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1、高一英语模块四第三单元期末复习基础练习第 PAGE 12 页 共 NUMPAGES 12 页M4U3期末复习基础练习单词拼写Cars are terrible polluters, so we should develop a new type of urban (城市的) car which burns less gas. I must tell her that Im going to give up studying biology (生物学). About 45 percent of children suffer passive (被动的) smoking in families,

2、50 percent in public places, and almost 5 percent on public transportation. I have met a beautiful girl, with an excellent social (社会的) position, and a large income. Im confident (自信的) that a bright future is waiting for us. The teacher showed particular concern for the disabled (有残疾的) child. He acc

3、used (指责) his boss of having broken his promise.Dont touch the electric (电的) switch, or youll get a shock. His speech made a strong impression (印象) on the audience. He hates his wifes constant (不断地) talking. I expected a present from her, so I was disappointed when I didnt receive one. His dream of

4、owning his own plane has become a reality. I took my son to Laos for sightseeing last week and we enjoyed this trip very much. Oil, milk and water are all liquid. He asked me to call him back at my convenience. Now I have realized the importance of learning English.The sofa functions as a bed at nig

5、ht. Russian is a difficult language to master. The empty boat was floating on the sea. Coloured cloth often fades when it is washed. 选词填空put forward; carry out; give out; compare with; connect with; in the long term; rather than; in reality; as to; add to; He is a responsible person and he can be tr

6、usted to carry out the plan.As to correcting our homework, the teacher always makes us do it ourselves.3.His wife was dismissed from her company last month. The news that he might also lose his job added to his anxiety.The argument put forward against this idea has no basis in fact.5.This kind of ur

7、ban planning is cheaper and more practical, compared with the way most urban planning is done today.This is a very strange tree; it gives out a sweet smell in the evenings.In the long term, it is practical to buy good quality goods.In many ways virtual reality seems more like a toy rather than a use

8、ful technology.Unlike a film, RealCine puts you into the action and connects with your senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch in an active way.The house looks very old, but in reality its quite new.set up; concentrate on; get changed; for free; accuseof; make a profit; last but not least; play an

9、 important role in; make the most of; close down;The man accused of stealing the necklace was thrown into prison.Last but not least, I must thank you for your mothers kindness.The Internet plays an important role in our work.They set up a monument in memory of the victims in the earthquake.Its my fi

10、rst holiday for two years so Im going to make the most of it.I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.Many businesses have closed down because of the financial crisis.He made a profit of 200,000 yuan after he sold his house.Plastic bags are still in use for free in some small ma

11、rkets.Hurry up. Im afraid you wont have time to get changed before the party.all of a sudden; blow up; wear out; in a flash; fall down; give off; come across; be about to; in terror; hold on to;My coat was worn out so I had to buy a new one.I held on to my pencil in case it dropped to the ground.I w

12、as watching a film on TV. All of a sudden, the power went off.Now people use bombs to blow up rocks when they are building railways.At the beginning of his journey, the explorer came across many difficulties.You were lucky that you werent hurt when you fell down from the third floor.You can see some

13、 things in the dark because they can give off light of their own.Buildings and cities appeared and disappeared in a flash.The girl cried out in terror when she suddenly saw a snake.Lily was about to go to bed when her cell phone began ringing.句型转换With the rapid development of science and technology,

14、 some of our wildest dreams will come true. (填入一词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致) As science and technology develops rapidly, some of our wildest dreams will come true. This presentation will give you some information about RealCine: how it works, why it is better than a film, and how it can be used in other wa

15、ys. (填入一词,完成下面的总结或评价) The topic of the presentation is mentioned here. In the opinion of many people, this extraordinary technology is worth developing further. (填入一词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致) In the opinion of many people, this extraordinary technology deserves further development. He acted with decision

16、 as soon as he heard the news. (填入一词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致) On/ Upon hearing the news, he acted with decision. In reality, he is disabled and can no longer walk, but he was able to see and touch a lion while still in the convenience of the VR studio. (填入一词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致) Actually, he is disabled a

17、nd can no longer walk, but he was able to see and touch a lion while still in the convenience of the VR studio.Firefighters could use RealCine to train safely, without the risk of getting injured in a burning building. (填入一词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致)When training without RealCine in a burning building, fi

18、refighters will be in danger of getting injured.All of a sudden, two dinosaurs rose to the surface and began to fight each other. (填入一词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致) Suddenly, two dinosaurs rose to the surface and began to fight each other.When they set sail again, they found something that looked like an exi

19、t. (填入一词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致) When they set sail again, they found what looked like an exit.When I looked around, I found a man sitting against a big tree. (填入一词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致) Looking around, I found a man seated against a bit tree. In my opinion, it is about time for us to hold a meeting. (填入一

20、词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致) In my opinion, it is about time we held a meetingThe young man had to prove his innocence with enough convincing evidence when he was charged with robbery with violence. (填入一词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致) When accused of robbery with violence, the young man had to prove his innocence wi

21、th enough convincing evidence. To my amazement, the boy was the only one to survive the crash. (填入一词,完成下面句子,使之与所给句子意思一致) Only the boy amazingly survived in the crash. 单项选择1. It is said that Dustin Hoffman will play _role of the captain in the new movie. A. the B. a C. an D. /2. CPU _ central process

22、ing unit.A. symbolizes B. stands forC. represent D. signifies3. The city was _ destroyed by the earthquake.A. really B. virtuallyC. truly D. actually4. A new proposal for reducing tax was _ in the congress.A. put up B. put awayC. put off D. put forward5. More trees have been planted and flowers grow

23、n to _ the beauty of the park.A. increase B. add to C. plus D. raise6. All _ can be done _ done to ensure the safety of tourists.A. which,was B. that,have beenC. that,has been D. which,were7. The story was _the capital city Changan in Tang Dynasty.A. set off B. set aboutC. set back D. set in8. A pai

24、r of binoculars will _ you _much more stars on clear nights.A. ensure, to see B. enable, to seeC. help, look at D. allow, see9. His speech has _ the audience _ a very deep impression.A. left,with B. left, byC. given,of D. given,to10.I will not _ for such a small sum of money.A .take the risk of my l

25、ifeB. risk my life C. at the risk of my lifeD. go the risk11. “The last straw that breaks the camels back” means_ .A. The last hope B. the only food C. sth that finally helps a personD. sth that finally make a person break down 12. You must behave yourself _ the presence _ the judge. A. at,by B. wit

26、h,for C. in,of D. before,of13. Mr. Black _ to develop electric cars to replace traditional ones. A. suggested B. advised C. proposed D. insisted14. Why am I always _ for all the mistakes? A. accused B. charged C. sued D. blamed15.The T-model cars _ very well in the 1920s. A. sold B. were sold C. bou

27、ght D. were bought16. _,I fell asleep as soon as I _ down. A. Being tired and sleepy,lied B. To be tired and sleepy,laid C. Tired and sleepy,lay D. Tiring and sleepy,lain17.Her love stories are not worth _ _ second time . A. to read,a B. to read,the C. reading,the D. reading,a18.We should have confi

28、dence in our children-they are old enough to _ the right from the wrong. A. talk B. judge C . realize D. tell19. The ship is _ no _ to make a long voyage. A. in,condition B. in,conditions C. under,condition D. under,conditions20. The control of _ bird flu in China finally proved to be _ great succes

29、s.A. the; the B. the; / C. /; a D. /; /21. The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front _ to arrive. A. is expected B. is expecting C. expects D. will be expected22. - Have you handed in your schoolwork yet? - Yes, I have. I guess it _ now. A. has graded B. is graded C. is being graded

30、D. is grading23. With the high technology, more and more new substances _ in the past years. A. discovered B. has discovered C. has been discovered D. have been discovered24. -Do you know what Tom does all day? - I know e spends at least as much time watching TV as he _ his lesson. A. is doing B. do

31、es doing C. does D. spends in25. Its time that we _ a final agreement to solve the problem. A. reach B. have reached C. reached D. reaching26. How did it _ that he knew where we were? A. come over B. come about C. come out D. come up27. The stairs are slippery, so _ each step when you go upstairs. A. attend B. mind C. protect D. guard28. The firefighter asked_ to search f


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