商超零售卖场百货门店运营管理 沃尔玛 基础领导艺术培训课 Leadership Lesson07-Time Management_第1页
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1、Store of Learning第七课培训店领导艺术阅读练习Store of Learning- Confidential - TIME MMMM, yy January, 09 Training, HRPage PAGE 8 of NUMPAGES 8“High expectations are the key to everything.”高期望是每件事情的关键。 Sam Walton-山姆.沃尔顿LEADERSHIP LESSON领导艺术课程Time Management 时间管理In order to improve usage of time, it is critical tha

2、t we understand time is a resource to be managed. As a competent Manager, you must be able to accomplish all daily tasks related to running your area within a given time period. This requires being able to:为了提高时间的利用率,我们认识到时间是一种可管理的资源是非常关键的。作为一个有能力的管理者,你必须能够在给定的时间段内完成与你所控制的领域有关的一切日常任务。这需要做到以下几点:Effec

3、tively use a time management tool (planner, daily workload, etc.)有效地使用时间管理工具(计划者、工作量等)become “fluent” in managerial administrative1 tasks, such as evaluations, manpower planning, attending meetings, and following up with Associates“流利地”管理行政任务,例如评估、人力计划、参加会议,以及跟进员工工作delegate effectively有效地授权prioritiz

4、e daily tasks according to the needs of your Center根据你的分销中心的需要排列日常工作的优先顺序Grocery is a fast-paced industry and in Wal-Mart, a sense of urgency is required in order to complete all tasks within your day. This means that you must work smarter, not harder. Think about how you can become more efficient.

5、Eliminating unnecessary tasks, delegating whenever possible, and never having to do a task over. Keep in mind that at Wal-Mart, we are constantly trying to exceed the expectations of our customers, both internally and externally. Always do the best job you can possibly do, the first time. 食品杂货是一个行进步

6、代很快的行业,在沃尔玛,为了完成你一天所有的工作,紧迫感是非常需要的。这意味着你必须更聪明的工作,而不是更努力。想想你如何才能变得更有效率。削减不必须的任务,尽可能地授权,从不重新做一项任务。请记住在沃尔玛,我们不断地尝试超越顾客的期望,无论是本质还是外在。总是尽最大可能做得最出色,在第一时间。Within this section, we will list and detail nine steps to effective time management. Study each step carefully and see if there are some that will help

7、 you better manage your time now and in the future as your responsibilities grow.在这一部分,我们将列出并详述有效的时间管理的9个步骤,用心学习每一步,看看是否有一些能帮助你在现在以及在你将来负责范围扩大后更好地管理时间。First Step List all the different things you do. Perhaps the easiest way to do this accurately is to keep a daily record for a week, listing all your

8、 primary job functions. Add to this list the tasks you do only occasionally. These chores, more than likely, could be done at different times or by someone else. Once you start this habit of keeping a daily record of work, make it part of your routine. Before beginning the day, spend time planning y

9、our work for the day.第一步:列出所有你要做的各种事情,可能正确做这件事的最简单方法是保存一周的日常记录,列出你最初的工作职能。将你只是偶尔要完成的任务加在这个列表中。这些零星锁事,非常可能可以在其它时间做或找别人来完成。一但你开始了保持做日常工作记录的习惯,使它成为你惯例的一部分。在你开始一天工作前,花时间为你今天的工作做一个计划。Second Step Figure the time you spend on each job. This is the average time under normal circumstances. Knowing the time e

10、ach job requires will help you plan for time spent on that job in the future. Make a record of these allotments for each job.第二步,计划出你在每件工作上所花费的时间,这是在通常情况下的平均时间。知道每件工作所埯时间将帮助你在将来计划这项工作所需的时间,为每一项工作做一个这些分配的记录。Third Step Classify all things you do according to their importance. Examples would be:第三步:根据事

11、情的重要性将他们分类。例如:Those jobs that are essential for you to do every day.那些工作对你而言每天者是必要的Those jobs that are essential at definite, stated intervals.那些工作只在一定的,特定的时间是必要的Those job that are essential but develop at unpredictable times and take an unpredictable amount of time to handle.那些工作是必要的,但其发生次数和所需的解决时间

12、是不可预测的Those jobs that are advisable and important if you can find the time to do them.那些工作是可取和重要的,如果你能的找到时间来处理他们Those jobs that may come up as emergencies.那些工作可能以紧急事件的形式出现Those jobs that require time in planning and analyzing.那些工作需要时间来计划和分析Fourth Step Look for duplications of effort and eliminate th

13、em. You may be surprised how many jobs you redo everyday. A special problem in this step is making unnecessary and multiple trips. Example: If you work on the floor, try to combine as many office trips into one as possible; take care of more than one task per trip.第四步:寻找或倍的努力并削减他们,你会惊讶地发现你每天重做了许多工作。

14、在这一步一个特别的问题是作不必要的和复合的行程,例如:如果你在地面工作,尽量努力将尽可能多的办公行程联合起来:每次行程顾及多于一项的任务。Fifth Step Study your tasks to determine which of them can wholly or partly be delegated to others. You may have many qualified Associates who can do some of the detailed, repetitive jobs that are taking much of your time. Some Man

15、agers have a difficult time delegating. This is due, for the most part, to the strong work ethic most of us have been taught. In other words, good things come to the individual who plans their work the best. Dont be afraid to ask your Associates for help. Not only will it free you from time-consumin

16、g jobs; it will also help them to develop their skills.第五步:研究你的任务,决定他们当中哪些可以全部或部分地委托给他人。你会有许多有能力的员工帮助你去做一些细节,重复性的工作只会花费你许多的时间。一些管理者却很难有时间去派工作。大部而言,就是由我们许多人所被教导的强烈的职业道德所引起的。换句话说,好事总是降临于那些很好地计划他们工作的人。不要害怕向你的员工求助,这不仅将使你从繁锁的工作中解脱出来;也将会帮助员工发展他们技能。Avoid being the Manager who is afraid to delegate because

17、you are afraid your Associates will take your job away. Delegating and asking for help is a sign of strength.避免成为一个因害怕员工夺走自己工作而不愿下放权力的管理者。权力下放和寻求帮助是凝聚力的标志。Sixth Step Adjust the estimated time it takes to do the various tasks according to your streamlined methods, and when you find more time, use it

18、wisely. There are undoubtedly many tasks we all have put off because of a lack of time. Once you have found ways to delegate or plan better, then you can do the tasks you have been putting off. By all means, find time for self-development. Like anything else, you are going to have to set time aside

19、and do it on a regular basis.第六步:调整因你一尘不变的做事方法而为做各项工作所定的预测时间。当你发现有更多的时间时,聪明地利用它。毫无疑问许多的任务我们都得延迟就是因为缺少时间。如果你找到了委托的方式或者计划得更周详,那你就可以完成这些延迟的任务了。总而言之,找时间去自我发展,就像其它任何事一样,你必须把时间搁置起来。接正常的步调去做。Seventh Step Make a realistic timetable for yourself. Provide time for the essentials first, then for the emergencie

20、s. Try to leave some unscheduled time which you can utilize for important work that formerly was rushed or neglected, or required after-hours work. Also, leave time for a long-range timetable, as well as goals. Keep them in an area where you can chart them. Maintain a chart as to where you are and t

21、he time needed to complete your tasks and goals.第七步:为自己制定一个实际的时间表。首先,为最基本的留出时间,然后就是为紧急的事情。尝试留出一些非计划内的时间,你能够利用它去做重要的以前是忽略了的工作,或者是要求事后再做的工作。同样,为长远的时间表和目标留出时间。让它们保留在你能掌握的范围。保留一个团表来展示你现所处位置和你要完成这些任务,目标所需的时间。Eighth Step Make alternative plans for any disturbance to your schedule that may result from emer

22、gency situations. Take a hard look at those “emergencies.” You may find that you can eliminate them with better planning and forecasting.第八步:制定一个可供选择的计划,以防任何因为突发情况而引志你计划被打乱。小心那些“紧急”的情况。你会发现你可以用更好的计划和预测来滔除它。Ninth Step Set your timetables and plans in motion. Review them from time to time to make corr

23、ections and revisions. Every Coach works with the same three elements: people, equipment, and materials. How much they get from these elements depends on how well they manage a fourth element, time.第九步:制定时间表,在运行中计划。经常回顾它们来改正和纠正错误。每一位教练者会涉及这相同的三个因素:人、设备和材料。他们从这些因素获得多少,依赖于从前如何很好地把握每四个因素:时间。TIME MANAGE

24、MENT 时间管理List some of the tasks a manager completes during a typical day.列举一名管理人员在一个具代表性的日子里完成的一些任务Place a 1 next to the items that are typically performed at the beginning of the shift.在流程的开始,在下一个已完成的项目注上1。Place a 2 next to the items that are typically performed at the end of the shift. Some items

25、will not have a number.在结尾下一个已完成的项上注2。一些项将不会有数字。List several items that can be delegated to an Associate.列举几个能授权与员工的项目。During your weekly meeting with your Mentor discuss how they manage their time to complete the following tasks. Identify the amount of time they spend each day or week for each. Dev

26、elop a plan that meets your expectations and review it with your Mentor.在周末例会上和你的教练讨论他们如何把握自己的时间来完成以下的工作,确定他们每天或每星期在每一项所花时间多少。完善一项计划能符合你的期望并和你的教练回顾它。TASK任务MENTORS TIMEPLAN教练的时间计划LCO COACH PLAN现场指导计划TPRMANPOWERPLANNING人力计划EVALUATIONS评估TRAINING ANDDEVELOPMENT培训与发展ASSOCIATECONCERNS员工所关注的MANAGEMENTMEETINGS管理会议Store of Learning第七课培训店领导艺术议题LESSON 7 QUESTIONS第7课问题Ideal responses to these question


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