1、 Hotel Yin Design Cultural Concepts 大隐精品酒店文化概念By Planning Department 2009.2ZENDAI HOTEL YIN中国室内设计联盟介绍1、室内设计联盟官方淘宝店铺:/ 掌柜:完美流线 所有新产品和最新优惠活动会第一时间在淘宝店铺展示2、室内设计联盟官方论坛:/forum.php 9年历程,注册会员超过100万3、室内设计联盟官方认证QQ空间:/44247496 目前已有38万粉丝关注,平均日增粉丝数500人,日访问人数2万人,日浏览量10万次4、联系电话13910698542 客服QQ:2224365
2、482 25811516025、资料内容涵盖:3D模型、效果图、施工图、实景照片、方案概念、软件教程、YY在线室内设计课程等全方位多样化产品,并在不断开发新产品,以满足大家不同的需求。ZENDAI HOTEL YIN Application Area主要应用范围18F Tea House Concept 茶馆18F Bibliotheque And Business Center Concept 书院与商务中心17F-18F Presidential Suites Concept 总统套房15-17F Guest Room Floor Pattern Concept 客房地板图案6F Swim
3、ming Pool Concept 游泳池设计概念 ZENDAI HOTEL YIN中国文化博物馆Chinese Culture Museum天 Heaven天人合一的和谐精神 Heaven and man combine to have a harmonious spirit天人合一的隐逸生活Heaven and man combine to have a leisurely life地 Earth厚德载物的化育精神 Have a noble spirit through morals and wisdom礼乐相济的艺术生活 Have an artistic life through cus
4、toms and music禅隐Zen道隐Dao学隐Learning居隐Housing御隐Royal Retreat茶馆TeaHouseSPA+Gym客房Suites总统套房PresidentialSuites书院商务中心Business Centre禅Zen香scent内藏乾坤Hidden universe道Dao (the way) 淡泊宁静藏hidden行宫RetreatPalace饮食风雅Food & Drink聚会风雅Meetings起居风雅Housing大堂Lobby全日餐厅All day dining宴会厅Banqet Hall夹层餐厅 Mezzanine Restaurant天
5、地人Heaven and Man顺天应时timely馔consume天地同欢Welcome欢美食多宝盒Treasure box of food会议室Conference Room琴棋诗画Music, game, poetry, art客房Suites总统套房PresidentialSuites御花园Royal Garden雅士书房Library礼仪风雅Etiquette & graceZENDAI HOTEL YIN天人合一的隐逸生活Heaven and man combine to have a leisurely life禅隐Zen道隐Dao学隐Learning居隐Housing 御隐Ro
6、yalRetreat茶馆TeahouseSpa+Gym书院及商务中心Biblotheque AndBusiness Center客房Suites总统套房Presidential Suites禅Zen道Dao淡泊宁静Tranquility内藏乾坤Hidden Universe行宫Retreat PalaceZENDAI HOTEL YIN天Heaven地 Earth水Water人 Man山 Mountain天人合一的隐逸生活庄子 朴素而天下莫能与之争美 隐逸的最高境界就是天人合一,朴素是世间最高境界的美,创造一个朴素自然的隐逸空间Heaven and man combine to have a
7、harmonious spiritHeaven and man combine to have a leisurely lifeDesign Philosophy设计哲学ZENDAI HOTEL YINCultural Concept文化概念 中国隐逸文化 Chinese literati culture中国隐士文化是天人合一思想的极致体现。 仁者乐山,智者乐水,古代隐士常选择栖隐林泉,内外兼修,获得精神上的最大自由,享受逍遥自在的养生活。Chinese literati culture represents the ideology of heaven and man as one. The
8、 goal is to achieve spiritual freedom through physical and mental cultivation in nature.隐逸生活主要内容 Main elements of literati life 隐士通过诗歌、绘画、音乐等各种艺术形式丰富隐居生活,通过宗教感悟隐居生活,通过医药养生研究健康长生,从而获得审美愉悦,提升精神境界Using art forms such as poetry, painting and music to enrich life; understanding life through religious mea
9、ns; achieving well-being through studies of health and medicine. ZENDAI HOTEL YIN隐逸方式历代隐士隐逸的原因、方式各有不同,有的隐于山林,有的隐于朝堂,有的隐于佛道,有的隐于书画,有的隐于美酒,有的隐于外任。不管是义隐,朝隐,酒隐,色隐,禅隐,道隐还是学隐,都是为了把精神带向一种纯粹而解脱的境界。Throughout the ages there have been many different reasons for seeking the life of a recluse. The ultimate goal
10、, however, remain the same: to achieve a pure and free state of being.中国隐逸文化Literati Zen Culture禅隐Zen道隐Dao学隐Learning居隐Housing 御隐RoyalRetreatZENDAI HOTEL YINDcor Principles装潢原则Based on Hotel Design Brief, Combined Culture Concepts and Deco Elements to Design. 在酒店提供设计概要装潢风格的基础上,融入文化概念和相应元素,设计相应内部空间。ZE
11、NDAI HOTEL YINTea House Concept(18F)茶館文化概念(十八楼) 中国隐逸文化禅隐道隐学隐居隐御隐茶馆Spa+Gym书院及商务中心客房总统套房禅Zen道淡泊宁静内藏乾坤行宫ZENDAI HOTEL YIN禅禅茶文化Zen tea culture 禅隐文化Zen recluse culture儒道释禅宗精神Zen Spirit禅宗美学Zen Aesthetics香由心生风动幡动仁者心动 禅烟菩提本非树明镜亦非台本来无一物何处染尘埃禅文化分析Zen Culture AnalysisZENDAI HOTEL YINCulture Concepts文化概念 Literat
12、i Zen Culture禅隱文化禅的精神 禅是佛教文化融合中国儒道思想后形成的东方文化体系。“禅”即静虑,思维修,是心灵的修炼。Zen combines Buddhist culture and Chinese Confucius thoughts. It is a cultivation of the spirit.禅隱 唐宋以后,禅宗大兴。远离尘俗,寄情山水,在隐逸中寄托精神和领悟禅意,是古代雅士崇尚的生活方式。Since the Tang & Song Dynasties, zen became very popular. It became a life style for the
13、literati who sought a new lifestyle rooted in nature.ZENDAI HOTEL YINZen and Tea Culture 禅茶文化“茶禅一味” A Song Dynasty Zen Master claimed that there exists a correlation between zen and tea. Tea is pure, subtle, natural and full, which are precisely the kind of purity and naturalness that zen seeks. 禅宗在
14、茶中溶入“清静”思想,通过饮茶把自己与山、水、自然融为一体。 禅的意境和茶的精神意趣相通,清净淡泊、朴素自然、韵味隽永。 ZENDAI HOTEL YIN禅宗美学Zen aesthetics key words: distant, ephemeral, soft, tranquil. 禅宗美学关键字: 远、虚、淡、静庄子美学思想直接影响了后代禅宗美学。老庄实际是禅宗的内核。“闲寂、幽雅、朴素”为禅意空间的精神内涵。Zhuanzis philosophy has a direct influence on Zen aesthetics. Tranquil, elegant, simpleare
15、the spiritual core of Zen spaces.ZENDAI HOTEL YINZen Atmosphere禅意空间Mirror Table 明镜台Incense Burner 香炉Tree of Buddha 菩提树Long Narrow Flag 布幡Calligraphy “Xiang”香字书法Using zen as the basis of design to create an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility.建议以上述元素为空间主要视觉元素,营造自然、干净、闲寂、优雅、简素的现代禅意空间。禅意空间视觉元素ZEND
16、AI HOTEL YINDeco Suggestion装饰建议 Calligraphy “Xiang” 书法”香”Location装饰位置门口墙面 wall by main entrance装饰要求 Deco requirements需较大墙面呈现餐厅名称“香”的书法字;Needs bigger wall to showcase the calligraphic character of “xiang”)参考图片,用有香味的材料,如茶叶末呈现 书法的水墨效果。Use fragrant materials such as tea leaves to represent the effect of
17、 calligraphic ink.或用盛了茶叶的茶杯等形式拼出书法字。Or use cups filled with tea leaves to create the character.用较小字体设计茶馆中英文名称。Use smaller font for the teahouses Chinese and English names.Tea house 茶馆ZENDAI HOTEL YINTree of Buddha Plus Mirror Table菩提树和明镜台装饰位置Location :整体空间的视觉中心 Focal point of the entire wall 建议一 sug
18、gestion 1:相对舞台尽端墙面及部分天花板Wall facing stage and part of the ceiling 建议二suggestion 2:正对入口处墙面及天花板Wall and ceiling facing entrance 建议三suggestion3:入口处 Engrance装饰手法Deco Method 建议设计一棵菩提树,装饰墙壁及部分天花板,可配合周边桌面设计成镜面,镜面可用水的形式来呈现,营造诗境中的明镜台; 如果实际可行,建议在茶馆中栽植菩提树一株; 也可结合菩提树图纹及镜面元素用于空间主视觉的设计。Suggestion: design a Tree o
19、f Buddha to decorate wall and part of ceiling, perhaps incorporate the tables nearby to create a mirror surface, which can be represented by water.If feasible, plant a tree of Buddha in teahouse; can also adopt patters of the tree and elements of mirror surface in the main visual design of the space
20、.Tree,Mirror (Concept Only) 菩提树,镜面 (仅供概念参考) ZENDAI HOTEL YINLong Narrow Flag 布帘Location装饰位置 舞台StageDeco Method 装饰手法 用麻质、棉质或纱料设计舞台布幔,似有清风吹动之感。Use linen, cotton or chiffon to create stage curtains, creating a sense of breeze.Long Narrow Flag ( Concept Only) 布帘( 仅供概念参考) ZENDAI HOTEL YINIncense Burner香炉
21、Location装饰位置 矮柜上(见平面图)Above low chestDeco Method 装饰手法 设置现代中式香炉,营造香烟袅袅禅意 Place contemporary Chinese-style incense burnerIncense burner( Concept Only) 香炉( 仅供概念参考) ZENDAI HOTEL YINZENDAI HOTEL YINTea House Story1茶馆菩提树故事Legend had it that the 5th Zen Buddhist Master was looking for a replacement by hold
22、ing a poetry competition. Two of his followers wrote poems on the nature of Buddhist tree and the nature of (non-)existence. The one who wrote about non-existence became the 6th master and after 10 years of reclusive life created the South Branch of Zen Buddhism. 设计灵感来自于神秀与慧能比诗的禅宗著名典故。 南北朝时,佛教禅宗传到五祖
23、弘忍,弘忍大师当时在湖北的黄梅开坛讲学,其中翘楚者当属大弟子神秀大师。弘忍要寻找一个继承人,所以他就对徒弟们说,大家都做一首有禅意的诗,看谁做得好就传衣钵给谁。 神秀在半夜起来,在院墙上写了一首诗:身是菩提树,心为明镜台。时时勤拂拭,勿使惹尘埃。慧能则让人代写:菩提本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物,何处惹尘埃。 弘忍最后向慧能讲解了金刚经,并传了衣钵给他。慧能远走南方,隐居10年之后创立了禅宗的南宗。ZENDAI HOTEL YINTea House Story 2茶馆舞台帘幕故事舞台帘幕由条条布幡组成,其设计灵感来自于风动幡动心动的禅宗典故。六祖慧能得到禅宗五祖弘忍的衣钵后,已在南方隐居多年。
24、一天,他来到法性寺,正遇上印宗法师经,有两位僧人在辩论堂内的风幡为何飘动,一人说是风动,一人说是幡动。慧能道:“不是风动,不是幡动,是仁者心动。”印宗大惊道:“久闻黄梅五祖法衣南来,莫非就是行者?”慧能拿出衣钵给大家看。后来慧能就在菩提树下为僧众开示禅门,讲说般若波罗蜜法。Stage curtains use thin flags to create a sense of breeze. According to a conversation between the previously mentioned 2 Buddhist masters, movement in the breeze
25、is no more than movement in the heart.ZENDAI HOTEL YINBibliotheque And Business Center Concept(18F)书院及商务中心文化概念 (十八楼) 中国隐逸文化禅隐道隐学隐居隐御隐茶馆Spa+Gym书院及商务中心客房总统套房禅Zen道淡泊宁静内藏乾坤行宫ZENDAI HOTEL YINCulture Concept文化概念 学隐文化The academy for classic learning in ancient China was the best place for Chinese literati
26、to study. The academies were mostly built in elegant areas such as famous mountains, around famous rivers, or in remote areas away from the city. 中国古代隐士在隐逸中研究学问,修身养性,著书立说。建造书院或私人藏书楼,开堂讲学,举行文化聚会,传播和切磋学问。 ZENDAI HOTEL YIN 学隐环境 Learning Environment 中国古代的书院和藏书楼,多选在名山大川或隐于市,充满书香氛围,环境优雅。Chinese ancient li
27、braries were usually located near mountains and rivers, or hidden in cities, surrounded by elegance. ZENDAI HOTEL YIN 学隐精神 Yin Spirit 淡泊明志,宁静致远 诸葛亮“夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远”的名句,为后代读书人所推崇。在自然,简单的环境中来修身养性,以淡泊、宁静心态使精神得到滋养,成为一种理想的治学精神。Seek simplicity and tranquility in natural and pure environmen
28、t, to cultivate the well-being of body and spirit. ZENDAI HOTEL YINLearning学隐淡泊明志宁静致远CulturalAccumulation文 化 积 累 Works And Instruction 著 书立 说Cultural diffusion 传 播文 化Chinese Painting隐士读书图Inscriptions书 法碑 刻Saint Effigy读书故事石刻Antique shelves博古架书架Calligraphy “Cang”书 法“藏” ZENDAI HOTEL YINDesign Principle
29、s设计原则The library referenced the construction and teachings of ancient Chinese academies. Through artistic methods, the elegance of studying and cultural spirit in Chinese academies for classic learning is reinvented. 以“淡泊、宁静”为书院整体风格设计原则,据运营需求,简化装饰,营造自然淡雅、简约大气的现代中式书房。ZENDAI HOTEL YINDeco Suggestion装饰
30、建议Location装饰位置门口墙面Deco Method 装饰手法用活字字模组合的形式拼成“藏”的书法字装饰墙面。Use movable type printing tablets to create the calligraphic character “Cang” to decorate the wall.用较小字体设计书院的中英文名称 。Use smaller font for the bibliotheque name in Chinese and English.PS:“藏”的书法待更换。“cang” calligraphy is to be modified.Calligraph
31、y “Cang”书法“藏”Bibliotheque Name( Concept Only) 名称设计( 仅供概念参考) 书法“藏”ZENDAI HOTEL YINLocation装饰位置摆放书籍和杂志的书架 bookshelves for books and magazinesDeco Method 装饰手法 建议利用博古架错落有致的空间感和不规则的几何形状来设计具有现代感的书架。Suggestion: traditional irregular, geometric bookshelves.博古架 ShelvesShelf( Concept Only) 书架( 仅供概念参考) 博古架ZEND
32、AI HOTEL YIN石刻Location装饰位置礼宾台,或者放在书院内部空间作为装饰品。Reception desk or inside biblotheque as decorations.Deco Method 装饰手法 建议以圣贤、儒商读书故事 或书院历史内容刻在石碑上,作为艺术品示,或装饰墙面。Suggestion: stories of famous sages studying or histories of biblotheque carved on stone as artwork, or to decorate the wall.(故事文字与图像内容待补 Stories
33、and images to be supplied)石刻 石刻 ZENDAI HOTEL YIN Presidential Suite Concept(17and18F)总统套房文化概念(十七和十八楼)中国隐逸文化禅隐道隐学隐居隐御隐茶馆Spa+Gym书院及商务中心客房总统套房禅Zen道淡泊宁静内藏乾坤行宫ZENDAI HOTEL YINCulture Concepts文化概念 “御隐”Royal retreats古代帝王常常携家庭成员离开繁华都城,去山清水秀之处“阶段性隐居”,享受林泉,休养身心。Royalties in ancient times used to retreat to na
34、ture with their families to get away from urban chaos and to cultivate wellbeing of body and mind. ZENDAI HOTEL YIN 中国行宫 Royal Retreat行宫是古代帝王外出所住的宫殿,是“御隐”之处。隐在山水之间,以朴素淡雅的山村野趣为格调,体现“天地大美”。These are secluded palaces where the royal families used to retreat to; usually located among in fields surrounde
35、d by mountains, they reflect the beauty of earth.ZENDAI HOTEL YIN 清代热河行宫 清代热河行宫“烟波致爽”殿是帝后起居处所。殿前围廊环抱,古松苍郁,仙鹤于庭。包括皇帝的寝宫,皇后居住和皇帝读书的东西跨院,皇帝接受后妃皇子朝拜的房间,进膳间等。Usually palaces are surrounded by terraces, and include the emperors bedroom, study, meeting room and dining room.ZENDAI HOTEL YIN“烟波致爽”殿室内陈设皇帝寝宫南面
36、设紫檀炕,案上放置文房四宝,青缎座褥上设有青玉如意、紫檀条案上陈设着青玉双耳背壶、玉山子、玉方瓶等;北面是寝室的主炕,设紫檀雕花落地罩。South of the bedroom has sandlewood bed, on top of desk is a traditional stationery set, and a side table has serveral decorative items such as jade jars etc. On the north is the main bed that has carved sandlewood bedstand.其他室内有多幅字
37、画,如乾隆御笔“澄心正性”。设有多宝格,陈设各种古玩、盆景等。各种几,陈设钟表、炉、瓶、盒、画珐琅缸、玻璃镜等。还包括填漆描金花鸟双顶竖柜,瓷器、珐琅。Other rooms include many decorative items such as small display shelves (cabinet of curiosities), antique, bonsai, etc. In addition, there usually watches, burners, jars, boxes, lacquer ware, mirror, ceramic, cloisonn items.
38、ZENDAI HOTEL YIN多间房间,多元格局 Multiple rooms, versatile layout园林,自然 Garden, nature艺术品artworks 大气,帝王气 magnificence行宫寝殿特色 Unique featuresZENDAI HOTEL YIN行宫寝殿庭院皇帝寝宫后妃跨院古松苍郁仙鹤于庭帝王墨宝玉玺 玉砚多宝盒御书房会客厅贵妃榻紫檀条案花几紫檀床漆柜绣墩宫灯漆盒Presidential Suite总统套房Foyer门廊Master and Twin Bedroom主卧双人卧室Pine Miniascape 松柏盆景 Crane sculptur
39、e仙鹤图案Calligraphy书法Royal Seal玉玺 玉砚Study Room书房Living Room客厅Couch贵妃榻Case矮桌Flower Table 花几Wood Bed木床 Carve Cabinet漆柜Stool小凳 lamp灯Lacquer Box漆盒 ZENDAI HOTEL YINDesign Principle 设计原则参考“烟波致爽”殿基本布局和陈设,据现代需求,简化装饰,营造自然淡雅、简约大气的现代中式总统套房。Reference palace basic layout and displays, simply dcor based on contempor
40、ary needs to create a simple, elegant, natural Chinese-style presidential suite. 选择一些象征帝王身份的艺术品作空间装饰,如帝王墨宝、虎符、玉器等,透出帝王之气。Choose some artwork that are symbolic of an emperors status, such as calligraphic set, jade, etc.ZENDAI HOTEL YINPresidential Suite Foyer总统套房门廊 Pine Miniascape 松柏盆景 Crane sculptur
41、e仙鹤在门廊设计盆景和仙鹤图案或雕塑,象征客人的事业常青和健康长寿。Bonsai and crane images or sculptures symbolize guests business thriving and longevity. Artworks( Concept Only) 艺术品( 仅供概念参考) 宋徽宗瑞鹤图ZENDAI HOTEL YINMaster Bedroom and Living Room主卧、客厅 明式家具以明式家具为基础,以舒适为原则,设计现代明式风格家具。Use Ming Dynasty furniture as basis, take in comfort
42、 factores to design contemporary Ming-style furniture. PS:双人卧室家具与主卧家具风格一致。Double rooms and suite should have the same style of furniture. Calligraphy 书法“澄心正性”将书法用于床靠壁或墙面等适当空间设计中。To be adopted on headboard or wall or other spatial design.“澄心正性 ” 意为“思路清晰,目标明确”,符合客人身份。It means clear-headed and focused,
43、 which is appropriate for the guests status PS:(书法字待补)ZENDAI HOTEL YIN云锦 Royal textile 云锦是皇家御用织品,象征着显赫的地位。 选择有帝王气的龙纹等云锦图案 应用建议:Usually composed of dragon patters, these can be used靠床墙面装饰 on walls close to bed床上饰品 on bed linen睡袍、拖鞋 robe, slippers灯罩 lampshade靠枕 cushions点菜册 menu清代江宁织造出品极品云锦ZENDAI HOTEL
44、 YINMaster Bedroom and Living Room主卧、客厅 Palace Lantern宫灯参考历代宫灯式样,设计简约的现代吊灯、台灯、落地灯。Reference palace lantern to design minimalist contemporary ceiling lights, lamps, floor lamps.Lantern( Concept Only) 宫灯( 仅供概念参考) ZENDAI HOTEL YINStudy Room书房 Antique Shelf多宝格参考明代多宝格式样,设计一个小型的多宝格,放置各种珍玩。Reference Ming t
45、reasure shelves (cabinet of curiosities) to design a display shelf for treasures Jade Inkstone玉砚 Jade Royal Seal玉玺 to show the important status of the guests.设计玉玺、玉砚等,象征客人尊贵身份。Artworks( Concept Only) 艺术品( 仅供概念参考) ZENDAI HOTEL YINPresidential Suite Story 总统套房故事设计灵感源于热河行宫“烟波致爽殿”的布局和装饰,给入住客人带来极致爽快之感。烟波
46、致爽殿是清朝皇帝住跸山庄期间的寝宫。建于康熙四十九年公元1710年。康熙曾说“四围秀岭,十里平湖,致有爽气”。“烟波致爽”四字正体现了康熙皇帝当时那种恬静愉悦的心境。Based on the Re He Palace, which provides an atmosphere of breezy comfort.ZENDAI HOTEL YINGuest Room Floor Pattern Concept (15-17F)客房地板图案设计(十五至十七楼)中国隐逸文化禅隐道隐学隐居隐御隐茶馆Spa+Gym书院及商务中心客房总统套房禅Zen道淡泊宁静内藏乾坤行宫ZENDAI HOTEL YIND
47、esign ThemeGourd设计主题葫芦In ancient Chinese culture, the gourd represents the soul and is also an image representing the spirit. 中国古老文化中,葫芦是灵魂的象征,精神的图腾。This pattern is located at the “belly” of the suite. When the customers walk past the pattern, they can connect with the energy of the gourd, so their
48、body, mind, and soul can be energized, balanced, and enlightened. 葫芦图案位在整间客房的“肚脐”,客人走过此处图腾,能连接葫芦的能量,让身、心、灵得到滋养、平衡和升华。 ZENDAI HOTEL YINFloor Pattern地板图案ZENDAI HOTEL YIN The Symbol of Floor Pattern 地板图案的象征意义The gourd: Represents life, health, health maintenance, good fortune, prosperity, and strength.
49、 葫芦:象征生命、健康、养生、福禄、力量 The Fuxi Nvwa creation myth, customs, and the sun and moon: Represents the origin of life, the rising sun and moon, the passing of the seasons, and the harmony of yin and yang. 伏羲女娲创世神话、日月:象征生命的起源;象征日升月落,春秋更替、阴阳交泰的和谐 Rivers: Represent the origin of civilization. 河水:象征文明的起源 Starr
50、y Skies: Represent the profoundness of history and the mysteries of the universe. 星空:象征历史的深邃和宇宙的神秘 The Four Symbols: Represent directions. The gourd head is facing the East and the East is considered wood. The sun rises from the East, representing the prosperity of all living things. 四象:象征方位。葫芦蒂头朝向东
51、方,东方属木,日出东方,象征万物兴旺勃发。 ZENDAI HOTEL YIN游泳池概念 Swimming Pool Concept中国隐逸文化禅隐道隐学隐居隐御隐茶馆Spa+Gym书院及商务中心客房总统套房禅Zen道淡泊宁静内藏乾坤行宫ZENDAI HOTEL YINDesign Theme设计主題 Heavenly Pool Fairyland天池幻境The heavenly pool is from Chinese legends and is a place where spiritual creatures or immortals go to swim and frolic. In
52、the pool there are natural rocks, deity beasts, and immortal dragons. The clear pool water with rippling blue waves reflects the clouds in the sky. The pool represents the mystery and fantasy of the East. 天池历来是中国传说中自然灵物或神仙游泳嬉戏的地方。有自然岩石,有天然神兽,有仙人神龙,池水清澈,碧波荡漾,倒影天光云影,带有东方神秘梦幻色彩。 ZENDAI HOTEL YINDesign
53、Principles设计原则The core design concept is “heavenly pool.” Traditional Chinese cultural elements, characteristic of traditional heavenly pools are integrated in the spatial design, shape, tile pattern designs, decorative sculpture designs, and color design of the pool. The hotel logo is also creative
54、ly utilized, combining reality and fantasy, movement with stillness, and light with dark. Through the elements of light and shadows, a futuristic water world with traditional Chinese qualities is created. 以“天池幻境”为核心设计概念,在泳池空间设计、形状设计、瓷砖图案设计、装饰雕塑设计、色彩设计等方面融入传统天池所需的中国文化元素,并可创意运用酒店的LOGO图案,将虚实、动静、明暗有机结合,
55、运用光、影元素,营造一个具有中国古典神韵的未来水世界。ZENDAI HOTEL YIN The “Realm of Immortals in Peach Blossom Spring”桃源仙境图 Location装饰位置the pool floor泳池池底Deco Method 装饰手法Simplify “Realm of Immortals in Peach Blossom Spring” by Qiu Ying as the basic background, by removing the human figures and houses, forming an entirely new
56、 picture. 简化仇英桃源仙境图,挖去其中人物房屋图案等,完成一幅以蓝色为主色的新画面。2. Mosaic tiles are used to create the new picture at the floor of the pool, allowing swimmers to experience the feeling of swimming amidst immortal mountains. 烧制马赛克,按照新画面拼砌图案,铺设池底。 Deco Suggestion装饰建议ZENDAI HOTEL YIN Stones 石头Location装饰位置 the west of t
57、he pool 泳池西侧地面和墙面Deco Method 装饰手法 Stones shaped like mountain tops adorn the floors and walls, creating an atmosphere of immortal mountains surrounding the pool. 放置一些切割成山峰形状的原石石材,营造池上有仙山的意境。The stone mountain materials, colors, and reflection effects are referenced from the New Suzhou Museum.山石石材、颜色
58、,倒影效果参考苏州新博物馆。 Stone Design( Concept Only) 石头设计(仅供概念参考) ZENDAI HOTEL YIN Five Colored Clouds 五色祥云 Location装饰位置 the ceiling and the wall of the pool 天花板和泳池空阔墙面 Deco Method 装饰手法 The cloud patterns are taken from the “Realm of Immortals in Peach Blossom Spring, and painted on the ceiling and the wall o
59、f the pool. Colorful lights are also placed on the ceiling and wall, giving the effect of blue, red, yellow, black, and white clouds. 提取桃源仙境图中的祥云图案,绘制在天花板和泳池部分墙面上。在天花板和墙面设计彩色灯光,呈现青赤黄黑白五色祥云效果。 ZENDAI HOTEL YINMetal “Dragon” Sculpture金属瑞兽雕塑Location装饰位置 Surround the Pool泳池周边Deco Method 装饰手法 Metal sculptures are arranged to The five elements and fengshui theories be
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