1、 瑞士研究生留学申请书格式 瑞士研究生留学申请书格式范文最新 Dear _, I live in Pakistan-a country destroying itself with bombs,guns and governments blabber to find justifications for what it is going through;a country where a former president is murdered in public,where the nations constitution and parliament are suspended at th
2、e same time,and where the voice of a common man is unheard. Since the last few years, I had aspired to become a doctor.The idea of scalpels, opened chests and sutures had always intrigued me.And then it happened!The recent unprecedented events in my country wiped off the dust of disillusionment from
3、 my eyes;I lost my will to become a doctor.However,the turmoil in the country led me towards newspapers and news channels,and hence Politics. As I involved myself into politics,I realized that it is all-embracive-wielding its way over social and economic life-it is the omnipotent of Pakistan.It can
4、mobilize public opinion,gear up propaganda machinery,make or repeal laws and what not.Backed up by public opinion,supported by the majority of the legislators,armed with the means to keep the people in a state of ignorance,political power crosses the limits of dictatorial powers.Political power,like
5、 the most powerful intoxicant,makes the persons in power to forget social ethics,political morality and obligations. Most of the learned youth in this country consider Politics to be a refuge for the scoundrels and this derogatory remark may be true if we look at the deceptive and degenerated type o
6、f politicians indulging in a dirty game.All these political parties are votaries of democracy,but the way they conduct themselves inside their own parties is nothing but senseless authoritarianism.Therefore a very few students choose to pursue Politics as a profession,but what they dont realize is t
7、hat if we dont take a stand the system can never be changed.Thus,I want to study Politics so I can come back to my country and contribute what little I can do for my homeland and its people.If I can inspire even a single person,it would be worth it.The world today is growing global.We are now not on
8、ly to think of our own nation but as and when we think of it,we have to keep the international perception in mind;consequently,I chose Politics with International Relations as one of my courses. Studying in UK will breed a sense of individuality and self reliance.I would be able to interact with peo
9、ple from everywhere and get to know about their culture.This would not only open new horizons for me,but would also clear some preconceived notions one has about the other.I have always been an active participant of debates.I have participated in 3 Model UN conferences out of which I was awarded wit
10、h the Best Delegate award in two. I was also one of the two students to be selected from my school to participate in the English Speaking Union 08.Moreover, Ive taken part in Parliamentary style debates too.Therefore I believe I can communicate effectively in public and language will not be a barrie
11、r in my education.Furthermore, I have worked as an internee at Al-Shifa Eye Hospital for a month in summers.Here I learnt how to deal with patients,use the Auto Ref, handle files and punctuality.We also campaigned to a remote area near Murree where we helped the doctors in examining the patients fre
12、e of cost.Another experience which taught me a lot was when me and my fellow colleagues volunteered to paint walls for the SOS Childrens Village.In addition,I worked with SUNGI (NGO) where a group of 5 of us had to organize an event to pay tribute to 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize. I enjoy Lit
13、erature,especially the works of Shakespeare,Tennessee Williams,Thomas Hardy and Andrew Marvell.Id be delighted to study in a challenging atmosphere where I can focus on my studies.I commit to my work and my ability to think out of the box,keenness for Politics and my perception of things,I understan
14、d,gives me an edge over others.I believe in myself,and if provided with an opportunity,Id make the university proud. Yours sincerely, 瑞士留学研究生申请条件与专业推荐 一、瑞士研究生留学条件 1、学历条件 就读瑞士公立大学必须满足每一所大学自己规定的学历条件。 2、语言条件 申请人必须参加瑞士公立大学举行的德语、法语语言考试(这种考试可以在到了瑞士之后进行,考试方式也许就是一个教授跟你谈话); 如果成绩不好,有机会学习半年后再考一次,通过考试者方有机会进入公立大
15、学入读。 3、经济条件 外国留学生的学费略高于瑞士本国学生。 至于生活费则因人而异,不能一概而论,但每年至少需2万瑞士法郎,约合人民币10万元。 瑞士的公立大学不提供住处,一般可以像瑞士学生一样,三四个人一套公寓,每人一个房间,客厅公用。就读瑞士公立大学一般也不允许打工,但在寒暑假,学生则可以选择打工以减轻负担。 总体说来,瑞士公立大学虽然也希望自己的学校有外国学生和国际气氛,但一般不会像其他国家那样到中国宣传自己。 二、瑞士研究生留学专业及院校推荐 1、酒店管理专业可在国内获得高薪职位 专业优势:随着经济和旅游业的发展,高级酒店中需要更多的具备高素质及经营管理能力的酒店业人才。 就业前景:随
16、着各种国际大型活动在中国举行,中国对旅游、酒店管理专业人才的需求与日俱增。因此,高级酒店管理人才将成为职场上炙手可热的高薪阶层。 推荐院校:EHL、SHMS、CR、HIM、IHTTI、CAA、Glion、LesRoches、 2、金融银行专业有机会在瑞士就业 专业优势:在银行业高度发达的瑞士,大学的银行专业具有很高的业内认可度,文凭含金量也比较高。 就业前景:作为瑞士经济发展支柱产业的银行业和金融业内人才,尤其是中高级人才的需求量很大,如果学生足够优秀、又有比较强的语言能力,留在瑞士被证券、投资类公司以及银行机构雇用的几率还是很大的哟 推荐院校:苏黎世大学、圣加伦大学、瑞士商务金融大学 3、商
17、务管理专业MBA领域独树一帜 大部分想就读管理类课程的学生都会选择位于排行榜前列的MBA,然而在这些MBA中,仍有一些学校专注于某一类管理方向,并在该领域独树一帜,而在瑞士就有这样面向独力专业的MBA。 它的申请条件与商科类专业不同:托福和GMAT成绩符合学校要求的同时,还要具备一定的工作经验。 专业优势:瑞士的MBA课程在该领域独树一帜,主要偏向国际商务、国际事务方面,以全球化的视角运营商业、处理政治经济事务等。 就业前景:大型跨国公司中的公共关系管理部门、人力资源部门等对这类人才的需求量较大。 推荐院校:圣加伦大学、巴塞尔大学、日内瓦大学、洛桑大学 4、机械工程专业不缺用武之地 专业优势:
18、机械工程在许多领域中扮演着重要的角色,例如机械自动化生产、环境控制、运输、生物医学领域、计算机领域、化石燃料和核能领域等等。 就业前景:任何行业,无论是生产型企业还是研发性单位,只要使用设备、生产线,就要给机械专业人才用武之地,如制药、乳品、食品、橡胶等行业都需要他们来安装和维护生产设备。只要整个社会经济正常发展,该专业毕业生就不乏就业岗位,他们既可以成长为工程师,也能胜任管理岗位。 推荐院校:洛桑联邦理工学院、苏黎世联邦理工学院 5、奢侈品管理专业将成瑞士留学热门新秀 奢侈品牌高管很多毕业于瑞士酒店管理。 专业优势:瑞士把酒店管理、工商管理、室内设计与奢侈品管理相融合,使所学内容突破传统奢侈品管理课程的模块,让学生可以更好地了解奢侈品行及其延伸行业,把握设计、管理、营销、推广、服务等全方位的理论知识,同时学生可实地考察奢侈品公司等,把理论更好地与实际结合,运用实践。 再者,学校十分注重学生语言能力的培养,以小班英语教学,并开始法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语等第二外语课程,供学生自由选择。 就业前景:学生在瑞士毕业后,可以从事时装和皮具,珠宝和腕表,酒类,汽车、游艇、钢笔、香水和化妆品、高档家具和家访等企业投资人和高层管理人员,金融行业高端个金(如私人银行)业务总经理,时尚及奢侈品、百货、酒店、旅游、咨询等服务型机构经营管理者,时尚娱乐媒体总编及主编,政府机
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