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2、利坚合众国总统作特别介绍 Now, a special introduction from the President of United States.00:23.0900:23.35晚上好 Good evening.00:24.3700:24.79两百多年前 全世界拭目以待 Over two hundred years ago, the world waited and watched to see00:28.6000:28.62美国独立 这个看似不可能的尝试能否成功 if an unlikely experiment called America would succeed00:31.9

3、800:32.52美国终于独立了 不是因为必然 也并非轻而易举 It has. Not because the success was certain, or because it was easy,00:36.6200:36.64而是因为几代美国人为了一个无比崇高的理想 but because generations of Americans dedicated their lives00:39.90奉献出了自己宝贵的生命与无上的荣耀 and the sacred honor to a cause greater than themselves.00:43.1100:43.87在历史发生巨大

4、变革时 这一点尤为突出 This has been especially true in moments of great trial00:47.2900:47.69当一群身处底层的爱国者为了争取 when a ragtag group of patriots overthrew an empire 00:50.56生存 自由与追求幸福的权利而推翻帝王统治时 to secure the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,00:53.9300:54.22当一位伊利诺伊州的扳道工 when an Illinois rail sp

5、litter00:56.0900:54.22美国前总统林肯曾在该州当过扳道工01:01.2900:56.11向我们证明无论何时 proved for all time that 00:57.79一个民有 民治 民享的政府才能长久 the government of, by and for the people would endure.01:01.2901:01.56当游行队伍以人人平等 自由和公正的名义 when marchers brave beatings on the Alabama bridge01:04.6701:04.69用有力的步伐震撼亚拉巴马大桥时 in the name o

6、f equality, freedom and justice for all.01:08.2301:08.56这些历史时刻在提醒我们 Moments like these remind us 01:09.95美国的传奇从来都不是必然 that our American stories have never been inevitable,01:12.0201:12.59它们都是由平凡的人们创造而来 those made possible by ordinary people,01:14.4901:14.51他们的道德罗盘始终指向正直与真实 who kept moral compass poi

7、nted straight and true 01:17.05纵然前途未卜 when the way seemed treacherous,01:18.7101:18.80纵然山高路险 when the climb seemed steep, 01:20.46纵然凶吉难定 when the future seemed uncertain,01:22.3501:22.85他们被誉为 people who were recognized 01:24.13美利坚精神大厦的基石 as the fundamental part of our American character.01:26.4901:2

8、6.79我们能改善自己 We can remake ourselves, 01:28.40改善我们的国家 以实现更大的梦想 and our nation to fit our larger dreams.01:30.9701:31.58今晚 通过这部纪录片 Tonight, thorough the series, 01:33.3001:33.31我希望你能受到这群卓越的男人和女人的启发 I hope youd be inspired by these extraordinary men and women,01:36.8701:37.12并且思考一下 我们这代人 and think abou

9、t how this generation 01:39.24将会如何书写伟大的美国传奇的新篇章 will write the next chapter in our great American story.01:42.5301:43.06谢谢 预祝观赏愉快 Thank you, and enjoy the show.01:44.7600:00.0000:03.0001:58.33我们是民族融合的国家 We are a land of many nations.02:01.0402:01.59我们是新世界的探索者 We are New World explorers.02:04.3802:04.99我们是团结的平民 We are the huddled masses.02:07.2402:07.68我们渴望自由 Yearning to breathe freedom,02:09.6602:09.75并为此不惧牺牲 well risk it all.02:11.3502:12.17我们敢于梦想看似不可能的梦 We have the courage to dream the impossible,


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