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1、Step1: Author resume and backgroud information1.Emily Jane Bront (18181848 years) She is a British novelist of Victorian period and also a renowned(famous) female poet. Her pen name is Ellis Bell.She and her sisters Charlotte Bront and Anny Bront are called “the Bront sisters”, which was very famous

2、 in the 19th centurys British.THE THREE SISTERS艾米丽勃朗特安妮勃朗特 夏洛蒂勃朗特Wuthering Height is the only novel work in her life, which has established her status in the British history of literature. However, she was almost unknown in her lifetime beacause of the theme of her novel.Step1.2.Background informati

3、on2.1 Social Setting2.2 Personal Experience of the Author The Industrial Revolution (turbulent(混乱的)times) the social contradictions of capitalism were exposed to people. Unsociable and eccentric(古怪的) An Emotional Reflex (情感宣泄)Step2.Main Content and internal relationshipMaster of Wuthering Heights, M

4、r. Earn Shaw, brought back an child, and named him Heathcliff. Mr. Earn Shaw had a son Hindley and a daughter Catherine. Heathcliff and Catherine fell in love with each other as they grew up.Hindley inherited all the property after Mr. Earn Shaws death. Hindley treated Heathcliff as a slave. Just th

5、en, Catherine met Edgar Linton, a rich gentleman lived nearby. Catherine was going to marry Edgar. Heathcliff ran away from home in anger and disappointment. Years later, Heathcliff came back with fortune, and he had decided to take revenge. This is a story of love and revengeStep2.2. Internal Relat

6、ionshipHeathcliffMain characters:A crazy man Heathcliff was an orphan, and adopted by Mr.Earnshaw. He was an uncivil, fiery and energetic boy. For example: after getting well with Catherine, he liked to invite Catherine to run on the grassland with bare feet even on a stormy day.A victim of the soci

7、etyHeathcliff, as an Indian who was sold to be a servant, could not escaped his miserable fate. After the death of MR. Earnshaw, he was bullied by Hindley because of the unequal relationship rooted in Hindleys heart.A constant loverIn his life, Catherine was his beloved one and no one could replace

8、her. The reason why he wanted to be a better one was that he wished he could get together with Catherine.For him, she was the whole world, his hope and dream.An avengerHe was a man who bore love and hatred,but his hatred overwhelmed his love. His beloved girl abandoned him and Hindley mistreated him

9、. All of this forced him to be an avenger.Catherine Earnshaw Catherine Earnshaw is the main female protagonist of Wuthering Heights. She is the daughter of the master of Wuthering Heights who forms a deep romantic bond with her foster brother Heathcliff, one that leads them both into misery, violenc

10、e and despairWhen she was young, Catherine was rebellious, lively and pure. She needed to get the full humanity, the real freedom, equality and dignity. Heathcliff was the only one who could understand her. Therefore, they shared true friendship with each other. Everyday, they went to run and ride i

11、n the wild though it would irritate Hindly and be punished. At that time, they were happy and innocent. It seemed that they are just the two in the world. But when she grew older, things changed. She began to get tired of meaningless freedom. She was involved in a society which was full of vanity, f

12、ame and fortune. When she saw the Lintons life, she was attracted, and couldnt resist the temptation of high society. So she decided to marry Edgar to satisfy her vanity.After marriage, Catherine had to hide herself and act like an elegant and polite lady. But this kind of depressed feeling made her

13、 sad and even crazy. She realized that it was not the life she wanted and Wuthering Heights was the paradise that can release her temperament. Therefore, when Heathcliff came back, she was excited On one hand, she wanted to be with Heathcliff, the one she have been deeply in love with. On the other

14、hand, she didnt want to give up Edgars sweet love. Between love and be loved, she was painful and didnt know what to do. Finally, she resolved this by her death. Step 3: Artistic Features Narrative Structure (叙事结构) Technique of Expression (表现手法) The Features of Language (语言特点)Narrative StructureDoub

15、le Narrations(二度叙事)(1) In Wuthering Heights,the author created two main narratorsLockwood and Nelly. All the characters behavior filteres through the eyes and minds of the two narrators.The part of chronological narration was told by Lockwood. As the witness of the past things, Nelly told the story

16、of Wuthering Heights. (2) As the two narrators related the same story from different points of view,it formed a striking double point of view which advoided telling a story in accordance with the order of occurrence. Narrative StructureFlashback(倒叙)(1) 17711802, 31 years(2) The order of time was irr

17、egular but logical. In the first-three chapter, Lockwood saw Heathcliff and younger Cathy in Wuthering Heights, dreamed a bad dream and found everything there were so horrible. the frozen of human nature(果) From the 4th chapter, it was the flashback of the former thirty years. the degeneration(恶化) o

18、f human nature(因)In the last four chapters, Lockwood came back and listened the end of the story. the resuscitation(苏醒) of human nature(结局)Technique of ExpressionContrast(对比) Wuthering Heights Thrushcross Grange (画眉山庄)environmentdesolate,spooky,rough weathersunny,wonderful,peacefulcharacterhot-tempe

19、red(易怒的)friendly,gentleTechnique of ExpressionSymbolism(象征) 文中常常出现一些植物如石楠(ling),醋栗(currant),樱草(primrose)等,它们看似不起眼,却具有独特的象征意义。比如,石楠是一种常绿灌木,开白色小花,生长于荒野中,它象征着自由,坚强,孤僻.作者借助于这些简单的物象来表述男女主人公的狂放不羁,坚韧不拔的个性。The Features of LanguageRhetorical Devices(修辞手法)(1)Simile(明喻) My love for Linton is like the foliage i

20、n the woods: time would change it, Im well aware, as winter change the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rock beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary.(2)Parallelism(排比) I can not live without my life! I can not live without my soul! The Features of LanguageThe De

21、scribe of Landscape 粗旷美 one may guess the power of the north wind, blowing over the edge, by the excessive slant of a few, stunted firs at the end of the house; and by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving alms of the sun. 他们这儿一定随时都流通着清新凉爽的空气,从房屋那头那几棵过度倾斜的矮小冷杉,还有那

22、一排瘦削的荆棘它们的分支伸向一侧,仿佛在渴求太阳的布施,我们就可以猜想北风刮过房檐的威力了。The Features of LanguageThe Describe of Emotion 简洁有力 “.why did you despise me? why didi you betray your own heart,Cathy?.you loved me,then what right had you to leave me? what right? answer me .for the poor fancy you felt for Lindon?. 这些话是凯瑟琳临死前,希斯克厉夫的质问,句句出自内心,简短有力,犹如火山爆发,表达了对凯瑟琳的爱与恨。The Features of La


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