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1、专升本英语考试简介与复习方法-考试型英语复习方法时间安排资料的选择复习的心态语言技能分项训练专升本的英语复习时间安排建议英语复习特色: 时间跨度长,无法短期突击时间安排:1 每天的总量在1-2个小时2 每天的时间不能断,“药不能停”3 分阶段,分目标,有大计划也有小目标4 坚持到最后才是最好资料的选择资料的类型:试题类和语言类试题类历年三A试题听力和阅读高中语法单选三A的英语写作语言类词汇书与教材英译汉句子翻译听力网站APP专升本考纲解析2016年1 题型:五大基础题型120分听力20语法词汇20阅读理解40翻译25作文15听力选择10判断正误10单选填空2篇单选式阅读阅读填空阅读匹配单选式汉

2、译英(10)段落英译汉15应用文式写作历年的真题难度解析听力:以短对话和听写为例例题:1 A. the mans wifeB. the woman wearing the jacketC. the mans secretaryD. a shop assistant2 判断题 1 The speaker is a part-time worker. 2 He will work 39 hours a week. 3 He can have a week holiday in winter. 4 He can enjoy an unpaid holiday if it is necessary.

3、5 He can begin to work at any time between 8-9语法词汇考查范围解析语法:整个中学语法知识点覆盖重点:时态虚拟语气非谓语动词主谓一致定语从句名词性从句语法与词汇真题解析It is essential that these application forms _ back as early as possible.A. must be sentB. will be sentC. are sentD. be sentCan you your visit for a few days more? A. enlargeB. expandC. exploreD

4、. extend阅读理解难度分析4篇阅读 - 1篇CET-4难度(单选题);1篇三A难度(单选题);1篇约等于或高于三A(填空题);1篇新题型匹配题(CET-4形式,但难度比CET-4低)。阅读新题型实例A If you could close your eyes for just a moment like Rip Van Winkle (瑞普. 凡.温克尔, 华盛顿欧文同名小说的主人公), and open them in 2023, you might see a very different energy world. Electric cars may be popular. Sol

5、ar energy could be cheap enough that millions of households and businesses use solar panels to generate their power needs. Fossil fuels will probably still be the main energy, but most trucks and many trains could run on natural gas rather than more polluting diesel (柴油). And the United States could

6、 be a major oil exporter.B None of this is incredible. Consider the change over the last 10 years. Back in 2003, American natural gas fields were thought to be drying up and businessmen were beginning to invest in hugely expensive terminals to import gas, not export it. American oil production conti

7、nued to drop sharply.C Rip today would see a marvelous change: a country on the path to becoming energy independent, a hopelessly impractical quest only a decade ago. Newly oil fields in North Dakota and Texas are expanding domestic production to levels not seen in a generation. The United States ha

8、s suddenly become a net exporter of gasoline and diesel fuel. And it is looking for new markets for natural gas we well: new drilling technologies have allowed domestic production to rise over the last five years, causing price collapse.D “When it comes to energy, the rule of the game is to expect t

9、he unexpected,” said Daniel Yergin, the energy historian. “So much effort is going into research, development and innovation all across the energy field 10 years from now we may well see the next game changes.” Possibly profound changes are taking shape right now. newly mandated (被授权的) corporate ave

10、rage fuel economy standards are expected to double the number of miles that the average car travels per gallon by 2025. scientists are working to develop better ways to store electricity to make wind turbines and solar power systems more practical when th wind does not blow and the sun does not shin

11、e.E Development of advanced biological fuels, made of nonfood materials like algae (藻类)and switch grass (柳枝), has been disappointingly slow over the last decade. But breakthroughs are still possible. The first United States commercial advanced bio-fuels plant opened last fall in Mississippi, and a h

12、andful more are expected to start producing 200 million gallons this year. Tesoro, the Texas-based refiner, has agreed to begin buying algae-derived fuel to produce diesel.Statements:1 Algae-derived fuel can be applied to diesel production2 People can easily get access to some of the green energy in

13、 2023 and prefer it to diesel.3 It has a long way to go before companies can earn a lot of money by producing new energy.4 Dramatic change has taken place in Americas energy production due to the advanced drilling techniques.翻译题型解析汉译英:10分,单选形式试题例子:1 在美国用餐时,多数情况下你不仅要给服务员小费,还要给饭店的其他员工A. In more cases,

14、 youll be tipping not only the waiter but other restaurant staffs as well if you have a dinner in America.B. In most cases, youll be tipping not only the waiter but other restaurant staff as well if you have a dinner in America.C. In most cases, youll have tipping not only the waiter but other restaurant staff as well if you have a dinner in America.D. In more cases, youll be tiping not only the waiter but other restaurant staff as well if you have a dinn


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