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1、電資學院院務會議報告(91-10)黃有評: .twPHS: 0968349981(簡碼6566)會議程序請資工系林金城教授分享參加IEEE Inter. Conf. on Software Maintenance (Oct. 36, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)心得與值得研讨之新領域院課程整合相關事項請應數系陳火炎主任報告微積分課程整合方案大學基礎科學教學改進計畫、數位典藏國家型計畫、工程教育先導計畫 ABET-Accreditation Board for Engineering and T

2、echnology其他ICSM 2002 Report(IEEE Intl Conf. on Software Maintenance)Dept. of Computer Sci. & Eng.Jin-Cherng LinOct. 17, 2002ICSM2002 BriefFocus on Software Maintenance, Testing, and Re-engineeringOn Montreal, CanadaPeriod: * 10/03 4 Tutorials * 10/04 10/06 3 keynotes, 17 technical sessions, 3 panels

3、, 1 short, 1 Ph.D., 2 industrial tracks, 1 demo, and 1 award. 拖 油 瓶 (SCAM/DBMR/WESS/WSE/STEP )SCAM: Second IEEE Intl Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 1 Oct. 2002DBMR: IEEE Intl Workshop on Database Maintenance & Reengineering, 1 Oct. 2002WESS: IEEE Workshop on Empirical Software Sy

4、stems, 2 Oct. 2002WSE: 4th IEEE Intl Workshop on Web Site Evolution, 2 Oct.2002STEP: IEEE Intl Conf. on Software Technology & Engineering Practice, 6-8 Oct. 2002 ICSM Technical Papers: 66 papersI paper from Taiwan2 papers from China2 papers from other Asian countries61 papers from Present ArticleA T

5、able Reduction Approach for Structural Testing - by Jin-Cherng Lin and et al.Abstract of the paperSoftware TestingStructural Program TestingTest Coverage Criteria * e.g., Branch Testing * A program with higher degree of testing coverage indicates that the program might achieve better reliability. Co

6、nventional Metric for Test Coverage Measurement: * The metric is affected inadvertently by including undesirable entities. * The measurement of coverage rate increases rapidly when the initial groups of test data are executed, which results in the overestimation of the software reliability.Abstract

7、of the paper (cont.)The goal of this research: * To improve the conventional testing coverage metric * Then to use it to precisely estimate the ratio of elements tested. In this paper, * A set of rules is developed to identify dominant tested elements. * Measuring the coverage rate of the dominant e

8、lements can rationalize the measurement results. * Its performance is evaluated微積分整合方案經院行政會議討論後整理出的幾點建議1.第一學期各班均開正修班,不開重修班。2.第二學期各班均開正修班,全校重修班(至多)開二班,電機資訊學院一班,其他一班。3.暑修班微一微二均開班,其中微一已過但微二未修者,允許在暑期修微二。4.第一學期微一未過而分數仍在50分以上者,第二學期由學生自行選擇修正修班或重修班。5.正修班人數原則均以55人為上限 (假设超過時,由任課老師及導師作協調,最多為60人),其優先順序為正修班同學 大四 大三 大二。 為求下學期微一重修班能夠讓各系同學一同修,底下有幾點建議同一系統(除經營、工設外)齊一進度,所以請電機系將要求之 向量微積分部分另行利用其它課程補強。同一系統微積分(一)與微積分(二)上課時間一致,並與其後續之擋修課程排在一同。在尚志教育館建造兩間可容納百人且有上下黑板的教室,以利重修班人數過多時上課。假设人數過多(60人以上)時,由應數系助教修正作業,教授再複閱,教授鐘點仍以1.4計算,助教以0.7計算。假设白天無法排得下或教師鐘點超出


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