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1、Terrible toothache新概念英语一册 Lesson 77-acheReview 75-76ago adv. 以前buy (bough) v. 买pair n. 双,对fashion n. (服装)流行式样uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的wear (wore) v. 穿着1. appointment n. 预约 区别: date n. 约会 blind date -ment n. 名词后缀 以ment结尾的词通常是名词。punishment government词 汇 New words:appoint v.动词:指定,决定我们必须定下下次见面的日期。We must

2、appoint a day to meet again.appointment n.make an appointment 预约我们现在约个时间好吗?Can we make an appointment now ?to have an appointment with sb 与某人有约我约好下午3点看医生。I have an appointment with my doctor at 3:00 p.m.2.Urgent a. 紧急的,急迫的搭配:紧急会议 urgent meeting例句:我们有一件紧要的事情。 We have an urgent thing. He wants to go t

3、o WC, its urgent.词 汇词 汇 urgent a. 紧急的,急迫的worried a.(人)着急的,担忧的His parents are worried about his health.anxious a.急切的,热切的We are anxious to see him. prep用于肯定句,与延续性动词相连(直到为止) =until I shall wait till next Monday. 我将等到下周一。 Until now I know nothing about it. 到目前为止我一无所知。They work from morning till night da

4、y after day.他们日复一日地从早工作到晚。Good-bye till next Monday.下周一见。3.till 直到为止tillconj.(直到为止)I lived in the country till I was fifteen. 我在乡下一直住到十五岁Lets wait till the rain stops.not - until 直到才Last night I didnt go to bed until 11 oclock. 昨晚我11点钟才睡觉Terrible toothache要命的牙痛Questions: 1.Who is the woman? 2.Whats

5、wrong with the man? 3.Why the dentist didnt see the man? Do you have an appointment? 你有预约么?文化背景: 西方国家一般看病都不是去大医院,而去私人医院,医生很忙需要接待很多病人,只能安排好时间,按预约时刻去看病,其他时间一般没办法看病。语言点Is it urgent? 很急么? 常用于医院,买票,排队等情况。I feel awful. 我觉得很糟糕。 感官动词 + 形容词 feel awful 语言点I have a terrible toothache. 我得了严重的牙疼。Have: 可以表示很多“动词含

6、义” 在本句当作“得病”讲语言点一周英文巧记April 24th 4月24号 读作:April the 24th 序数词复习: first second third 第一 第二 第三语言点第四: fourth 第十三:thirteenth第五: fifth 第十四:fourteenth第六: sixth 第十五:fifteenth第七: seventh 第十六: sixteenth第八: eighth 第十七: seventeenth第九: ninth 第十八: eighteenth第十: tenth 第十九: nineteenth第十一: eleventh 第二十: twentieth第十二

7、:twelfth语言点英式日期格式是“日/月/年”的次序,美式日期按“月/日/年”的次序。如,1987年5月20日按英式写作“20th May, 1987”,the twentieth of May, nineteen eighty-seven;美式则为“May 20th, 1987”,May the twentieth, nineteen eighty-seven这种英语写法倒清晰易识别,但当日期全部用数字表示时,对我来说就很要命了。如,同样是2011年5月20日,英式写法为20/5/2011或20/5/11,美式写法则为5/20/2011或5/20/11。I have a terrible

8、 toothache. 我得了严重的牙疼。terrible a. 很差的,糟糕的 例句:这是部糟糕的电影。 This is a terrible film.语言点Im afraid that he cant, Mr. Croft. 恐怕他办不到呀,Croft 先生。Im afraid that+句子 表示否定,不是真的害怕, 而是语气婉转。语言点宾语从句表示人的情感或心理活动的形容词 afraid/ sure/ sorry/ glad/ anxious/ confident/ proudS+ be+ adj. + 宾语从句主句和宾语从句中有that连接,后边加句子。 当主句是一般现在时,从句可

9、以用任何时态。 I am afraid that I cant come tomorrow. I am sorry that I didnt go yesterday. I am glad that you can help them.2、S+ v. +that +从句 其中的动词为: think/ know/ believe/ say/ hope/ understand She knows that you will come. I believe (that) I can fly.Cant you wait till this afternoon?难道你就不能等到今天下午了吗这是情态动词的

10、否定疑问句形式,表请求否定疑问句:否定疑问句可以表示说话者惊异的情绪、责难的口吻或赞叹;也可以表示说话者的某种建议、邀请、请求或看法等。Eg:(be:) Arent you a student ?难道你不是一个学生吗?(be:) Isnt it hot here ?这里难道不热吗?(can:) Cant you wait a moment ?你不能等一会儿吗?(have:) Havent I asked you ?难道我没问过你吗?(do:) Dont you want to stay with us ?你难道不愿意与我们呆在一起吗(did:) Didnt you see him yester

11、day ?难道你昨天没看见他吗? 回答这种问题时用简略回答。如果答语是肯定的,就用Yes;如果答语是否定的,就用No。不过,这种答语的汉语译法有特殊之处。如:Dont you know English?你不懂英语吧?Yes, I do. 不,我懂。Good morning, Mr. Croft. Good morning, nurse. I want to see the dentist (看牙医), please. Do you have an appointment (预约) ? No, I dont. Is it urgent (急诊吗)? Yes, it is. Its very ur

12、gent. I feel awful. (难受极了)I have a terrible toothache. Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday (on/in), April 24th? I must see the dentist now, nurse. The dentist is (be适当形式) very busy at the moment. Can you come at 2 p.m.? (at/in/on)Thats very late. Can the dentist see me (I适当形式) now? Im afraid that he c

13、ant, Mr. Croft. Cant you wait till this afternoon? I can wait, but my toothache cant! 1.I want to see the dentist , please. (对红色部分提问) What do you want to do?2.Do you have an appointment? (变成肯定句) I have an appointment.3.Is it urgent ? (变成肯定句) It is urgent.4.Its very urgent. (变成一般疑问句) Is it very urgen

14、t?5.I feel awful. (对红色部分提问) How do you feel? 6.I must see the dentist now, nurse. (变成否定句)I mustntneednt see the dentist now, nurse. 7.The dentist is very busy at the moment. (对红色部分提问)Who is very busy at the moment?8.Can the dentist see me now?(变成肯定句) The dentist can see you now.Written exercises 书面练习 A Complete these sentences. 把下列句子改写成过去时。 Example: She goes to town every day. She


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