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1、名师推荐精心整理学习必备高一必修 2 Unit1:Cultural relics 知识点及12.belong to sb 属于某人 ( owned by sb) Tom did well at the party, but the evening belonged to Lucy. 注意:belong to 既无被动形式,也不能用于进行时。作宾语。可用于 V-ing 形式作后置定语 13.in return 作为对 的报答,以答谢to 为介词,可跟名词或代词You gave me your watch and in return I gave you my book. 14.serve as

2、当,担任,充当 He served as a waiter there. 15.reception n. c. 接待处,招待会,接待仪式 ,欢迎会 a wedding reception 结婚喜宴 (the act of receiving or welcoming sb.) u. 接纳,迎接 a reception centre 接待站 16.consider 1)(尤指为做出决定)仔细考虑,细想 .) consider + n./doing/wh- + to do/that-clause She considered her options.她考虑了自己的各种选择 re consideri

3、ng buying a car. We2)认为;以为;觉得 ( to think of sth. in a particular.) consider + n/that-clause/+(to be/as) + n./adj./to do consider+宾语 +宾补He considers it a great honor to give a speech during the meeting. 17.was/ were able to 表示过去经过努力,成功地做了某事,表达一种结果。类似于 succeeded in doing 或 managed to do的含义。如:He worked

4、 very hard, and was able to pass the examination. 他学习很努力,因而通过了考试。考题 : The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _ get out. A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to 1 名师推荐精心整理学习必备18.remove v. 1) sth/sb (from sth)将某物或某人从某处移开,搬开,拿开,移动He removed the mud from his shoes. 2)脱掉脱去(衣服等) ,摘

5、下;= (take off clothing ,ect. From body.) He refused to remove his shoes. 3) 搬家,迁移 = move They removed/moved into the new house. 4)免职,解除(职位等)( dismiss sb from the position or job.) This election removed the government from power. 这次选举使政府倒台了 That officer was removed from his position. 那位军官被免职了。19. les

6、s than少于 I used to earn less than a pound a week when I first started work. 短语符号意义less than 少于not less than=at (the) least 不少于,至少no less than 和 一样,不少于(强调多)more than 多于;不仅仅not more than=at (the) 不多于,不超过,至多most 不比 更no more than 仅仅(强调少)1)other than except for 除了 I dont know any French people other than

7、 you. 不 not;不同,不同于 different or differently from ;I never saw him to behave other than selfish.我从没见过他不自私 2)none other than正是,不是别的,竟然(强调出人意料的事或人)His first customer is none other than Tom. 他的第一位客人竟然是 Tom 3)no other than a. 只有2 名师推荐精心整理学习必备b. 正是,就是 ( = the same as 20.wooden adj. (1)木制的,木头的 (made of woo

8、d.) a wooden box (2)木头似的;死板的;呆板的;木纳的(emotion, movement.)not showing enough natural expression, e.g. The act playing the father was too wooden. Wood n. c. u. 木,木头,木材 wood=woods 林地,树林 ( an area of trees, smaller than a forest.) a large wood一大片林地 21. doubt a walk in the woods在林地里散步1)v 不能肯定,无把握,认为 未必可能

9、;怀疑,不信任 I doubt whether/if 怀疑 ,不敢肯定 I don t doubt that 确信,肯定 2) n. doubt + (about sth)/(that )/(as to sth)/ There is some doubt about her honesty. 人们对她的诚实有些怀疑。There is no doubt that 22.wonder / There is no doubt about sth. 毫无疑问 ,确实1)想知道,琢磨 , 想弄明白 I wonder who she is. 我不知道她是谁。We are wondering about n

10、ext April for our wedding.我们正打算下个四月结婚。no wonder (that) 难怪 It s a wonder that he seems to know nothing about it.t want to go. No wonder that he didn n.1)c.奇迹,奇观,奇妙之处,奇事;能人,奇才;Taj Mahal is one of the eight wonders of the world. u. 惊异,惊叹 He gazed down in wonder at the city spread below her. 2)(its) no/

11、lit tle/small wonder (that) 并不奇怪,不足为奇,难怪 ( its not surprising.)it s a wonder (that) 奇怪的是 (its surprising or strange.)in wonder 惊奇地3 名师推荐精心整理学习必备23.remain 保持;停留;剩下 (1)依然,保持: v+adj / n / v-ed/ v-ing /that to remain silent / standing / seated / motionless 保持沉默 /站着 /坐着 /不动 (2)剩下: vi+ (to do) It remains

12、to be seen whether you are right. 你是否对以后才能知晓。24.more than的用法 “ more than名词 ” 表示“多于 ” 、“不仅仅是 ” 如:Modern science is more than a large amount of information. Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. 他不仅仅是讲师,他还是个作 家。“ more than数词 ”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如:I have known David for more than 20 years. “mor

13、e than形容词 ”等于 “很”或“非常 ”的意思,如:In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments. 做科学实验时,必须非常小心仪器。I assure you I am more than glad to help you. 我保证我非常高兴帮你。在“ more.than.”Catherine is more lazy than stupid. 与其说凯瑟琳笨,不如说她懒。25.apart adv. 1) (时,空)相隔,相距Their birthday is thre

14、e days apart.他们的生日隔了三天。2)分离,不在一起,分开 ; 把 区别开The boy took the watch apart to see how it ran. I can t tell the twins apart.3)apart from 要不是,除 外 except for, other than, I ve finished apart from the last questions. 除了最后一道题,我都答完了Using language 1.trial 审判,审讯;4 名师推荐精心整理学习必备a trial period 一段试用期hes on trial f

15、or murder.他因涉嫌谋杀罪而受审。She will stand/go on a trial for fraud.她因涉嫌诈骗将受到审判。Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error. 儿童们通过反复试验, 不断摸索,学会运用计算机程序。2.prove (proved, proved) or (proved, proven) 1)vt. 证明 sth (to sb) They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence. 他们希望这个新证据会证明她无罪。 (that

16、) This proves (that) I was right. 这证明我是对的。 +宾语 + adj She was determined to prove him wrong. 她决心要证明他错了。(2)系动词:证明是,显示是V+adj/n Perhaps this book will prove (to be) useful. 或许这本书会证明有用的。V +to be The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career. 这次提拔证明是他事业的转折点。重难点句子分析1. In a trial, a judge must de

17、cide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe. 这是以 “ 疑问词 +不定式 ” 结构 作宾语的简单句。 这种结构在句中可作主语, 宾语和表语。When to start has not been decided. I dont know whether to accept his invitation or not.The question is how to carry out the plan. 2. He / She only cares about whether the eyewitnesses , whic

18、h must be facts rather than opinions. 1) care about 在乎,在意,关心She thinks only of herself, she doesn t care about other people. 2) rather than 而不是,与其说 不如说 They were shouting rather than talking. 5 名师推荐精心整理学习必备3. Nor do I think they should give it to any government. 该句中由于把 否定词 nor 放于句首 ,所以使用了部分倒装语序。英语中当

19、否定副词以及含有否定词的介词短语防于句首时,句子需用部分倒 装。这样的副词及短语有: never , seldom , neither , nor , little , not, hardly , scarcely , rarely , in no time , by no means , in no way等。Never shall I make such a mistake. Seldom does she go out alone. t finished your homework, neither have I. You haven 4. What should you do with

20、 things you have found even if the search cost you time and money. do with 在此处意为 “处理,处置 ”,还可表示 “应付,对付”,疑问句中应与 what 搭配使用。deal with 也可表 “对待,处理 ”,但在疑问句中与 还可还可表示 “与 交易 ”。how 搭配使用。另外,deal withWhat have you done with my pen? How have you done with my pen? 5. explode vi. The bomb exploded. explode 用于炸弹等 “爆炸 ”;blow up 用来指人(用炸药去) “炸毁”楼房等物体 They had planned to blow up the bridge but


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