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1、 外贸英语函电 Practical Business English 国际商务类应用型“十三五”规划教材 课件简介 为了方便教师及自学者使用本 教材,在课件中我们设置了Learning Objectives, Introduction, Words & Expressions,以及 Chinese Version and Suggested Answers(仅仅第一章提供) 等 内容,以供参考。 Part OnePracticalBusiness EnglishChapter I Writing of Business English In this chapter, you will lea

2、rn: Principles of business letter-writing; Layout of business letters, emails and faxes;Styles of business letters;How to address envelopes.Learning Objectives Introduction Business writing is of vital importance In international trade. Nowadays there is more than one style in writing businessmessag

3、es including e-mails, faxes be-Sides traditional letters. Nevertheless, letters still play an important role in businessactivities. Proper business letters help a com-pany to communicate more efficiently andbring business opportunities to the company.Moreover, letters are the bases of otherwriting s

4、tyles as their structure, format, vocabulary, writing skills etc. are derived from letters. Therefore the writing of busi- ness letters is one of the essential skills to every businessman. . The principles of writing business letters 商业信函的撰写原则 Generally speaking, there are three principles of writin

5、g a business letter , i.e. Clearness,Conciseness and Courtesy- the so-called “Three Cs” principles. 一般说来,商业信函的撰写原则有三点,即清楚、简明、礼貌,又称作“三C”原则。 1.Clearness 清楚 It is required to express yourself clearly; straightforwardly by using simple and plain language so that the reader can understand what you wish t

6、o convey to him. In a word, clearness of a letter is a success.必须用朴实简单的语言,清楚、直截了当地表达你的意思,让收信的人了解你想说什么。总而言之,一封明了清楚的信即是成功的。2.Conciseness 简明 To achieve conciseness, you should explain your position in reasonably few words and avoid wordiness or redundancy. Besides, proper paragraphing is needed.为了使信函简洁

7、,必须用尽可能少的文字来表达你的想法与意图,避免废话连篇与重复。除此之外,适当的分段是有必要的。 3.Courtesy 礼貌 Courtesy means more than politeness. Courtesy politeness, courtesypoliteness. Real courtesy comes from sincere you” attitude. When writing a letter, keep the readers request, needs, desires in mind and try to convey to him your care and

8、consideration. Of course, you should never use the rude expression in a commanding tone and always be prompt to give a reply.礼貌并不只是客气,礼貌客气,礼貌 客气。真正的礼貌来自于真诚地“为对方考虑的态度。”写信时,必须从对方的角度去考虑他的需求与愿望,并尽量在信中表示你的关心与体贴。当然,粗鲁的语言与命令的语气是绝对不允许的。同时,要迅速、及时地回复对方的来信。. The layout of a business letter 商业信函的布局1. A business

9、 letter consists of seven principal parts. 商业信函有七个主要部分 (1)Letter head 信头 It includes the sender s name and address, postal code, telephone number, fax number, e-mail ,website, and logo(if there is any).It is usually printed at the top of the page.Location: At the top of the page信头包括发信人的公司名称与地址、邮编、电话

10、号码、传真号码、电子邮箱、网址以及公司的标识。位置:通常印在公司信笺的上方。 (2)References and Date 发文编号与日期(1) There are references in a business letter marked with Our ref. and Your ref.Location: At the left or right margin two line-spacing below the letter head发文编号通常标有“我方编号”及“你方编号”。位置:在信头下方空两行,靠左或靠右。 e.g. Our ref. 我方编号 Your ref. 你方编号

11、(2)References and Date 发文编号与日期(2) The date should be written in the order of day, month, year(British practice)or month, day, year(American practice). Do not use figures for the month and never give the date in figures(e.g. 9/12/2008)to avoid confusion.Location: Two line-spacing below the references

12、e.g. 26 June,2013 (British practice) June 26,2013 (American practice ) (2)References and Date 发文编号与日期(3) 日期应按日、月、年(英式)或月、日、年(美式)的次序写。月份不能用数字,绝对不能全部用数字表示日期(如:9/12/2008)以避免混淆。位置:在发文编号下空两行。 e.g. 26 June, 2013 (英式) June 26, 2013 (美式) (3) Inside Name and Address 封内行名与地址(1) It contains the recipients name

13、 and address. And when writing address, care must be taken of the order. Messrs (plural form of Mr.)may be used if the firm is named after a person or more persons. Location: Two line-spacing below the date (3) Inside Name and Address 封内行名与地址(2) 此部分包括收信人的公司名称与地址。当书写地址时要特别注意地址的排列顺序.倘若收信人的公司是以人名命名的,就可

14、以在公司名称前加上Messrs (Mr的复数)一词。位置:日期下空两行。 (3) Inside Name and Address 封内行名与地址(3) e.g. Hewlett-Packard(Canada) Co. 5150 Spectrum Way Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5G1 Canada收信人的公司名称 门牌号和街名 城市名、省名、邮政编码 国名 (3) Inside Name and Address 封内行名与地址(4) e.g. Messrs Edward Jones ltd. 90 Burnhamthorpe Road West Sussex Cent

15、re, Suite 902 Mississauga,ONTARIO L5B 3C3 Canada收信人的公司名称 门牌号和街名 城市名、省名、邮政编码 国名 (4)Salutation (1) The salutation is a greeting to the recipient. We usually use the following:称呼是写信人对收信人的一种致意,通常有下列几种形式: (4)Salutation (2) Dear Sir, Dear Sirs,(British practice) 执事先生/ 敬启者 ( 英式)Dear Madam, Dear Mesdames ,

16、(British practice)夫人/敬启者( 英式)Gentlemen:(American practice) 执事先生/ 敬启者 ( 美式 ) (4)Salutation (3) Dear Madam or Sir , (the writer is not sure whether the reader is a man or a woman) ( 写信人不能确定阅信人是男士还是女士)Dear Mr. Green, 格林先生Dear Mrs./Miss/Ms Green, (for a specific person) 格林太太/小姐/女士 (用于某一特定人)Location: Two

17、 line-spacing below the inside address 位置:封内地址下空两行。 (5)Message 正文 It is the most important part of a letter. It is the message that the writer has to convey to the reader. 正文是信的最重要部分,写信人正是通过正文表达自己的意见。 Location: Two line-spacing below the salutation位置:在称呼下空两行。 (6)Complimentary Close 敬意结尾(1) It is a p

18、olite way to end the letter. And it must match the salutation. The following are the salutations with their matching close: 这是用来表示一封信结束的客套语,它必须与前面的称呼相呼应。以下是称呼与敬意结尾的呼应关系。 (6)Complimentary Close 敬意结尾(2) Dear Sir(s),Dear Madam, 对应Yours faithfully, Dear Madam or Sir (British practice) (英式) (6)Compliment

19、ary Close 敬意结尾(3) Gentlemen: 对应Yours truly, (American practice) (美式)Dear Mr. Green, Dear Mrs./Miss/Ms Green, 对应Yours sincerely, Location: Two line-spacing below the last paragraph of the message位置:在正文最后段落下空两行。 (7)Signature 落款(签名) (1) The signature is usually arranged as follows: a) the senders name

20、of the firm; b) handwritten name of the writer; c) the writer s typed name; d) job title of the writer; e) name of the writers division or department. Location: Below the complimentary close . (7)Signature 落款(签名) (2) 落款通常按下列顺序排列:写信人的公司名称; 写信人的手写签名;c) 写信人的打印签名; d) 写信人的职务;e) 写信人的任职部门。 位置:在敬意结尾下方。e.g.

21、Yours faithfully, China National Packaging Imp.& Exp. Corp. 王明 Wang Ming Manager Purchasing Department写信人的公司名称 写信人的手写签名写信人的打印签名 (7)Signature 落款 (签名) (3) 写信人的职务写信人的任职部门 e.g. Yours faithfully, Staples Incorporated Andrew Staples Andrew Staples Sales Manager Sales Department写信人的公司名称 写信人的手写签名写信人的打印签名 (7

22、)Signature 落款(签名) (4)写信人的职务写信人的任职部门 2. The optional parts 可供选择部分It is used when the writer wishes to direct the letter to a particular person or departmentwho takes care of the business. 如希望将信直接交经办人或经办部门时,可以选用这一项。Location:Two line-spacing below the inside address and is underlined. 位置:在封内地址下空两行,须加下划

23、线。(1)Attention Line经办人姓名e.g. Attention: Mr. Smith Att: Mr. Smith 请史密斯先生 办理 For the attention of Mr. Smith (1)Attention Line经办人姓名 It is to invite the attention to what content the letter is about. Location:Two line-spacing below the salutation. and is underlined事由是为了使收信人注意到该信的主题。位置:在称呼下空两行,须加下划线。e.g.

24、 Re: Your Order No.WT5879 Subject: Your Order No. No.WT5879 Your Order No.WT5879 事由:你方WT5879订单(2)Subject Line事由/标题 When there is something enclosed with the letter, we use Enclosure”. Location:In the bottom left-hand. 如果随信有附件,可加上“Enclosure”这一项。 位置:在该信的左下角,落款之下。e.g. Enc.:1 Order Form 附件:一份订单 Encls.:

25、2 Invoices 附件:两张发票 Encl.: As stated 附件:如文所述(3)Enclosure(Encl. Enc.)附件 When a copy of the letter is sent to others, write C.C. followed by the name of the person who will receive the copy. Location:In the bottom left-hand,below the enclosure 如需将信函抄送给其它有关人员,在C.C.后注明所要抄送的有关人员。 位置:该信的左下角,附件下方。e.g. C.C.:

26、 Jean Brown 抄送给: Jean Brown (4)Carbon Copy 副本抄送 They are made up of the initials of the person who dictates the letter and those of the typist. Location:Two line-spacing below the signature on the left. 认辨代号是由该信的口授者的姓名与打字员的姓名首字母构成。 位置:该信的左下角,签名下空两行。e.g. JS/AG or JS:AG (The letter is dictated by Jean

27、 Smith and typed by Alice Green ) (该信由Jean Smith口授而由Alice Green打字)(5)Identification Marks 认辨代号 A postscript is an afterthought, and it is usually regarded as a sign of poor planning. It should be avoided as far as possible. Location: Two line-spacing below whatever has been written .信写完后又想起还需要补充说明某事

28、,可以加上附言。它往往被认为写信人计划不周的表现,因此应尽量避免使用。位置:在整封信结束后下空两行。e.g. P.S. We are sending you under separate cover a copy of our latest catalogue . A.S. (. A.S.为写信人的简笔签名)(6)Postscript (P.S.)附言 . The format of business letters 商业信函的格式 There are many forms of a business letter. The three most popular forms are: 商业信函

29、有许多格式,目前最流行的是这三种: 1. Full-block Style 完全平头式 All parts except the letter head are placed against the left-hand margin. 信函中除信头外,全部靠左并对齐。 Sample Letter Fujian Lvye Elevater Co. Ltd. 459 Wusi Road, Fuzhou, ChinaTel:(0591)87511111 Fax:(0591)87511112 April 12,2013 Pakistan Trading Company15 Broad StreetKa

30、rachi,Pakistan Dear Sirs, Chinese ElevatorWe thank you for your letter of March 6 and are pleased to learn that you are interested in elevators made in China.In compliance with your request, we are sending you herewith our latest catalogue together with our price list. We trust you will find our quo

31、tation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order. Yours faithfully, Fujian Lvye Elevator Co. 郑 浩 Zheng HaoManagerSales Department Encl.: As stated 2.Modified Block Style 改良平头式 All parts are placed against the left-hand margin except the date, complimentary close and signature on the righ

32、t while the subject line is in the middle of the page.日期、敬意结尾与落款靠右、事由居中,其余部分均靠左对齐。 Sample Letter Fujian Lvye Elevater Co. Ltd. 459 Wusi Road, Fuzhou, ChinaTel:(0591)87511111 Fax:(0591)87511112 April 12,2013 Pakistan Trading Company 15 Broad Street Karachi,Pakistan Dear Sirs, Chinese Elevator We than

33、k you for your letter of March 6 and are pleased to learn that you are interested in elevators made in China. In compliance with your request, we are sending you herewith our latest catalogue together with our price list. We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receivin

34、g your order. Yours faithfully, Fujian Lvye Elevator Co. 郑 浩 Zheng Hao Manager Sales Department Encl.: As stated 3. Indented Style 缩行式Indent the first line of each paragraph of the message with the inside name and address blocked. The date, complimentary close and signature are on the right, with th

35、e subject line in the middle of the page.封内名称与地址用平头式,正文的每段第一行均往右缩进3-5个字母。日期、敬意结尾与落款靠右、事由居中。 Sample Letter Fujian Lvye Elevater Co. Ltd. 459 Wusi Road, Fuzhou, ChinaTel:(0591)87511111 Fax:(0591)87511112 April 12,2013 Pakistan Trading Company15 Broad StreetKarachi,Pakistan Dear Sirs, Chinese Elevator

36、We thank you for your letter of March 6 and are pleased to learn that you are interested in elevators made in China. In compliance with your request, we are sending you herewith our latest catalogue together with our price list. We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to r

37、eceiving your order. Yours faithfully, Fujian Lvye Elevator Co. 郑 浩 Zheng Hao Manager Sales Department Encl.: As stated . Envelope addressing 信封写法 There are also three essentials of addressing an envelope, i.e. accuracy, legibility and good appearance. And as to the style, there are block style and

38、indented style. But no matter what style you choose, you should always write the senders name and address in the upper left corner while the recipients name and address in the center.信封写法也有三个要点,即正确、字迹清晰与美观。但不管用什么形式,发信人的名称与地址都位于信封的左上角,而收信人名称与地址均位于信封中央。Indented Style Fujian Hongxin Garments Import &Ex

39、port Corp. 132 Wuyi Road Fuzhou , China Messrs Barnet Bros., Ltd. 900 Queen Victoria Street London,E.C.4, England Block Style Fujian Hongxin Garments Import &Export Corporation 132 Wuyi Road Fuzhou , China Messrs Barnet Bros., Ltd. 900 Queen Victoria Street London,E.C.4, England V.Business Email and

40、 Fax Exercises and Suggested Answers I.Find out what is not proper in terms of layout and format in the following letter and make corrections. John Benson & Co., Ltd. 235 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 U.S.A. Xiamen Textiles Import & Export Corp. 189 Seaside Road, Xiamen, China April 15, 2012Ch

41、inese Cotton Piece GoodsDear Sirs: We learn your name and address from International Business Daily and are given tounderstand that you are exporting cotton and silk piece goods. We are large dealers in textiles and are interested in Printed Shirting at present. There is a steady demand here for the

42、 above mentioned commodities of high quality atmoderate prices. We shall appreciate it if you will send us a copy of your catalogue with details of Your prices, terms of payment and discount you can grant . We look forward to your early. Wang Hua 王华 Your FaithfullySales ManagerXiamen Textiles Import

43、 & Export Corp. Xiamen Textiles Import & Export Corp. 189 Seaside Road, Xiamen , China April 15, 2012 Messrs John Benson & Co., Ltd. 235 East 42nd Street New York,NY 10017, U.S.A. Dear Sirs, Chinese Cotton Piece Goods We learn your name and address from International Business Daily and are given to

44、understand that you are exporting cotton and silk piece goods. We are large dealers in textiles and are interested in Printed Shirting at present. There is a steady demand here for the above mentioned commodities of high quality at moderate prices. We shall appreciate it if you will send us a copy o

45、f your catalogue with details of your prices, terms of payment and discount you can grant . We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Xiamen Textiles Import & Export Corp. 王华 Wang Hua Sales Manager Yours faithfully, Xiamen Textiles Import & Export Corp. 王华 Wang Hua Sales Manager II.Chan

46、ge the layout of the following letter into modified block style. Overseas Trading Co.21Park StreetLondon E.C.4,EnglandPhone: 360-555-1343 Fax: 360-555-1344 Email: Totalomthree.co.uk January 10,2012China National TextilesImport & Export Corporation82 Tung An Men StreetBeijing,ChinaDear Sirs,Cotton So

47、cksWe are glad to learn from your advertisement in China Textile News that you are dealing in cotton piece goods. We are quite interested in your socks. We should appreciate it if you would send us your latest catalogue, price list and sample books. We are one of the leading dealers in textiles in o

48、ur area and there is a large demand here for the goods of the kind mentioned.We shall place a large order with you if your products are good in quality and reasonable in price.We await your early reply.Yours faithfully,Overseas Trading Co.John Smith John Smith General Manager Overseas Trading Co. 21

49、 Park Street London E.C.4, England Phone:360-555-1343 Fax:360-555-1344 Email: Totalomthree.co.uk Totalomthree.co.uk January 10, 2012China National Textiles Import &Export Corporation 82 Tung An Men Street Beijing, ChinaDear Sirs, ,Cotton SocksWe are glad to learn from your advertisement in China Tex

50、tile News that you are dealing in textiles. We are quite interested in your socks. We should appreciate it if you would send us your latest catalogue, price list and sample books.We are one of the leading dealers in textiles in our area and there is a large demand here for the goods of the kind ment

51、ioned.We shall place a large order with you if your products are good in quality and reasonable in price. We await your early reply. Yours faithfully, Overseas Trading Co. John Smith John Smith General Manager Practice I. Write a letter in a proper form according to the following particulars: Sender

52、s name:Fujian Huarong Trading Co. Senders address: 384 Guangda Road, Fuzhou, China Senders telephone number :+ 86Senders Fax:+ 86Date: July 18, 2012 Recipients name: William & Sons Recipients address: 58 Lancaster House,Manchester, England Subject Matter: Childrens Bicy

53、cle The message: Thank you for your letter of July 17. As requested, we are enclosing our catalogue and under separate cover we are sending you our samples, which will help you in your selection. We are looking forward to your early reply. Fujian Huarong Trading Co. 384 Guangda Road, Fuzhou, China T

54、el:+86-Fax:+86-July 18, 2012Messrs William & Sons58 Lancaster HouseManchester, EnglandDear Sirs, Childrens Bicycles Thank you for your letter of July 17,2012. As requested, we are enclosing our catalogue and under separate cover we are sending you our samples, which wil

55、l help you in your selection. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Fujian Huarong Trading Co. Encl.: As stated . Address an envelope based on the above letter. Fujian Huarong Trading Co.384 Guangda Road Fuzhou, China Messrs William & Sons 58 Lancaster House Manchestr, Englan

56、d Fujian Huarong Trading Co. 384 Guangda Road Fuzhou, China Messrs William & Sons 58 Lancaster House Manchestr, England Chapter IIEstablishment of Business Relations Learning ObjectivesIn this chapter, you will learn: 1.The channels for getting business information;2.How to go into business relation

57、s with a new customer; 3.How to write a letter to establish business relations ;4. Set phrases, useful sentences in establishing business relations. Layout of business letters, faxes;Styles of business letters;How to address envelopes. Introduction Establishment of business relations is thefirst ste

58、p in international trade. In order to expand business, a firm is to constantly search for new trading partners and renew business relationship while strengthen-ing and developing the existing business network. Generally, it is popular to obtain informa- tion about overseas customers through the foll

59、owing channels: (1) Internet ;(2) Banks;(3) Commercial Counselors Office of the Embassy of China in foreign countries;(4) Trade Directories;(5) Chambers of Commerce in foreign coun- tries;(6) Exhibitions and trade fairs held at home or abroad;(7) Advertisements;(8) Other sources.Lesson OneInitiating

60、 Business Words and Expressions 1. Chamber of Commerce 商会 2. inform (v.t.)(give knowledge to/ advise)告知,通知 1) sb of sth 告知某人某事 We shall inform you of the name of steamer. 我们会将船名告知贵方。 2) sb that/what/which/ 告知某人 They have informed us that you are interested in Chinese GPS goods. . 他们告诉我们,你方对中国GPS产品感兴


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