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1、教师用书独具演示教学目标重点词汇的理解与语法的掌握。(1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。(2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,能够运用这些词语造句。(3)通过对语法的教学让学生能够理解并能够运用这些语法知识,能够把直接引语变为间接引语,同时也能够将间接引语变为直接引语。教学地位本单元的语法是过去分词做宾语补足语,学生可能会感到比较难以掌握 。让学生正确理解和掌握语法知识是让学生学好英语的关键,所以应给学生创设一个语境,让学生理解该语法的应用,而不要让学生死记硬背语法条文,应从理解的基础上去运用这些语法。新课导入建议通过对学生作业的检查导入本堂

2、新课。演示结束 1description nU,C描写;描述Have you read the description carefully?(教材P12)你仔细读过描述了吗?I found the book boring beyond description.我觉得这本书乏味得无法形容。The writer began with a description of the area.这位作家在开篇对该地区作了描写。give a description of形容;描述beyond description无法形容;难以描述describe v描写;描述describe.as.把说成是,把称作Its

3、difficult to describe how I feel.很难形容我的感受。Can you describe him to me?你能向我描述一下他的样子吗?2quarrel nC争吵;争论vi.争吵;争辩Do these differences cause conflicts or quarrels?(教材P12)这些差异导致冲突或争吵吗?These men have quarrelled with each other about/over the price of a load of hay.这帮人为了一车干草的价钱而相互争吵不休。quarrel with sb.about/ov

4、er sth.have a quarrel with sb.about/over sth.为与某人争吵Theyre always quarrelling about food.他们总是为了吃什么而争吵。John ran away from home after a quarrel with his wife.约翰和妻子吵了一架后离家出走了。 quarrel/arguequarrel“争吵,吵架”,重在表达因生气或强烈的不满而同别人争吵。argue“争论,辩论”,重在就自己的看法或立场提出论证说理,力图说服他人。He is goodnatured and has never quarrelled

5、 with anyone.他脾气很好,从不和任何人争吵。We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱。3take the place of代替,替换All of the words below can take the place of said, but they are used under different conditions and in different situations.(教材P12)下列所有单词都可以取代said,但它们用于不同的情况和语境。Sending email has a

6、lmost taken the place of writing letters.发送电子邮件几乎已经代替了写信。take sb.s/sth.s placetake the place of sb./sth.代替某人/物in place of sb./sth.in sb.s/sth.s place代替某人/物take ones place就位take place 发生;举行in place 在适当的位置out of place不合适的;不恰当的The chairs for the concert were nearly all in place.音乐会的座椅都已摆放妥当。What would

7、you do if you were in my place?如果你处在我的位置上,你会怎么做?I felt out of place among the foreigners.在一群外国人中间我觉得不自在。【教师备课资源】take the place of 与 in place of 都是“代替;替代”的意思。take the place of 是动词短语,相当于 replace,在句子中作谓语。in place of 是介词短语,相当于 instead of,多用作状语。类似的区别还有search和in search of; honour 和 in honour of; praise 和

8、in praise of; celebrate 和 in celebration of。4break down(机器)停止运转;坏掉;打倒;捣碎;(使)失败;分解;(身体、精神)垮掉On my way to the station my car broke down.(教材P13)我的汽车在去车站的路上出故障了。His health broke down as a result of smoking.因为吸烟他的健康垮掉了。break down/break upbreak down(计划、和谈等的)失败;(机器)出故障;(健康、精神)垮下来;(建筑物)倒塌;(化合物的)分解;分类break u

9、p(会议、聚会等的)结束;(人群的)驱散;(规矩的)打破;(雪的)融化;(关系)破裂;(物体)拆开,分解。【对接高考】(2012陕西高考)He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead,because the airconditioning system .Abroke inBbroke upCbroke outDbroke down【解析】break in闯入;break up打破,打碎,解散,结束;break out(战争、火灾等)发生;break down(机器)发生故障,(计划、谈判等)失败。由

10、主句中pause from time to time to wipe the sweat可知此处是指空调出故障,故选D项。本题句意:他不得不时常停下来擦擦额头上的汗,因为空调系统出故障了。【答案】D用适当的副词填空Water can be broken into hydrogen and oxygen.First you must break your army.I told myself Id break with Derek the next day.【答案】downupup5arrange vt.筹备;安排;整理They had no time to arrange their own

11、wedding.(教材P13)他们没有时间筹备自己的婚礼He arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a week.他安排把会议推迟一周。He is arranging his notes.他在整理笔记。arrange to do sth.安排好做某事arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事arrange with sb.about sth.和某人商量某事It is arranged that.根据安排arrangement nU,C安排;准备工作make arrangements for为做安排Dave ar

12、ranged for someone to drive him home.大卫安排人开车送他回家。It was arranged that we have to have supper at the airport.根据安排,我们必须在机场吃晚饭。We have already made arrangements for our vacation.我们已经为假期作了安排。【提示】(1)arrange不能用于arrange sb.to do sth.结构,应该使用arrange for sb.to do sth.结构。(2)arrange 后接that引导的宾语从句时,从句谓语动词应用“shou

13、ld动词原形”,其中should可以省略。观察下列从Reading中选取的句子,注意过去分词在句子中充当的成分和所起的作用。Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way.You find most of the pop

14、ulation settled in the south,.自我总结过去分词(短语)作宾语补足语时,与宾语存在逻辑上的 关系。【答案】动宾过去分词作宾语补足语过去分词作宾语补足语时表明宾语是过去分词动作的对象,过去分词与宾语之间有逻辑上的动宾关系。在高中阶段主要有以下几种情况:1感官动词see, hear, notice, observe,watch,feel,find等后可用过去分词作宾语补足语。I saw an old man knocked down by a car.我看到一位老人被车撞倒了。【注意】在此类“动词宾语宾语补足语”结构中,如用过去分词作宾语补足语,表示动作与宾语构成动宾关

15、系或所处的状态。(用现在分词作宾语补足语表示动作正在进行且与宾语构成主谓关系。)2意欲动词want,like,wish,order,expect等动词后接过去分词作宾语补足语,相当于过去分词前省略了to be,表示“希望/要求某事/某人被”。The father wants his daughter taught the piano.这位父亲想让女儿学钢琴。Id like the job done when I come back from the journey.我希望我旅行回来时,这项工作已经做了。3使役动词have, get, make, leave, keep等后可用过去分词作宾语补足

16、语。Have you got your films developed?你拿胶卷去冲洗了没有?The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself heard.演讲者提高嗓音但还是不能让听众听到他的声音。【注意】“使役动词have宾语过去分词”的几种含义:(1)主语请别人做某事He wants to have his eyes examined tomorrow.他明天想去检查眼睛。(2)主语遭遇到某种不幸的事情While they were on holiday,they had their car broken into.他

17、们在度假时车被撬了。(3)使完成某事(事情既可以是别人做完,也可以由主语参与完成)He had the walls painted this morning.他今早给墙刷漆了。(主语自己可能参与)4在“with名词/代词过去分词”的复合宾语结构中,过去分词表示被动意义,过去分词与宾语在逻辑上是动宾关系。With all the work done,I feel very relaxed now.所有的工作都做完了,我现在感到非常放松。An old man was brought in,with his hands tied behind his back.一个老人被带了进来,他的双手被绑在背后

18、。【注意】过去分词与现在分词作宾语补足语的区别:一般说来,过去分词作宾语补足语时,与宾语在逻辑上是动宾关系,现在分词则是主谓关系。I saw her coming into the classroom.我看见她正进教室。(her和come是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示“进来”这一动作正在发生)I saw her taken out of the classroom.我看见她被人从教室里带了出来。(take和her是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示“她是被带出来的”这一动作)With a local guide leading the way,we had no difficulty finding the o

19、ld temple.由当地的导游带路,我们毫不费事地找到了那座古庙。(guide和lead之间是主动关系,因此用现在分词)With the problem settled,he could finally have a good sleep.问题得以解决,他终于可以好好睡一觉了。(problem和settle之间是被动关系,因此用过去分词).多项选择1(2012四川高考)Before driving into the city,you are required to get your car .AwashedBwashCwashingDto wash【解析】句意:开车进入市区之前,你必须把汽车

20、洗一洗。本题考查过去分词作宾语补足语。car与wash之间是被动关系。故用过去分词,构成“get sth.done”结构,表示“使某物被”【答案】A2The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.Abroke downBbroke outCbroke upDbroke in【解析】break down(机器等)发生故障;(人)感情崩溃;break out(战争,灾难等)突然发生;break up分开;分解;结束。break in强行进入;打断(谈话等)。【答案】A3(201

21、1湖北卷高考)The minister said,“We are ready for discussions with any legal parties,but well never with criminals.”AnegotiateBquarrelCargueDconsult【解析】negotiate谈判;quarrel吵架,争吵;argue辩论,争辩;consult商议,咨询。句意为“部长说:我们愿意与任何合法党派进行讨论,但我们决不与犯罪分子谈判。”,根据句意选A。【答案】A4(2011重庆高考)Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside

22、the bed to keep himself of his own dreams.AremindingBto remindCremindedDremind【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:Michael把姚明的图片张贴在床边是为了提醒自己要实现自己的梦想。remind sb.of sth.表示“提醒某人某事”,remind与himself之间是动宾关系,故用动词的过去分词形式。【答案】C5Dont worry.I have a car to pick up the guests at the station.AarrangedBarranged forCpreparingDprepared for【解析】arrange for sb./sth.to do sth.“安排某人/某物干某事”,固定用法。【答案】B.用所给动词的适当形式填空1When I opened the door,I found the gr


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