



1、Unit 2 Poems 虚拟语气(2) 导学案 Subjunctive Mood学习目标:1.了解虚拟语气的结构。2.能正确恰当地使用虚拟语气。 = 1 * ROMAN * MERGEFORMAT I.复习巩固Q:Whats the difference between the two sentences?a)If I am free, I will visit you.b)If I were a bird, I would fly into the sky._句是虚拟条件句,表示与 _事实相反。1.Alan _ the party if he had gone to London.(_A

2、) A. would have missed B. had missed C. would miss D. Missed 2.Tom suggested that Ann _ the house.(A ) A. sell B. sold C. shall sell D. would sell D. would listenIf I were you, I _ buy the house right now. (_C_ )A. wont B. dont C. wouldnt D. cant4. If he _me tomorrow, I would let him know .( A_ )A.

3、should call B. should not have been able C. were not able D. are not able If you _had come _(come)a few minutes earlier, you _would have met_(meet) him.要是你早来几分钟的话,你就能见到他了6.If it _were_ (be )sunny tomorrow, I _would come _(come)to see you.7.If I _were_ you, I _would go _at once. 假如我是你的话,我会马上走。8.If yo

4、u _should come_(come)tomorrow, you _would find_(find )the new manager working in the office.9.If the parents _had arrived_(arrive)at the hospital earlier after the accident, the child would have been saved.10.如果他早起,他就不会上学迟到。If he _had got up_ early,he would not have been late for school. = 2 * ROMAN

5、 * MERGEFORMAT II.感受新知:A. 错综时间条件句:【观察实践】If you had listened to the doctor ,you would be all right now .【归纳总结】例句中从句与主句的动作发生的时间不同:从句与_过去_ 相反,主句与_现在_相反,动词的形式要根据他所表示的时间作相应的_调整_。【即境运用】11.If they _had studied_ hard, they _could finish_ it easily now.要是他们努力学习,他们现在会很容易完成它。12.If it _had rained _(rain) last n

6、ight ,the ground _would be _(be) wet now .13.You _would be (be) much better now if you _had taken _(take) my advice .B.虚拟语气的其他用法 = 1 * GB2 * MERGEFORMAT .Its (high/about) time +that.【观察实践】Its high time that you had supper. b.Its high time that you should have supper.【归纳总结】Its (high/about) time +that

7、.中的that从句用虚拟语气。从句谓语动词用_过去式_或_should +动词原形_,_should_不能省略。【即境运用】我们该去睡觉了。(go)14.Its time that we_ went to bed_.15.Its time that we_ should go to bed_. = 2 * GB2 * MERGEFORMAT It is important (necessary, strange,) that .【观察实践】a.Its important that we (should )study hard.b.It is a pity that he should have

8、 failed in the exam .【归纳总结】It is important (necessary, strange,) that .中的that从句用虚拟语气。从句谓语用_should +动词原形_ 或 _should have +过去分词_。类似用法的词还有:_natural_, _a pity_,_essential_ ,_no wonder_ 等。【即境运用】16.Its natural that she _should do _so.她这样做是很自然的。(do)17.Its necessary that we_ should have a walk_ .我们有必要出去散散步。

9、 (have) = 3 * GB2 * MERGEFORMAT 在主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句及同位语从句中【观察实践】He suggested that we (should) do the work carefully.b. He insisted that he (should) be sent there .【归纳总结】与表示请求、建议、命令、要求等意义相关的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中,谓语常用_,_可省略。常见的动词有:_suggest_,_ insist_,_order_,_demand_,_advise_,_propose_,_require_等。【拓展延伸】su

10、ggest表示_, insist表示_时,后面的从句不用虚拟语气。【即境运用】18. 判断正误:T or F. = 1 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT I insisted that you ( should) be wrong.(F ) = 2 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT I insisted that you were wrong.(T ) = 3 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT Your pale face suggests that you are ill.( T) = 4 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT You pale face suggests

11、 that you (should) be ill.( F )19.My demand is that she _should come to see me_ once a week. 我要求她每周来看我一次。( see )The man insisted that he _had not stolen_the money . 那个人坚持说他没有偷钱。 = 4 * GB2 * MERGEFORMAT As if / though【观察实践】a. He looks as if he were an artist . b.She speaks English so fluently as if s

12、he had studied English in America . c.He learns English so hard as if he would go to the USA .【归纳总结】As if / though引导的从句用虚拟语气时,如果是对现在的虚拟或与主句动作同时发生,从句谓语用_过去式_;对过去的虚拟或先于主句谓语动作发生,从句谓语用_had done_;对将来的虚拟,从句谓语用_would do_。 【即境运用】21.It seems as if it_ were_ spring. 看起来好像是春天。(2011武汉调研)Noisy as it is , he is r

13、eading attentively as if _nothing were happening_.虽然很吵,但他在专心读书,好像没事在发生一样。(happen)【拓展延伸】It sounds as if it is raining . 听起来像在下雨。当说话者认为所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时,as if从句用_语气。 = 5 * GB2 * MERGEFORMAT if only【观察实践】a.If only I were a boy ! b. If only I had seen the film ! c.If only I could see you tomorrow !要

14、是我明天能见到你就好了。【归纳总结】If only +句子=How I wish that +从句。它引导的感叹句在也要求用虚拟语气,表示愿望。表与现在相反的愿望,谓语用_;表与过去事实相反的愿望,谓语用_;表与将来相反的愿望,谓语用_。 = 3 * ROMAN * MERGEFORMAT III.实战演练1.Its important that we _should take good care of_ the patient.重要的是我们要照顾好病人。(care) 2. Without air, there _would be_ (be) no living things. 如果没有空气,

15、就不会有生物。 3.But for your help, we _would not have made _(make) such rapid progress.没有你的帮助,我们是不会取得这么快的进展的。4.Were_ittorain _(下雨)tomorrow,themeetingwouldbeputoff.(rain)5.HowIwishI_hadbeenadmittedto_ (被录取了)thekeyuniversity.(admit). 6.Look what mistakes Ive made, If only I_had followed your advice_(听你的劝告).

16、(follow)7.Itishightimethatwe_should take/took measures(采取措施)protecttheenvironment.(measure) 8.What I advise is that_you should be quiet_ .(你们要安静)。(quiet)9.(2012仙桃中学)It is a pity that he failed the exam . If he _had _concentrated on_ his handwriting ,he would have done better .很可惜他考试没有及格。如果他注意他的书写,他可

17、能做得更好。 (concentrate)10.(2012襄阳五中) -How I wish I had studied harder when I was in high school . -If you had , you _would be_a college student now .(be) -我多么希望在高中时能更努力学习啊。-如果那样,你现在就是一个大学生了。11.(2012武汉四中) When I met him in the street yesterday , he ignored me as if _he hadnt known me_.(know)昨天我在街上遇见他时,他

18、不理睬我,好像不认识我一样。12.(2012湖北卷)Had we not used an out-of-date train schedule , we _would not have missed_the train . (miss) 要不是用了一张过期的列车时刻表,我们就不会误了火车。13.(2012黄冈中学) As we didnt reach an agreement on how to save costs of the advertisement project ,the boss insisted that _another meeting (should) be held _tomorrow .(hold)由于我们在如何节省广告项目开销上未达成一致,老板坚持明天再开一次会


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