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1、牛津高中英语第十一模块第一单元教学展评Module 11Unit 1 Careers and skillsGoal Writing an essay about careersPlan for the whole unitTeaching objectivesBy the end of this unit, Ss will be able to:Language describe different categories of jobs in different aspects (i.e. popularity, qualities or different fields);use some

2、expressions to give opinions, such as: in reality, meanwhile, in contrast, similarly, for example, etc;tell what simile and metaphor is;write an essay about careers.Skills & strategiesread for opinions in a text;compare advantages and disadvantages of different jobs;describe the qualities that diffe

3、rent jobs need;listen for facts about a job;get some skills of persuading people by using positive arguments;analyze their own qualities and know what types of jobs are suited to them;express their thoughts in a diary according to the sequence of an event;give others advice and suggestions on how to

4、 choose suitable careers.Culture & morals understand the meaning “All of them together, though, help society function” and have a right attitude to different types of jobs: when you choose a job, you are supposed to know that there are no humble or noble jobs in our society.evaluate themselves objec

5、tively and improve themselves constantly.OverviewModule 11, Unit 1 is about jobs and careers. Each component of the unit is closely related and developed coherently and successively.As we know, a source of confusion in our classroom is related to the selection and sequencing of tasks within a lesson

6、 or unit of work. It is therefore important to sequence tasks so that prior tasks provide a “platform” for ones to come, so that succeeding tasks “depend” on those that have come before. We can define this as “task dependency.” (David Nunan) According to his theory, we set our tasks as follows:We wi

7、ll deal with Reading in two periods. Our task is to show students how to express in the target language things theyve already known in their first language. With the teachers guidance, the students will know some information about different types of jobs, their advantages and disadvantages, and be a

8、ble to find the authors opinions with the clue of link words and his tone of writing. In addition, they can talk about their own thoughts on jobs by following the sample language. It is time to enlarge the students vocabulary and help them build new schemata in Word power. In our real life, the cate

9、gories of professions are far more complicated than those in the reading text. Thus, we can help the students to know more about the categories and qualities that are needed in these jobs. This will provide a platform for the coming tasks.Simile and metaphor are not tested separately in the College

10、Entrance Examination, while we think it is of great help to improve students reading and writing ability, especially for top students. So it is necessary for them to know about them. By this means some of the students can try to use this figure of speech to make their writing and speaking more vivid

11、 and persuasive. At the stage of Task and Project, we will push the students to the creative use of the language. In these two parts, the students will perform their competence of speaking and writing after the acquisition of the topic and the relevant words, expressions, structures and information.

12、 In order to make learning more meaningful and real, the teacher in Project will assign some real tasks for the students to complete, which provide them space to bring their own experiences, attitudes and feelings into the learning process so that the content of this unit is processed more deeply an

13、d students independence and autonomy are fostered. Period arrangementPeriodContents & pages or sourcesSelf-assessmentTextbookWorkbook(Page)Supplementary(Source)ToMYSectionPage1Reading (2-1)1-5P 98-991, 6, 7,13 2Reading (2-2)1-5P97A test (original)1, 23Word power6-71, 84Grammar and usage6-7P96Consoli

14、dating exercises(from NMET)35Task (2-1)8-95, 9,106Task (2-2)10-11P1004, 117Project (2-1)12-138, 128Project (2-2)14-15P1018, 13,148Total15ALL (6)14 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confidentPlan for every periodPeriod 1 Welcome to the unit & Reading (2-1 理解) 湘潭市一中 张旭日 冯

15、霞Teaching aims1 Enable Ss to consider all aspects of a job when choosing their future careers.2 Enable Ss to pay attention to the language used in an article reflecting the opinions of its author.3 Enable Ss to improve their reading skills by participating in the activities designed.Keys & puzzles1

16、Different types of jobs2 Opinions about choosing future careers3 How to answer the four questions within the required words limit according to the textTeaching approachTask-based Teaching ApproachTeaching aidmulti-mediaTeaching proceduresIn general The Reading text is a magazine article about the po

17、pularity of different types of jobs. It introduces popular careers, more unusual jobs and everyday jobs. Students are expected to consider all aspects of a job, which might be helpful in choosing their own future careers. The Reading strategy in this unit suggests that students should pay attention

18、to the language used in a text as well as the authors opinion. Students are expected to improve their reading skills by participating in the activities designed.Firstly, Ss watch a music video and then answer several questions so that they can be introduced to the topic of the text quickly and pleas

19、antly.Secondly, Ss read the text and answer four questions. The reason for choosing four questions is that Ss can adjust to the new demands of the 2010 NMET in advance. Thirdly, Ss are expected to learn more about the types of jobs by completing a diagram. Fourthly, Ss find out from the text some se

20、ntences reflecting the opinions of the author, thus paying attention to what kind of language is used to discuss different things. Fifthly, Ss complete a short summary about Yang Mins thoughts on different jobs, knowing a students opinion about jobs.Finally, Ss express their own opinions about jobs,

21、 which are based on their full understanding of the text. (观看视频回答问题引出不同职业的词汇阅读课文回答问题阅读填空阅读策略发表自己对不同工作的观点布置作业)In detailStep 1 Lead-in (5 minutes)Ss watch a music video and then answer three questions:1) What other job am I suited in?2) Would you like to be a teacher in the future?3) How many students

22、 have an intention to be a teacher in the future?(After Ss answer the questions, the teacher shows one or two slides and says something to introduce several new words and expressions like glamorous, option and in reality.)Brainstorm the words expressing different jobs, some of which are shown to Ss

23、in the form of pictures.(The teacher says something and show a slide to present the new word reflection.)Step 2 Reading (26 minutes)1 With the following four questions in mind, Ss read the text. After that, they are expected to answer them. (12 minutes)1) What is the passage mainly about? (no more t

24、han 11 words)2) What are the three types of jobs the author talks about? (no more than 10 words)3) What types of jobs are essential to our society? (no more than 3 words)4) Why are all jobs important? (no more than 5 words)Keys to the questions:1) Different types of careers and jobs to choose from.2

25、) Popular careers, more unusual jobs and everyday jobs.3) Ordinary jobs.4) Because they help society function.2 Ss listen to the text and complete a chart according to the text and the required words limit, each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. (11 minutes)Jobs to choose from(1) (2) AdvantagesDi

26、sadvantagesPopular careersmodelsactors,lawyersbusiness personsexciting(3) interestingbe under huge pressure(4) face tough moral issues More unusual jobsnoise pollution testerbeer tasterfirework display (5) tester of amusement parkridesinteresting(6) onestalents and interests (7) (8) shop assistants

27、driversbarberscleaners(9) to our society(10) Keys to the chart:(1) Categories/Types/Kinds (2) Examples (3) well-paid (4) work long hours (5) designer (6) better suited to (7) not be popular (8) Everyday/Ordinary jobs (9) essential (10) look dull3 Encourage Ss to give a description of each type of jo

28、b according to the chart. (3 minutes)Step 3 Reading strategy (5 minutes)1 Ss are expected to find some sentences reflecting the authors opinions about different types of jobs. 1) Some jobs may seem very dull but are very important to society, while others can appearvery exciting but are actually ver

29、y difficult and boring. 2) One example is the so-called glamorous job of being a model or an actor. 3) It does not seem that glamorous now, does it? 4) All these people love their jobs, which might not be popular, but are interesting regardless.(The underlined word will be explained as anyway in Eng

30、lish.) 5) These jobs may not seem very attractive, but they are all important.2 Ss decide the authors opinions according to the sentences above.The authors opinion: She is biased in favor of ordinary careers and dislikes some popular careers. ( The underlined word will be explained in Chinese.)Ss co

31、mplete Yang Mins summary about her thoughts on different jobs and point out Yang Mins opinion about jobs.Step 4 Discussion (7 minutes)1 Ss are divided into groups of four to discuss what my thoughts are on careers and they will be guided to focus on the reasons while discussing.( After Ss discuss, a

32、 few of them will present his or her thoughts)Step 5 Homework (1 minutes)1 Read the text again.2 Read the two articles on P. 98-99.Period 2 Reading (2-2 语言点)湘潭市第十一中学 贺明亮 章燕Teaching aims 1 Encourage the students to improve their reading ability by focusing on language points.2 Learn how to use the ke

33、y words and expressions which first appear in the text.Keys & puzzles1 Language usage: in reality, under huge pressure, have ambition / ambitions for sth./to do sth, beambitious for sth. / to do sth., be suited to, suit sth. to sth. / sb., be essential for / to, in contrast 2 How to enable the stude

34、nts to grasp these language points and practice themTeaching approachExplaining, analyzing, independent study, cooperation study, practicing Teaching proceduresIn general In this period, we will mainly focus our attention in three aspects. Firstly, we will help the students have a better understandi

35、ng of the text by dealing with the words and expressions closely related to jobs and careers. Secondly, the students are able to absorb what they have learned and put them into use by following the sample sentences in the text. Thirdly, they will go over some link words so that they can express thei

36、r opinions in a coherent way. Through this process they can transfer knowledge into competence. After finishing the text, Ss will have a clear idea of the categories of jobs, the advantages and disadvantages and above all theyve got to know what “All of them together, though, help society function”

37、means.(讲解与职业相关的词汇仿例造句复习和连接词语加深对课文的理解) In detailStep 1 lead-inIn Mr Zhangs lesson, we learned some information about types of jobs and the authors opinions on the jobs. In this lesson, we will have a better understanding of the text by going through the language points. First who can tell us the thre

38、e types of jobs mentioned in the text.Step 2 Language pointsThe language points that are going to be dealt with are closely related to the topic: jobs and careers and the link words used to present ones opinions.1 Some popular jobs can appear very exciting but are actually very difficult and boring.

39、 一些工作看上去激动人心,但实际上既艰难又乏味。Explain the words:actually: as a matter of fact, in fact, in reality Ask the students to translate the following sentence into Chinese.e.g: Some people admire teachers for their two long vacations. In reality, teachers, especially teachers of Grade Three cant take long holida

40、ys. They have to give lessons to the students even on their holidays. 一些人羡慕老师是因为他们有两个长假, 实际上,老师们,尤其是高三的老师不能休长假,在假期,他们必须给学生上课。2 These people have to spend long hours traveling, with all their baggage packed in suitcase or trunks, and only a very small number of them are successful. 这些人不得不把所有的行李都塞进手提箱

41、或大箱子,花很长时间在路上奔波,而其中只有极少数人是成功的。Ask the students to do the translation. 每天老师们都得花很长的时间备课、批阅作业。Teachers have to spend long hours preparing their lessons and going over the students homework.3 Meanwhile, those who are successful and famous have to deal with constant media attention. They have to be very

42、thick-skinned to deal with all kinds of criticism. 同时,那些成功的和著名的人不得不和媒体的时常关注打交道。他们不得不厚着脸皮应对各种批评。 Ask the students to do the following translation.好老师可以得到学生和家长的尊重,同时,他们有时还有两个较长的假期。Teachers can win respect from students and their parents. Meanwhile, they can have two long holidays. Turn the following i

43、nto Chinese.Teachers have to deal with all kinds of people. And some can be very difficult to deal with. They also have to deal with all kinds of criticism from students, parents and leaders.4 They are also under huge pressure to appear young and beautiful. 他们为了使自己显得年轻漂亮,也承受着巨大的压力。under huge pressur

44、e 承受巨大的压力Turn the following into English.为了让学生和家长满意,老师也承受着巨大的压力去不断的提高自身的素质和改进教学方法.1) Teachers are also under huge pressure to improve their self-qualities and teaching methods to satisfy the students and teachers. Then show some pictures of Liu Xiang asking the students to make some sentences with “

45、under huge pressure”. 2) After Liu Xiang quitted 110m Hurdles in the Beijing Olympic Games, he was under huge pressure to deal with all kinds of criticism. 5 Many people have ambitions to become successful as a lawyer or business person, but they do not consider the stress and pressure that come wit

46、h these jobs. 许多人雄心勃勃,要成为成功的律师或者商界人士, 却没有想到这些工作带来的紧张和压力。 have an ambition/ambitions for sth./to do sth be ambitious for sth./to do sth.Show some pictures of Jiang Yingrong and ask the students what her ambition is. Jiang Yingrong has an ambition to be a famous singer and dancer. Jiang Yingrong is am

47、bitious to be a famous singer and dancerJiang Yingrong ambition is to be a famous singer and dancer. Then ask several students what their ambitions are.6 1) Some people find more unusual jobs that are better suited to their talents and interests.一些人发现一些不寻常的工作更加适合他们的天赋和兴趣。 be suited to合适,适宜suit sth.

48、to sth./sb. 使某物适合某物、某人你认为教书适合你吗?Do you think teaching is suited to you?Good teachers suit his lessons to the students of all ages.2) I am going to discuss some of the options available to you and whether popular careers, more unusual jobs or everyday jobs are better suited to you. (L3-5) 我将谈论一些你可以选择

49、的工作以及哪种工作更适合你,热门工作、特殊工作还是普通工作。7 Many ordinary jobs may look dull, but they are as essential / important as water to our society. 许多平凡的工作看上去乏味,但它们就像水一样,对社会是必不可少的。 be essential for / to: be important for / to译:爱心, 耐心和奉献对老师来说是必不可少的。Love, patience and devotion are essential to teachers.Then show some pi

50、ctures and ask the students to discuss what qualities are essential to nurse, policeman, and model.Step 3 ConsolidationFill in the blanks with proper words and phrases (A)Teachers job appears very exciting but is actually very difficult and boring. Some people admire teachers for their two long vaca

51、tions. In reality, teachers, especially teachers of Grade Three cant take long holidays. They have to give lessons to the students even on their holidays. Every day, they have to spend long hours preparing their lessons and going over the students homework. Meanwhile, they are also under huge pressu

52、re to improve their self-qualities and teaching methods to satisfy students and parents.Some students, especially some girls have ambitions to become successful as a teacher, but they do not consider the stress and pressure that come with the job. For example, teachers have to satisfy all kinds of p

53、eople. They also have to deal with all kinds of criticism from students, parents and leaders. Meanwhile, love, patience and devotion are essential to teachers.(B)1 Lily is emotional. In contrast, her husband is always calm. 2 One of his ambitions is to become President of this company.3 These people

54、, who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow people to go about their daily lives.4 It is hard to decide which job you are best suited to until you actually begin working.Step 4 Discussion What kind of jobs suits you? And why?Step 5 HomeworkWriting: My thoughts on jobs Period 3 Word power湘乡市东山

55、学校 付映辉 陈碧芳Teaching aims 1 Enlarge Ss vocabulary related to jobs job types and the required qualities.2 Ss are to improve their integrating skills by expressing their own opinions about jobs.Keys & puzzles1 How to familiarize Ss with the words related to jobs and qualities.2 How to get Ss to put what

56、 they have learned into practical use.Teaching approaches1 Demonstration and presentation;2 Task-based approaches;3 Individual, pair or group work.Teaching aidsThe multimedia and the blackboardTeaching proceduresIn generalWord power deals with words and expressions related to jobs. On one hand, it a

57、ims to activate Ss prior associated knowledge; on the other hand, it attempts to expand their vocabulary in this category. Ss will warm themselves up by talking about their dream jobs together with the teacher. With the help of pictures and the teachers presentation, Ss are to learn about different

58、types of jobs and some unusual jobs. Then the teacher provides a quiz to help the Ss to choose their ideal jobs from a variety of jobs and get the students to work in pairs to talk about jobs and qualities. Part C can serve as a consolidating exercise. And the final group work about applying for a j

59、ob will help Ss apply what theyve learned to practice and learn to do teamwork. (师生谈论梦想的工作老师借助图片解释和呈现相关词汇学生通过听说读写来巩固新学词汇和知识小组合作布置作业)In detailStep 1 Lead inReview the three job types in Reading.Step 2 Jobs and types1 Ask Ss to read Part A and find out more about job types.Ask Ss: Do you want to exper

60、ience some unusual jobs? Then introduce one of the teachers friendsa dolphin keeper to present some unusual jobs for Ss to choose from.3 Finish Part D.Step 3 Qualities and jobs1 Do a quiz about how to choose a job. What is the most important thing for you to consider when choosing a job?A How much m


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