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1、应用文写作慰问高考英语写作系列信第1页,共57页。目录必备表达(词汇)必备表达(句型)范文实战练习第2页,共57页。PART 1必备表达(词汇)第3页,共57页。必备表达-词汇1.很抱歉听到这个消息 2. 重大的地震 3 .好好照顾 4. 出院 5.得重感冒 6.缺席 be sorry to hear the newsa heavy earthquaketake good care of yourselfout of the hospitalhave a bad coldbe absent第4页,共57页。必备表达-词汇7.废墟 8.乐意提供帮助 9.充满了悲伤 10.捐赠 11.克服困难 1

2、2.在某人的帮助下in ruinsbe willing to do sthbe filled with deep sorrowmake a donation of (money)go through the difficultywith the help of sb第5页,共57页。必备表达-词汇13.在某方面做得不好 14.失去兴趣 15.没必要做某事 16.重建自信 17.赠与某人某物 18. 表示同情 do badly inlose interest in sththere is no need to do sthrebuild your self-confidencepresent s

3、b with sthoffer ones sympathy 第6页,共57页。必备表达-词汇19. 发生车祸 20.经济损失 21. 受灾地区 22. 重建家园 23.敬老院 24.做义工 25.到达的时候 be involved in a car accidentfinancial lossstricken arearebuild the citynursing homedo some voluntary workupon ones arrival第7页,共57页。PART 2必备表达(句型)第8页,共57页。必备表达-对于别人遭受的不幸表示同情知道您受到意外伤害时,简直难以形容我心中是多么

4、难过I just cant tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident.I just cant tell you how sorry I was to第9页,共57页。必备表达-对于别人遭受的不幸表示同情我在刘易斯先生那里获悉你入学考试落榜,深感惋惜。What shocking news to me when I was told by Mr. Lewis that you could not pass the entrance examination.What shocking news to me when第10页,共57页。必备表

5、达-对于别人遭受的不幸表示同情从电视上得知你最近发生了车祸,我很担心你。I was worried when I learned from TV that you were recently involved in a car accident.you were recently involved in第11页,共57页。必备表达-对于别人遭受的不幸表示同情我知道你现在正处于痛苦的状态和巨大的压力之下,我写信给你,向你表示极大的安慰。Having known that you are under painful state and great pressureHaving known that

6、 you are under painful state and great pressure now, Im writing to express my great comfort to you.第12页,共57页。必备表达-对于别人遭受的不幸表示同情听到这个坏消息时,我突然感到一阵悲伤/忧虑/悲伤/悲伤。Upon/On hearing the bad news that ., I felt seized by a burst of sadness/worry/sorrow/grief.Upon/On hearing the bad news that .第13页,共57页。必备表达-对于别

7、人遭受的不幸表示同情听说你和同学相处不好,我的悲伤无法用言语表达。My sorrow is beyond words for hearing you have trouble getting along with your classmates.My sorrow is beyond words for hearing第14页,共57页。必备表达-对于别人遭受的不幸表示同情听说你的左腿在车祸中受了重伤,我无法用言语表达我的忧虑。Words fail me to convey my worry when I heard that your left leg got badly injured i

8、n a car accident.Words fail me to convey my worry第15页,共57页。必备表达-理解别人的感受,鼓励别人克服困难并且表示提供一些帮助由于文化差异和新环境,你觉得适应新学校很有挑战性,这很正常。Its normal that you feel it challenging to fit in with the new school due to cultural difference and new surroundings.Its normal that第16页,共57页。必备表达-理解别人的感受,鼓励别人克服困难并且表示提供一些帮助如果你能和别

9、人分享你的经历,从而帮助他们在短时间内熟悉你,那再好不过了。It cant be better if you can share your experiences with others, thus helping them become familiar with you in a short period of time.It cant be better if you can share your experiences with第17页,共57页。必备表达-理解别人的感受,鼓励别人克服困难并且表示提供一些帮助无论如何希望你能重建自己的信心。Anyway I hope you can r

10、ebuild your self-confidence soon!rebuild your self-confidence第18页,共57页。必备表达-表达希望和感谢如果我能帮你什么忙,我希望你能立即通知我。If I can be of any assistance to you, I hope youll let me know immediately/instantly.If I can be of any assistance to you第19页,共57页。PART 3范文实战练习第20页,共57页。范文实战练习一第21页,共57页。实战练习一假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Mike来信说他

11、现在心情很不好,因为在上周结束的校篮球比赛中,他所在的班级篮球队以一分之差输了。请你给他写一封信,内容如下:表示安慰;2. 提出建议。第22页,共57页。实战练习一听说你们队上周末的篮球赛输了,我很遗憾。lose the basketball matchIm very sorry to hear that your team lost the basketball match last weekend.第23页,共57页。实战练习一你心情不好是可以理解的。be in a bad moodIts understandable for you to be in a bad mood.第24页,共5

12、7页。实战练习一然而,如果你能采取不同的观点,失去可能是一件幸事。adopt different perspectivesHowever, if you can adopt different perspectives, the loss may be a blessing.第25页,共57页。实战练习一首先,在篮球比赛中输是很正常的,因为你可以赢也可以输。First, its normal to lose in a basketball match, for you can either win or lose. you can either win or lose. 第26页,共57页。实

13、战练习一如果你已经尽力了,为什么不振作起来面对结果呢?If youve tried your best, why not lift your spirits to face up to the result?lift your spirits to face up to the result第27页,共57页。实战练习一总之,竞争的本质不在于胜利,而在于参与。Anyway, the essence of competition lies not in victory but in participation. the essence of competitionNotbut第28页,共57页。

14、实战练习一此外,你还可以通过找出自己的长处和短处,从中获益。Besides, you can also benefit from your loss by figuring out your strengths and weaknesses. strengths and weaknessesbenefit from第29页,共57页。实战练习一我希望你能发现我的鼓励对你有帮助。最美好的祝福。I hope you can find my encouragement helpful. Best wishes.encouragement第30页,共57页。范文赏析Dear Mike,Im very

15、sorry to hear that your team lost the basketball match last weekend. Its understandable for you to be in a bad mood. However, if you can adopt different perspectives, the loss may be a blessing.First, its normal to lose in a basketball match, for you can either win or lose. If youve tried your best,

16、 why not lift your spirits to face up to the result? Anyway, the essence of competition lies not in victory but in participation. Besides, you can also benefit from your loss by figuring out your strengths and weaknesses. I hope you can find my encouragement helpful. Best wishes.第31页,共57页。范文实战练习二第32

17、页,共57页。实战练习二假设你是李华,你的美国好朋友Jane数学学得不好,对自己失去了信心,产生了厌学的情绪。请你给她发一封电子邮件开导她。要点如下: 1.没有必要伤心 2.要振作起来 3.和老师交流有助于你改善 4.探索适合自己的有效的学习方式第33页,共57页。实战练习二我很遗憾地知道你数学不好,对功课失去了兴趣。do well in mathI am so sorry to know that you didnt do well in math and have lose interest in schoolwork.lose interest in schoolwork第34页,共57

18、页。实战练习二通常情况下,数学对大多数学生来说很难,所以没有必要感到太糟糕。As is often the case, math is difficult for most students, so there is no need to feel too bad.there is no need to feel too bad.As is often the case第35页,共57页。实战练习二此时此刻,你应该做的是振作起来,找到减轻焦虑的方法。At this moment, what you should do is to cheer up and find ways to reduce

19、 your anxiety.what you should do isreduce anxiety第36页,共57页。实战练习二为什么不和你的朋友去郊游或者抽时间听你最喜欢的音乐呢?Why not go on an outing with your friends or find time to listen to your favorite music?go on an outing第37页,共57页。实战练习二如果你能和你最尊敬的老师谈谈,他们可能会给你一些实用的建议,帮助你。If you can talk to the teachers who you respect most, the

20、y may give you some practical advice that helps you.give you some practical advice第38页,共57页。实战练习二也许现在是你探索一种更好更适合你的新的学习方法的时候了。Probably its time for you to explore a new learning method which is better and more suitable for you.Probablyexplore a new learning method第39页,共57页。实战练习二不管怎样,如果你还有什么困难,请及时告诉我们

21、,希望你早日重建自信!Anyway, if you have any other difficulties, please tell us in time and I hope you can rebuild your self-confidence soon!can rebuild your self-confidence 第40页,共57页。范文赏析Dear Mike, I am so sorry to know that you didnt do well in math and have lose interest in schoolwork. As is often the case

22、, math is difficult for most students, so there is no need to feel too bad. At this moment, what you should do is to cheer up and find ways to reduce your anxiety .Why not go on an outing with your friends or find time to listen to your favorite music? If you can talk to the teachers who you respect

23、 most, they may give you some practical advice that helps you. Probably its time for you to explore a new learning method which is better and more suitable for you. Anyway, if you have any other difficulties, please tell us in time and I hope you can rebuild your self-confidence soon!Sincerely Yours

24、,第41页,共57页。其他典型例题第42页,共57页。学古诗遇到困难,心情不好(1)假定你是李华,你校留学生Jacky在学习中国古诗的过程中有困难,心情很沮丧,发来邮件向你求助。请给他回一封信,内容如下:表示安慰;2. 提出建议;第43页,共57页。范文赏析Dear Jacky,Im sorry to learn youre having difficulty learning ancient Chinese poems. However, theres no need to feel upset about it. Id like to offer you some suggestions.

25、To begin with, read an ancient Chinese poem over and over again, which can make it easy for you to understand it. Besides, youd better learn some background information about poem, thus helping you discover the hidden meaning the poem conveys. More importantly, its beneficial to watch a TV program c

26、alled Chinese Poetry Conference, where poem lovers exchange their experience of learning ancient Chinese poems.Hopefully, youll have fun learning ancient Chinese poems.Yours,我很抱歉得知你学古诗词有困难。你最好了解一些有关诗歌的背景信息,从而帮助你发现诗歌所传达的隐含意义。第44页,共57页。同学遇到台风(2)假定你是李华,你的同班同学王刚的家乡遭受台风(Typhoon Mujigae)的袭击,洪水毁坏了家园。你作为班长给

27、他写一封信,内容如下:表示安慰和关心;2. 提供帮助。第45页,共57页。范文赏析Dear Wang Gang,Were awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe Typhoon Mujigae hit your hometown and your house is in ruins. I, on behalf of our class, express our most sincere pity and care for you.Thinking about your present situation, we cant wait to

28、 make every bit of our effort to help you. Weve made a donation of some money, expecting it can help you go through the difficulty. As for the lessons you have missed, I am willing to help you make them up.Hopefully, youll be back soon. Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua我们非常遗憾地听到一个可怕和严重的台风穆吉加袭击了你的家乡,你的房子成了废墟。

29、我们捐了一些钱,希望能帮助你渡过难关。第46页,共57页。美国交换生生病了(3)假定你是李华,你班来自美国的交换生Peter生病住院了。请给他发封邮件,内容包括:1.表示关心2.提供帮助3.祝愿康复。第47页,共57页。范文赏析Dear Peter,Knowing that you had your leg severely injured accidentally in the football match, I am writing to extend sincere pity and care for you. How is your leg? You must have suffere

30、d from the unbearable pain when the accident happened. But you were brave enough not to let out a cry, which is admirable. To our relief, you have been discharged from(discharge v. 通知出院)the hospital and are recovering well at home. As for the lessons you have missed, I am willing to help you make th

31、em up. I wish you a speedy recovery.Best,Li Hua我知道你的腿在足球比赛中不慎受了重伤,特写信向你致以诚挚的同情和关怀。但你很勇敢,没有哭出来,这是令人钦佩的。第48页,共57页。澳洲男友汉语水平未通过(4)假设你叫李华,你的澳洲朋友David参加汉语水平考试(HSK)未能通过。请你写一封信给他,内容包括: 表示安慰; 2. 提出建议。第49页,共57页。范文赏析Dear David,Im sorry to hear that you failed to pass HSK. I hope that the unexpected failure won

32、t let you down, for I have still been amazed by the excellent Chinese you spoke when we first met.As we know, language learning is never an easy task, but needs painstaking efforts and patience. Personally, I think youd better pay close attention to the formal use of Chinese words and expressions, w

33、hich really count. Meanwhile, you may as well watch more Chinese materials as much as you can afford. More importantly, you should learn from the mistakes that you have made. Anyhow, youve already made great progress in your learning of Chinese.Good luck next time.就我个人而言,我认为你最好密切注意汉语词语的正式使用,这很重要。我希望

34、意外的失败不会让你失望,众所周知,语言学习从来不是一件容易的事,而是需要刻苦的努力和耐心。第50页,共57页。好友出车祸(5)假设你是李华,你得从电视上得知你的好朋友Frank发生了车祸,现在在医院。请你给他发一封电子邮件表示慰问。 1. 很担心对方,欣慰的是对方没有受伤。 2. 由于出差,没时间看望。 3. 提醒:现在路上的车越来越多了,开车的时候要尽可能小心。第51页,共57页。范文赏析Dear Frank , I was worried when I learned from TV that you were recently involved in a car accident. It

35、 is a relief that you were not hurt. You must be frightened, are you feeling better now? I am so sorry that I cant go to see you because I am on a business trip. I promise I will come to see you as soon as I am back. By the way, with more and more cars on the roads, you should drive the car as caref

36、ully as possible and dont drink before driving, for the life is only once. Safe is better than sorry. Best wishes to you!Sincerely Yours,Lihua路上的车越来越多,你应该尽量小心开车,开车前不要喝酒,因为生命只有一次。第52页,共57页。朋友重感冒住院(6)假设你是李华,你的好朋友John 得了重感冒请假住院了。请你写一封电子邮件给他。 1.从他妈妈得到了消息说感冒了表示同情 2.提出一些帮助和建议。第53页,共57页。范文赏析Dear Mike, I am

37、 so shocking to hear that you have bad cold and now are in hospital .I get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month at the classes .Dont worry about your lessons and I am willing to help you from then when you return. We are best friends so I will never allow you to fall behind .You


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