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1、教学内容:Section B The Third Period 设计者:蜀河初中 张大年一、教材内容分析1a2c这部分首先复习了频率副词的用法,然后运用目标语言谈论“校规”,进行听、说活动。2a一个听力活动,是从听觉感知上进一步练习1a中的句子结构。2b是通过学生的听觉活动和视觉活动,进行句子的匹配活动,进一步深入“校规”的话题。2c中通过学生进行相互交流活动谈论对“校纪校规”的观点,并练习运用should be allowed to do sth的语言结构。3a中的短文从谈论是否应该校服,对是否应该小组学习及假期时间的长短发表不同的观点,成现了本单元的语言结构和话题。二、教学目标(知识与能力

2、,情感态度与价值观)1、Knowledge objects:(1)、Key VocabularyBe strict with, take a test, pass a test, fail a test, the other day, concentrate, learn from, at present, volunteer, local(2)、Target Language I think Peter should I dont agree. I think the 2 、Ability objects:(1)、Train students listening skill.(2)、Trai

3、n students ability to talk about agreement and disagreement.3、moral objects: Its good manners to be on time.三、重点、难点1、重点 (1)、Review some key vocabularies and target language. (2)、Talk about agreement and disagreement. 2、难点 Talk about agreement and disagreement.四、教法选择与学法指导 任务型教学、小组合作学习、情景视听法五、资源准备 多媒体

4、课件、教室及相关教学资源六、教学过程Step I Revision 复习 Check the homework.Step II 1a(1)、Point to the picture. Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture. Help students to say: The boy is late for class. Invite a student to read the four questions in the box to the class.(2)、Read the instructions and re

5、mind students of the exact meanings of the adverbs of frequency.T: Please write A after things you always do, U after things you usually do, S after things you sometimes do and N for things you never do.(3)、Get students to finish the task on their own.Answers to this activity will vary.设计意图:这部分复习频度副

6、词always, sometimes, usually和never的用法。要求学生看该部分的表格,引导学生回忆自己所做的事,把下面表格中的内容与自己的实际生活对照,完成该部分的学习要求。Step III 1b(1)、Point out the sample conversation. Ask a pair of students to say it to the class. A: Do you ever get to class late? B: Yes, I sometimes get to class late. (2)、Student to talk with their partne

7、rs about their answers in Activity 1a. (3)、Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class. 设计意图:这部分要求学生运用目标语言进行口语练习。教师引导学生分小组活动,根据1a部分的表格内容进行对话交流。Step IV 2a(1)、Point out the four items in Activity 1a.(2)、Get students to a conversation and circle the things on the list that they hear.

8、Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.(3)、Play the recording a second time. This time students listen and circle the things that they hear.(4)、Check the answers. Answers: Circled items:1,4 设计意图:这部分要求学生理解目标语言在对话中的运用。播放该部分的录音,要求学生标出下表中所听到的句子。Step V 2b(1)、Point to both the numbere

9、d and lettered lists of item in the box.(2)、Point out the sample answer. Read the sentence“Peter is going to fail a math test to the class.”(3)、Play the same recording again. T: Ill play the same recording again. You are to match the sentence parts as you hear on the tape.(4)、play the recording for

10、students to do the activity.(5)、Check the answers. Answers:1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d设计意图:这部分要求学生运用目标语言进行听力方面的练习。再播放2a部分的录音,要求学生根据从录音内容中捕捉到的信息完成该部分的学习要求。Step VI 2C(1)、Call students attention to the statements in the box. Say them to the class.(2)、Ask three students to read the sample conversation to the cl

11、ass, completing the sentences.Sa: I think Peter should be allowed to take the test later.Sb: I dont agree.Sc: I think the school has to have rules. (3)、Write the conversation on the blackboard. (4)、Get students to discuss the statements with their group. (5)、Call some pairs to at it. 设计意图:这部分要求学生运用目

12、标语言进行口语练习。引导学生分小组进行小组活动,展开课堂对话交流。 Step VII 3a (1)、Show the key vocabulary words on the screen The other day 几天以前;前几天 concentrate v.集中;聚集 At present 目前;现在 Volunteer v. n.自愿;自愿服务;自愿者 Local adj.地方的;当地的 Be good for 对有益处 (2)、Say the words and have students repeat until they can pronounce them fluently an

13、d accurately. (3)、Call students attention to the article and read it to the class. (4)、Point to the five questions beneath the article. Elicit the first answer from the class.(The students think the uniforms are ugly.) (5)、Ask students to read the article again and answer the questions individually.

14、 (6)、(When students are finished.)Ask the questions orally and ask students to answer. 设计意图:这部分要求学生运用目标语言进行阅读练习。引导学生阅读该部分的短文,然后回答短文后面的问题。 VII. Summary 总结 In this class, weve learned to talk about agreement and disagreement. And weve also reviewed adverbs of frequency. VIII. Homework Have you ever be

15、en late for school? Write a passage to describe what was happening that day.七、板书设计Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section B The Third PeriodTarget Language:A:I think Peter should be allowed to take the test later.B:I dont agree.C:I think the school has to have rules.八

16、、总结及帮助(反思及改进)教学内容:Section B Self Check The Fourth Period设计者:蜀河初中 张大年一、教材内容分析3b要求运用3a中所获得的信息进行交际活动,相互询问对“校规”的观点及原因,引导学生根据实际情况,运用已学过的语言结构和已获得的信息进行交流。而4部分的活动,是给学生设置了“开办英语俱乐部”的语境,训练用should/shouldnt be allowed to do sth的语言结构,列举“英语俱乐部”的规则,进行写的训练。Self Check 这部分用来检查本单元所学的语言知识,给学生提供了更多的综合训练,特别是写的训练二、教学目标(知识与

17、能力,情感态度与价值观)1、知识与能力(1)、Key vocabularyFinish, allow, choose, need, clear up, perform, priMary(2)、Target LanguageWhat school rules do you think should be changed?Well, I think we should be allowed to wear our own clothes.Whats the reason?We would feel more comfortable and that is good for studying.Mem

18、bers should be allowed to use dictionaries.Yes, but they should only use English-English dictionaries. 2、情感态度与价值观 (1)、Volunteering is good experience for future jobs. If conditions permit, encourage students to be a volunteer. (2)、Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. So treat things crit

19、ically.三、重点、难点1、重点(1)、Practice writing using the target language.(2)、Fill in blanks and make sentences using vocabulary words.(3)、Write a letter using the target language. 2、难点(1)、Improve students ability of writing.(2)、Make sentences using vocabulary words.(3)、Write a letter using the target langua

20、ge.四、教法选择与学法指导 任务型教学、小组合作学习五、资源准备 多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源六、教学过程Step I Revision 复习Check homework(1)、Ask different students to say their passages to the class.(2)、Show a sample version on the screen by a projector. (3)、Then collect the students works and correct any errors before returning them.I went to scho

21、ol by bike that day. Unfortunately, it was broken on my way. I had to walk to school with my bike.When I Got to school, class had begun, I explained to my teacher, but she thought I was making an excuse. I think teachers should believe students. Students should be allowed to have classes late. Step

22、II 3b (1)、point to the sample conversation. Ask a pair of Students to read it to the class. (2)、Get students to work with a partner. T: Now work with a partner. Start by reading the sample conversation with your partner. Then make new conversations using the information in Activity 3a. (3)、Get stude

23、nts to complete the activity in pairs. (4)、Check answers by asking different pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. 设计意图:这部分要求学生运用目标语言进行口语练习。教师引导学生进行两两结对练习,根据从短文中获取的信息,展开课堂对话交流。 Step III 4 (1)、Read the instructions to the class. Make a list of rules on the blackboard about what s

24、hould and should not be allowed along with students. 1、Members are allowed to use English-English dictionaries. 2、Members arent allowed to speak Chinese but English. 3、Members arent allowed to be late. 4、. Point to the sample conversation. Invite a pair of students to say it to the class. A: Members

25、 should be allowed to use dictionaries. B: Yes, but they should only use English-English dictionaries. (2)、Ask students to make conversations using the information on the list of rules. (3)、Get different pairs to share their conversations with the class. 设计意图:这部分要求学生运用目标语言进行听、说、读、写各方面的练习。教师引导学生展开课堂小

26、组活动,设计星期六英语俱乐部的注意事项。 Step IV Self Cheek part 1 (1)、Focus attention on the box. Invite a student to read the vocabulary words at the top. (2)、Get the students to fill in the blanks. T: You are to fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, you may need to use another form of the word. (3)、Get s

27、tudents to fill in the blanks on their own. (4)、Check the answers. Answers: 1、allowed 2、finish 3、clean 4、choose 5、needs (5)、Ask students to make their own sentences with the works, preferably sentences that are meaningful. 设计意图:这部分要求学生复习并掌握本单元所有的词汇。教师引导学生复习并巩固本单元所学词汇。 Step V part 2 (1)、Read the inst

28、ructions to the class. (2)、Call attention to the article. Read it to the class. Explain the new vocabulary “old peoples home ”、“sleepy ” (3)、Point to the letter beneath the article. Ask students to compete the work on their own on a separate piece of paper. T: You will address the points in the orig

29、inal letter rather than introducing new points. (4)、Show the sample version on the screen by a projector. Students may use it as a model.Dear Editor: I Would like to reply the article“Helping and Learning”In your last newsletter. I agree with some ideas and disagree with others. The Article said tha

30、t students should be allowed to volunteer more often. I think its a good idea, Because volunteering is good for future jobs. However, I dont agree to the suggestion that students should visit primary schools and help teach young students. I think we are just students. We have no experience in teaching. We should do something we can.


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