、c ore tht he cannolt m inidyet he a,wo squid hmsfwhmny ngs or hs orney, pends everythig, nomter how valuabe,twn ovrh atker. Te later akes i all but, a e doe ,says, “I takig thisonlyso that youdo nottink you have file o doything”Durng he manyear th man obevethe gatekp almt cotiuousy. H frget the otr

55、atekeer, d this frst on sms oim the ony barri r entry intohe law. e curses he unckyircumstance, in he firsyeas hghteslanout lu; ter, ah grwsol, he only mubles thimsef. e cmeschildis and, sice nhe long yeasstuding the gateeperhslso com to nw th flas(跳蚤) ns fclar, e evenasksteflas t ephimperuadee atee

56、eper.Fina his esigh grow weak,n he s tknowhter thingsar reall drke arod im or whether hiseye aemeel deevng hi.But h ecognz ow in thedarknessaray o ih which beaks outof t geway to the law. No h o logr as muchme to li. Beforhis dat hegaher in is edll hisexprienesof h nte ime up in e qusio which e ha n

57、o et p tothe gatekeee. e wavetohim, in hec n longer lp hi stiffeing od he gatkeeer as o ben wayon t him,for theret diffrence hs hanged thns nsidraly to thedsdvantage o e m.“Yu re intiable(不知足的).” “Everyone stre aer he w,” s thm,“oow i t hti these many ear noone ept e hsquesteentr?” Th gatekep ses th

58、t the ma iaready dying and, in ordero reach is diminising seneof hearing, h shouts t hm, “Hre o on elseagn entry,sinthisetnc as igne onlyoyo. m gin now to cos t.”65. Whchcan es descibe the n frm e ouny?A.Bre bt nnoen.Lal t riclous.C Tolrntbut stbbor.D.ustworhy ut childsh.66. Wht is the impl ning the

59、undelined sntences?Anyone whobeaks th awwill esverenshentB. s ext o osle forpeole to gain entrnto the aC.he gaekeeers aepowerl enough o dnthlaw.D.llte teepe ke full respnsbiit or obeying th law.7. he sence “Watd youstill ant to nw no?” as he gaekercan be put in_.A. B.C. 8. Whichof te followig isTUE?

60、A. The gatekeepr is acualy theymolf responilty.All efosmade by teman foe ountr are in vai.C.Themfrom he countyfnlly gin acs into he aw. A close reaonhip is ormd between theakeper ad tman69. Why ishe m fromthe coun eagero heacesst tlaw ntinuously?A. Bcs he sanxiouto epoe eatur of lB Beaue no o c gain


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