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1、 挪威简单的留学申请书 挪威简单的留学申请书 Dear _, Changing the bandage on an angry bulldogs paw or trimming the hooves of a 2000-pound draft horse can be an intimidating venture. Curing animals requires compassion, precision, and confidence; it is also an excellent way to learn about practicing medicine and to feel th

2、e satisfaction of helping someone in need. Due to my rural background, knowledge of animals, and love of science, I began working for a local veterinarian at a young age. Later in life, when I decided to become a physician, I saw that my veterinary experiences had prepared me well for a career in he

3、alth care. When I started volunteering in an emergency room, I learned that humans really arent so different from other animals - I needed to show my compassion in order to earn their trust before I could heal or comfort them. When a child or widow brought me their dying pet and pleaded for me to cu

4、re it, I had to soothe the person as well as the animal. I used this calm compassion in the emergency room when comforting the family of a father who had just suffered a heart attack, or when talking with a husband frantic about his wifes car accident. I saw further similarities between human and an

5、imal medicine when I shadowed Dr. Harry Williams in his family practice. I saw that his close relationship with his patients led him to keep thinking of them long after his office closed for the day. Likewise, as a veterinary technician, I had often carefully considered how to help each animal. Comp

6、assion is truly a prerequisite for any career in health care. In my work with animals, I learned that perseverance is key to successful treatment. Interruption of that treatment can lead to disastrous results. In many rural communities near my home, I witnessed the consequences of the absence of con

7、sistent medical care. As a farrier, I have worked in many old-order Mennonite communities whose needs arent being met: when one clients daughter injured her hand in a corn sheller, she was unable to get medical care because facilities were far away and no doctors could come to their farm. The girls

8、hand was infected and not healing well. I did what I could, but I was troubled that I didnt have the expertise to treat the injury. On my next visit, I saw that her hand had grown deformed. Had she been able to see a physician more frequently, her hand might have healed correctly. Encounters of this

9、 kind have revealed to me the consequences of medically underserved communities. I look forward to working toward a solution to this problem when I am a physician. A good veterinarian operates with precision. I have applied the careful, exacting skills I learned with animals to my lab work. I am cur

10、rently involved in research on corneal endothelium with Dr. Carson Kennedy. In the lab, we study mammalian corneal cells; eventually, we would like to describe and prevent ophthalmic diseases such as glaucoma. Through this work, I have honed my scientific skills and sharpened my analytical mind. It

11、is exhilarating to catch a glimpse of valuable knowledge, not yet known by anyone, which has the potential to help many people. It is also very rewarding to know that I have contributed to the advancement of medicine by providing research results that will improve peoples health. Perhaps the most im

12、portant quality required to practice human or animal medicine is confidence. In the lab, in the emergency room, and in the field, I have had many opportunities to observe the importance of confident leadership to a medical practice. Over the years, I have observed that the best veterinarians and phy

13、sicians handle each issue swiftly and appropriately, delegating tasks to others with self-assurance. In every medical situation, someone must take the lead role while working to manage the team. Leadership roles have always come naturally to me - I spent twelve years working toward becoming an Eagle

14、 Scout and helping my younger brother to do the same. The composure I gained as a troop leader helped me to excel in my role as supervisor at a large walking horse farm. Since then, I have grown into leadership roles that required more significant responsibilities. I am comfortable as a leader becau

15、se I am confident in my ability to ensure the health and safety of others. The leadership skills I have developed will be a vital part of my work as a physician. When I began working as a veterinary technician, I did not fully realize that the skills I gained would be so applicable to my eventual ca

16、reer as a physician. Yet my experiences with animals have provided me with an excellent foundation to continue my studies of human health and well-being. I am eager to develop the medical knowledge I have gained thus far in order to become the kind of physician my community will be able to rely on.

17、Yours sincerely, 挪威留学申请流程介绍 一、就是需要先明确自己的目标学校 挪威有几所比较有名的大学,比如奥斯陆大学,卑尔根大学,挪威科技大学等。大家可以根据自己的需要选择1-4所心仪的学校以及专业。在查找学校的时候要记得去_网站查找自己心仪的学校是否被中国承认。 二、明确要申请的专业 学校明确好后,就是去各个学校的官网去寻找自己想申请的专业。具体的各个院系及专业简介可以去学校官网查到。 三、去官网察看所申请的专业需要准备哪些材料 1、明确好自己所要申请专业的起始和截止时间。 2、察看需要准备的申请材料。 注:对于我们中国的学生,我们的大学本科成绩单以及毕业证、学士学位证都需要认

18、证,并将认证报告直接寄到学校。能进行认证的两个机构为:CHESICC和CDGCD。认证的过程简略需要1-2月,所以需要提前预留好时间,以免错过了提交申请的日期。 四、申请开放的日期就可以开始网申 五、出结果的日期 一般来说,第一批录取是在3月底或4月初就能收到offer。如果在那时候没有收到,也不要灰心,学校一般会有补录,所以第二批offer简略会在5月份发出来,要是6月还没有收到offer的话,那就可以开始着手等待下一次的申请了。 挪威留学优势专业介绍 1. 造船业、渔业 由于挪威临海,所以造船业、渔业在世界上属于水平。 2. 机械制造专业、冶金专业 机械制造专业和冶金专业也是挪威的强势专业

19、。其他国家大学里有的专业,挪威的大学基本也全涵盖了。 3.会计、金融专业 金融专业一直以来都是中国留学生非常喜欢申请的专业,金融专业就业前景十分广泛,同时也能获得比较好的薪资收入。 4. 信息系统管理专业 近些年,全球经济开始步入信息化时代,因此,各家公司都开始逐渐重视起对于信息的管理,因此,信息系统管理专业的毕业生在这几年开始变得非常吃香,并且受经济周期影响不大。 5. 综合管理专业 这个专业比较适合有意愿从事企业管理岗位的申请人,因为现在的管理岗位可能要求的能力不只一个方面,还波及很多专业知识、管理方法和模式,所以综合管理专业的需求会很大。 挪威留学热门城市介绍 一、奥斯陆 首都自然是欢迎的选择,这里的基础设施,


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