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1、 本科留学申请书万能英文模板 本科留学申请书万能英文模板 Dear _, My determination to study engineering comes from my desire to seek a challenge. In life, there seems to be no bigger challenge than to learn and find out how things work. In our modern world, engineering plays a big role in the foundations of technology and knowl

2、edge and this is what I am interested in. As my year 12 progressed, my interest in science and Maths, particularly Physics developed. Studying Physics at Advanced level allows me to think about how things move and react to forces and how these properties can be used in solving both practical and the

3、oretical situations. Maths interests me as it develops my problem solving skills, allowing me to apply familiar concepts to unfamiliar situations. My enthusiasm towards these subjects encouraged me to take up AS Further Maths. In doing so, I hope to expand my knowledge to achieve a level of understa

4、nding satisfactory to a potential degree level student. In addition to Physics and Maths, I am also studying Biology which provides me with the opportunity to develop my practical skills as I am required to work within groups. My communication skills have been put to the test during these lessons an

5、d I have proved many times that I am a team player. After much research, I decided to attend taster courses at City University and Queen Mary University of London to experience what engineering involves. These informative taster courses offered me a unique chance to understand and to observe differe

6、nt areas of engineering which subsequently led me to the decision to pursue mechanical engineering. Its ability to allow me to see how things work fascinates me and furthermore, as mechanical engineering is a diverse field, it will allow me to learn and use many skills which can be transferred onto

7、many employment opportunities. Although I have enjoyed the challenge that my school-based work has given me, I have always sought to extend my knowledge. Recently, I built a computer. I discovered how each component is connected and how one energy source is converted into another. This has allowed m

8、e to apply the theory I learn within the curriculum to real situations. Furthermore, I was able to see how the components fit together by taking apart unwanted pieces from my old computer. I have always been willing to give my time to take part in activities such as volunteering. I once raised money

9、 for the Marie Curie foundation. During this period, I improved my communication skills and confidence as I met and talked to many members of the community. I found that this experience was rewarding and fulfilling. I am a trusted member of my year group and when asked to be an ambassador for my six

10、th form, I accepted. This experience allowed me to demonstrate my organisation and communicational skills as I was required to confidently guide and talk to many potential students to the college. In addition, throughout my academic career, I have played an active role in a variety of different extr

11、acurricular activities. I am an adept musician and passed my grade 4 examinations in flute. Although I have decided to discontinue the examinations, every year during events such as Chinese New Year, I play the flute for my local Chinese community. I believe that success as an engineer in a modern s

12、ociety requires a combination of management, communication and business skills. Therefore, with my previous experiences, focused attitude and will for success, I have the ability and motivation to meet the demands of studying at degree level. The prospect of studying engineering excites me, and I fe

13、el confident that I will make contributions to university life. Yours sincerely, 奥地利本科留学申请要求 一、背景要求 大家需要保证自己完成了基础的12年课程学习,而且顺利拿到官方发放的证书,并且要参加高考,后续递交的材料中,成绩单中是需要有这一份材料的。 国内的高中学习只区分了文科和理科,没有更加严格的专业划分,所以留学生们可以申请的专业限制不会特别大,只要能够满足要求,就可以递交正式的申请。 二、成绩要求 大家的成绩准备直接影响着学校对你的筛选结果,因为一般来说第一轮只经受使用绩点来筛选的,不满足基本要求的学生

14、,会被直接淘汰掉,一旦被刷下去就没有机会了。 而本科的要求,基础不会非常高,所以大家的准备没有那么难,GPA拿到3.0分是保底,能够够得上3.5分的分数,所以大家一定要重视其每一次的考试。 三、语言要求 语言的高低决定了大家能不能直接入学,学校是由预科的设置的,还有合作的语言学校,如果语言水平不够的话,大家可以先申请预科和语言班,通过考核后再入学。 德语教学,则需要提交自己的TestDaf 4级的标准,这样才可以满足学习的要求;英语教学,则需要提供IELTS6.0分或者TOEFL75分左右的分数表。 四、时间要求 公立的学校没有有两次申请入学的机会,在春季和秋季,会开放三个月左右的申请时间,需

15、要大家把握好时间,在截止之前,顺利的将自己的申请提交上去,材料也要进行邮寄。 私立院校、艺术学院等其他的学校,则是全年开放申请,大家准备好了以后,再放心的递交申请,时间还是比较充足的,但是大家还是要抓紧时间,因为要求并不低。 瑞典本科留学申请流程 一、明确项目 大家需要先将自己要申请的学校明确下来,同时还要明确入学的专业,院校可以多选几个,而专业则需要保证,因为要准备的材料学校通用度更高,专业基本上都是不一样的。 瑞典的留学生申请是统一在Universityadmissions上进行的,所有和要求的项目都可以直接在上面查询得到,所以大家只需要输入自己感兴趣的目标的名字,就可以直接获取自己想要的

16、大部分的信息。 二、查询要求 入学要求的了解,需要大家综合和学校官方网站上的信息,正式的要求投放的时间有早晚,大家可以遵照往年的要求先开始准备,因为大部分都是一致的。 后续再进行查询的时候,如果有不同之处,再进行修改,而且进行补充,这样也不会花费很长的时间,如果大家还有疑问的话,可以直接咨询学校,发送邮件说明出自己想要了解的内容。 三、准备申请 而具体的准备需要早早的开始,尤其是语言,取决于大家选择的授课语言,瑞典语和英语的适用范围是同样广阔的,大家明确以后就要进入到正式的培训之中,能够提前半年开始。 而学术类的材料,需要大家自行向学校提出要求开具;文书的准备在中介的帮助下书写,能够更好的把握

17、学校的要求,建议大家尽早的将申请进行提交在,这样时间会充裕一些。 四、等待结果 申请至少会开放两轮,大家遵照自己的准备进度提交申请,而结果的发放也是在一段时间内,大家需要等待1-2个月,才能够陆续的收到审核的结果。 在收到的offer中,选择自己最满意的一所进行确认而且缴纳指定的费用,才算获取了正式入学的资格,而其他的录取邀请,也需要大家进行一一的回复。 瑞典留学本科费用 一、在学校里的花费都有什么? 这个说的就是在学校里的一定要花的钱,其实也就说的学费和那些在各方面上必须要交的钱。在该国学习的话,学习的花费还是很低的(相对其他的欧洲的地域),若是国内的学生去读的话,是能和该国的学生有相同的好处的,这也是近些年里那么多的国内学生去该国学习的缘由了。 在该国读本科的话,学的课的所需的花费基本是在RMB2-5万元年,其实这个花费是和国内没差多少的,国内一些好的私立的大学也是要这么多的,并且可能远不止这个数字。这个是只有国内学生才有的,其他的地方的学生去该国学习的话,要交起码贵上一半的钱。 当然上面说的知识普通的本科大学,若是学的是艺术或是报的是这类的大学,那么花费还是要贵上一点的。 还有就是在该国学习时,是有很多的好处能得到的,如申该大学的奖学金,或是建的那些有利学生生活的设施也是要为此交钱的,基本是在500-800元年。 最后就是在书本上的花费,该国的书本还是很贵的。学校是不


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