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1、学习好资料 欢迎下载准旗薛五小2010-2011 学年第一学期 五年级期中试题:名 姓题线英 语十十总答时间 90 分满分 100 分题听力部分笔试部分准号分一二三一二三四五六七八九一得分:级 班不订听力部分( 30 分) 内一听录音,选出与你所听单词同类的一项。(10 分)线装( )1. A. strong B. strict C. Monday ( )2. A. sweet B. fish C. tomato ( )3. A. taste B. read C. short 封( )4. A. mutton B. tomorrow C. eggplant ( )5. A. quiet B.

2、green beans C. two 二听录音,选择与句子相符的图片。( 10 分)密:校 学学习好资料(10 分)欢迎下载三听录音,将短文补充完整。I m Lucy . I have a new 1_ teacher. She s 2_and tall . She s 3_,too. I like 4_. Because we have English and P.E. . We have 5_and cabbage for lunch . They are tasty . 笔试部分( 70 分)一在四线三格内写入与所给单词属同一类的另一个新单词。(5分)Monday Sunday Thur

3、sday cabbage eggplant tomato strong thin tall 学习好资料sour 欢迎下载tasty salty English art P.E. 二看图完成句子。 (5 分)题答 1. My favourite day is _. 准线2.I often _ on Sunday . 不订 3. The _ are sour . 内线装4. I usually _ after school . 封5. Tom s teacher is _ . D. bread 密三选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(5 分)( )1.A. peach B. tea C. meat (

4、)2.A. blue B. brown C. black D. block ( )3.A. house B. mouth C. our D. short ( )4.A. cow B. yellow C. snow D. grow ( )5.A. fruit B. friend C. frog D. flat 四选出每组中不同类的一项(5 分)D. quiet ( )1. A. young B. smart C. eat ( )2. A. lunch B. fish C. breakfast D. dinner ( )3. A. salty B. sour C. sweet D. food (

5、学习好资料欢迎下载)4. A. pork B. play C. read D. watch ( )5. A. he B. we C. it D. hi 五为句子选择相应的图片。(5 分)( )1.I often play basketball on Tuesday afternoon. ( )2.My friend is very smart. We all like him. ( )3. My science teacher is tall and strong. ( )4. My favourite day is Thursday .Because we have PE. on that

6、day . ( )5. Our principal is very kind and old . 六选择合适的一项。 ( 10 分)( )1. I like ice-creams. They are _. A. sweet B. sour C. salty ( )2. -Is your English teacher quiet ? - No. she is_. A. pretty B. active C. fat ( )3. I often play ping-pong _ Saturdays. A. in B. / C. on ( )4. -_your Chinese teacher ?

7、-Mr Liu . A. What s B. Where s C. Who s ( )5. I want to buy some meat . So I _. A. go swimming B. go to the park C. go shopping ( )6. -What s your favourite _? 学习好资料 欢迎下载- Football . :名 姓题线A. food B. colour C. sport ( )7. The first day of the week is _. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday ( )8.These gre

8、en beans are _ salty . A. too B. to C. of ( )9.I often read some _ and watch TV . A. book B. books C. a book 答( )10.Pork and mutton are _. A. fruits B. meat C. vegetables 七情景交际 ,选一选。(10 分)() 1. 你的新老师很幽默风趣,你可以说:准A. My new teacher is heavy . B. My new teacher is funny . C. My new teacher is a young ma

9、n. () 2. 同学问你星期三有什么课,你怎么回答:级 班不订A.We have English and music lesson on Wednesdays . B.I have eggplant for lunch on Wednesdays . C.They have English and music on Thursdays. () 3. 下面对苹果的评价正确的是:内A. The apples are salty and yummy . 线装B. The apples are sweet and yummy . C. The apples are not healthy . ()

10、4. 别人为你最喜欢的水果是什么,你可以回答:A. I like mutton . B. like grapes . C. Bananas. :校 学封() 5. 当你收到同学送你的生日礼物时,你可以说:A.You are so good ! B. Thank you. I like it very much . C. I don t like it . 八连词成句(5 分)密1.I , potatoes , like , don t (.) _ 2.have , we , for , mutton , lunch (.) _ 3. some , would , like , potatoes

11、 , you , tasty (?) _ 4. Mr Liu , is , our , teacher , art (.) _ 学习好资料 欢迎下载5. do , what , Wednesdays , have , for , you , on ,breakfast (?) _ 九选择相应的选项补全对话(5 分)Amy:_ Mike: Yes, we have three new teachers . Amy:_ Mike: A music teacher , a math teacher and an English teacher . Amy:_ Mike: Miss White . A

12、my:_ Mike: She s young . She s very beautiful . Amy: Where is she from ? Mike :_ A. Who s your music teacher ? B. Do you have new teachers ? C. Who are they ? D. Shes from America . E. What s she like ? 十重新排列句子使其成为一段完整的对话。(5 分)A. What s your favourite food ? B. Amy , it s time for lunch now . C. I l

13、ike tofu , too . But fish is my favourite . D. Yes. Its 12 o clock . Let s go to the restaurant. E. I like tofu very much . It s healthy for me . F. OK. Some tofu and fish , please . B 十一阅读理解(10 分)(A)Zhang Peng : Hello , Chen Jie . Chen Jie : Hello , Zhang peng . Do you have any new teachers ? Zhang

14、 Peng : Yes . We have a new art teacher . Hes from Canada . Chen Jie : What s he like ? Zhang Peng : He is old and he is kind . His class is so much fun . Chen Jie : What classes do you have this year ? 学习好资料 欢迎下载Zhang Peng :We have Chinese , English and math on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays . An

15、d we have music on Mondays , computer on Tuesdays , P.E. and art on Saturdays. Chen Jie : What classes do you like best ? Zhang Peng :I like art and math . The classes are funny . 读短文,判断句子的正(T)误( F)。( )1. Zhang Peng has a new art teacher . He s from Canada . ( )2. His new art teacher is old and funn

16、y . ( )3. Zhang Peng has computer on Tuesdays . ( )4. Zhang Peng likes his new art teacher . ( )5. Zhang Peng likes computer , art and math . (B)John works in an office . Every morning he has breakfast at seven thirty. Then he reads his newspaper , drinks a cup of coffee and then goes to work . It s

17、 eight o clock on Thursday morning . He is still (仍旧) sitting at the table and reading his newspaper . His wife is surprised (惊讶的). She asks him , “What day is it today ? ” “ It s Thursday .” “ Then why are you at home now ? ” “ Home?” he jumps , “Oh , I think I am in my office now . ”读短文,选择正确答案。( )1. John works in _. A. a shop B. an office C. a hotel ( )2. John has breakfast at _. A. 7:00 B. 7:30 C. 8:00 ( )3. John read


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