酒店客房精细化管理和细微服务之二 课件_第1页
酒店客房精细化管理和细微服务之二 课件_第2页
酒店客房精细化管理和细微服务之二 课件_第3页
酒店客房精细化管理和细微服务之二 课件_第4页
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1、 酒店客房精细化管理与细微服务(二) 一.客人入住之前服务要点 (1)接到预订信息后,及时联系前台安排好客人喜好的房间。 (2)查询客人的相关客史档案,了解该客人的个性化服务信息,提 前对房间进行个性化布置。 (3)确认客人上次住店时有无遗留物品或寄存物品,如有则主动送 入房间摆好,如是重要的常客,则还应准备印有客人姓名的浴 袍、信封信纸等专用物件,使客人在进入房间时倍感亲切。二.客人入住服务要点 (1)准备香巾茶水送入房间。 (2)如为VIP熟客则应提前在通道等候客人。 (3)客人到达楼层时,楼层服务人员应以客人的姓氏称呼客人, 欢迎客人的再次光临; (4)对于较为熟悉的常客,在不打扰客人的

2、前提下,由客人认识 或熟悉的服务人员也一同到场,让客人进一步有回家的感 觉,进而向客人征询服务意见和服务要求; (5)接待的时间要掌握得当,在服务完成后应及时退出房间,以 免影响客人休息,同时将客人吩咐的各项服务事项作认真记 录并交接到相关岗位。三.在住期间服务要点 (1)按常、熟客人以往的作息时间对服务内容做出相应调整。 (2)在客人外出用餐时及时进房整理送上客人喜欢看的报刊。 (3)根据房间的实际情况,适时提供相应的细微服务。(4) 对于观察到的新现象,应及时将新个性信息记录在宾客档案里。(5) 客房部管理人员应在适当时机与客人交谈,如客人从通道经过时、客人早餐的闲暇时间、或专门与客人约定

3、一个交谈时间,一方面了解客人的意见和建议,另一方面加强和客人的交往加深宾我感情。四.客人离店服务要点 (1)协助退房 (2)征询意见 (3)友好送别 (4)处理好遗留物品,将有关信息及时存档对儿童客人的服务 儿童客人服务的特点: 让他们高兴就是让他们的父母更高兴!(1)入住之前 A.接到有儿童入住酒店尤其是团体入住的通知,提前了解儿童的年龄、国籍、此行目的等情况,做好准备工作。B.如果是六岁以下婴幼儿入住酒店,免费提供婴儿床。注意检查婴儿床是否有损坏,特别是床四周的栅栏是否牢固,床脚(轮)处于活动或固定状态时是否正常。C.做好房间细致卫生,特别是地毯的清洁。如为爬行阶段的婴儿,可准备报废床单,

4、待客人入住时征求意见后铺在地毯上。D.房间加入儿童澡盆、儿童衣架、儿童拖鞋等物品。给身份特殊的小客人准备简单的糖果及安全的玩具。E.在不影响起居的情况下,将带棱角的家具集中放在房间角落,给插座孔贴上绝缘胶布或插上专用保护插头,避免儿童受到碰撞或触电等危险。F.用报废的床单为儿童客人制作被单枕套绣花等等。G.幼童入住,给床铺、沙发做好保护措施,避免便溺污染。学龄童入住,适量增加纸张,避免涂鸦污染。对儿童客人的服务(2)入住当天 A.在楼层欢迎客人,对“小客人”给予真诚的赞美(可爱、伶俐 等),介绍酒店内他们感兴趣的地点及设施。 B.征求客人对房间布置的意见,尽量满足其需求。 C.蹲下来和孩子说话

5、。(迪士尼乐园)对儿童客人的服务(3)在住期间A.发现房间有奶粉B.如果是穿尿裤阶段的婴儿在房间C.发现有幼童独自在房D.发现儿童在通道或电梯内奔跑或玩耍E.如果客人需要代为照管儿童时1.安全第一2.亲切热情服务前提“教育是为美好生活作准备!” 斯宾塞Thanks!Friendship the difference in China and the WestChinese except friendships to be more lasting.Different foundations for friendships.Westerns expect friends to be indepe

6、ndent. Chinese usually expect more from their friends.Chinese except friendships to be more lasting. For Chinese a true friendship endures throughout life changes. Chinese are friends even if they havent spoken for 20 years. If you shared something at one time, then all your life you are friends. Th

7、is is the best of guanxi(关系), the Wide Web that connects Chinese through time and space. So, we can say Chinese invented the Internet long before Bill Gates was born. In North America, even the relationship in which people feel close and tell each other personal problems may not survive life changes

8、 such as moving to another city, graduation from a university or marriage. If the people do not see each other regularly, the relationship is likely to die.Different foundations for friendships. Chinese friends share “ things in common”: a task, a class, the hometown. Friendships are formed by peopl

9、e who work or go to school together. You may or may not like the person, but if he or she can do something for you because of his position or job, you can be friends. But in North America, business and friendship are kept separate. The friendships are usually tied to specific activities. A person ma

10、y have work friends and leisure (休闲时) activity friends. Also friends tend to have similar financial circumstances, because friendship in the West is based on equality.Westerns expect friends to be independent. Why? Its because their friendship is mostly a matter of providing emotional support and sp

11、ending time together, so they do not feel comfortable in a relationship in which one person is giving more and the other is dependent on what is giving. A westerner will respond to a friends trouble by asking “What do you want to do?” The idea is to help the friend to think out the problem and disco

12、ver the solution he or she really wants and then to support the solution. Chinese friends give each other more concrete help. A Chinese will use personal connections to help a friend get something hard to obtain. They give each other money and might help each other out financially over a long time.C

13、hinese usually expect more from their friends. In the West, you can certainly ask a friend to do something with you, but you recognize that your friend may say no, if he or she gives you as reason. You would not expect a friend to drop everything to respond to a non-urgent need such as shopping. Nor would you expect a friend to recognize and respond to your wishes without stating them. A friend in China is someone who offers help without waiting to be asked. There are few limits to wha


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