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1、第十讲 广告翻译Lesson 10 Translation of Advertisements20131广告的功能商业广告语的特点广告用语的修辞格2广告,就是广而告之,即广泛地告知公众某种事物的宣传活动。“advertise”一词源于拉丁语advertere,意为“唤起大众对某种事物的注意,并诱导于一定的方向所使用的一种手段。”3广告的功能 Functions报道功能 informative唤起需要的功能 evocative说服功能 persuasive促使行动功能 prompting扶植信用 credit-winning4商业广告词牙好,胃口就好,身体倍儿棒,吃嘛嘛香。 出自: 蓝天六必治

2、要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。 出自: 大宝 晶晶亮,透心凉! 出自: 雪碧 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。 出自: 钻石戒指 小身材,大味道。 出自: Kisses巧克力 牛奶香浓,丝般感受。 出自: 德芙巧克力 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。 出自: 雀巢咖啡 农夫山泉,有点甜! 出自: 农夫山泉洗啊洗啊洗澡澡,宝宝金水少不了。滴一滴啊泡一泡,没有蚊子没虫咬。 出自:宝宝金水5Just do it. (Nike)The taste is great. (Nestle)Good to the last drop. (Maxwell)Obey your thirst. (Sprite)The new digital

3、 era. (Sony)Impossible made possible. (Canon)Take time to indulge. (Nestle ice-cream)Ask for more. (Pepsi)Intelligence everywhere. (Motorola)Lets make things better. (Philips)6广告口号的语体特点喜用口语化色彩较为鲜明的短词,特别是一些简短的动词和形容词。如:come, go, get, use, know, look, taste, feel, do, buy, take, love, have; good, fine,

4、 real, rich, special, great等,这些词经济实用、朗朗上口、易记易传。Good teeth, good health.Tides in, dirts out!Just do it!The taste is great!Ask for more!72. 多用自造的新词、故意拼错的单词以及各种缩略词语和复合词,以增强广告的吸引力和趣味性。We know eggsactly how to tell eggs.fruiceKrispyMilkaTWOGETHERThe ultimate all inclusive one price sun-kissed holiday.83.

5、 多用简单句、祈使句、主动句、省略句和比较句。这类句式简洁明快、易懂易记,且具有引导力和号召力。Its the taste! Apple thinks different.Things go better with Coca-Cola.Always buy Chesterfield.Take TOSHIBA, take the world.Obey your thirst!A Kodak moment!94. 否定句少广告语篇中否定句的寥若晨星。偶然出现的否定句往往从反面肯定某商品或服务的优良品质或功能。这类句子形式上是否定句,实际上语义往往比肯定句还要强烈。We would never sa

6、y the new Audi 100 is the best in its class, we dont have to.我们绝不会说新型奥迪100是同类车中最好的。没有说的必要。If you cant relax here, you cant relax.此地不放松,无处能放松。105. 广告英语十分注重语言的美感,为此几乎动用了所有能用到的修辞手段,使得大部分广告在口语化的基调上平添了许多文学色彩,大大提高了广告及产品的品味和吸引力,强化了其传播功能。Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. (劳力士手表广告) 拟人Im More satisfied!

7、 (摩尔香烟广告) 双关We take no pride in prejudice. (公益广告) 头韵、仿拟Double delicious. Double your pleasure. (食品广告) 重复Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony. (索尼相机广告) 头韵,尾韵A contemporary classic. A timeless timepiece. (手表广告) 矛盾修辞法Youll never put a better bit of butter on your knife. (黄油广告) 头韵Not all cars are c

8、reated equal. (三菱汽车) 仿拟11翻译技巧巧用四字Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。Start ahead. (Rejoice)成功之路,从”头“开始。Intelligence everywhere. (Ericsson)智慧演绎,无处不在。Your future is our future. (香港汇丰银行)与您并肩,迈向明天。122. 音韵和谐The Globe brings you the world in a copy. (Globe)环球在手,纵览全球。A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play.

9、一日一块玛斯巧克力,令你工作玩乐不知疲!FIYATA Watch, Once Possess, Nothing More is Expected.“飞亚达”表,一旦拥有,别无所求!Show your true colors. (Kodak film)柯达胶卷,本色尽显!133. 巧用修辞Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony. (索尼相机广告)超保真,超好玩,超时尚,只有索尼。Apple thinks different.苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。Mosquitoes bye bye bye! (Radar)蚊子杀杀杀!A diamond lasts

10、forever. (De Bierres)钻石恒久远,一颗永流传!144. 增补词语Elegance is an attitude. (Longines)优雅态度,真我性格。Beyond your imagination. (Korean Air)意想不到的天空。Be good to yourself. Fly Emirates. (阿联酋航空)纵爱自己,纵横万里。Prepare to want one. (Hyundai Motor)众望所归,翘首以待。155. 语言简洁Fresh up with 7-up. 喝七喜,爽!Things go better with Coca-Cola. 喝可

11、口可乐,万事可乐!The choice of a new generation. (Pepsi)新一代的选择。The relentless pursuit of perfection. (Lexus)不懈追求完美。(凌志汽车)Cant beat the real thing. (Coca-Cola)挡不住的诱惑。Designed for life. (Simens)设计演绎生活。16Try!Tastes too good for words. (food)其味无穷,妙不可言。If its on, its in. (Radio Program)最新消息,随时播报。Connecting peopl

12、e. (Nokia)沟通人与人。/沟通无阻。Keep exploring. (BenQ-Simens)无限探索。/探索无止境。A business in million. A profit in pennies.百万生意,毫厘盈利。With Samsung, its not that hard to imagine.有三星,想象不停。Crunchy Wheat, nicely sweet! (Wheats)香香脆脆好滋味!A taste of paradise! (Bounty)天堂的味道!17英语广告中的修辞格1.语义修辞格 (比喻、拟人、夸张、双关、矛盾修辞法、仿拟)Breakfast w

13、ithout orange juice is like a day without sunshine. (juice)没有橘汁的早晨犹如没有阳光的日子。Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. (hot spa)轻如拂面春风,柔如天上浮云。You can spread your wings with Open Studies.开放大学让你展翅翱翔。Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. (Rolex)不像我,我的劳力士从不需要休息。Weve hidden a garden full of vegetables where y

14、oud never expect. In a pie. (pie)您绝不会想到我们藏下了满园的蔬果在小小的馅饼里。18Ask for More. (摩尔香烟)摩尔香烟,多多益善。/再来一支,还是摩尔。I am More satisfied. (摩尔香烟)摩尔香烟,我更喜欢/满意。Youll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux.纳克斯坚果让你爱不释“口”。A contemporary classic. A timeless timepiece. (watch)当代的经典作,永恒的计时器。Coke refreshes you like no other can.

15、 可口可乐,夺“罐”清爽!19Better late than the late.晚了总比完了好。All is well that ends well. (cigarette)烟蒂好,烟就好。East or west, Hangtian is best.城乡路万千,路路有航天。We take no pride in prejudice.持偏见,不光荣。202. 句法修辞格 (对偶、对照、排比、回环、顶针、重复)Once tasted, always loved. (food)一次品尝,永远喜欢。She works while you rest. (washing machine)她工作,你休息

16、。Double delicious. Double your pleasure. (food)双份美味,双份愉悦。Extra Taste. Not extra Calories. 美味加倍,热量不加倍。No problem too large. No business too small.问题再大都能解决,生意再小也要承接。21The choice is yours. The honor is ours.任君选择,倍感荣幸。A business in million. A profit in pennies.百万生意,毫厘盈利。We fresh-roast each of our mixed

17、nuts separatelyeach for the right time, each at the right temperature.我们分别烤制每一份混合果仁,时间刚刚好,温度刚刚好。We dont just want you to clean your teeth. We want to help you keep them.我们不仅帮您洁齿,还愿帮你护齿。22Moms depend on Kool-Aid like kids depend on moms.宝贝依赖妈咪,妈咪依赖果乐。The driver is safer when the road is dry; the road

18、 is safer when the driver is dry.道路无水,司机安全;司机无酒,道路安全。To the end of the earth and to the top of the world. Only two of us have made it. Its the only thing thats been on all the trips with me and its never once let me down. (Rolex)天涯海角,世界屋脊,唯有我俩一起。它是陪我经历所有旅程的唯一伴侣,从未让我失望。233. 音韵修辞格 (alliteration, consonance, assonance,rhyme)Big thrills. Small bills.莫大的激动,微小的费用。Youll never put a better bit of butter on your knife. (Country Life Butter)您餐刀上一道最地道的味道。Hi-fi, hi-fun, hi-fashion, only from Sony.超保真,超好玩,超时尚,只有索尼。24国际著名商标:汽车BMW 宝马Rolls-Royce 劳斯莱斯Porsche 保时捷Honda 本田Citroen 雪铁龙Benz


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