



1、 研究生爱尔兰留学申请书 研究生爱尔兰留学申请书 Dear _, Fashion is creative, seductive, and constantly changing. It is an art form, and to others it is a religion. For me, I use fashion to express myself and show my personality, but it also makes me look charming. I like the style of the 1920s the most, because women in t

2、hat era were more free to wear the clothes they want. This freedom is expressed through simple and elegant designs that match well with jewelry and represent that style and elegance time. I am currently studying fashion marketing at the University of the Arts in London. Due to the integration of dif

3、ferent cultures, studying in London is great, not to mention all the large art galleries in central London. The rhythm in London is very fast, I like it, and the atmosphere is full of energy. I want to learn fashion marketing because I want to learn more about fashion business. I was influenced by d

4、esigners such as Alexander McQueen, because of his avant-garde style and Ralph Lauren, because I used to work for the company, but I like his style because of the complexity of some of his designs and the appearance of college style, Polo shirts and Oxford shirts match riding boots. Since starting t

5、he course with business thinking, I have found that I particularly like marketing. I know that to excel in this subject, I will really get where I want to go. I want to have my own agency in the future, and may be engaged in sourcing in the long run, because I like to understand the fashion trend fo

6、recast and the influence of street style on the runway. I have the honor to work for Polo Ralph Lauren for nearly 3 years. I learned a lot about the high-end fashion retail business. I am engaged in sales, cashing, training new employees and visual marketing. This year I also worked as a summer temp

7、orary worker at Ozwald Boateng, where I learned more about high fashion collections because they made tailor-made high fashion. There I learned to change clothes, which I believe is very useful for me. By working in the retail industry, I gained confidence, which is very important in our daily life.

8、 Organizational skills. I am also a good team player, because you always need to work as a team in sales, and I am also a Team leader, I also have people who need courage and commitment to manage, I pay attention to the smallest details, because everything I do must be perfect, because I thrive in m

9、y work. I am also passionate about design; I have already made some clothes designs of my own and plan to do more. I find that design is a great skill because you can be creative and use your imagination to create such extraordinary things. I hope to have the opportunity to work in a fashion company

10、 as an internal assistant designer, but as a second career prospect. I also got a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in IT and Level 2 Diploma in Digital Applications, which is very helpful, because in the fashion industry, you must have computer knowledge and an excellent skill. In my spare time, I like to read

11、books that challenge me as much as I can. I like cooking and entertaining my friends, because social life is also very important to me. I have a good personality, I am an easy-going person, and I am also very approachable. I go to the gym twice a week to stay healthy. I am a very self-motivated pers

12、on, and he strives to be the best person in every subject area. So far, I have got the highest scores for all my work and got some positive feedback from my peers and mentors. I have conducted extensive research to obtain good grades, and I have the motivation and enthusiasm to pursue a graduate deg

13、ree. Yours sincerely, 爱尔兰留学高等教育优势一览 一、英语授课 在高校内,除了特定的语言专业的学习,其他的专业基本上都是采用英语来进行授课的,这样大家的学习不需要再额外多学一门语言,只需要同步晋升自己的水平即可。 并且平时的日常沟通也会以英语为主,爱尔兰是除了英国之外,以英语为母语时间最长的国家,文化发展和社会氛围的英语存在感都是很强的,有助于大家进行语言的晋升。 二、名校众多 这里的学校数量不多,但是名校的比率很高,重在精英类的培养,所以学生成材率会很高,并且大家选学校的时候目标也会比较确定,可以早一点开始做功课,将所有学校研究一遍。 值得申请的主要有八所国立大学,十三

14、所理工学院和三所私立院校,国内的教育部直接认可,大家拿到的学历含金量很高,除了理工学院,其他院校都是综合性的,专业设置很齐全。 三、学制较短 需要学习的时间普遍会比国内的学习要短一年,因为在课程的设置上,会更重视专业度,将一些专业关联度不高的课程划为选修课,这样大家必修课数量会减少,学习时间自然就缩短了。 如果大家没有升学打算的话,本科可以修三年的普通学士学位,升学才需要读四年的荣誉学士,硕士专业的学习一般都是一年,少量研究型的硕士需要读两年,主要是为升学做打算。 四、入学简单 学校开放申请的时间,基本上和欧洲大部分国家是一致的,在入学前一年的十月份开放,学生可以只有提交自己的申请,现在就是进

15、行申请提交的时间,可以赶上第一轮的审核。 申请者的学术能力不够的话,可以先去爱尔兰读预科,这样有一个缓冲的时间准备入学;同样语言没有达标也可以先去爱尔兰读语言班,能力足够在升学会对大家的申请更有帮助。 爱尔兰留学生活物品准备指南 一、服饰 首先自然就是大家的衣服,这部分的准备要区分出日常和正式两种场所,学生参加的正式场所,一般准备好西服套装就可以了,记得带上合身和衬衫和领带,皮鞋也少不了。 日常则要随意得多,一般来说只需要被够两三套,并且不必带上实际的衣服,应季的进行准备即可,鞋子的话建议以舒适为主,毕竟一开始要先适应,运动鞋就是特别好的选择。 二、电器 首先是电脑手机等学习生活一定会用到的,这两种需要大家在国内就买好,而且进行提前的适应,如果临时购买的话,可能还需要花一段时间才可以适应,不如直接从国内带过去。 还有就是做饭需要用到的电饭煲,从国内带会更划算一些,因为价格会便宜不少;最后还要记得带上转换用的插头,这样才可以正常的使用自己带过去的所有电器。 三、资金 现金不需要带太多,大额的现金携带不方便并且有可能会遭遇别人的觊觎,不如换成更方便携带的汇票,当然这些需要提前


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