1、 爱尔兰留学读本科申请文书 爱尔兰留学读本科申请文书范文 Dear _, The subjects of maths and physics have always fascinated me and I knew very early on that I wanted to pursue a career that involves science. As I progressed through school I found that I was much more interested in the application of the theory rather than the th
2、eory itself, and this is why I would like to study electronic engineering. I enjoy physics particularity as it can be observed in every aspect of life. From apples falling from trees to lightning, physics explains how the world works, and engineers throughout history have used their knowledge of phy
3、sics to overcome problems that they face. The Romans built aqueducts to supply their cities with water; William Thomson helped lay the transatlantic telegraph cables that made communication between Europe and the Americas viable. I also studied Advanced Higher Music last year at school. I am very in
4、terested in the use of electronics in music, and I wrote a project on the physics of the electric guitar. This interest prompted me to spend a week of work experience at Wolfson Microelectronics, a local company that engineer integrated circuits for many high profile audio equipment firms. During my
5、 stay I was assigned the task of designing and assembling a circuit to investigate the voltage offset and noise created by an operational amplifier. I was also introduced to a silicon microphone, a development which is sure to be significant in the future of electronics, and introduced to all the ma
6、in stages in the development of a microchip, from design to failure analysis. My forthcoming Advanced Higher Physics investigation will be concerned with the properties of op-amps, the variables that affect these properties, and their applications. In June, I attended a week-long Headstart course he
7、ld at the University of Cambridge. We were given a task to assemble and programme a robot to navigate a course, using both dead-reckoning and sensors; I was part of the winning team. The course was thoroughly enjoyable and confirmed that engineering was the subject for me. I have applied to spend my
8、 gap year working in the engineering industry, through the Year in Industry scheme. I hope that I will gain invaluable experience of the industry in which I would like to build my career in, and this will no doubt help me understand better how what I learn at university relates to real-world applica
9、tions. I play the violin, guitar and bagpipes all to a high standard. I am a first violin in the main school orchestra and the chamber orchestra, lead guitar in the school Rhythm and Blues band and a senior member of the pipe band. I hold the rank of Corporal in my school cadet force, and I am a you
10、ng leader at my Scout troop. Balancing these numerous extra-curricular activities with my academic work has forced me to develop my time management skills. My involvement in both cadets and Scouts has also greatly added to my team working and leadership skills. I was the leader of the team that won
11、the Edinburgh Area Scout camping competition in 2022, and we finished in the top 5 in the country. Currently, I am working towards both my Duke of Edinburgh Gold award and my Queens Scout award. I also have a keen interest in computers, assembling my first at the age of twelve, and I am currently te
12、aching myself Mandarin Chinese, something that I would like to continue studying throughout university and a skill that I believe will be very useful in the future, especially in the electronics industry. I keep up to date with the latest scientific news in by reading both Physics Review and New Sci
13、entist. I believe that studying electronic engineering is the best way for me to apply my accumulated knowledge of maths and physics and I look forward to a career that will constantly present me with new challenges. Yours sincerely, 爱尔兰本科留学申请要求 一、学术要求 1.学历 爱尔兰的大学中的本科,经受高中的在读生和毕业生、本科在读生和专科学生的申请,大家需要
14、出示自己的学历证明,不论是在读证还是毕业证,都需要进行公证。 一般毕业生入学考核会相对简单一些,只需要出示毕业证;而在读生则要严格得多,需要经受学校的考核,一般是入学的笔试和面试,合格才能入学,不合格需要先读预科。 2.成绩 然后还会审核学生的成绩,成绩单需要大家前往学校的学生管理处进行开具,需要提前递交申请,并且大家拿出来的材料还需要进行翻译而且接收公证。 一般来说,平均成绩需要在80分左右(满分100分),国内外的考核方式有差异,需要进行换算,并且要想晋升成功率,还需要拿到更高的分数。 二、语言要求 1.普校 语言的要求是所有学校的都有的,申请爱尔兰的普通院校,本科的学习需要大家必须拥有比
15、较好的英语水平,雅思至少要达到5.5,托福要在550分以上。 当然如果大家的语言没有达到要求,还可以申请本校的预科学习,或者直接读语言学校,等到大家的语言达标以后,在进入正式的专业课学习。 2. 以上的要求是最低要求,大家如果想要进入圣三一之类的爱尔兰一流,需要满足的要求则要更高一些,即便是入读本科,雅思也要在6.0以上,托福则需要600分左右。 爱尔兰留学新生须知事项 一、机票 必须提前至少一周时间通知校方安置寄宿家庭,有的学校在暑假期间要求提前二周通知。因爱尔兰与中国没有直接航班机,因而学生需经欧洲的大城市转机。伦敦是最经济的线路,但因需申请过境签证,心须到北京使馆面试,不值得劳神费力。法
16、兰克富、巴黎、哥本哈根、阿姆斯特丹、布鲁塞尔等都可以成为前往爱尔兰的中转城市,并且无须申请过境签证。请将机票复印后传真至代理处。一般学生在出发前可以接到寄宿家庭地址、电话,以方便入境及家长与学生的联系。购票时请注意航班之间的衔接时间是否方便。 二、出发 外地学生提前一天到达北京,以免因意外发生延误登机。国际航班一般提前3小时到机场,提前22.5小时进行登机登记,起飞前1小时结束登记。如果你在起飞前1小时未到柜台前登记,航空公司有权将你的位子转让给其他乘客。学生到达机场后凭护照、机票在你的航线柜台前排队办理登机手续,同时托运行李。 三、行李 普通舱免费托运行李为30公斤,连带手提行李(1件),总
17、共不得超过38公斤。否则,超过部分须会罚款人50元公斤(或18美元公斤)。不可以将任何贵重物品或现金放在托运行李中,否则发生丢失航空公司不负责任。 四、登机 办好登机手续的学生凭护照、机票、登机牌办理出境手续(即通过边防登记),以后通过安全检查,按登机牌上的指示,到指定登机口等候登机。登机后请按登机牌上的座位号坐好,将随身的行李放在头顶上面或前面座位下方。请不要大声喧哗,以免影响周围的乘客。起飞后,飞行期间会有饮料、酒水及午餐、晚餐供应。如果特殊需要,可按扶手旁边的按扭呼叫服务员。请不要带走飞机上任何物品,如耳机等,这些是飞机专用耳机,有可能毁坏你家中电器,因为功率特别大。 五、转机 有的航班在北京办理登机手续时已将下一段的登机牌换好,学生可根据登机牌上
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