1、分类/CAT.:CAD/AD 使用和信息 和放行标准 部件信息 其它信息DESCRIPTION:内容:本通告适用机型:A32本通告适用飞机:ALL参考资料:明传电报 331#,CCAR-25-R3, CCAR-121-R4, CCAR-91-R2, CMM25-60-11,CMM25-62-12, CMM25-62-21。原因:R4 版增加 B-6710/6723/6725/6415/6406/6417/6726/6727/6746/6747 的适用性; 步骤,加入新救生衣件号;并且 B-6179 和B-6180 的救生衣配备要求。Revi 4 add the applicability of
2、 B-6710/6723,6725/6415/6406/6417/6726/6727/6746/6747 , revise the procedure , add new life vest PN, and revise the requirement of the vest life vests should be equipped on aircraft B-6179 and B-6180.以前相关通告处理:本通告 TAA32-CBJ00-002R4 完全代替 TAA32-CBJ00-002R3 版/ TAA32-CBJ00-002R4supersedes TAA32-CBJ00-002R
3、3 .背景/Background:规章对延伸跨水飞行所需的设备做出了相应规定。特下发此 TA 明确各公司飞机延伸跨水飞行救生设备和机载无线电通信设备的配备要求及管理办法。There are different equipment requirements about extended overwater operation in Regulations. This TA is ied to clarify the company requirements and management about floaion and radio equipments.正文/Text:一、救生设备的要求/ F
4、loaion Equipments Requirement救生衣和救生船配备原则/ Life vests and rafts requirement:根据 CCAR-121-R4 的规定,距最近海岸线的水平距离超过 50 海里(93 公里)即定义为延伸跨水飞行。只有执行延伸跨水飞行的飞机才需要配备救生衣和救生船。Definition of extended overwater operation in CCAR-121: Flight over water moren 50 nautical(93 kilometers) from the nearest shore.Life vests an
5、d rafts should be equipped on aircraft performing extended overwater operation.救生船的放行标准/ Raft dispatch requirement:CCAR-25R3 25.1415 关于水上迫降设备的要求:除非备有足够容量的多余救生船,否则在额定容量最大的一只救生船一旦损失时,其余救生船的浮力和超额装载容量,必须能容纳机上全部乘员(旅客和机组)。Ditching equipment requirement in CCAR-25R3 25.1415:Unless exs rafts of enough capac
6、ity are provided, the buoyancy and seating capacitythe rated capacity of the rafts mustmodate all occupants of the airplanehe event of a loss of one raft of the largest rated capacity注 1:救生船的装载能力参见救生船的铭牌。“附表”所列出的 P/N:R0202A 系列救生船的额定载荷为 46人,最大允许载荷为 69 人;P/N:R1700 系列救生船的额定载荷为 32 人,最大允许载荷为 48 人。Note 1:
7、 Rated / Overload capacity of P/N: R0202A series raft is 46/69;Rated / Overload capacity of P/N:R1700 series raft is 32/48.注 2:对于 MSN 号为 3520 至 3982 的 A319 飞机,其前、后登机/勤务门内救生船的额定/最大允许装载人数分别为 44/55 人。Note 2: For A319 aircraft MSN betn 3520 and 3982, Rated / Overload capacity of Fwd and Aft door raft is
8、 44/55.二、机载无线电通信设备的要求/ Radio Equipment Requirement根据 CCAR-91R2 第 91.411 的要求,当飞机在水上飞行时需要确保在飞行中任何时间至少可与一个地面站建立双向通信联系。为满足此要求,按不同的航路情况有以下三种机载无线电通信设备最低配备要求:Per the requirement of CCAR-91R2 section 91.411, aircraft should establish the two-way communicationwith one ground s ion east within any time durin
9、er water flight. In order to meet this requirement, there are 3 minimum equipment configurations of the radio communication components according to the different flight route.当所飞航路全程都有甚高频信号覆盖时(由运控部航行情报室评估),飞机至少配备 2 套可以用于语音通信的甚高频收发机。A32 系列所有飞机都满足此要求。When the VHF COMM cover all over the entire flight
10、route (Evaluated by flight information office ofoperation control department), the aircraft must be installed two VHF transceiver east for the audio communication. All aircraft of A32 Series had been installed two VHF COMM, and met this requirement当所飞航路有甚高频信号盲区但能用高频随时与地面取得联系(由运控部航行情报室评估),飞机至少配备 2 套可
11、以用于语音通信的甚高频收发机和 1 套高频收发机。A32 系列所有飞机都满足此要求。If there is blind area of the VHF COMM, but pilot can use the HF COMM to establish the two-waycommunication with ground s ion (Evaluated by flight information office of operation control department), the aircraft must be installed two VHF and one HF COMM tra
12、nsceiver east for the audio communication. All aircraft of A32 Series had been installed two VHFd one HF COMM, and met this requirement.当所飞航路有甚高频信号盲区且不能用高频随时与地面取得联系(由运控部航行情报室评估),飞机至少配备 2 套可以用于语音通信的甚高频收发机和 1 套通信系统。当前 A32 系列无飞机满足此要求。If there is blind area of the VHF COMM, and also pilot can not use th
13、e HF COMM to establish thetwo-way communication with ground s ion (Evaluated by flight information office of operation control department), the aircraft must be installed two VHF COMM transceiver and onesystem at least for the audio communication. No aircraft of A32 Series had been installed two VHF
14、d onesystem.三、执行延伸跨水飞行的管理办法/ Management of extended overwater operation:运行控制部在论证新开航线时,需将延伸跨水航线信息及时通知给 PPD 值班席。若新航线属于本 TA 正文第二、3)条所述的航线,需要特别注明相应信息。Operation control department should report the new extended overwater routes to PPD. Make an additional note for the new routes as sed in part 二、3).1) PPD
15、 根据新航线论证或相关部门通知,求证后建立并更新延伸跨水飞行航线。在安排或调配航班时,对于 TA 正文第二、3)条所述的航线,只能安排第二、3)条所列飞机执行航班,(如机队飞机不满足第二、 3)条要求,则不能执行该航线);对于其他延伸跨水航线,只能从“附表”中选择飞机执行航班。安排飞机执行延伸跨水飞行时,PPD 需按照下述工卡提前确定救生衣和救生船备件。执行延伸跨水航班前,需执行下述工卡安装救生衣和救生船;执行延伸跨水航班后,如果下一航班不是延伸跨水航班,需执行下述工卡拆下救生衣和救生船。特殊情况,PPD 需临时通知运行控制部对应飞机救生衣和救生船的安装状态。PPD should establ
16、ish list of extended overwater routes. For routes as s ed in part 二、3),arrange theairplanes listed in part 二、3) (if the airplane does not meet the requirement of part 二、3, the route can not be arranged); For other extended overwater routes, arrange the airplanes listed in attached table. Before exte
17、nded overwater flight PPD should prepare and install the life vests and rafts per the taskcards listed below. Remove the life vests and rafts after extended overwater flight as ne sary. Report the installation s us of life vests and rafts to Operation control department as ne sary.采购部根据运营的延伸跨水航线出港航站
18、情况,提前在该航站准备 “救生船在此行李舱内/LIFE RAFT HIS STOWBIN” (P/N: BAC29PPS58940 或 EO737-11-005-2)的标牌以及按照“附表”所列的足够数量的救生船和救生衣。Purchase Department should prepare the placards of P/N: BAC29PPS58940 and sufficient life vests and rafts on sions for extended overwater operation.运行控制部根据“附表”的数据提前做好各架飞机“安装救生衣和救生船”和“不安装”两种构
19、型的载重和平衡数据。Operation control department should prepare the weight and balance data for two different configurations of installation and removal of life vests and rafts.除了“附表”特殊说明和 PPD 临时通知的特殊情况以外,凡是执行延伸跨水飞行航班的飞机即 视为安装了救生船和救生衣;凡是执行非延伸跨水航班的飞机均视为没有安装救生设备,运行控制部各相关按照此原则,选用相应飞机对应的重量数据。Except the notes in a
20、ttached table and spe l temporary condition, aircraft are considered life vests and rafts installed during extended overwater operation, and not considered life vests and rafts installed during non-extended overwater operation. Operation control department should select applicable weight and balance
21、 data for the aircraft.乘务员需提醒旅客:安装了救生船的行李舱不能再放置行李,并注意防止旅客损坏救生船和取走救生衣。 Fligh tendants should l passengers not to put baggage in overhead bin which is designated for raft stowage. And prevent passengers from taking away life vests.受影响的相关手册/Affected Manual:无 受影响的相关工卡/Affected Task Card:无救生船工/taskcards
22、for rafts救生衣工/taskcards for life vests安装/install拆下/remove安装/install拆下/removeA32AZ-H25-64-00-003AZ-H25-64-00-002AZ-H25-64-00-001AZ-H25-64-00-000注:安装救生衣要求检查并确保救生衣位置说明或标识在位。Note: Verify the marking or note of life vest location is inition when installing the life vest.附表:飞机救生衣和救生船配备要求【注 1】常配救生衣。确保机上每一乘
23、员(包括机组)都有一个救生衣,配备位置见机上应急设备。【注 2】救生衣每个重约 1.3 磅。机组救生衣要求颜色为“红色”,件号 使用 PN: XMF0100/1WC,旅客救生衣颜色要求为“橙色”,件号 使用 PN: XMF0100/1W,婴儿救生衣使用 PN: XMF0400-1V。救生衣件号不局限于 件号,其他在 范围内,并符合上述颜色要求的救生衣都可用。【注 3】可移动的救生船有 PN: R0202A213、R0202A213RB、R0202A207、R0202A207RB、R1700-103,R1700-103RB7 六种件号,带后缀“RB”或”RB7”表示该救生船有内置 ELT。若每架
24、飞机配备多个救生船,要求至少有一个救生船带有 ELT,即至少有一个件号带有后缀“RB”或”RB7”。飞机号救生衣【注 5】救生船PN【注 2】安装位置数量PN 【注 3】安装位置数量B-6210 B-6211 B-6212 B-6215 B-6198 B-6199 B-6221 B-6222 B-6156 B-6157 B-6169 B-6177XMF0100/1WC 或63600-501或等同【注 4】每个乘务员座椅下共 5 个R1700-103 ORR1700-103RB7第 4 排左侧行李箱5 个(每处 1 个)正、副驾驶员座椅背后2 个第 4 排右侧行李箱每个观察员座椅2 个第 11
25、排左侧行李箱XMF0100/1W或 63600-101或等同每个旅客座椅共 138 个第 11 排右侧行李箱第 22 排右侧行李箱左侧第 1 排行李箱6 个(备)B-6179 B-6180 B-6181 B-6182 B-6192 B-6193 B-6245 B-6400 B-6401 B-6402 B-6403 B-6405XMF0100/1WC 或63600-501或等同【注 4】每个乘务员座椅下共 5 个舱门滑梯属“滑梯/救生船”构型,无需配备额外救生船。正、副驾驶员座椅背后2 个每个观察员座椅2 个XMF0100/1W或 63600-101或等同每个旅客座椅共 144 个左侧第 1 排行李箱6 个(备)B-6709 B-6710 B-6723 B-6725 B-6726 B-6727 B-6746 B-6747XMF0100/1WC 或63600-501或等同【注 4】每个乘务员座椅下共 6 个R1700-103 ORR1700-103RB7第 4 排左侧行李箱6 个(每处 1 个)正、副驾驶员座
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