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Toll-like-Receptor-TLR-Agonists-Modulators-MCE.docx 免费下载



1、 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html Toll-like HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html Receptor HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html HYPERLIN

2、K https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html (TLR)Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a class of proteins that play a key role in the innate immune system. They are single,membrane-spanning, non-catalytic receptors usually expressed in sentinel cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells

3、, thatrecognize structurally conserved molecules derived from microbes. Once these microbes have breached physical barriers such asthe skin or intestinal tract mucosa, they are recognized by TLRs, which activate immune cell responses. The TLRs include TLR1, TLR2,TLR3, TLR4, TLR5, TLR6, TLR7, TLR8, T

4、LR9, TLR10, TLR11, TLR12, and TLR13. Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) play a critical role in the earlyinnate immune response to invading pathogens by sensing microorganism and are involved in sensing endogenous danger signals.TLRs are evolutionarily conserved receptors are homologues of the Drosophila To

5、ll protein, discovered to be important for defenseagainst microbial infection. TLRs recognize highly conserved structural motifs known as pathogen-associated microbial patterns(PAMPs), which are exclusively expressed by microbial pathogens.www.MedChemE 1 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-li

6、ke Receptor (TLR).html Toll-like HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html Receptor HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Recept

7、or (TLR).html (TLR) HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html Inhibitors, HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).h

8、tml Agonists, HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html Antagonists, HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html A

9、ctivators HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html & HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Targets/Toll-like Receptor (TLR).html Modulators HYPER

10、LINK https:/www.MedChemE/r-hydroxychloroquine.html (R)-Hydroxychloroquine(R)-HCQ) Cat. No.: HY-B1370B HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/s-hydroxychloroquine.html (S)-Hydroxychloroquine(S)-HCQ) Cat. No.: HY-B1370A(R)-Hydroxychloroquine is the enantiomer ofHydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine is asynthe

11、tic antimalarial drug which can also inhibitToll-like receptor 7/9 (TLR7/9) signaling.Hydroxychloroquine is efficiently inhibitsSARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro.(S)-Hydroxychloroquine (S)-HCQ) is the enantiomerof Hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine, asynthetic antimalarial drug, inhibits Toll-likere

12、ceptor 7/9 (TLR7/9) signaling, and showsefficiently inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection invitro.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/1v209.html 1V209(TLR7 agonist T7) Cat. No.: HY-115400 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedC

13、hemE/3m-011.html 3M-011Cat. No.: HY-1214961V209 (TLR7 agonist T7) is a Toll-like receptor 7(TLR7) agonist and has anti-tumor effects. 1V209can be conjugated with various polysaccharides toimprove its water solubility, and enhance itsefficacy, and maintain low toxicity.3M-011 is a potent dual toll-li

14、ke receptor TLR7/8agonist and a cytokine inducer. 3M-011significantly inhibits H3N2 influenza viralreplication in the nasal cavity.Purity: 99.52%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg

15、HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/afimetoran.html Afimetoran(BMS-986256) Cat. No.: HY-139567 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/AN-3485.html AN-3485Cat. No.: HY-18325Afimetoran is a toll-like receptor antagonist,which can be used in the research of inflammatoryand autoimmune diseases.AN-3485 is a benzoxaboro

16、le analog, Toll-LikeReceptor(TLR) inhibitor with IC values ranging50from 18 to 580 nM.Purity: 98.17%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgPurity: 98.72%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 5 mg, 10 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 250 mg HYPERLINK https:/w

17、ww.MedChemE/at791.html AT791 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/at791.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Atractylenolide-I.html Atractylenolide HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Atractylenolide-I.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Atractylenolide-I.html ICat. No.: HY-124603 Cat. No.: HY-N0201AT791 is a poten

18、t and orally bioavailable TLR7and TLR9 inhibitor. AT791 inhibits TLR7 and 9signaling in a variety of human and mouse celltypes and inhibits DNA-TLR9 interaction in vitro.Atractylenolide I is a sesquiterpene derived fromthe rhizome of Atractylodes macrocephala,possesses diverse bioactivities, such as

19、neuroprotective, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatoryand anticancer properties.Purity: 98.77%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgPurity: 99.83%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 5 mg, 10 mg, 50 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/axc

20、-715-hydrochloride.html AXC-715 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/axc-715-hydrochloride.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/axc-715-hydrochloride.html hydrochloride HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/axc-715-hydrochloride.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/axc-715-trihydrochloride.html AXC-715 HYPERLINK https

21、:/www.MedChemE/axc-715-trihydrochloride.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/axc-715-trihydrochloride.html trihydrochlorideCat. No.: HY-138139A Cat. No.: HY-138139BAXC-715 hydrochloride is a TLR7/TLR8 dualagonist, extracted from patent WO2020168017 A1.AXC-715 trihydrochloride is a TLR7/TLR8 dualagonis

22、t, extracted from patent WO2020168017 A1.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg2 Tel: 609-228-6898 Fax: 609-228-5909 Email: salesMedChemE HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/azd8848.html AZD8848 HYPERLINK https:/ww

23、w.MedChemE/azd8848.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bbiq.html BBIQCat. No.: HY-111269 Cat. No.: HY-111582AZD8848 is a selective toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7)antedrug agonist which is developed for theresearch of asthma and allergic rhinitis.BBIQ is a imidazoquinoline compound and a potentand selecti

24、vely toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7)agonist with an EC of 59.1nM for50 humanTLR7. BBIQ is a powerful vaccine adjuvant thatenhances innate immune responses.Purity: 98.08%Clinical Data: Phase 2Size: 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLIN

25、K https:/www.MedChemE/bropirimine.html Bropirimine HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/bropirimine.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/C29.html C29Cat. No.: HY-W008634 Cat. No.: HY-100461Bropirimine is a synthetic agonist for toll-likereceptor 7 (TLR7). Bropirimine inhibitsdifferentiation of osteoclast pre

26、cursor cells intoosteoclasts via TLR7-mediated production of IFN-.C29 is a Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) inhibitor.C29 blocks hTLR2/1 and hTLR2/6 signaling withIC s of 19.7 and 37.6 M, respectively.50Purity: 99.92%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 10 mg, 50 mgPurity: 98.0%Clinica

27、l Data: No Development ReportedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 1 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cay10614.html CAY10614 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cay10614.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chitohexaose-hexahydrochloride.html Chitohexaose HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chitohexaose

28、-hexahydrochloride.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chitohexaose-hexahydrochloride.html hexahydrochlorideCat. No.: HY-135042 Cat. No.: HY-N7697CCAY10614 is a potent TLR4 antagonist. CAY10614inhibits the lipid A-induced activation of TLR4,with an IC of 1.675 M. CAY10614 can improve50survival of mic

29、e in lethal endotoxin shock model.Chitohexaose hexahydrochloride is a chitosanoligosaccharide with anti-inflammatory effect.Chitohexaose hexahydrochloride binds to the activesites of TLR4 and inhibits LPS inducedinflammation.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg,

30、50 mg, 100 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine.html Chloroquine HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine-dihydrochloride.html Chloroquine HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine-dihy

31、drochloride.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine-dihydrochloride.html dihydrochlorideCat. No.: HY-17589A Cat. No.: HY-17589BChloroquine is an antimalarial andanti-inflammatory agent widely used to treatmalaria and rheumatoid arthritis. Chloroquine isan autophagy and toll-like receptors (TL

32、Rs)inhibitor.Chloroquine dihydrochloride is an antimalarialand anti-inflammatory agent widely used to treatmalaria and rheumatoid arthritis. Chloroquinedihydrochloride is an autophagy and toll-likereceptors (TLRs) inhibitor.Purity: 99.50%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 m

33、gPurity: 98%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Chloroquine-diphosphate.html Chloroquine HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Chloroquine-diphosphate.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Chloroquine-diphosphate.html phosphate HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/Chloroquine-diphosp

34、hate.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine-d4-phosphate.html Chloroquine-d4 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine-d4-phosphate.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine-d4-phosphate.html phosphateCat. No.: HY-17589 Cat. No.: HY-17589S1Chloroquine phosphate is an antimalarial andant

35、i-inflammatory agent widely used to treatmalaria and rheumatoid arthritis. Chloroquinephosphate is an autophagy and toll-like receptors(TLRs) inhibitor.Chloroquine-d4 phosphate is the deuterium labeledChloroquine phosphate. Chloroquine phosphate is anantimalarial and anti-inflammatory agent widelyus

36、ed to treat malaria and rheumatoid arthritis.Chloroquine phosphate is an autophagy andtoll-like receptors (TLRs) inhibitor.Purity: 99.89%Clinical Data: LaunchedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgwww.MedChemE 3 HYPERLINK https:/www

37、.MedChemE/chloroquine-d5.html Chloroquine-d5 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine-d5.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine-d5-diphosphate.html Chloroquine-d5 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine-d5-diphosphate.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/chloroquine-d5-diphosphate.html diph

38、osphateCat. No.: HY-17589AS Cat. No.: HY-17589SChloroquine D5 is deuterium labeled Chloroquine.Chloroquine is an antimalarial andanti-inflammatory agent widely used to treatmalaria and rheumatoid arthritis. Chloroquine isan autophagy and toll-like receptors (TLRs)inhibitor.Chloroquine-d5 diphosphate

39、 is the deuteriumlabeled Chloroquine (phosphate). Chloroquinephosphate is an antimalarial andanti-inflammatory agent widely used to treatmalaria and rheumatoid arthritis.Purity: 98.0%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5

40、mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cl075.html CL075(3M002) Cat. No.: HY-117066 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cl097.html CL097Cat. No.: HY-128799CL075 (3M002) is a selective TLR8 agonist withimmunomodulating properties. CL075 triggers aMyD88-dependent signaling pathway to elicitproduction of inflammato

41、ry cytokines and type Iinterferons (IFNs) via activation of NF-B andIRF7, respectively.CL097, a potent TLR7/8 agonist, inducespro-inflammatory cytokines in macrophages. CL097induces NADPH oxidase priming, resulting in anincrease of the fMLF-stimulated ROS production.Purity: 99.0%Clinical Data: No De

42、velopment ReportedSize: 1 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cl264.html CL264 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cl264.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cu-115.html CU-115Cat. No.: HY-135905 Cat. No.: HY-131945CL264 is

43、 a TLR7-specific agonist for innate immunesignals research.CU-115 is a potent TLR8 antagonist (IC =1.0450M), and shows selective for TLR8 over TLR7(IC =50 M). CU-115 decreases TNF- and IL-150production activated by R-848 in THP-1 cells.Purity: 98.63%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 5 mg,

44、10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgPurity: 98.10%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/CU-CPT-8m.html CU-CPT-8m HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/CU-CPT-8m.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/CU-CPT-9a.html CU-CPT-9a(TLR8-specific antagonist) Cat. No.: HY-112050Cat.

45、 No.: HY-112667CU-CPT-8m is a specific TLR8 antagonist, with anIC of 67 nM.50CU-CPT-9a is a specific TLR8 antagonist, with anIC of 0.5 nM.50Purity: 99.98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 5 mg, 10 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgPurity: 99.66%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 10 mM

46、1 mL, 5 mg, 10 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/CU-CPT17e.html CU-CPT17e HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/CU-CPT17e.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/CU_CPT_22.html CU-CPT22Cat. No.: HY-101929 Cat. No.: HY-108471CU-CPT17e is a potent multi-Toll-like receptor(TLR) agonist that activates

47、TLR3, TLR8, andTLR9.Purity: 98.0%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgCU-CPT22 is a potent protein complex of toll-likereceptor 1 and 2 (TLR1/2) inhibitor, and competeswith the synthetic triacylated lipoprotein(Pam3CSK4) binding to TLR1/2 with a Ki of 0.

48、41M. CU-CPT22 blocks Pam CSK -induced TLR1/23 4activation with an IC of 0.58 M.50Purity: 98.61%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg4 Tel: 609-228-6898 Fax: 609-228-5909 Email: salesMedChemE HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/CU-CPT-9b.html CU-CPT9b HYPERLINK https:/w

49、ww.MedChemE/CU-CPT-9b.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/cu-t12-9.html CU-T12-9Cat. No.: HY-112051 Cat. No.: HY-110353CU-CPT9b is a specific TLR8 antagonist, with anIC of 0.7 nM. CU-CPT9b shows high binding50affinity towards TLR8 with a K of 21 nM.dCU-T12-9 is a specific TLR1/2 agonist with EC50of 5

50、2.9 nM in HEK-Blue hTLR2 SEAP assay. CU-T12-9activates both the innate and the adaptive immunesystems. CU-T12-9 selectively activates the TLR1/2heterodimer, not TLR2/6.Purity: 99.03%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 5 mg, 10 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgPurity: 99.94%Clinical Data: No Deve

51、lopment ReportedSize: 10 mM 1 mL, 5 mg, 10 mg, 50 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/d18.html D18 HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/d18.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/db-3-291.html DB-3-291Cat. No.: HY-144501 Cat. No.: HY-137345D18 is an immune modulator. D18 acts as a TLR7/8dual agonist (EC =24 nM fo

52、r hTLR7 and 10 nM for50hTLR8, respectively). D18 increases PD-L1expression through epigenetic regulation, thussensitizing tumors to PD-1/PD-L1 blockade.DB-3-291 is potent and selective CSK degrader,with a K of 1 nM.dPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgPurity: 98%Clinical

53、 Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine.html Desethyl HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine.html chloroquine HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine.html HYPERLIN

54、K https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-diphosphate.html Desethyl HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-diphosphate.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-diphosphate.html chloroquine HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-diphosphate.html HYPERLINK https

55、:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-diphosphate.html diphosphateCat. No.: HY-135811 Cat. No.: HY-135811ADesethyl chloroquine is a major desethylmetabolite of Chloroquine. Chloroquine diphosphateis an inhibitor of autophagy and toll-likereceptors (TLRs). Desethyl chloroquine possessesantiplasmodic ac

56、tivity.Desethyl chloroquine diphosphate is a majordesethyl metabolite of Chloroquine. Chloroquinediphosphate is an inhibitor of autophagy andtoll-like receptors (TLRs). Desethyl chloroquinediphosphate possesses antiplasmodic activity.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 5 mgP

57、urity: 99.44%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-d4.html Desethyl HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-d4.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-d4.html chloroquine-d4 HYPERLIN

58、K https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-d4.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-d5.html Desethyl HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-d5.html HYPERLINK https:/www.MedChemE/desethyl-chloroquine-d5.html chloroquine-d5Cat. No.: HY-135811S Cat. No.: HY-135811S1Desethy

59、l chloroquine-d4 is the deuterium labeledDesethyl chloroquine. Desethyl chloroquine is amajor desethyl metabolite of Chloroquine.Chloroquine diphosphate is an inhibitor ofautophagy and toll-like receptors (TLRs).Desethyl chloroquine-d5 is deuterium labeledDesethyl chloroquine. Desethyl chloroquine i

60、s amajor desethyl metabolite of Chloroquine.Chloroquine diphosphate is an inhibitor ofautophagy and toll-like receptors (TLRs). Desethylchloroquine possesses antiplasmodic activity.Purity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize: 1 mg, 10 mgPurity: 98%Clinical Data: No Development ReportedSize


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