1、 学生澳洲本科留学申请书 学生澳洲本科留学申请书 Dear _, I would like to build on my solid education and experience as an engineer for a Ph. D. degree in computer science at a distinguished university. I wish in particular to be trained at an advanced level in software systems, database systems, applied-AI and knowledge-ba
2、sed systems. My ultimate goal is to become a professor teaching computer science at a Chinese university. I believe that advanced training in a quality graduate program will help me realize my goal. Having worked in both academia and industries, I have narrowed down my career interest to teaching an
3、d researching, although I can also appreciate the value of other types of career. I feel that, by teaching and researching at an advanced level within the context of a university, I can make the most contribution to the progress of science and technology in my country. This is because, to a large de
4、veloping country like China, the propagation of scientific and technological knowledge is at least as important as the development of cutting-edge expertise. Enough people are already devoted to mastering the state-of-the -art in computer science, but not nearly enough people are prepared to spend t
5、heir life training new generations to be better than they are. As a computer professional, I am versed in a full range of computer knowledge and skills. As a graduate student, I devoted the better part of my time to doing research on data consistency, a topic that is fundamental not only to the data
6、base itself but also to data mining. In my Masters thesis, I proposed, under the most commonly used division of schemes, a new computing method that strikes the best balance to date between cost and computation performance. In the capacity of a system analyst and project engineer, I have worked with
7、 all kinds of software applications, and created a lot of my own as well. I once provided a model for the routine on form, which dominates daily operations in many offices. Some of my work already stands on fore front of the technological progress in China. Some time ago, I met the President of the
8、New Technology Development Company affiliated with Beijing University, one of Chinas most distinguished higher-learning institution. He told me that about their new product, a program of textual search within whole context, which can identify text titles and text intelligently. Much to my surprise,
9、I found that the program was virtually the same as the form-based handling system. If I had done a proper job in disseminating what I had done, there would be this repetition of work. I have developed some insights about the WWW technology, which is now part of the normal office environment. Its wid
10、espread use has generated a lot of demands for change in the format of both the web server and the web browser. One answer to some of the demands is being met by the adoption of the intranet technology. With it, the architecture of CGI, +SQL DB+WEB SERVER has become a popular topic. I tried my hand
11、in this area several years ago, and would dearly love to enhance my expertise. The ands-on experience in so many different areas has endowed me with string sensitivity to changes and progress in computer science, particularly to problems that arise out of routine work. I am known among my colleagues
12、 for my ability to ask the right questions at the right moment, especially when dealing with DB, query tools, office models and the Internet. With further training, I hope to be able to combine ANN or other AIs with DB for information handling. I am glad to say that my competence at independent rese
13、arch will serve me well as I try to put my ideas into practice. In view of the above, I would greatly appreciate it if you could accept me into your program and offer me whatever financial you might be able to. By giving me an opportunity to study under your seasoned guidance, you will produce not o
14、nly another computer scientist but also a computer scientist who will spawn many other computer scientists. Yours sincerely, 澳大利亚留学签证要求须知 1.材料要求 澳洲留学签证要提交的材料囊括申请表、护照、户口本、身份证、出身公证原件、在读证明或毕业证、CoE、学校录取通知、GTE、OSHC保险凭证、存款证明、经济担保信、在职人员还要提交工作简历和工作证明等。 用于递交学生签证的所有材料和信息必须是真实的。含有任何错误或误导性的虚假材料或信息的学生签证申请可能会导致申请
15、被拒签。 2.保险要求 申请澳洲留学签证必须购买保险并提供保单,申请人必须购买OSHC海外学生健康保险。澳洲政府认证提供OSHC的主流供应商有六个,分别是AHM、NIB、CBHS、BUPA、Medibank和Alliance,学生可以遵照自己的喜好自由选择。 遵照20_年的费用标准,最基本的海外学生医疗保险,即达到政府规定的最低保险要求的保险计划,留学生一年的保险费在460-560澳元左右。 3.申请要求 澳洲移民局宣布从20_年7月1日起,所有的澳洲留学签证申请必须通过澳大利亚内政事务部(Department of Home Affairs)的ImmiAccount在网上递交,即目前澳洲留学
16、签证办理都是通过线上。 移民局规定澳大利亚留学签证申请至少在课程起始日的12周前递交,即要提前近3个月递交签证申请。为了加快签证申请,一定确保所递交的材料正确、完整。 4.体检要求 同学们在递交申请后要自行打印体检表格,并到指定的医院体检。体检为3-5个工作日左右,体检医院会自行上传学生的体检报告给澳使馆。 必须要在澳洲移民局认可医院进行检查,且至少在医院结束服务时间前1小时到达医院。医院业务繁忙,留学生体检可能需要预约,同学们可以根据医院联系方式打电话过去预约。 5.审核要求 递交申请后需要耐心等待等待1-2个月左右,为了缩短签证审批时间,递交签证申请时一定要附上所有所需文件,否则将面临审批
17、延迟或拒签。 澳大利亚留学基本常识介绍 1、气候 澳洲气候四季如春,大部分时候气温维持在20多度左右。冬天,也就是7,8月份的时候,基本气温在7-15度之间,雨季常下雨,但从不下雪,也不需要羽绒服。即使是在夏天,大部分时候都是25-35度之间,一般来说,会有一个星期的气温升到40度以上,整个夏天日照非常强烈。 2、时差 澳洲有三个时区:东部标准时间(EST)区,囊括新南威尔士省、澳洲首都领地、维多利来省、塔斯曼尼亚和昆士兰省;中部标准时间(CST)区,囊括南澳及北领地;西部标准时间(WST)区,即西澳。中部时间比东部时间慢半小时,西部时间比东部时间慢两小时。 3、生活成本 一般在澳洲的学生的消
18、费成本较高。一个单身学生一年在生活上(衣食住行、医疗、娱乐)简略需花费70001.5万澳元。已婚学生的配偶每年需额外花费约5000澳元,而每名子女则约另加约3000澳元。机票以及配偶或子女在澳上学的费用,也将再另计。 4、饮食习惯 澳洲人一般早上吃土司,或三明治,夹各种配料吃。午饭很多人还是继续吃三明治、牛排,汉堡,或者意大利面食。晚餐的主食则视自己的口味而定,可以选择肉类或素食。 同时,澳洲的各种肉类,如牛肉、羊肉,很出名且好吃不贵。澳洲四面环海,因此海鲜自然又多又好。 5、医疗 海外学生医疗费用可以保证留学生在学习期间看病开处方免费,感冒等小病治疗药免费,其他的药均不免费,看牙病很贵不属于医疗保险,看好牙出国。小师姐建议大家自己必备一点日常药物,非常是夏天的蚊虫叮咬的药。医疗保险续签时候也是要每年交的。 6、通讯 澳洲国际区号为0061,若要从国内打电话到澳洲的悉尼,请打0061-2(悉尼区号)-电话号码;若从澳洲往国内打,请拨0011-86-国内区号-电话号码(手机号码)。如果带手机出国,请注意带好充电器和插头转换器哦。 7、大使馆信息 一个人在国外的时候,一定要牢记中国驻澳洲使领馆、当地警局、主要华人团体
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