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1、Unit 10If you go to the party, you will have a great time!(section B)Teaching aims: Listening skillsImportant points: ListeningDifficult points: Write a composition according to the listeningTeaching aids: Recorder and computerIt is going to rain tomorrow.I will stay in bed.If it rains tomorrow, I w

2、ill stay in bed.rainsIfif or.I will stay in bed If it rains tomorrow.rainsIf If I have enough money, I will travel around the world. If I study hard, I will go to college to get an education.1 Which of the things below are the most important to you in life? Circle three things. be happy travel aroun

3、d the world go to college make a lot of money be famous get an education快乐周游世界上大学赚很多钱出名接受教育 be happy travel around the world go to college make a lot of money be famous get an education快乐周游世界上大学赚很多钱出名接受教育AAPPPPagent 代理人,代理商2a Listen. Look at the list in activity 1. Put an “A” before each thing the s

4、occer agent talks about and a “P” before each thing Michaels parents talk about. 2b Listen again. Complete the sentences.1. If you join the Lions, .2. If you become a Lion, .3. And if you work really hard, .4. If you become a professional soccer player, .5. But if I dont do this now, .a. youll be fa

5、mous.b. Ill never do it.c. youll become a great soccer player.d. youll never go to college.e. youll travel around the world.ceadbTapescript Agent: The lions are a great soccer team, you know!Michael: Oh, I know.Agent: If you join the Lions, youll become a great soccer player.Michael: Im sure I will.

6、 Will I travel much?Agent: Sure! If you become a lion, youll travel around the world.Michael: Sounds great. Agent: It is. And if you work really hard, youll be famous.Michael: Well, I dont know.Conversation 1 Father: You shouldnt join the lions right now.Michael: Why not?Mother: If you become a prof

7、essional soccer player, youll never g to college.Michael: But I really want to play soccer. I want a job I love. I want to be happy. Father: Of course you want to be happy, but there are many interesting jobs youd likeMichael: But its my dream to play soccer! Dont you think its really exciting that

8、I could join the Lions?Father: Of course its exciting. And I know you want to make a lot of money. But money isnt everything, son.Michael: I know. But if I dont do this now, Ill never do it. Mother: But dont you want to get an education?Conversation 22c PAIRWORKA: What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice?B: I think you should go to college.A: But if I go to college, Ill never become a great socc


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