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1、大学英语六级考试冲刺(chngc)试题四答案精析Part Writing 【范文】Digital AgeDigital products, in contemporary society, are being widely used. They have become an indispensable part in our work and life, from laptops and projectors for studying and teaching, electronic dictionaries and e-books for reading and information se

2、arching, to digital cameras and iPod for entertainments. The influence coupled, as you can imagine, are in abundance. Firstly, digital products bring us efficiency in work by saving time and energy, contributing to the development in economy. Secondly, with all tools like e-books and digital materia

3、ls, we can study more effectively. Finally, convenience that they provide to our daily life speaks for itself. To make digital products more productive, we should have a correct attitude toward them. Appropriate use of digital products could well enhance the efficiency and make our work and study ea

4、sier. On the contrary, the overuse and misuse of them would definitely do harm rather than good. Therefore, we should make good use of them, while keeping a clear mind of their disadvantages. 【译文】在当今社会,电子产品应用广泛。它们已成为我们工作和生活中不可或缺的一部分,从学习和教学用的笔记本电脑、投影仪,阅读和搜索信息的电子词典和电子书,到娱乐用的数码相机和iPod,莫不如此。可以想象,它们的影响是巨

5、大的。首先,电子产品提高了工作效率,节省了时间和精力,促进了经济的发展。其次,有了电子书和数字资料等工具,我们的学习也更加高效。最后,电子产品给我们日常生活提供的便利也是不言而喻的。为了使数码产品产生更高的价值,我们应该对它们采取正确的态度。合理的使用可以大大提高效率,使我们的工作和学习更加便捷。相反,过度使用和滥用必定有害无益。因此,我们应该充分利用它们。但也须对它们的弊端保持清醒的头脑。【要点用法】contribute to有助于 do harm rather than good有害无益speak for itself不言而喻 make good use of充分利用on the cont

6、rary正相反 keep a clear mind保持清醒的头脑overuse and misuse过度使用和滥用Part Listening Comprehension Section A 1. C M: The biological project is now in trouble. You know, my colleague and I have completely different ideas about how to proceed. W: Why dont you compromise? Try to make it a win-win situation for you

7、both. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?【听前预测(yc)】1四项均以动词(dngc)原形开头。2两项提到同事(colleague)。结论:对话应该是工作场景,可能提问接下来要怎么做或建议某人做什么。【解析】本题是建议题,考查女士建议男士如何做,应重点关注女士所说内容。男士说生物项目遇到麻烦了,他的同事和他意见不同。女士建议他们相互妥协,尝试达到双赢。可见女士建议男士妥协,故选C。反问句Why dont you do sth. ?常用于提建议。2B M: How does Nancy like the new dress she boug

8、ht in Rome?W: She said she would never have bought an Italian style dress if she had known Mary had already got such a dress. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?【听前预测】1四项提及两个人物Mary和Nancy。2三项均与服饰、时尚有关(style,dress,fashion),两项与购物有关(buying,shopping)。结论:对话很可能与买衣服有关,注意区分两个人物的行为。【解析】男士问女士南希觉得她在罗马买的那

9、条裙子怎么样,女士说南希要是知道玛丽有一条一样的裙子,就不会买那条意大利风格的裙子了。由此可推断,南希后悔买了那条裙子,故选B。3A M: You are not going to do all those dishes before we leave, are you? If we dont pick up George and Martha in 25 minutes, we will never get to the theater on time. W: Oh, didnt I tell you? Martha called to say her daughter was ill an

10、d they could not go tonight. Q: What is the woman probably going to do first?【听前预测(yc)】1四项均以动词原形(yunxng)开头。2四项中提到(t do)了三个人物(George,Martha,her daughter)结论:本题各项间没有相同成分,缺乏联系,因此仅靠选项很难推断对话内容。另外可推测本题提问某人的行为,注意选项中提及的人物及其行为。【解析】本题问女士将先做什么。对话中男士问女士出门前不会要把盘子都洗完吧,接着又说,如果他们不在25分钟内去接乔治和玛莎,他们就无法准时到达电影院了。女士说玛莎打电话

11、来说她女儿病了,他们今晚不去了。由此可知,他们不需要去接乔治和玛莎,所以女士会先洗盘子,故选A。本题需要理解整个对话内容才能做出正确选择。4C M: Youve been hanging on to the phone for quite a while. Who were you talking with?W: Oh, it was Sally. You know, she always has the latest news in town and cant wait to talk it over with me. Q: What do we learn about Sally from

12、 the conversation?【听前预测】1四项均以she开头。2两项含有woman。结论:选项中提到了两位女性,the woman应该指的是录音中说话的女士,故she应为对话中谈及的第三人,听音时应注意与第三人相关的内容。【解析】本题问从对话中可了解有关萨利的什么信息。男士问女士在和谁打电话,女士回答说是萨利,接着说萨利总有镇上的最新消息,而且迫不及待地想告诉她。由此可见,萨利急切地想和女士分享消息,故选C。5. B W: Its always been hard to get this car into first gear, and now the clutch seems to

13、be slipping. M: If you leave the car with me, I will fix it for you this afternoon. Q: Who is the woman probably speaking to?【听前预测】四项均为职业。结论:对话提问某人的职业。【解析】女士说这辆车很难挂上一挡,离合也打滑。男士说如果把车放在他那,他下午可以帮忙修。由此可推断,男士是机修工,故选B。mechanic意为“机修工”。6D M: Kate, why does the downtown area look deserted now?W: Well, there

14、used to be some really good stores, but lots of them moved out to the mall. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?【听前预测(yc)】1两项与商场(shngchng)有关(shopping mall,the mall)。2两项与市中心有关(yugun)(downtown)。3A、C、D三项都与不景气有关(deserted,moved out of the downtown area,isnt much business)。结论:对话与商场或市中心有关,很可能描述的是不景气的

15、状况。【解析】男士问女士市中心为什么这么萧条,女士说这里曾经有很多好商店,但很多都搬到商场里去了。由此可见,市中心现在没什么生意,故选D。7B W: I found the lounge such a cozy place to study in. I really like the feeling in sitting on the sofa and doing the reading. M: Well, for me the hardest part about studying here is staying awake. Q: What does the man mean?【听前预测】

16、1三项与学习有关(reading,study)。2两项提到了地点(lounge,a cozy place)。结论:对话很可能与学习有关,涉及学习的地点。【解析】女士说她发现休息室是个学习的好地方,她很喜欢坐在沙发里读书的感觉。男士说对他来说,在休息室学习最大的困难就是保持清醒。由此可推断,男士不适合在休息室学习,故选B。8C W: These mosquito bites are killing me. I cant help scratching. M: Next time you go camping, take some precautions, say wearing long sle

17、eves. Q: Why does the man suggest the woman wear long sleeves?【听前预测】1四项均以不定式开头。2四项均与病痛或身体不适有关(scratches,pain,mosquito bites,sunburnt)。结论:本题考查目的或原因,且该目的或原因与避免身体不适有关。【解析】女士说蚊子咬的包快把她痒死了,她总忍不住去抓。男士建议女士下次野营时做好防护措施,比如穿长袖的衣服。由此可见,男士建议女士穿长袖衣服是为了防止蚊虫叮咬,故选C。Conversation One M: Hello, and 9 welcome to our prog

18、ram Working Abroad. Our guest this evening is a Londoner, who lives and works in Italy. Her names Susan Hill. Susan, welcome to the program. You live in Florence. How long have you been living there?W: Since 1982. But when I went there in 1982, 10 I planned to stay for only 6 months. M: Why did you

19、change your mind?W: Well, Im a designer. I design leather goods, mainly shoes, and handbags. Soon after I arrived in Florence, I got a job with one of Italys top fashion houses, Ferregamo. So, I decided to stay. M: How lucky! Do you still work for Ferregamo?W: No, 11 Ive been a freelance designer fo

20、r quite a long time now. Since 1988, in fact. M: So does that mean you design for several different companies now?W: Yes, thats right. Ive designed many fashion items for a number of Italian companies, and in the last four years, Ive also been designing for the British company, Burberrys. M: What ha

21、ve you been designing for them?W: Mostly handbags, and small leather goods. M: Has the fashion industry in Italy changed since 1982?W: Oh, yes. 12 Its become a lot more competitive, because the quality of products from other countries has improved a lot. But Italian quality and design is still world

22、-famous. M: And do you ever think of returning to live in England?W: No, not really. Working in Italy is more interesting. I also love the Mediterranean sun and the Italian lifestyle. M: Well, thank you for talking to us, Susan. W: It was a pleasure. 9. Where does this talk most probably take place?

23、10. What was the womans original plan when she went to Florence?11. What has the woman been doing for a living since 1988?12. What do we learn about the change in Italys fashion industry?9A 【听前预测(yc)】由四个选项的特点可知,本题是对地点的考查。听音时要以四个地点词为线索,集中精力听与之相关(xinggun)的内容,然后再根据问题做出判断。【解析(ji x)】在对话的开头,男士说:“欢迎参加我们的节目

24、工作在国外。我们今晚的嘉宾是一个伦敦人”因此可以推断该对话发生在演播室,故A项正确。10B 【听前预测】1四项均为不定式短语。2两项出现了there。3两项含有与居住或暂住相关的词(live,stay),两项含有与工作相关的词(find a better job,sellgoods)。结论:该题与某人去某地居住或暂住有关,可能是去生活或工作。【解析】对话中当男士问女士在佛罗伦萨生活了多久时,女士回答说从1982年直到现在,但是她1982年刚到那里时,本打算只待六个月,故B项为正确答案。11A 【听前预测】1四项均为现在分词短语。2四项为四种不同的工作类型。结论:本题考查某人所从事的工作,听音重

25、点为designing fashion items、modeling、employee for Ferragamo和sales agent for Burberrys。【解析】对话中女士提到自己从1988年开始做自由设计师,故可将B、C、D三项排除。接下来男士又问她现在是不是在为几家不同的公司做设计,女士回答说是的,因此可进一步确定A为正确答案。12B 【听前预测(yc)】1四项主语(zhy)均为it。2四项均含有(hn yu)与商业相关的词(profits,competitive,lost many customers,attracted a lot more designers)。3三项含

26、有表消极意义的词(decline in its profits,more competitive,lost many customers)。4一项含有表积极意义的词(attracted a lot more designers)。结论:本题考查的内容与公司或行业的发展情况有关。听音时要先弄清楚变化是积极的还是消极的,然后再在attracted a lot more designers和decline in its profits、lost many customers、more competitive之间作出判断。【解析】对话中当男士问到自1982年以来意大利的时尚业有什么变化时,女士说现在的

27、竞争更加激烈,故B项为正确答案。Conversation Two M: So, Claire, youre into drama!W: Yes, I have a masters degree in drama and theatre. At the moment, Im hoping to get onto a Ph. D. program. M: What excites you about drama?W: Well, 13 I find its a communicative way to study people and you learn how to read people in

28、 drama. So usually I can understand what people are saying even though they might be lying. M: That would be useful. W: Yeah, its very useful for me as well. Im an English lecturer, so I use a lot of drama in my classes such as role plays. 14 And I ask my students to create mini-dramas. They really

29、respond well. At the moment, Im hoping to get onto a Ph. D. course. Id like to concentrate on Asian drama and try to bring Asian theatre to the worlds attention. I dont know how successful I would be, but, heres hoping. M: Oh, Im sure youll be successful. Now, Claire, what do you do for stage fright

30、?W: Ah, stage fright! Well, many actors have that problem. I get stage fright every time Im going to teach a new class. The night before, I usually cant sleep. M: What? For teaching?W: Yes. I get really bad stage fright. 15 But the minute I step into the classroom or get onto the stage, it just all

31、falls into place. Then I just feel like: Yeah, this is what I mean to do. And Im fine. M: Wow, thats cool!13. Why does the woman find study in drama and theatre useful?14. How did the womans students respond to her way of teaching English?15. What does the woman say about her stage fright?13D 【听前预测(

32、yc)】1四项主语(zhy)均为it,且四项均含有(hn yu)her。2四项都含有表积极意义的词(attract more public attention,improves,strengthens,better)。结论:本题考查it对女士造成的积极影响。听音时要先弄清楚it指什么,然后再以四个选项中的关键词为线索,注意听具体的影响是什么。【解析】当被问到对戏剧中的什么感兴趣时,女士回答说:“我发现戏剧是一种了解他人的交流方式,并且你能学会如何了解戏剧中的人。因此我通常能够理解别人所说的话,即使他们在撒谎。”因此可知D 项为正确答案。14B 【听前预测】1四项均为副词。2两项表消极意义(pa

33、ssively,skeptically),一项表积极意义(positively),一项为中性(sensitively)。结论:该题考查某人对某事的态度或看法。听音时首先要弄清楚所问何事,然后要注意说话人的态度和语气,通过概括、判断选出正确答案。【解析】女士在对话中提到她会在课堂上使用很多戏剧元素,在她要求学生编小戏剧时,他们的反应很好。因此可知学生对她的教学方式是肯定的,故B项正确。15C 【听前预测】1四项都提到了her,三项提到了it。2两项含有与困扰或影响相关的词(haunting,affected)。结论:本题很可能考查it对女士的影响。听音时首先要听清楚it所指代的内容,然后重点听i

34、t对女士造成的具体影响。【解析】对话中女士说:“一踏入教室或站到舞台上,一切都有条不紊了。”四个选项中只有C项“她一进入角色就不怯场了”与此句意思一致,故为正确答案。Section B Passage One 【听力原文】In January 1989, 16 the Community of European Railways presented their proposal for a high speed pan-European train network extending from Sweden to Sicily, and from Portugal to Poland by t

35、he year 2020. If their proposal becomes a reality, it will revolutionize train travel in Europe. 17 Journeys between major cities will take half the time they take today. Brussels will be only one and a half hours from Paris. The quickest way to get from Paris to Frankfurt, from Barcelona to Madrid

36、will be by train, not plane. When the network gets complete, it will integrate three types of railway line: totally new high speed lines with trains operating at speeds of 300 kilometers per hour, upgraded lines which allow for speeds up to 200 to 225kilometers per hour, and existing lines for local

37、 connections and distribution of freight. If business people can choose between a three-hour train journey from city center to city center and a one-hour flight, theyll choose the train, says an executive travel consultant. They wont go by plane any more. 18 If you calculate flight time, check-in an

38、d travel to and from the airport, youll find almost no difference. And if your plane arrives late due to bad weather or air traffic. jams or strikes, then the train passengers will arrive at their destination first. 19 Since France introduced the first 260-kilometer-per-hour high speed train service

39、 between Paris and Lyons in 1981, the trains have achieved higher and higher speeds. On many routes, airlines have lost up to 90% of their passengers to high speed trains. If people accept the Community of European Railways plan, the 21st century will be the new age of the train. 16. What is the pro

40、posal presented by the Community of European Railways?17. What will happen when the proposal becomes a reality?18. Why will business people prefer a three-hour train journey to a one-hour flight?19. When did France introduce the first high speed train service?【整体(zhngt)预测】快速浏览本部分(b fen)所有选项,由其中的关键词r

41、ailroad、railway、train、travel、European/Europe可大致推断,该篇文章很可能讲的是与欧洲的铁路运输有关的内容(nirng)。需要重点关注相关信息。16. D 【解题思路】1三项含有与铁路有关的词(railroad,railway,train)。2三项提到了欧洲(European,Europe)。结论:问题很可能与欧洲的铁路有关。【解析】短文一开始提到,1989年1月,欧洲铁路局提议在欧洲境内建设高速铁路网。一般而言,文章的开头往往会点明全文的主旨,也是比较容易出题的地方,应重点关注。17C 【解题思路】1四项的时态都是一般将来时。2四项都含有与欧洲有关的词

42、(European(s),Europe)。3三项含有与出行相关的词(traveling,travel)。4三项含有与出行方式相关的词(airlines,train,trains)。结论:问题很可能与欧洲人的出行方式将要发生的变化有关。【解析】短文开头部分提到,如果欧洲铁路局的提议成为现实,主要城市之间的路程将缩短为现在的一半,故C项正确。18D 【解题思路】1四项都含有与铁路相关的词(train,rail)。2四项都含有形容词的比较级(more comfortable,safer,friendlier,quicker)。3三项含有will,为一般将来时。结论:问题很可能与铁路交通将会有哪些优点

43、有关。【解析】短文提到如果从一座城市的中心到另一座城市的中心,乘火车需要三个小时而乘飞机需要一个小时的话,商务人士宁愿选择坐火车,因为将办理登机手续、飞行以及往返机场的时间加起来,也差不多有三个小时了;而且如果遇到天气不好等各种意外情况,乘火车甚至比乘飞机更快。听短文时要重点留意各个选项中的形容词的比较级。19A 【解题(ji t)思路】选项都是具体的年份,因此(ync)本题考查的很可能是某事发生的时间。【解析(ji x)】短文末尾处提到,法国于1981年在巴黎和里昂之间引入了首趟时速达260千米的高速火车。听音时要重点留意文章中提到年代的部分。Passage Two 【听力原文】Wester

44、n doctors are beginning to understand what traditional healers have always known that 20 the body and the mind are inseparable. Until recently, modem urban physicians heal the body, psychiatrists the mind, and priests the soul. However, the medical world is now paying more attention to holistic medi

45、cine which is an approach based on the belief that peoples state of mind can make them sick or speed their recovery from sickness. 21 Several studies show that the effectiveness of a certain drug often depends on the patients expectations of it. For example, in one recent study, psychiatrists at a m

46、ajor hospital tried to see how patients could be made calm. They divided them into two groups. One group was given a drug while the other group received a harmless substance instead of medicine without their knowledge. Surprisingly, more patients in the second group showed the desired effect than th

47、ose in the first group. In study after study, theres a positive reaction in almost one third of the patients taking harmless substances. How was this possible? How can such a substance have an effect on the body? 22 Evidence from a 1997 study at the University of California shows that several patien

48、ts who received such substances were able to produce their own natural drug, that is, as they took the substance their brains released natural chemicals that act like a drug. Scientists theorized that the amount of these chemicals released by a persons brain quite possibly indicates how much faith t

49、he person has in his or her doctor. 20. According to the speaker, what are western doctors beginning to understand?21. What does the recent study at a major hospital seem to prove?22. What evidence does the 1997 study at the University of California produce?【整体预测】快速浏览本部分所有选项,由其中的关键词doctors、patients、

50、recovery、medicines、drugs可大致推断,该篇文章很可能与某种疾病的治疗方法有关。需要重点关注相关信息。20C 【解题思路】1三项含有与治疗疾病有关的词(recovery,healing,medical)。2两项含有patients(病人)。结论:问题很可能与治疗疾病有关。【解析】短文开头提到,西方医生开始明白传统医疗者一直都清楚的观点,即身体和心理密不可分。21D 【解题(ji t)思路】四个选项分别提到了医疗领域的四种现象,因此本题考查(koch)的内容很可能与医学研究的结论有关。【解析(ji x)】短文指出,一些研究表明,某种药物的疗效往往取决于病人对它的期望,接下来又

51、提到,一家大医院的心理医生做了一项试验,证实了这个结论。Several studies show that后面往往引出结论性的内容,听音时要重点留意。22B 【解题思路】1两项含有与效果有关的词(effective,effect)。2四项都含有与治疗方式有关的词(drugs,mind,remedies,medication)。结论:问题很可能与某种治疗方式的疗效有关。【解析】短文末尾部分指出,1997年,加利福尼亚大学的研究证据表明,一些服用了某种无害物质的病人体内能够产生一种天然的化学物质,其作用与药物类似,而药物是用来治疗疾病的,可以帮助病人恢复健康。这道题有一定的难度,需在理解文章后半部

52、分的内容后,再对其加以总结概括方能得出正确答案。Passage Three 【听力原文】So weve already talked a bit about the growth of extreme sports like rock-climbing. 25 As psychologists, we need to ask ourselves: Why is this person doing this? Why do people take these risks and put themselves in danger when they dont have to? 23 One com

53、mon trait among risk-takers is that they enjoy strong feelings or sensations. We call this trait sensation-seeking. A sensation-seeker is someone whos always looking for new sensations. What else do we know about sensation-seekers? Well, as I said, sensation-seekers like strong emotions. You can see

54、 this trait in many parts of a persons life, not just in extreme sports. For example, many sensation-seekers enjoy hard rock music. They like the loud sound and strong emotion of the songs. Similarly, sensation-seekers enjoy frightening horror movies. They like the feeling of being scared and horrif

55、ied while watching the movie. This feeling is even stronger for extreme sports where the person faces real danger. Sensation-seekers feel the danger is very exciting. In addition, sensation-seekers like new experiences that force them to push their personal limits. 24 For them, repeating the same th

56、ings every day is boring. Many sensation-seekers choose jobs that involve risk, such as starting a new business or being an emergency room doctor. These jobs are different every day, so they never know what will happen. Thats why many sensation-seekers also like extreme sports. When you do rock-clim

57、bing, you never know what will happen. The activity is always new and different. 23. According to the speaker, what is a common trait among risk-takers?24. What do sensation-seekers find boring?25. What is the speakers profession?【整体预测】快速浏览本部分所有选项,23题和24题的选项说的都是某人做的事情,由此可以大致推断,该篇文章很可能与某人做的事情有关。需要重点关

58、注相关信息。23A 【解题(ji t)思路】三项含有(hn yu)表示喜欢的词(enjoying,being fond of, dreaming of),因此本题(bnt)很可能考查某人或某类人的兴趣爱好。【解析】短文指出,寻求刺激的人的一个共同特点就是喜欢刺激的感觉。原文中的strong feelings or sensations与A项中的strong feelings and emotions为同义转述。24D 【解题思路】四项都含有表示动作的词(working,watching,listening to,doing),这些动词都以动名词的形式出现,因此本题很可能是以what提问,与做什

59、么事情有关。【解析】短文末尾部分提到,追求刺激的人喜欢那些迫使他们挑战极限的新经历,而每天重复相同的事情对于他们来说很无聊。原文中的repeating the same things与D项中的doing daily routines是同义转述。25B 【解题思路】四项都是职业的名称,因此本题考查的很可能是人物的身份。【解析】本题的出题顺序有违常规,本题是这篇短文的最后一个问题,出题点却在短文开头部分,因此给答题造成了一定的难度。短文开头提到,作为心理学家,我们需要问自己如下几个问题由此可知,说话人是位心理学家。Section C 【参考答案】26dominated(被)控制,(受)支配 31i

60、nstitutions机构27slipped下滑;滑倒 32followed by随后是,接着是28perceptions看法,认识 33underlying隐含的,潜在的29reputation声誉,名誉 34decline下降,减少30based on以为基础,基于 35Relative to相对于Part Reading Comprehension Section A 【参考译文】一项研究报告显示,2011年美国女性在获得商界高管职位方面没有取得明显进步,但研究的负责人称明年女性已准备好取得36进展。由37促进女性在商界的职业发展的非赢利机构Catalyst所做的这项调查指出,“财富50


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