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1、Writing a Narrative Essay-How to Write About Personal ExperiencesUnit 3, Book 2, P56-58What is narration? The narrative essay tells a story (personal, true, imaginative). 2For most personal experience essays, use simple past or past continuous tense. If something happened previous to the personal ex

2、perience, use past perfect. What is the tense? 3 What is the “point of view”? Narrative essays are generally written in the first person, that is, using I.“ However, third person (he, she, or it“, “they”) can also be used. 4What is the order of narration?A narration is A flashback is Narration inter

3、spersed with (散布) flashbacks is1. When a short part of a story goes back to events in the past:2. when sometimes the flashbacks and the present alternate (交替出现) through the story. 3. usually organized in the order in which incidents actually occurred. 312倒叙记叙插叙5An Outline for Narration Writing I. In

4、troductionEstablishes the plot ( setting, characters, and time period )II. Body First major event Second part of the story Third part Climax, the high point in the narrative Resolution in which the conflict / tension is resolved. III. ConclusionWhat is the moral of the story?6What conflict / tension

5、 does a story have? Man vs. Nature (Day After Tomorrow) Man vs. Man (Youve got mail) Man vs. Society (1984) Man vs. Himself (A Beautiful Mind) 7Conflict / tension of a story Example Analysis In 1989, fresh out of school, I had the intimidating task of choosing a career path before college started in

6、 three months. In those days in Pakistan, there were limited options: become a doctor or an engineer, or enter the corporate world after getting a business degree. I wasnt interested in engineering, so that left medicine or business. I couldnt decide. - At Lifes Crossroads, Para 1 8Resolution of the

7、 conflict / tensionExample Analysis I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Two months of placements could not do what 30 minutes helping an accident victim had done for me.- At Lifes Crossroads9Example analysis moral of the storyWe spend a lot of our time wondering what path to take in

8、our lives. This experience taught me that sometimes, you dont really have to worry about the big decisions. At times, these decisions are made for you and that whatever happens is always for the best. - At Lifes Crossroads10Example analysis moral of the storyIt was the most memorable birthday I ever

9、 had. Nothing compares to that magical moment when I experienced the wonderful miracle of birth and learned first-hand that doctors are not gods. By all accounts, the infant should have been dead. It was then I realised that if I were to make a mistake as a doctor, this was the kind I would not mind

10、 making - to be proven wrong by a patient who turns out to be alive when I thought he was dead. - A Little Miracle11 What details are included?- Emotions, thought, actions Example Analysis - thoughtsThe cars directly behind the bus braked to avoid the boy, but none stopped. Part of me understood if

11、he died, it would mean police involvement and unnecessary problems. In fact, I felt the same urge to keep going, but the urge to stop and help was stronger. - At Lifes Crossroads , Para.1112 What details are included?- Emotions, thought, actions Example Analysis - emotionsWhat a feeling this was, to

12、 help save the life of another person! I spent the rest of the day in a state of exhilaration, the most fabulous mood I had ever experienced. - At Lifes Crossroads13 What details are included?- sight, sound, smell, taste, touch Example Analysis - sound1) I looked up at the baby, who was still on the

13、 mothers belly. I heard the loveliest and loudest sound in my life. He was screaming his lungs out! - A Little Miracle, Para 92) The hospital had an intense environment, with buzz in the wards contrasting with the eerie silence of the intensive care unit. - At Lifes Crossroads, Para 414 Example Anal

14、ysis - touch I felt in experienced, and half the time I was praying that I wouldnt drop the slippery infant as he came out of the world. - A little Miracle, Para 2The woman had come to the emergency room because she had no felt her baby kicking for several days. - A little Miracle, Para 415 Example

15、Analysis - sight Example Analysis - sight1) Around 10 p.m. 15 hours into my shift a patient was brought to my delivery table. She was in her late 20s, fair-skinned and with long straight hair. - A Little Miracle, Para 32) In front of me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the roof, cl

16、inging to a small metal railing. As the driver weaved through traffic, I could see the boys shaking from side to side. - At Lifes Crossroads, Para 416Example analysis - tasteGeneral:The university sponsored a festival which featured Japanese foods. Specific:The university sponsored a festival featur

17、ing hot, spicy Japanese foods. 17What details are included? - Specific, concrete details Example analysis specific verbs As the driver _ through traffic, I could see the boys shaking from side to side. (move around) He lay motionless in the middle of the road as the bus _ away. (go quickly) I jumped

18、 in car and _ back to the hospital. (rush) spedweavedraced- At Lifes Crossroads 18Example analysis specific verbs Paramedical staff _ the boy into the emergency room, while I gave a quick history to the on-call doctor. (take away quickly) His family was contacted, and he was _ into emergency surgery

19、. (carry)I tried to apply pressure to the cuts to _ the bleeding but to no avail. (stop)whiskedwheeled- At Lifes Crossroads stem19Example analysis specific verbs Suddenly, a boy _ off the back of the bus. (fall) I _ the sales and marketing people, and got a feel for how the world of finance function

20、ed. (follow closely) I asked a couple of men to accompany me, but they _ from further involvement. (move back ) tumbledtagged along with- At Lifes Crossroads shrank away20 munch (大声嚼嚼), sip (小口喝,抿), swallow (吞咽), slurp (啜食,出声地吃或喝), giggle (格格笑), jog (慢跑)chuckle (轻声笑), wander (闲逛), sprint (短距离疾跑), gu

21、lp(狼吞虎咽), stagger (踉跄), snigger (窃笑), trudge (缓慢而吃力地走,跋涉), nibble (小口轻咬,啃) laugheatdrinkrunwalk Directions: Match the above specific verbs to the general meaning verbs in the following column.Remember: Specific is Terrific! muchsipswallowslurpgigglejogchucklesprintgulpsniggertrudgestaggerwandergulpn

22、ibbleslurp21Sample essay My Two Roller Coaster Rides22Sample essay My Two Roller Coaster RideLast weekend I went to Six Flags in the state of Massachusetts. Six Flags is an American chain of amusement parks. It has many of the worlds most amazing roller coaster rides. Unfortunately, I am not a rolle

23、r coaster person. I fear roller coaster rides so much that even a mild ride would make my legs shake like I have lost control of my muscles. My first roller coaster experience was not pleasant at all.23It was during the summer of 2000, in the city of Vancouver, Canada. I went to an amusement park wi

24、th a group of friends. We were all very excited about roller coasters and waited anxiously for the ride to begin. As the roller coaster went higher and higher, however, my heart started to beat so hard and fast that it seemed like I could see my shirt move up and down. The laughter and screams of my

25、 friends suddenly became very annoying. I just wished that they would all be quiet.feelingsoundsight24Then the big drop came. I closed my eyes and told myself that it would be over in two seconds. But it felt like forever and I was pushed up from my seat as if I were about to be thrown out of the ro

26、ller coaster. By the time I finished the ride, I could barely stand up and speak. I could only respond with silence when my friends asked me how I liked the ride; no matter how hard I tried, I could not make a sound. feelingactionsound25Although I dread riding roller coasters, I am also a person who

27、 likes to confront my fear. So I went to Six Flags with a clear purpose: to get over my fear for roller coasters. It did not work very well at the beginning. Despite the great effort of encouraging myself while waiting in line, I backed off at the last minute. There were two voices battling inside m

28、y head. One said: this isnt making you happy, so why bother? The other argued: well, dont you want to feel a sense of accomplishment by proving to yourself that you can handle the worst? conflict between man and self26Finally, the second voice won. I joined the line once again and emptied my mind of

29、 all worries. I kept my eyes open throughout the entire ride. I wanted to see what the ride was really like. It was actually a lot easier to have my eyes open: the drop no longer felt like forever because I could see how fast I was going, and my mind was too busy savouring the wonderful scenery of the


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