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1、初一英语第一学期期末练习题 (来自网络)同学们,期末考试就要到了,在考试之前,你想试一试这套试题吗? 它一定会帮你取得期末好成绩。一词汇你本学期学了许多英语单词。请你根据表格中所给的提示词,把下面这些单词分别写在不 同的栏目里。Ping-pong, biology, English, pants, hamburger, white, broccoli,Chinese, shirt, black, basketball, coat, egg, volleyball你还能想起同类的单词吗?请你把它写在补充栏里。类别 food 食品clothes 服装sports 运动colors 颜色subjec

2、ts 学科分类补充二选择填空( ) 1. “Where does your pen pal Simon live?” “He livesOttawa, Canada.”A. inB. onC. to( ) 2. “Whatsfavorite subject?”“My favorite subject is math.”A. herB. hisC. your( ) 3. Every morning, Ia shower before breakfast.A. getB. takeC. do( ) 4. “When is your mothers birthday?” “Its.”A. ten o

3、clockB.SaturdayC. December 19th.( ) 5. “What time does Alice usually get up?“Sheat six.”A. gets upB.get upC. is getting up( ) 6. “you want to go to a movie?”“Yes, I do.”A. AreB. DoC. Can( ) 7. “This T-shirt is beautiful.is it?” “Its fifty dollars.”A. How oldB. How muchC. How many( ) 8. I think this

4、kind of movie is interesting,my friends dont like it.A. butB. andC. so( ) 9. “Why dont you like history?” “Because I think its.”A. interestingB. excitingC. boring( )10. Look! The children arethe school bus.A. talking toB. listening toC. waiting for三方框选词(10 分)读下面两段对话,根据对话内容从方框中选择适当的单词填空。games,doispla

5、yConversation One:John: Hello, Jack. Lets play computer (1). Jack: That sounds fun. But I dont have a computer. John: Well, do you have a volleyball?Jack: Yes, I (2).John: Then lets play volleyball.Jack: Oh, volleyball (3)so difficult. John: Well, we can (4)football.Jack: All right. Lets go.brothere

6、atingaunthomeworkwhereshoppingConversation Two:Alice: I have some new photos of my family. This is my sister. Mark: (1)is she? Is she at the library?Alice: No, shes in the living room. She is doing her homework.And thats my (2).Mark: Is he doing his (3), too?Alice: No, hes seeing his an action movie

7、 on TV and (4)french fries, and this is a picture of my (5)and my mother atHuaxing Clothing store. They really like(6).四连词成句(10 分)go to school, on Sunday, doesnt, Jim .play chess, cant, my mother .favorite color, is, her, what ?is, my English book, where ?at school, has lunch, Miss Li, usually .五对话排

8、序(10 分)这是 Nancy 和 Nick 的一段对话。请你根据对话内容,把它们连接起来,并在括号内填上相应的字母。Nancy( B) What sports do you like? () 1. Why do you like it?() 2. do you want to play it now? () 3. What movie?() 4. But I dont think so. Thrillers are usually boring and scary.() 5. I like comedies.NickSorry, I dont. I want to go to a movie

9、.I like basketball.What kind of movies do you like, then?Because its exciting.Sleepless Night. Its a thriller and its interesting.Oh, I like comedies, too.六阅读理解(30 分)(A)根据上面短文内容,判断正误, 正确的写 T,错误的写 F (5 分) Everyone likes the idea of early morning classes. Hilmi says there are no buses early in the mor

10、ning. Hwa-Jeong does a lot of things in the morning. Isabel goes Jogging in the morning. Hilmi watches TV in the morning.根据短文内容,回答问题,用方框里的词填空,把答案写在横线上。( 5 分) Who checks email in the morning? Who likes the idea of early morning? Who needs a lot of coffee in the morning? Who likes to watch TV at night

11、? Who gets up at 5:00 in the morning?(B)根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的写 T, 错误的写 F(5 分) Youth hostels are cheap. Many foreign students stay at hostels. All hostels offer single rooms. There are youth hostels in 100 countries. Most hostels have libraries. Most hostels have shared kitchens.根据短文内容, 选择正确答案(5 分)Hostels

12、are.libraries.B. kitchensC. hotelsInexpensive means.A. 昂贵的B. 便宜的C. 多数的What is the main idea in the first paragraph?Sightseeing is expensive.Traveling is fun.Most people can afford a youth hostel vacation.What is the main idea in the second paragraph?Hostels are places where people share rooms.Hostel

13、s help you understand people from other countries.Students usually stay at hostels.(C)下面是动物园大门前的广告,请阅读这个广告,并回答广告后面的问题。( 10 分)() 1. How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven.() 2. A child under 12 can go to the zoo.with a ticket of $1.00with a ticket of $2.00fr

14、eely() 3. Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10, how much are the tickets together?A. $2.00B. $3.00C. $4.00() 4. Which of the following is the visiting time?8:00 a. m. Monday.9:30 a. m. Friday.3:00 p. m. Sunday.() 5. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?To

15、 give some food to the fish.To take a few nice photos.To throw things everywhere.七、Please read the ad careful请ly你. 仔细阅读下面的招聘广告。假如你是李刚,你想要应聘,请你根据招聘广告中的要求,在表格空白处至少填出两项你所 能做的事情。并根据表格中的所有信息,发一封 e-mail, 介绍你的个人情况、兴趣爱好及能力。字数 4060。信的开头、结尾已给出。NameLi GangAge13SchoolNo. 1 Middle Schoollikereading, computers, p

16、laying basketballcanDear sir:I want to join your Winter Camp to help the children with sports and music. My I think I can be good with the children and I hope to get your letter soon.Yours, Li Gang参考答案与解析:一、类别分类补 充food 食品hamburgerbroccolieggclothes 服装pantsshirtcoatsports 运动ping-pongbasketballvolleyb

17、allcolors 颜色greenwhiteblacksubjects 学科biologyEnglishChinese二、1. A2. C3. B4. C5. A6. B7. B8. A9. C10. Clive 是不及物动词,经常与 in 连用,表示住在某地,因此答案为 A.因为答句是“My favorite subject is math.” 所以问句一定是“Whats your favorite subject?” 故答案为 C.take a shower 是固定短语,所以答案为 B.因为问句中询问生日的日期, 回答应该是生日在哪一天 故答案为 C.问句为一般现在时,答句也应该用同样的时

18、态,而且主语是第三人称单数,故答案为 A.因为答句是 Yes, I do. 问句也应该用提问,因此答案为 B.根据答句的意思,问句应该问的是“多少钱”,英语中询问某物品多少钱用 how much. 故答案为 B.前后两句话的意思有了转折,应该用 but 把两个句子连起来,因此答案为 A.根据问句是意思,答句应该阐述自己不喜欢历史的原因, interesting 和 exciting 都不符合题意,故答案为 C.本题根据句子末尾的 bus, 应该判定学生们正在等公共汽车,故答案为 C.三、Conversation One: 1. games2. do3. is4. playConversatio

19、n Two: 1. Where2. brother3. homework4. eating5. aunt6. shopping本题主要考查学生判断、理解、分析的能力,应该根据上下文的意思和自己已经学习过的 知识来决定要填写的答案。例如:是根据我们已经学习过的短语 play computer games.根据上句 do you have a volleyball? 应该用 do 来回答。因为后面一句为 Is she at the library? 因此,前一句话一定是询问地点:Where is she? 因此应该选择方框中的 brother.因为题中的 Is he doing his?四Jim

20、doesnt go to school on Sunday.My mother cant play chess.What is her favorite color?Where is my English book?Miss Li usually has lunch at school.五1. D2. A3. E4. C5. F六(A)1. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. C7. B8. C9. C10. B根据文章中 Hilmi 和 Hwa 说:I cant catch a bus at that time of the morning. 和 A morning class woul

21、d be no good for me. 故答案为 F.根据文章中 Hilmi 说 I cant catch a bus at that time of the morning.与问题中的句子意思不符,因此答案为 F.Isabel 在文章中说: A 7:00 class would be perfect for me. 故答案为 B.因为文章中说: I always have several cups of coffee.故答案为 C.(B) 1. T2. T3. F4. F5. F6. T7. C8. B9. C10. A文章的第一段主要向读者提出 Sightseeing abroad ca

22、n be expensive. But there is one type of International vacation almost anyone can afford. Why not travel with a group of friends and Its a friendly, inexpensive type of hotel.因此本题答案为 T.由根据文章中的 Hostels are found in 70 countries around the world. 得出: 本题答案为 T.根据文章中的 In hostels, several people share a r

23、oom togethermostly students from different countries. 得出: 本题答案为 F.文章说: Hostels are found in 70 countries around the world. 因此本题答案为 F.文章说: Some hostels have cafeterias and libraries.因此,本题答案为 F.文章的最后一说: Most just have a kitchen and everyone prepares meals there together.大多数的旅店有一个厨房,大家在一起做饭. 因此,本题答案为 T

24、.根据文章中的 What is a hostel? It s a friendly, inexpensive type of hotel.因此,本题答案为T.根据全篇文章的意思: hostel 这种旅店几个人合住一个房间, 大家共用一个厨房, 而且几乎每个人都能负担得起,因此, 本题答案为 B.文章的第一段主要向读者提出建议:有一种国际性的旅游几乎任何人都能负担得起,并 建议读者和朋友一起入住这样的国际旅店。因此,本题答案为 C。本段主要解释单词 hostel, 在这种旅店中, 这种旅店几个人合住一个房间, 因此, 本题答案为 A.(C) 1. B2. C3. B4. C5. Btalk ab

25、out: 谈论,谈到广告中提到 Indian elephants tigers bears monkeys dogs giraffes 六种动物. 因此, 本题答案为 B.在 Tickets 一栏中有: Under 12 Free. Under 12 的意思是十二岁以下的儿童, Free 的意思是: 免费. 因此, 本题答案为 C.在 Tickets 一栏中我们读到: Grownups: $ 2.00; 成人 票价为$ 2.00; Children: Over 12$1.00; 十二岁以上儿童的票价为$1.00, 因此, 本题答案为 B.visiting time: 参观时间; Opening

26、 time: 开园时间 在 Opening time 一栏中我们读到 : 9:00a.m4:00p.m; except (除了)Friday 10:00a.m.3:00p.m.意思是: 星期五是上午 10:00 到下午 3:00 开门, 其它日子是上午 9:00 到下午 4:00 开门. A. 8:00 a. m. Monday. 和 B. 9:30 a. m.Friday. 都不属开门时间, 因此, 本题答案为 C.Keep the zoo clean! 保持园内清洁; Do not touch, give food or go near the animals. 不准触摸动物, 不准向动物

27、投食物或走近动物. 文中没有提到不准拍照, 因此, 本题答案为 B.七、Dear sir,I want to join your Winter Camp to help the children with sports and music.My name is Li Gang. I am thirteen(years old). I study/am a student in No. I Middle School. I like reading and playing basketball. I like computers, too. I can surf the Internet and

28、 send emails.I think I can be good with the children and I hope to get your letter soon. Everyone likes the idea of early morning classes. Hilmi says there are no buses early in the morning. Hwa-Jeong does a lot of things in the morning. 4Isabel goes Jogging in the morning.5Hilmi watches TV in the m

29、orning.北 京 四 中年级:初 一 科目:英 语编稿老师:戴淑华 审稿老师:李俊和责 编: 陈彪初一英语上学期期末综合试题(一) 笔试部分一、语音。A、在下列各组词中,选出一个与其它三个读音不同的单词,将字母代号写在前面括号中。 ()1. A. yesB. jeepC. treeD. meet()2. A. nameB. haveC. gradeD. cake ()3. A. boxB. notC. noD. clock()4. A. muchB. butC. cupD. excuse ()5. A. thisB. likeC. fineD. nine()6. A. schoolB. t

30、ooC. goodD. afternoon()7. A. helloB. heC. twelveD. seven()8.A. whoB. whatC. whereD. white()9. A. theyB. thoseC. thinkD. that()10. A. booksB. cupsC. mapsD. bananasB、根据划线部分的读音,将下列单词归类。goodbyecarbirdschoolrulersecretveryninegamegirlmeetbananaelevenhave mancakethatthirteenclasswhoteachereggfivethey1.a:

31、2.: 3.u: 4.i: 5.e 6. 7.ai 8.ei C、根据音标写单词。What class are you in? Im in Classtu:.Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,tu:.Excuse me, wheres my pen? Sorry, I dontnu.Are these English books?nu, they arent. hu: is that man? He is Mr. Green. wtare these? They aremps.Whats yourneim?mai name is Tom.Howuld is

32、he? He is onlyf:二、英汉词组互译。一所中学 一辆英国轿车 3在学校 4多大年纪 5给你 6对不起 7用英语 8在二班 Number 337 bus Thats all right. I think at home very old 三、从方框中选词用其适当形式填空。go home, hello, over there, look like, how old, cant find, its time to, excuse me, give to, let me seeWhere is my pen? Iit. . Whats the time, please?Its seven

33、oclock.go to school.Its six oclock. I mustnow.This is Jims ruler. Pleaseithim. , Mike. Look at these flowers.Where are the balls? They are, under the tree.Whats the time, please?. Its four twenty.Lucy and Lilytheir mother. is your father? Hes about forty.四、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。Whats the time, please?Letse

34、e. Its two thirty. (I)Are these Lilys shoes?Yes, they are. (she)Is thisNo, its notwatch?(you). (I)Its. (Jim)What colour are your(shoe)? They are black.What are those?They are(bus). They are new(one). is this car ? (who)Its(Mr. Green).五、按括号中要求转换各句子。The woman in the blue skirt is my mother. (就划线部分提问)I

35、 can see a map on the wall. (改成一般疑问句)What colour are your trousers?(写出回答)Whats this? Its a box.(改成复数)The trees are on the hill.(就划线部分提问)Whos your English teacher?(按实际情况回答)I can find my bike.(改成否定句)What are those? They are buses.(改成单数)六、从右栏中找出左栏各句的恰当答语。( )1. Whose shirt is this?A. Thank you.( )2. How

36、 do you do?B. The one in the black car.( )3. Is she in Team Two?C. Its eleven.( )4. Whats the time?D. How do you do?( )5. What row are you in?E. Shes Mr. Reads daughter. ( )6. Can you see a bird in the tree?F. They are black.( )7. Whos that girl?G. Its Bills.( )8. What colour are your shoes?H. Yes,

37、she is. ( )9. Sit down, please.I. Im in Row Five. ( )10. Which man is your friend?J. No, I cant.七、选择填空。( )1. Those are not Toms balls. They are.A. our B. ours C. we D. us( )2. Is thisblouse? No, it isnt.A. she B. hers C. her D. shes( )3. is your brother? Hes twelve.A. How B. Who C. Which D. How old(

38、 )4. Hi, Lucy, is Lily? Sorry, she isnt at home.A. in B. at C. on D. of( )5. These are your clothes. Puton, please.A. they B. their C. them D. it( )6. everyone here? No, Han Meimei isnt here.A. Are B. is C are D. Is( )7. Who isduty today? I am.A. on B. in C. at D. of( )8. This is Jims kite, please.A

39、. give it to his B. give it for himC. give it to him D. give it to he( )9. Is Kate in Class One or in Class Two? .A. Yes, she is B. No, she isntC. Yes, she is in Class Two D. Shes in Class Two( )10. Whose bikes are these? They are.A. the twins B. the twins C. twins D. twins( )11. Its 7:30 in the mor

40、ning. Its time to.A. go to bed B. go home C. go to school D. get up( )12. can you see in the picture? I can see a boat.A. What B. Where C. How D. Which( )13., Miss Gao. Whats this in English?A. Sorry B. All right C. Excuse me D. Thats all right.( )14. This isapple. Itsred apple.A. a, a B. a, an C. a

41、n, a D. an, an( )15. That isold man.old man is my grandpa.A. an, an B. an, The C. the, an D. an, a八、根据上下文补全对话。Li Min: Hello! How are you?Lcuy:1, thank you.Li Min: Are you Lily?Lucy: No,2Lucy.Li Min: Sorry. You3Lily look45. Is Lily here, too?Lucy: No, she is not6school today. Li Min:7is she?Lucy: She

42、s not well today.Li Min: Where is she?8she at home now? Lucy: I9she is.Li Min: Look!10that girl over there? Thats Lily! Hi, Lily, how _11you?Lucy: Im12now. Thank you.九、完型填空。That car _1_ there. _2_ number is 607246. My bag is _3_ that car. Its a nice bag. _4_ bag _5_ there. Its here. Im sorry. I _6_

43、know where your bag is. Is it in _7_ school?You think hard (努力地). Where it is? You can ask Mr Zhang. Maybe (或许) _8_ knows.( ) 1. A. areB. amC. isD. /( ) 2. A. ItB. itsC. ItsD. Its( ) 3. A. inB. atC. onD. /( ) 4. A. HeB. heC. HisD. his( ) 5. A. isB. isnt C. inD. at( ) 6. A. notB. doC. noD. dont( ) 7. A. youB. yourC. ID. she( ) 8. A. IB. youC. sheD. he十、完成下列句子。This is a.(一辆绿色吉普车)These are.(红苹果)What are those? They are.(黑色轿车)This is a p


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