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1、 PAGE 页码 18 / NUMPAGES 总页数 182022五年级人教PEP版英语下学期期末学业质量监测复习班级:_ 姓名:_ 单词拼写1. 根据所给图片与首字母,在横线上填出正确单词。(1)Shedancesb_.(2)HedoesntlikePE.Hecannotjumpveryh_.(3)Heplaysbasketballw_.(4)ShelikesA_verymuch.(5)Amylikessitq_athomeonSundays.2. 看图,填入ee或ea,使单词完整。3. 根据括号里的中文意思填空。(1)_(谁的)bookisit?(2)Whatsyourfavourite_

2、(学科)。(3)Idontlikemaths,becauseits_(无趣的)。(4)-Howmanypagesarethereinthebox?-One_(一百)。(5)Peteris_(在睡觉)。4. 根据汉语提示填入所缺的字母,补全单词。1. s_art(聪明的) 2.f_nny(可笑的) 3. str_ng(强壮的) 4.t_ _ _(高的) 5. _ct_ve(活跃的) 6.qu_et(安静的)5. 看图写词。1. The girl likes_.2. I have_today.3. There is a_.4. Her father is a_.5. The girl likes_

3、.6. 补全单词。(_)1. m_p A. u B. e C. a(_)2. C_na A. ih B. hi C. ti(_)3. ci_y A. c B. s C. t(_)4. cap_t_l A. i; i B. i; a C. a; i(_)5. c_ntry A. ou B. oa C. or7. 按要求写出下列的单词。1.they(宾格)_ 2.read(过去式)_3.have(第三人称单数)_4.my(名词性物主代词)_5.white(对应词)_ 6.learn(过去式)_7.big(反义词)_ 8.spring(下一季节)_9.ate(原形)_ 10.drive(过去式)_8

4、. 看图补全单词。1.WhosyourEnglishteacher?MissWhite.Isshek_?Yes,sheis.2.Whosyourmusicteacher?Mr.Young.Isheo_?3.WhosyourEnglishteacher?Mr.Li.Ishes_?Yes,heis.填空题9. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1My father_(watch)TV now.2Look. The boy_(run).3What_your mother_(do)now?4My brother_( swim )now.5What_you_( listen ) to?6Look, Mr. Ch

5、en_( play ) football.7Tom and his sister_( wait ) for you over there.8The children_( sing )in the room.9What_Jenny and Danny_(do)now?10Lucy_( draw )a picture with her sister now.10. 根据实际情况回答问题。1What should you do when you cross the road?2Can you cross the road on a yellow light?3Must you go to schoo

6、l on time?4If you see a boy running on the stairs, what will you say to him?11. 用两种英文表达方式写出下列节日的日期。例:元旦January 1stthe first of January1植树节2青年节3教师节4圣诞节12. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Those rabbits eat_(they) carrots.2The book is not_(his).3Those shoes are_(Yifan).4Is it_(her)?Yes, its_(her) hat.13. 根据图片提示,选词填空。Wri

7、te Find Read Study CollectIm going to do some research. Im going to research wild animals.1_information.2_pictures of wild animals.3_books about wild animals.4_a report in my notebook.5_information about these wild animals.选择题14. Nobody _ me. ( )A.like B.liking C.likes15. 选不同类的单词:( )A.dear B.book C.

8、dictionary16. It _ seven oclock now. ( )A.is B.are C.am17. Whats wrong with _? ( )_ dont feel well.A.you; I B.I; you C.you; You18. Which festival comes last in the year? ( )_.A.Halloween B.ChristmasC.The Mid-Autumn Festival D.The Dragon Boat Festival句型转换19. 按要求改写句子。1Liu Tao shows us his new coat.(同义

9、句转换)Liu Tao shows his new coat_.2Whats wrong with Mike?(同义句转换)Whats_with Mike?3You cantake a busto cinema.(对句子主题意思提问)_we_to the cinema?4We should drink warm water.(改为一般疑问句)_you_warm water?5Mary often watches TVafter supper.(对句子主题意思提问)_Mary often watch TV?20. 句子转换。1You were in China for two years.(变否

10、定句)2This park is different.(变一般疑问句)3Do you like the park now?(肯定回答)4There is a big playground.(变一般疑问句)21. 改写句子。1. He isten years old.(对句子主题部分提问)_he?2. He livesin the UK.(对句子主题部分提问)_he live?3. Peter can speak Chinese.(改为否定句)4. Linda plays the piano very well.(改为一般疑问句)_Linda_very well.5. Mom is good a

11、t singing.(改为否定句)Mom_.22. 按要求完成下列各题。1. I_(吃晚饭) at 6 oclock.2. I_(散步) at 7 oclock.3. of, sounds, that, lot, fun, like, a (.)(连词成句)4. I do morning exercisesat 7 oclock(对句子主题意思提问)5. Iclean my roomon Saturdays.(对句子主题意思提问)23. 按要求完成下列句子。1. There are a lot of pianos on the island. (变成否定句)2. There is a bird

12、 in the tree.(变成复数句子)3. There are some apples in your bag. (改为一般疑问句)4. There isnt any bread in the fridge. (译成汉语)5. on, are, the, houses, of, There, island, lots . (连词成句)阅读理解24. 阅读对话,判断正误。Zip: What do you do on the weekend?Dog: I usually go hiking. Sometime I go shopping. But not this weekend.Zip: W

13、hy?Dog: Its going to rain this Saturday.Zoom: Really? I often play football. But I cant play this weekend.Monkey: I usually watch TV and play the piano on the weekend. But my TV doesnt work. And my piano teacher is ill.Dog: Why dont we read some books together(一起) ?My mum bought(买) some new books fo

14、r me.Zoom: Great!( )(1)Dog usually goes shopping on the weekend.( )(2)Zoom often play football on the weekend.( )(3)Monkey usually watches TV and plays sports on the weekend.( )(4)They will have a party this Saturday.( )(5)Zip sometimes goes shopping.25. 阅读下面的对话,选择正确的答案并回答问题。() (1)Is Sarah hungry?A.

15、 Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. No, he isnt. D. No, she isnt.() (2)Sarah would like at first(最初).A. some chicken and a hamburgerB. some bee and breadC. a fish sandwich and some saladD. some chicken and bread() (3)Will Sarah have some salad and a fish sandwich at last (最终)?A. Yes, she is. B. No, she

16、isnt. C. Yes, she will. D. No. she wont,(4)Whats Sarahs favourite food?(5)Is tomato salad delicious and healthy?26. 根据短文内容,选出最佳选项。Hello,ImJohn.ImanAustralianboy.IstudyinShanghai.IlikeChinaverymuchandnowIknowalotaboutChina.SpringFestivalisaChinesefestival.ItisdifferentfromourAustralianNewYear.Therear


18、wclothestovisittheirrelatives(亲戚)andsay“HappyNewYear”toeachother.IlikeSpringFestival.1Johnisfrom_.() A.Australia B.China C.England2Thereare_differentnamesforChineseyears.() A.ten B.twelve C.twenty3ChineseNewYearsEveisthe_SpringFestival.() A.morningbefore B.eveningbefore C.eveningafter4Chinesepeople_

19、beforeSpringFestival.() A.singanddance B.goshoppingandcleanthehouse5SpringFestivalandAustralianNewYearare_.() A.thesame B.different C.onthesameday27. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。There are four people in Sams family. They are Father, Mother, Lily and Sam. Next Sunday they will have a holiday. Sams father wants to

20、see the Great Wall. But his mother wants to go swimming in Qingdao. Sam and Lily are pupils. Lily wants to do her homework at home. What about Sam? He wants to see the Sea World in Sanya. They dont know where they are going.( )(1)There are five people in Sams family.( )(2)Sams father wants to see th

21、e Great Wall.( )(3)Sams mother wants to go swimming in Sanya.( )(4)Lily wants to see the Sea World in Sanya.28. 根据表格,判断句子正误。( )(1)When do you get up?I get up at 6:00.( )(2)When do you go to school?I go to school at 7:00.( )(3)When do you have English class?At 9:00.( )(4)When do you eat lunch?I eat l

22、unch at 12:00.( )(5)When do you have play sports?At 3:20 P.M.( )(6)When do you go to bed?I go to bed at 9:30 P.M.29. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容选择正确答案,并将答案的标号写在题前的括号内。Leo and his parents live at White Street, London. Leos father, Mr Smith goes to work by car in the morning. Leo and his sister Sue go to school by s

23、chool bus. They go at eight oclock. Mrs Smith stays at home every day. She does the housework. She always eat her friends. They often drink tea together. Leo and Sue go home at half past four. They have dinner at seven in the evening. Before dinner they always read books and do homework.() (1)Sue is

24、 Leos _.A. brother B. mother C. sister() (2)Mr Smith always_.A. has lunch at home B. goes to work by car C. does the housework() (3)Leo goes to school _.A. at eight B. at half past four C. by car() (4)Mrs Smith _ every day.A. read books B. visit her friends C. stays at home() (5)Where does Leo live?

25、He lives _.A. in the UK B. near the school C. in the school30. 阅读理解,选择正确的选项。Hello! My name is Nancy. I am eleven years old. Im polite and hard working. Salad is my favourite food, because its healthy for me. My favourite day is Monday. We have Chinese. maths, English and computer class on that day.

26、But we dont have English on Wednesdays or Fridays. I like English very much. Miss Sun is my English teacher. Shes clever and funny. Sometimes shes strict. She has black glasses forshort sight. She can sing English songs well. After school I can swim with my good friend, Sam. Hes a shy boy. He likes

27、sweet food. And I can draw very well. I often draw cartoons on Saturdays.() (1)Nancy is.A. clever and funny B. strict and shy C. polite and hard- working() (2)Nancy likes salad, because its.A. sweet B. fresh C. healthy() (3)Nancy has English class.A. Wednesdays B. Thursdays C. Fridays() (4)She has b

28、lack glasses for short sight. Here, short sight means(意思是).A.近视 B.矮个子 C.目光短浅() (5)Nancy oftenon Saturdays.A. sings English songs B. draws cartoons C. swims31. 阅读理解。Look, the train is stopping at a small station. A man is looking out of the window and sees a woman. She is selling cakes. The man wants to buy a cake, but he doesnt want to go out in the train. Soon, the man sees a boy. The boy is near the


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