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1、QQ: 43779321翻译课的目的2翻译3翻译的性质什么是翻译?科学?艺术? 技能? 学科? 视角的不同可以导致对翻译性质认识的差异。 4I saw thee weepByronI saw thee weepThe big bright tearCame over that eye of blueAnd then I thought it did appearA violet dropping dew5我见过你哭晶莹的泪珠从蓝眼睛滑落像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰滴下清透的露6我见过你哭,晶莹的泪珠,挂在蓝色的双目,就像一朵紫罗兰沾满晨露。7我看过你哭一滴明亮的泪 涌上你蓝色的眼珠; 那时候,我心想

2、,这岂不就是 一朵紫罗兰上垂着露; -査良铮8有无相生,being and non-being interdepend in growth,难易相成,Difficult and easy interdepend in completion,长短相形,Long and short interdepend in contrast,高下相倾,High and low interdepend in position,音色相和,Tones and voice interdepend in harmony,前后相随。Front and behind interdepend in company.9两种语言

3、: Original / Source languageTarget Language译者任务:处理两种语言之间的关系10内容与功能的传达通常情况下,译出原文的内容,也就传达了原说话者、作者的意图,或者说体现了他所说的这句话的功能。This is a book.这是一本书。11您过奖了。You are overprizing me.Thank you.You really flatter me.你真的拍我马屁。过奖了。你真的太抬举我了。/你可真的过高估计了我。12翻译的首要目标翻译的首要目标是传达原文的功能,在保证功能一致的情况下,求其内容的一致。在极少情况下,二者发生矛盾时,则舍其内容。13

4、风格的再现California is earthquake country. 加利福尼亚是地震区。加利福尼亚那一带地震可多着呢。14Your information would be appreciated as to the discount for an order of 8,000 pairs of the leather shoes.敬请告知订购8000双皮鞋的折扣。15 (1) What does the author say? (内容) (2) What does he mean? (说话者意图,即言语功能) (3) How does he say it? (风格)16“译即易,

5、谓换易言语使相解也.” (唐贾公彦义疏)17Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) be equivalent textual material in another language(TL).-(Catford)18Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor/target language, the closest natural equivalent of the source l

6、anguage message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.-Eugene A. Nida, 196919 翻译是一种创造性的工作,好的翻译等于创作,甚至还可能超过创作。 -郭沫若20 翻译是作为跨语交际的中间环节的、以语言符号的转换为手段、以原文功能、内容与风格的尽可能完整的传达为目标的言语、思维活动。21翻译的分类22按所涉及两种代码的性质份分(language symbols invovled)Intralingual translation (语内翻译):同一种语言间不同语言变体的翻译Interl

7、ingual translation (语际翻译):不同语言间的翻译Interseniotic translation (语符翻译):用非文字符号解释文字符号23按翻译题材分(subject of translation)实用翻译 (specialized-subject translation)文学翻译 (Literary translation)24homework1. President Obama says he wont waste time with critics who think its better to kill his healthcare plan than to improve it.2. The dishes from Chinese cuisine are meant to be both visually appealing and flavorsome.3. It was an old


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