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1、HYMALL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE乐购标准作业规范SOP NAME 名称FIRE PRECAUTIONS LOG BOOK 火灾防范日志SOP NUMBER & DATE OF ISSUE版本及日期110/03/2005AREA / DEPARTMENT COVERED适用区域或部门防损部门,店值,人资PURPOSE目的落实消防工作之推动与各级查核执行提供执法部门必备合法之有关记录消防设备,演习,培训之记录文件Supporting material辅助材料无WHO NEEDS TO BE TRAINED & ON WHAT? 哪些人需要做何种训练?消防专员要

2、知道每日及每周之检查项目及填表方式防损主管要知道整个日志推行之全部细节店值班人员要知道如何抽检what the sm has to do店总要做什么1、研读并了解此份规范。2、在3月25日前各店完成培训并实施推广。3、要求所有店值班经理、防损主管、消防专员研读此规范并测试,以确认其了解全部规范。4、要求防损及人资做好培训、演习之计划执行与记录。 5 消防是”人命关天”的大事,务必配合”店总的消防安全指南”,决对落实,不可打折! FAILURE TO ADHERE TO THE ABOVE POLICIES COULD RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION BEING TA

3、KEN未依要求执行者,将可能做纪律处分。Joe Lin COO Hymall 乐购营运总长 Fire Precautions Log Book火灾防范日志 PAGE 10Jan 2005Fire Precautions Log Book火灾防范日志Jan 2005FIRE PRECAUTIONS LOG BOOK火灾防范日志STORE/店名_DATE/日期_TLT 500FOREWORD WHY DO WE DO IT?前言 我们为什么要做这些Every store must keep & maintain a fire precautions logbook to record tests

4、to fire safety equipment, escape, drills & training.每家门店必须制定和维护一份火灾防范日志,用以记录消防设备、逃生、演习与培训的测试The Store Manager is ACCOUNTABLE for ensuring that Fire Safety documentation is available, maintained and up to date.店总为此份文件保存、维护和更新的责任人The logbook contains the following sections, which have to be periodical

5、ly completed by the fire fighter specialist, loss prevention and security department, human resources department and store management, as specified in the logbook.此日志必须由消防专员、防损课、人资课、店总按照要求定期填写,具体包含项目如下所示:RACI for Fire Logbook火灾防范日志之权责划分No.Name名字Frequency周期FFS消防专员LPS防损主管DM值班经理SM店总RLPSS 区防损Contractor承

6、包商Record Keeping Duration保存周期TLT001Fire Point Daily Checklist消防点日检查表1/D 1次/天RRA2M 2个月TLT002Daily Fire Safety Checklist日消防安全检查表2/D 2次/天RRRA2M 2个月TLT003Weekly Fire Safety Checklist周消防安全检查表1/W 1/周RRRA6M 6个月TLT004Store Managers Monthly Report店总月报表1/M 1/月 RA12M 12个月TLT005Annual Maintenance of Hose Reels

7、(where installed)年度消火栓常规维护(安装点)1/Y 1/年RAR3Y3年TLT006Annual Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers & Fire Blankets年度灭火器和消防毯维护1/Y 1/年RAR3Y3年TLT007Annual Maintenance of Fire Shutters & Barriers年度消防防卷帘和闸门维护1/Y 1/年RAR3Y3年TLT008Quarterly Maintenance of Fire Alarm Systems季度火灾报警系统维护1/Q 1/季度RAR3Y3年TLT009Annual Mai

8、ntenance of Sprinkler Systems年度喷淋系统维护1/Y 1/年RAR3Y3年TLT010Annual Maintenance of Smoke/Heat Detectors年度烟感/热感探测器维护1/Y 1/年RAR3Y3年TLT011Record of Fire Evacuation Drills消防逃生演习记录2/Y 2/年RA3Y3年TLT012Fire Warden & Fire Fighter Specialist Training Record Card消防看守员和消防专员培训记录卡Timeframe specified by FA当地消防局规定时间RAR

9、3Y3年TLT013Hot Work Permit动火安全作业许可证When hot work takes place in store门店内进行动火作业时RRAR3Y3年TLT014Enforcement Authority Escalation Form执法部门访店情况汇报Within 24hrs following the EA visit执法部门访店后24小时内RA注:除消防点日检查表存放现场外,其余夹在工作日志档案夹内填写及存放,超过2个月的日检表移出档案夹另存。Completion Periods完成周期Fire point daily checklist (TLT 001)* C

10、hecks on Fire Hose, Nozzle, Extinguisher etc and completed once daily 消防点日检查表 (TLT 001)* 检查消防水管,喷嘴,灭火器等等。每天一次完成表格。Daily Fire Safety Checklist (TLT 002)* checks on fire blankets, all fire doors, escape routes, shutters/barriers, sprinkler heads, smoke/heat detectors, emergency lighting carried out by

11、 Fire Fighter Specialist and Lead Loss Prevention & Security Manager日消防安全检查表(TLT 002)* 每天两次由消防专员和防损主管对所有消防门、消防通道、消防卷帘和闸门、喷淋头、烟/热感探测器、应急照明进行检查。Weekly Fire Safety Checklist (TLT 003)* Weekly checks on the fire alarm system, Sprinkler Systems, Site plan and Signage, Smoke/Heat Detectors, Fire Extinguis

12、hers, Shutters and Barriers, Electrical Safety carried out by Fire Fighter Specialist/Lead of Loss Prevention & Security周消防安全检查表(TLT 003)* 每周由消防专员/防损主管对消防报警系统、喷淋系统、消防平面图和逃生指示、烟感/热感探测器、灭火器、消防卷帘和闸门、电气安全进行检查。Store manager monthly report (TLT 004)* Store manager review all the fire documentation.店总月报表(T

13、LT 004)* 店总对所有消防文件进行查阅。Periodic Fire Safety Checklist (TLT 005 TLT 010) Periodic checks on hose and reels, fire extinguisher & fire blankets, shutters and barriers, fire alarm systems, sprinkler system, smoke/heat detectors.Record of Fire Evacuation Drills (TLT 011) Record of any planed drills or ot

14、her emergency evacuations that are carried out within the store.消防逃生演习记录 (TLT 011) 对门店内任何计划的演习或者其他紧急疏散进行记录。Record of Fire Instruction (TLT 012) All staff training records to be kept in personal training records. Fire Wardens and Fire Fighter Specialist Training details to be also kept within the log

15、 book.消防指导记录(TLT 012) 所有员工的培训资料,要记录在于个人培训记录上,消防看守员和消防专员的培训细节也将记录于此日志。Hot work Permit (TLT 013) to be completed when hot work is carried out within the store.动火作业许可证 当门店内进行动火作业时,必须填写。Enforcement Authority Escalation Report (TLT 014) to be completed when the fire enforcement authority visit the storeT

16、he frequency of inspection and maintenance is a minimum standard UNLESS the local fire enforcing authorities require additional checks. 除非当地消防部门要求额外检查,此检查频率和保养为最低的要求标准。This Fire Precautions Logbook can be used in a court of law to prove or disprove compliance and must be available for inspection at

17、any time if requested by an enforcing officer.此火灾防范日志可提呈法庭,以表示是否遵循相应法律。同时若执法人员要求时,亦可随时提供其检查需要。Please refer to Fire Safety Guide for the Store Manager as the Corporate Policy on Fire Safety关于企业消防安全的方针政策,请参考店总消防安全指南。* Photocopy monthly and keep with each fire checkpoint. Once the form is completed ple

18、ase insert at the rear of this logbook, and then dispose it after two months.表格需每月复印,并保存与消防检查点。表格完成后(次月1日),请粘贴于此日志背面,至少保留2个月。* Photocopy daily and insert at the rear of this logbook once completed. Ensure copies are kept for two months.表格需每日复印,完成后贴于此日志背面。确保至少保留2个月。* Photocopy weekly and insert at th

19、e rear of this logbook once completed. Ensure copies are kept for six months.表格需每周复印,完成后贴于此日志背面。确保至少保留6个月。* Photocopy periodically and insert at the rear of this logbook once completed. Ensure copies are kept for 12 months.表格需定期复印,完成后贴于此日志背面。确保至少保留12个月。WHAT DO WE DO AND WHO DOES WHAT?我们做什么而谁又将具体做哪些?

20、Read the following guidance to ensure the following sections are filled in periodically as specified within each section仔细阅读以下指南确保下列每项都按要求期间填写 ROUTINE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF HOSE REELS 消火栓的例行检查和维护Hose reels are to be checked once daily to ensure the nozzles are closed and the hand valve shut,

21、manual button is not defective, glass is intact, hammer is present. 消火栓日检1次。确保喷嘴闭合、手动阀关闭、手动按钮没有损坏、玻璃完好无缺、小榔头到位。Any defects are to be noted and reported. Every Year each hose reel will be inspected and tested by an approved maintenance contractor use Fire Point Daily Checklist TLT 001, Annual Mainten

22、ance of Hose Reels TLT 005 任何缺损都需记录和报告。每个消火栓都将定期由通过认证的保养承包商检查和测试。(采用消防点日检查表TLT 001,年度消火栓维护 TLT005) WHEN何时Daily 每日Annual年度 WHO 何人FFS消防专员 LPS 防损主管Maintenance Contractor保养承包商ROUTINE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS & FIRE BLANKETS 常规灭火器和消防毯的例行检查和维护Fire extinguishers and fire blankets ar

23、e to be checked once daily to ensure they are available and not obstructed.灭火器和消防毯日检1次。以确认可使用状态,无阻塞。 Every week all fire extinguishers will be inspected to ensure that their pins are in position and the pressure reading is correct with no signs of damage. 每周检查,确保所有灭火器插稍准确到位,压力表处于正确位置,良好无损。Any defect

24、s are to be noted and reported. 任何缺损都需记录和报告。Every Year each fire extinguisher will be inspected and tested by an approved maintenance contractor. Use Fire Point Daily Checklist TLT 001, Daily Fire Safety Checklist TLT 002,Weekly Fire Safety Checklist TLT 003, Annual Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers

25、 and Fire blankets TLT 006每年由合格的保养承包商对每个灭火器做检查和测试。(采用采用消防点日检查表TLT 001,日消防安全检查表 TLT 002,周消防安全检查表 TLT 003, 年度消防栓和消防毯维护 TLT006)WHEN何时Daily每日Annual年度WHO何人FFS消防专员 LPS防损主管Maintenance Contractor保养承包商ROUTINE INSPECTION OF FIRE DOORS AND ESCAPE ROUTE 消防门和逃生通道的例行检查Inspect every fire door and escape route twic

26、e daily (before 10AM and before 6PM) to ensure they are free to open fully (doors) and clear of obstruction. 消防门和逃生通道日检2次 (上午于10点前,下午于6点前),以确认能随意完全开启。Use Daily Fire Safety Checklist TLT 002(采用日消防安全检查表TLT 002)WHEN何时2 x Daily(am/pm)2次/日(早/午)WHO何人FFS消防专员LPS 防损主管ROUTINE INSPECTION OF FIRE SHUTTERS OR BA

27、RRIERS 消防卷帘和闸门的例行检查The fire shutters or barriers must be checked on a twice-daily basis (before 10AM and before 6PM) to ensure that they are free from obstruction. 消防卷帘和闸门日检2次(上午于10点前,下午于6点前),确保无障碍物。Operational checks must be carried out on weekly basis by fire fight specialist and on an annual basi

28、s by an approved maintenance contractor to ensure that the shutters/barriers work. 操作运行检查必须由消防专员进行周检和和经认证的保养合同商进行年度检查,确保卷帘/闸门正常工作。Use Daily Fire Safety Checklist TLT 002, Weekly Fire Safety Checklist TLT 003, Annual Maintenance of Fire Shutters or Barriers TLT 007(采用日消防安全检查表TLT 002, 周消防安全检查表TLT 003,

29、 年度消防卷帘/闸门维护 TLT 007)WHEN何时2 x Daily(am/pm)2次/日(早/午)Weekly每周Annual年度WHO何人FFS消防专员LPS防损主管Maintenance Contractor保养承包商ROUTINE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS 消防报警系统的例行检查和维护Fire alarm systems must be tested before 8:00AM every Monday using a different call point on each occasion. 每个区域的消防

30、报警系统必须每周一上午8:00前进行测试,使用不同的测试点。The test must ensure all automatic doors including doors held shut by magnetic locking devices release, and that any other specific devices operate under a fire alarm condition. Any defects or faults on any alarm panel are to be noted and reported immediately. 此测试必须包括电磁

31、控制开关门,及其他所有消防报警系统内的特殊装置。Every quarter the fire alarm system will be inspected and tested by an approved contractor. Please ensure each call point is effectively numbered to ensure alarm testing is effectively rotated.所有报警系统的任何缺损必须记录并立即报告。每季度消防报警系统都将由通过认证的承包商检查和测试。 Use Weekly Fire Safety Checklist TL

32、T 003,Quarterly Maintenance of Fire Alarm Systems TLT 008(采用周消防安全检查表TLT 003, 季度火灾报警系统维护 TLT 008)WHEN何时Weekly每周Quarterly每季度WHO FFS消防专员LPS 防损主管Maintenance Contractor合同承包商 ROUTINE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF EMERGENCY LIGHTING 应急照明的例行检查和维护Self-contained lighting must be tested daily. Any defects are

33、to be noted and reported. 独立照明必须进行日检。任何缺损都需记录和报告。Use Daily Fire Safety Checklist TLT 002 (采用日消防安全检查表TLT 002)WHEN何时Daily每日WHO何人FFS消防专员LPS 防损主管 ROUTINE INSPECTION OF SITE PLAN AND EMERGENCY SIGNAGE 消防平面图和应急逃生指示的例行检查和维护Inspect every site plan located at every fire hose point showing escape routes, and

34、ensure that they are not obstructed. 检查张贴于每个消火栓的消防平面图,逃生通道,确保无障碍物。Ensure that all emergency signs are clearly visible (high level, floor level and the one on each fire door) and not obstructed.确保每个应急逃生指示标记(高处,地面和消防门)都清晰可见,无障碍遮掩。 Use Weekly Fire Safety Checklist TLT 003(采用周消防安全检查表TLT 003)WHEN何时Weekly

35、每周WHO何人FFS消防专员 LPS防损主管ROUTINE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 喷淋系统的例行检查和维护The fire sprinkler system must be checked daily to ensure they are free of obstruction with at least 50 centimetres clearance. 消防喷淋系统必须日检,确保他们在50厘米范围内没有阻挡。On a weekly basis a random check must be carried out to

36、 ensure they are operational by checking the pumps (2 Minimum). 每周必须通过对喷淋泵进行随机检查(至少2个),确保他们运行正常。Every year the sprinkler systems will be inspected and tested by an approved maintenance contractor. 每年喷淋系统由通过认证的保养承包商检查和测试。Use Daily Fire Safety checklist TLT 002, Weekly Fire Safety Checklist TLT 003, A

37、nnual Inspection of Sprinkler Systems TLT 009(采用日消防安全检查表TLT 002,周消防安全检查表TLT 003,年度喷淋系统检查表 TLT 009)WHEN何时Daily每日Weekly每周 Annually每年WHO何人FFS消防专员 LPS 防损主管Maintenance Contractor合同承包商ROUTINE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SMOKE/HEAT DETECTORS 烟感/热感探测器的例行检查和维护The smoke/heat detectors must be checked daily

38、to ensure they are free of obstruction (at least 50 centimetres clearance). 烟感/热感探测器必须日检,确保他们在50厘米范围内没有阻挡。On a weekly basis a random check must be carried out to ensure they are operational by using a smoke stick and checking the control room (2 minimum). 每周必须通过烟雾棒进行随机检查同时对控制室进行检查(至少2个),确保他们运行正常。Eve

39、ry year smoke/heat detector will be inspected and tested by an approved maintenance contractor. 每年烟感/热感探测器由通过认证的保养承包商检查和测试。Use Daily Fire Safety checklist TLT 002, Weekly Fire Safety Checklist TLT 003, Annual Inspection of Smoke/Heat Detectors TLT 010(采用日消防安全检查表TLT 002,周消防安全检查表TLT 003,年度烟感/热感探测器检查表

40、TLT 010)WHEN何时Daily每日Weekly每周Annually每年WHO何人FFS消防专员LPS 防损主管Maintenance Contractor合同承包商ROUTINE INSPECTION OF ELECTRICAL SAFETY电气安全例行检查Electrical safety checks will be carried out weekly to ensure: no exposed wires, appliances and cables are in good working order, electric socket are not overloaded, a

41、nd there are no trailing cable on the floor which could lead to a tripping hazard (Use Weekly Fire Safety Checklist TLT 003)电气安全必须进行周检,确保:没有外露电线,设备和电线都在良好工作状态,没有超负荷插座,地面没有可能导致绊倒隐患的拖拉电线。 (采用周消防安全检查表TLT 003)WHEN何时Weekly每周WHO何人FFS消防专员LPS 防损主管RECORD OF FIRE EVACUATION DRILLS消防逃生演习记录Fire drills are to be

42、 arranged at various times of the year in order to ensure that ALL members of staff take part in at least TWO fire drills per year. In addition, any other fire evacuations should be recorded. use Fire Evacuation Record TLT 011 消防演习将安排于每年不同的时间,确保所有员工每年至少参加2次消防演习。此外,任何其他的消防逃生都将记录归档。 (采用消防逃生演习记录表 TLT 0

43、11)WHEN何时2 x Yearly每年2次WHO何人Store/Duty Manager/LPS店总/值班经理/防损主管 RECORD OF FIRE INSTRUCTION (TO BE KEPT IN PERSONAL TRAINING RECORDS)消防课程记录(以个人培训记录方式归档)All members of staff must receive fire instruction/training every 12 months. 所有员工必须每12个月接受1次消防课程/培训。Training must consist of; Instruction on fire proc

44、edures, i.e. action to be taken in the event of fire and Instruction on the evacuation of customers for your store. 培训必须包括:消防程序课程,例如,火灾时的相应行动,门店的顾客疏散指导。Ensure that Fire Fighter Specialists and Fire Wardens are Trained within the timeframe specified by competent authority. 确保消防专员和消防委员会成员根据资质当局要求定期接受培

45、训。Record all staff training on Personal Training Records.全员培训记录于个人培训记录。Fire Wardens and Fire Fighter Specialist training details to be also kept within this logbook. 消防委员会和消防专员的培训,也将记录于此日志。Use Personal Training Records, Fire Warden Training and Fire Specialist Training Record card TLT 013(采用个人培训记录,消

46、防委员会和消防专员培训记录表 TLT 013)WHEN何时Annually每年Timeframe specified by FA当地消防局规定时间WHO何人Personnel/ Training Manager人资主管Local Fire Authority当地消防局STORE MANAGER MONTHLY REPORT店总月报表Review the document completion over the previous month and record any events that have occurred. Store Manager Monthly Report TLT 004

47、完成上个月的文件查核,记录任何已发生的事件。 店总月报表 TLT 004WHEN何时Monthly每月WHO何人SM Manager店总HOT WORK PERMIT动火施工许可证A hot work permit is to be issued by the Manager / Departmental Manager to any contractor wishing to carry out works involving; welding, cutting, brazing or grinding or any works which may cause sufficient heat

48、, sparks or naked flame that may cause ignition to materials in the surrounding area. 任何承包商在进行:焊接、切割、铜接、打磨、或者产生任何可能引燃周边材质的热度、火花、或者明火的工作,需要从经理/部门经理那里取得“动火施工许可证”。A permit should only be issued if the contractor can demonstrate safe working practices at all times and carry out a fire watch for one hour

49、 after the works are completed, to ensure that there are no smouldering materials left unnoticed. To be completed when any hot work is carried out in store. Hot Work Permit TLT 013只有在承包商在任何时间段开展安全工作,同时在工作结束后进行观察1小时确保没有暗火燃烧材料的情况下,才可颁发许可证。门店内需要进行“动火”作业时,事前填写 动火作业许可证 TLT 013依程序申请WHEN何时When hot work tak

50、es place in store门店内进行动火作业时WHO何人Relevant Department Manager相关部门经理LPS Manager防损经理Duty Maintenance Manager值班保养经理ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY ESCALATION FORM执法部门访店情况汇报表The Enforcement Authority Escalation Form must be completed following a Fire Enforcement Authority visit to store. Email to Trading Law & Tech

51、nical department at Head office via HYPERLINK mailto:wave.du wave.du within 24 hours. See Store manager for computerized copy of Enforcement Authority Escalation Form 在消防执法部门访店后的24小时之内,完成“执法部门访店情况汇报表”。 HYPERLINK mailto:通过wave.du 通过wave.du电邮总部贸易法律与技术 (安全与健康)部门 。请于店总处获得执法部门访店情况汇报表。(另发文告之格式)WHEN何时Withi

52、n 24 hrs following the EA visit执法部门访店后24小时内WHO何人Store Manager/Duty Manager店总/值班经理Key FFS = Fire Fighter Specialist关键词 消防专员Fire Precautions Log Book火灾防范日志 PAGE 28Jan 2005Fire Precautions Log Book火灾防范日志 PAGE 12Jan 2005 Fire Point Daily Checklist消防点日检查表 TLT 001Fire Point Ref. No.消防点编号Date日期 年 月Componen

53、ts配件: Hose水龙带: 根;Nozzles喷嘴: 支; Manual Button手动按扭: 只; Glass玻璃: 块;Hammer榔头: 只;Extinguisher灭火器: 个;Others其他:Date日期Result检查结果FFS消防专员Issues Found发现问题Next Steps 后续步骤Action行动Who何时When何人Recheck复检12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031G: all available, in good working order, not obstructed, unbl

54、ocked (if applicable)打()表示:(G)绿灯,装备齐全,运行良好,无阻挡,能开启(相关项目)R: missing, defective, blocked, locked (if applicable) next steps needed 打()表示:(R)红灯, 缺损,上锁(相关项目),需要后续步骤注:此表日检检时放于消防点,一个月后粘贴于工作日志档案夹内。 Daily Fire Safety Checklist/日消防安全检查表 - TLT 002Date/日期年 月 日 Area/区域Fire Blankets消防毯Fire Doors消防门Escape Routes逃

55、生通道Shutters/Barriers卷帘/闸门Sprinkler Head喷淋头Smoke/Heat Detector烟/热感探测器Emergency Lighting应急照明AMAMPMAMPMAMPMAMAMAMStore门店Basement地下室1F一层2F二层3F三层4F四层Warehouse仓库Basement地下室1F一层2F二层3F三层4F四层Tenant Kitchen美食街厨房Store Deli Area门店熟食区Store Bakery Area门店烘培区Plant Room机房,配电间Refrigeration Plant冷冻机房Office办公室Cash Room

56、金融室Delivery Area收货区Others其他Issues Found发现的问题(Note Ref. Number of Issue)请标出编号Next Steps后续步骤Action行动Who何人When何时Recheck复检 AM: before 10 AM 上午10点前PM: before 4 PM 下午 6点前Fire Fighter Specialist消防专员Loss Prevention & Security Manager防损主管(validation确认)Duty Manager值班经理(validation确认)G: all available, in good w

57、orking order, not obstructed, unlocked (if applicable) 打()表示(G)绿灯,设备齐全,使用良好,无阻挡,能开启(如果适用)R: missing, defective, blocked, locked (if applicable), next steps needed打()表示(R)红灯,缺失,损坏,阻挡,上锁(如果适用),需后续步骤 Weekly Fire Safety Checklist/周消防安全检查表 - TLT 003Date/日期年 月 日 Area/区域Fire Alarm(Spot Check)消防报警Mon 周一Site

58、 Plan & Emergency Signage消防平面和指示灯Tue 周二Sprinkler Systems (Random Check)喷淋系统(抽查)Wed 周三Smoke/Heat Detector (Random Check)烟/热感探测器(抽查)Thu 周四Fire Extinguishers灭火器Fri 周五Shutters/Barriers卷帘/闸门Sat 周六Electrical Safety电气安全Sun 周日Working正常工作Present & not blocked到位不阻挡Working(2min 至少2个)正常工作Working(2min 至少2个)正常工作P

59、ressure & Pin present压力,安全针到位Working正常工作Not detected没有损坏Store门店Basement地下室1F一层2F二层3F三层4F四层Warehouse仓库Basement地下室1F一层2F二层3F三层4F四层Tenant Kitchen美食街厨房Store Deli Area门店熟食区Store Bakery Area门店烘培区Plant Room机房,配电间Refrigeration Plant冷冻机房Office办公室Cash Room金融室Delivery Area收货区Others其他Issues Found发现的问题(Note Ref.

60、 Number of Issue)请标出编号Next Steps后续步骤Action行动Who何人When何时Recheck复检Fire Fighter Specialist消防专员Loss Prevention & Security Manager防损主管(validation确认)Duty Manager值班经理(validation确认)G: all available, in good working order, not obstructed, unlocked打()表示(G)绿灯,设备齐全,使用良好,无阻挡,能开启(如果适用)R: missing, defective, block


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