1、新课标小学英语第七册(一年级起点外研版)教案目录Module 1 Lucy lives in London. Ive got a new friend.Module 2 I helped my mum.Module 2 Amy painted a picture Module 3 She didnt walk to school yesterday. Module 3 I didnt play football. Module 4 Chinese people invented paper.Module 4 He invented this bicycle in 1839.Module 5 W
2、e went to the great wall.Module 5 I wore warm clothes.期中复习,阶段检测Module 6 It didnt make gold. He didnt come back.Module 7 Did you break your toy?Module 7 There were three children.Module 8 What did she play? Where did you go?Module 9 What happened to you?Module 9 I bumped my head.Module 10 Ive got a s
3、tomach ache.Module 10 Wang Feis got a cold. 期末复习 英语 学科第 一 单元达标教学计划表 学 校年 级四范 围Module one Module three教材分析M1:Amy告诉Lingling她住在伦敦的朋友Lucy来信了。信中Lucy谈到了伦敦的天气和周六她的生日,还告诉Amy她有一个新朋友Zara,并随信寄来了她与Zara在白金汉宫拍的照片。M2:Daming讲述了昨天他做的事情:打扫了房间,完成了作业,洗了脏裤子,并且帮助了妈妈。妈妈很开心,表扬了Daming。M3:通常Lingling 6:30起床,步行去学校,学习英语和数学。可是昨天
4、她并没有做这些事情,因为昨天是国庆节,玲玲放假在家,看电视节目,玩玩具。教学目标M1:阅读和学写一封英文信四会: Where does Lingling live? She lives in London. Ive got a new friend.It was my birthday on Saturday.We were at Buckingham Palace.M2:描述过去的行为四会: Yesterday, I cleaned my room. I washed my trousers. Then I helped my mum. Mr Smart cooked noodles.M3:
5、谈论过去没有发生的事或行为四会:She didnt get up at half past six (yesterday). And she didnt walk to school. I didnt play football.教学重点重点复现之前学习的一般现在时和现在进行时,此外,课文中出现的be动词的过去式was和were也是学习重点重点学习规则动词的一般过去时M3:本模块重点学习动词一般过去式的否定形式教学难点学习写信;过去时态:当中过渡动词时态构成形式的变化:规则(-ed d)-不规则(。不变); 规则中读音的变化 /t/ /d/ /id/ ) 课时安排Module 1 四课时; M
6、odule 2 四课时; Module 3 四课时达标命题人达标结果分 析备注课 时 教 学 案 姓 名学 科英语年级四年级课 题Module 1 Unit 1 She lives in Longdon 课 时4-1课时教学目标基础性目标一、认知性:能听懂会说soon, still , April , also , American二、技能性: 能听说读写: I tell , dance , cold , live要求模仿正确,语调自然.三、体验性:问答关于某人的居住情况。发展性目标一、认知性:能够在实际情景中运用I tell , dance , cold , live二、技能性:能听、说、认
7、读He/Shes at并能在日常生活中使用。三、体验性:Where does she live? She lives in London. Ive got a new friend.学生通过复习Ive got 句型,能对“某人有。”的表达法有进一步的巩固。教学重点1、掌握新单词:soon, still , April , also , American2、掌握句型:Where does she live? She lives in London. Ive got a new friend.难点背诵四会句型 方法歌曲,韵句,全班活动,个人活动,游戏,听与重复,听与说。手段,游戏,VCD,幻灯片,
8、卡片 ,字母卡 ,单词卡板书Unit 1 What is she doing?Shes reading a letter.What does she live ?She lives in London.反思教 学 活 动教学任务学生活动教师活动活动意图Warm up,以旧带新,引入新知。Presentation导入新课文。学习新课文。Practice通过练习,巩固本课重点。Step 3 课文呈现Step 4 巩固运用。Step 5 Homework1. The students answer the teachers questions.2. 复习现在进行时.1. (1)学习Where doe
9、s she live? She lives in London. (2) Ss ask T. (3) 小组练习。2. 学习We were at Buckingham Palace. It was my birthday on Saturday.(1)根据教师的提示引出重点句。(2) 学生说说自己的生日。并告诉同位:“It was my birthday on ”1. Watch and answer the questions.2.Open the books. Listen, point and find “does, lives”.Then read the letter.根据教师所给出的
10、信息,将好朋友的信息介绍给大家,可由其他同学提问.一、1. 师生谈话。Questions: How are you? How old are you? Where are you from? Whats the weather like? Is it cold today? Who is your friend? Whats he/ she like ? 2. 复习现在进行时。What are you doing? Im 二、1. 学习Where does she live? She lives in London(1) 教师先问一个同学“Where do you live?” S1:“I l
11、ive in Qingdao.”教师多问几个人之后,指着其中一个同学问全班“Do you remember? Where does she live?”并引导同学们说“She lives in Qingdao.” (2) 老师问,学生回答。练习几组之后,问学生“Can you ask me?”引导学生说“Where does she/ he live?”(3) 教师利用ppt课件出示几个不同地方,不同国籍的人物,根据所提供的信息,小组进行问答练习。2. 学习We were at Buckingham Palace. It was my birthday on Saturday.(1)教师出示一
12、张全班在中山公园春游时的合影。T: What can you see? Where is it?Ss: Its Zhongshan Park.T: We were at Zhongshan Park . But now we are at school. 利用学生带来的与家人的合影,向大家介绍:“We were at”(2)调查学生的生日在哪天,将今年已经过完生日的日期标出在一个日历上,并以自己的生日为例。T: My birthday is in May. Look, it was my birthday on Sunday. 让学生自己拿着日历找一找。三、Watch and answer t
13、he questions.T: Look, Amy is reading a letter. Its from a friend. Who is Amys friend? Where does she live? Watch and answer these questions.2. Open your books. Listen , point and find “does, lives”.Read the letter, find the sentences with “was” and “were”.Find the words that you dont know. Use the w
14、ord cards to explain the words “Buckingham Palace, soon, tell”.Try to read the text in groups.四好朋友默契大考验。将好朋友的信息介绍给大家,可由其他同学提问,如:Who is your best friend?How old is he/ she?When is his / her birthday?Where does he/ she live?How does he/she go to school?What color does he/ she like?What animal does he/
15、she like?What does he like to eat? 五、1. Listen to the tape , point and read text.2. Copy the important sentences.3. Make a survey. Where does your friends live? Write it down. e.g Mary lives in 通过师生谈话,将课文中将要出现内容提前进行“预热”.板书上面的句子,并强调“lives”. 帮助学生理解并体会“We were ”句式。帮助学生体会并理解句式“It was尝试阅读英语信件,用所学的语言表达情感并
16、交流信息,初步比较中国与英国的文化差异.这个活动的主要目的在于练习第三人称单数形式,问题可由教师发问,也可列出问题提纲由学习程度较好的学生发问。先由单个同学做示范练习,再放在小组内练习。养成学生在日常生活中说英语的习惯,由学习知识上升到运用知识.达标检测必做题SB: Listen, point and find “does, lives”.Listen and say.AB: Listen and circle.选做题 熟读课文 背诵四会句课 时 教 学 案 姓 名学 科英语年级四年级课 题Module 1 Unit 1 课 时4-2课时教学目标基础性目标一、认知性:熟练运用What is h
17、e / she doing? Hes / Shes 二、技能性: 能听说读写: 进一步学习Unit 1 中的语篇,指导学生朗读课文,并能完成更进一步的学习任务,加强对课文的理解。三、体验性:结合Practice呈现的重点语言结构和所提供的词语开展多种形式的巩固练习。发展性目标一、认知性:能够在实际情景中运用Where doeslive? He/She lives in It was We wereWhat is he / she doing? Hes / Shes 二、技能性:英文书信的书写,注意格式。三、体验性:学会英语写一封信。教学重点1、掌握新单词:live letter friend
18、birthday London2、掌握句型:Where doeslive? He/She lives in It was We were难点was与were 的理解与使用及现在进行时态的描述。方法讲授法、情景教学、阅读教学手段多媒体,录音机 幻灯片,卡片 ,字母卡 ,单词卡板书Module 1 Unit 1Where does she / he live? What is he / she doing? She / He lives in _. Hes / Shes It was _ on Saturday.We were at _.反思教 学 活 动教学任务学生活动教师活动活动意图Step
19、1 复习巩固Step 2 书写练习Step 3 实践应用Step 4 Homework1. 单词抢读2.(1) 用句型I live in陈述自己住所,比记忆力。(2) 小组对话练习. What are you doing? ImSs: What is he / she doing? Hes / Shes(3) 看录像回答问题。(4) 对着图,模仿人物的表情和语调来复述句子.书写练习。和国外小朋友交朋友。一、1单词复习:Games 单词抢读,利用单词卡片通过比赛的形式进行复习.并可进行拼读,记忆比赛. 2句型复习(1) 记忆力大比拼。找十名同学到讲台前来,每个人依次告诉全班同学:“ I live
20、 in”然后由教师从第一个同学开始依次问大家:“Where does he/she live?”比一比谁的记忆力最好,记得人数最多。(2) 小组对话练习。师生对话练习“What are you doing? Im”慢慢过渡到“What is he/she doing? Hes/Shes”利用图片教授dancing 小组利用学生用书练习3中的图片进行对话练习。(3) 课文复习。看CD-Rom,回答问题. Where does Lucy live? Is it cold in London? How old is Lucy now? Who is Lucys new friend? Whats s
21、he like? (4) 朗读对话。小组分角色朗读, 表演对话. 教师及时进行评价。二、1. 课堂活动用书 Unit 1.22. 听录音,选句子。例:Tape: She lives in London.A. She live in London. B. He lives in London. C. She lives in London.三和国外小朋友交朋友。教师提供一些外国小朋友的照片与信息。学生任选一个成为笔友。每人用英语写一封信,介绍自己的年龄、爱好、性格等等,并寄上一张照片,描述一下自己当时在哪里,做什么。写完后可请几名同学读给大家听。四1. Use the important sen
22、tences to make a short dialog with your partner.2. Introduce your best friend to your parents.将机械性操练融入到游戏的形式中,增加了练习的趣味性。这个小游戏不仅复习了重点句型,同时也锻炼了学生的记忆力,注意力,口头表达能力。通过看录像,回答问题,复习第一课时所学内容,为下一步的朗读对话做好准备。进一步加强单词认读能力的培养,进行拼读练习.这时学生们,学生争先恐后抢着表演,这样,学生在使用各种信息手段进行学习的同时,也提高了自主学习与合作学习的能力。达标检测必做题SB: Listen and say.
23、Practice选做题AB: Read and write. Unit 1. 2课 时 教 学 案学校: 姓 名学 科英语年级四年级课 题Module 1 Unit 2 课 时4-3课时教学目标基础性目标一、认知性:能够听、说的单词和短语:India, Indian, Mexican, Mexico Russia, Russian, traditional;二、技能性: 能够听、说并认读的语句:Ive got a new friend. 三、体验性:学习尝试阅读英语信件,发展性目标一、认知性: 能够听、说并认读的单词和短语:soon, still, April, also, American,
24、 America.二、技能性:能在实际情景中运用:Ive got a new friend.三、体验性:尝试阅读英语信件,用所学的语言表达情感并交流信息。教学重点国家的名称及国家人的表达。难点了解几个不同国家的名称及风土人情,能够表达自己来自于哪个国家。方法讲授法、情景教学、阅读教学、演示法手段单词卡片,多媒体,录音机板书Module 1 Unit 2Ive got a new friend. India, IndianShes got_. Mexican, Mexico American, America.Russia, Russian, traditional反思教 学 活 动教学任务学生
25、活动教师活动活动意图Warm up,以旧带新,引入新知。Warm up导入新课文。学习新课文。Practice通过练习,巩固本课重点。Review the letter thatDo activity.(1) Listen and say.(2) Listen again.(3) Listen and answer.(4) Listen and repeat.(5) Read(1) Say the table.(2)Listen and match.4. 学生听、跟唱、齐唱。1、Warmer: Review the letter that Lucy writes to Amy. 2、Activ
26、ity 1(SB)(1) T: Now Amy write to Lucy. Lets listen what she said. (2) Listen to the tape. 向学生展示语言。(3) Listen again, then answers these questions:How old is Amy? Whats the weather like in Beijing? Whats Lingling like?(4) Listen and repeat.(5) Read this letter. Read together. Read in groups. Read in p
27、airs. 在读的过程中,教师可采取不同的方式。3、Activity 2(SB)(1)Show this table to the class. 此环节作为一个文化知识的介绍呈现给学生,为下面要进行的2、3部分作铺垫。CountryNationalityMexicoMexicanIndiaIndianAmericaAmericanChinaChineseEnglandEnglishRussiaRussian(2)Listen and match. 在以上表格的帮助下,学生再做连线就显得很容易了。4、Activity 3(SB)Listen to the song. Listen and say
28、. Sing this song. Practice this song. Boys and girls. Practice in groups. 5、Activity 1(AB) Choose and write. 学生熟练掌握歌曲之后,可哼唱这个歌曲很轻松的完成此题目。6、小结7、Homework:搜集资料,扩充教师上课给出的表格,看看谁能找到更多的国家,介绍给同学们。复习第一单元中的重点句型,回顾来信的内容。创设情景,引出回信,使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,主动完成学习任务。通过之前的多次重复,再逐层引导,此环节教师只简单提示学生便已掌握,并加以巩固。在练习本歌曲时,可将歌曲的句子划分,
29、分角色唱前半句和后半句。缓解紧张的学习心情,轻松学习重点知识。达标检测必做题SB: Listen and repeat选做题AB: Read and write. Unit 2. 1课 时 教 学 案学校: 姓 名学 科英语年级四年级课 题Module 1 Unit 2 课 时4-4课时教学目标基础性目标一、认知性:综合运用模块所学重点知识。二、技能性: 能运用: Ive got . Where doeslive? 三、体验性:尝试用英语写英语信件,用所学的语言表达情感并交流信息。发展性目标一、认知性: 能听、说、认读He/She lives in It was We were并能在日常生活中
30、使用。二、技能性:能够在实际情景中运用What is he / she doing? Hes / Shes 三、体验性:给外国笔友写一封信,介绍自己、身边的朋友、所在地区的天气等等,还可随信附上照片或自画像。教学重点有兴趣用英语写信,介绍自己的情况。难点学写一封英文信。方法讲授法、阅读教学、模仿练习法手段幻灯片,卡片 ,字母卡 ,单词卡板书Module 1 Unit 2Dear_, My names _. Im_. I live in _. I like_. My favourite _. From, _反思教 学 活 动教学任务学生活动教师活动活动意图1、Warmer:2、Activity
31、2(AB) 3、Activity 3(AB)4、Activity 4(AB)6、小结7、Homework:1、Warmer:(1)唱歌传旗。根据自己手中的卡片回答:”I live in”(2)对表格进行扩充。(3)改编大王。学生根据表格的内容,对上节课所学歌曲进行改编。比一比唱一唱。2. 完成活动用书第二部分。3. 回顾本模块所涉及到的两封信。4听、读 感受粗体字母的发音。5. 跟读、分组读重点单词。1、Warmer:(1)Activity 4、Game: Guess(AB)唱歌传旗。教师课前将SB Unit 2活动3中提到的四个国家的国旗图案做成卡片老师将卡片分发给学生,全班齐唱歌曲,同时在
32、全班范围内传递卡片。老师可以随时喊停,或当歌声结束时,手持卡片的四个学生起立。于是全班学生向他们提问:“Where do you live?”他们依次根据自己手中的卡片回答:”I live in”老师奖励给回答正确的学生每人一个小粘贴。(2)出示上节课的表格CountryNationalityMexicoMexicanIndiaIndianAmericaAmericanChinaChineseEnglandEnglishRussiaRussian检查作业,请同学对表格进行扩充。(先请学生扩充,教师进行总结补充。)CountryNationalityMexicoMexicanIndiaIndia
33、nAmericaAmericanChinaChineseEnglandEnglishRussiaRussianAustraliaAustralianFranceFrenchSpainSpanishThailandThaiSouth AfricaSouth African(3)改编大王。学生根据表格的内容,对上节课所学歌曲进行改编。比一比唱一唱看谁改编得好,教师给予表扬。2、Activity 2(AB) 指导学生完成活动用书第二部分。3、Activity 3(AB)(1) 带学生回顾本模块所涉及到的两封信。(2) 通过回顾教师帮助学生总结英文信件的格式,包括标点符号的用法,然后归纳信中的常用的一
34、些短语和句型,如“Dear How are you? Thank you for your letter. Write to me soon. Tell me about”等。 (3) 根据第二题的回答完成本题中的这封信。4、Activity 4(AB)听、读 感受粗体字母的发音。教师总结粗体字母的发音。教师找出和这两组发音相同的单词,请同学进行归类练习。5、Activity 5(AB)先听、并跟读。分组读,将重点单词挑出来读。(学生在句子中感受重点单词的发音。)6、小结7、Homework: 给自己的好朋友写一封英文信。此环节既复习了上节课所学知识,有激发了学生学习兴趣。通过之前的多次重复,
35、再逐层引导,此环节教师只简单提示学生便已掌握,并加以巩固。帮助学生总结,有助于学生今后独立的进行英文书信的练习。先让学生自己感受,教师总结发音规律之后,请学生做归类游戏,学生会很有兴趣,并有成就感。达标检测必做题SB: Listen and repeat.选做题AB: Read and write. Unit 2.课 时 教 学 案 姓 名学 科英语年级四年级课 题Module 3 Unit 1 She didnt walk to school yesterday. 课 时4-1课时教学目标基础性目标一、认知性:初步掌握四会单词:get up, walk, didnt, school二、技能性
36、: 初步掌握四会句子:Lingling didnt get up at half past six. And she didnt walk to school. 三、体验性:能描述经常性的活动及过去的活动及状态。发展性目标一、认知性: 能够听、说并认读的语句:She didnt learn English and Maths. Yesterday was National Day.二、技能性:能在实际情景中运用过去时三、体验性:懂得主动帮助家人。教学重点学生能用I usually But I didntlast weekend. 来比较自己周末和平日不同的活动。难点能简单描述经常性的活动及过去
37、的活动及状态。方法讲授法、情景教学、阅读教学、演示法手段单词卡片,多媒体,录音机板书Module 1 Unit 1Yesterday was National Day.Lingling didnt get up at half past six.And she didnt walk to school.She didnt learn English and Maths.反思教 学 活 动教学任务学生活动教师活动活动意图Step1Warm-up激趣复习建立联系Step2 Presentation and drilling利用情境感知目标Step3 Consolidation有效活动形成技能Ste
38、p4 Summary思考总结达标反馈Answer: Lingling didnt Listen and repeat.National Day, Lingling did理解usually的含义Listen and repeat. Read in groups.Do activity book.Game.Guess what didnt Sam do yesterday.Describe what you didnt do yesterday?SummaryHomeworkStep 1 Warm-upT: Read these verb phrase together: T: Good job
39、. What day is today? (S: Today is ) what day was yesterday? S: Yesterday was (板书)T: Yesterday, I cleaned my room. And I washed many many clothes. I was very tired. What about you? What did you do yesterday? (Ss:) oh you , I didnt (教师摆手示意) Step 2 Presentation1. didnt 板书,教读。Lets look, please. (课件)I wa
40、tch TV. I dont watch TV. She watches TV. She doesnt watch TV. He watched TV. He didnt watch TV. Are you clear?2. Now lets have a chant, please.3. read these sentences.4. TextT: You did good job. Our friend Lingling didnt do some things yesterday, too. Lets watch and find carefully. What didnt she do
41、 yesterday?(播放光盘)Please answer. (板书)Ss: Lingling didnt get up at half past six.And she didnt walk to school. She didnt learn English and Maths. 解释单词learn 学习T: Good boy! Good girl! Please look here. Listen and repeat. (跟读), 5. Read in pairs. Who want to read?6. T: Great! Do you know? In fact, Linglin
42、g usually do these things. But yesterday, she didnt do. Why?S: Yesterday was National Day! What did Lingling do? S: She watched TV and played with her toys.T: Wonderful. If yesterday wasnt National Day. What does Lingling usually do on Mondays? What does meaning of “usually”, lets see. (课件)7. Listen
43、 and repeat. Read in groups.8. Do activity book. Activity 1 Listen and tick. Then retell it.Step 3 Game.T: Yesterday Sam didnt do many things. Can you guess? There are 4 pictureshere. Now lets guess what didnt Sam do yesterday.Who can try? 学生猜老师点击图片,最后呈现整个语篇。discuss in your group.Who can try?Step 4
44、Summary:Step 5 Homework:Todays homework.1. Listen point and repeat the dialogue 签名2. Please describe what your family or your friends didnt do yesterday. Ok?3. Copy the words “get up, learn, walk, didnt 1+1Bye-bye boys and girls.小组合作学习这一活动的设计,充分体现因人而异,以人为本,使每个学生都敢于张口说英语,拓展学习面,学生的自主性得到提高。再次巩固今天所学的知识,
45、让学生总结效果更佳。养成学生在日常生活中说英语的习惯,由学习知识上升到运用知识.创设情景,引出回信,使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,主动完成学习任务。达标检测必做题SB: Listen, point and find “didnt”.AB: Listen and tick or.选做题Describe the pictures课 时 教 学 案 姓 名学 科英语年级四年级课 题Module 3 Unit 1 She didnt walk to school yesterday. 课 时4-2课时教学目标基础性目标一、认知性:掌握四会单词:get up, walk, didnt, school,
46、half past six二、技能性: 掌握四会句子:Lingling didnt get up at half past six. And she didnt walk to school. 三、体验性:能描述经常性的活动及过去的活动及状态。发展性目标一、认知性: 结合活动3的练习巩固总重点句子。二、技能性:了解世界上几个主要国家的国庆节是在什么时候三、体验性:懂得主动帮助家人。教学重点练习用I usuallyBut I didntlast weekend. I来比较自己周末和平日不同的活动。难点重点学习动词一般过去式的否定形式:I/He/She usuallyI/He/She didnt方
47、法讲授法、情景教学、阅读教学、演示法手段单词卡片,多媒体,录音机板书Module 1 Unit 1I/He/She usuallyI/He/She didntYesterday was National Day.反思教 学 活 动教学任务学生活动教师活动活动意图Step1Warm-up激趣复习建立联系Step2 Presentation and drilling利用情境感知目标Step3 Consolidation有效活动形成技能Step4 Summary思考总结达标反馈Listen and do.Review the main words.Free talk.4. Dialog.(1) Li
48、sten and answer.(2) Listen and repeat.(3) Read in role.(4) Finish the exercise5. Game.activity book M3U1 exercise2.6. Practice.HomeworkSummary1. Warm up.Listen and do. (Get up, walk to school and learn English and Maths.)2. Review the main words.Get up, walk, school, didnt, half past six, learn, Nat
49、ional Day.3. Free talk.T: Yesterday, I watched TV. What did you do yesterday?Ss: I _ _.T: But I didnt _ _.What didnt you do yesterday?Ss: I didnt _ _.4. Dialog.(1) Listen and answer.a. What does Lingling usually do?b. What didnt she do yesterday? c. What did she do? Why?(2) Listen and repeat.(3) Rea
50、d in role.T read Lingling usually does, Ss read Lingling didnt do. Then change(4) Finish the exercise of the activity book M3U1 exercise1.5. Game.(1) T says thing she played yesterday, the Ss have to say the opposite. (CAI shows the examples.) E.g.T: I played the football.Ss: I didnt play football.T
51、hen Ss play the game in pairs.T: What did you find? S: T: didnt 后面跟动词原型。(2) Finish the exercise of the activity book M3U1 ex2.6. Practice.Talk about what you didnt do yesterday.Then show the practice.7. 小结8. Homework1.Listenpointandrepeatthedialogueatpage10,11.2. Complete the activity book of this p
52、art小组合作学习这一活动的设计,充分体现因人而异,以人为本,使每个学生都敢于张口说英语,拓展学习面,学生的自主性得到提高。再次巩固今天所学的知识,让学生总结效果更佳。养成学生在日常生活中说英语的习惯,由学习知识上升到运用知识.创设情景,引出回信,使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,主动完成学习任务。达标检测必做题SB: Listen and say.选做题AB: Listen and write.课 时 教 学 案 姓 名学 科英语年级四年级课 题Module 3 Unit 2 I didnt play football yesterday.课 时4-3课时教学目标基础性目标一、认知性:能够听、说
53、并认读的单词和短语:stay(stayed), ride, bike二、技能性: 能够听、说、读、写的语句:I didnt play football.三、体验性:制定简单的英语学习计划。发展性目标一、认知性: 结合活动3的练习巩固总重点句子。二、技能性:练习用I usuallyBut I didntlast weekend. I来比较自己周末和平日不同的活动。可以在小组内进行描述三、体验性:学会描述一天的行为。教学重点描述Daming经常性的活动以及过去的活动及状态。难点根据Daming的描述来表述自己或他人的经常性的活动以及过去的活动及状态。方法讲授法、情景教学、阅读教学、演示法手段单词卡
54、片,多媒体,录音机板书Module 3 Unit 2Daming: On Sundays, I usually plays football.But I didnt play football yesterday.I usually ride my bike.But I didnt ride it yesterday.It was raining. I stayed at home.反思教 学 活 动教学任务学生活动教师活动活动意图Step1Warm-up激趣复习建立联系Step2 Presentation and drilling利用情境感知目标Step3 Consolidation有效活动
55、形成技能Step4 Summary思考总结达标反馈1. Warm up.2. Review the words.完成表格的叙述。Recite the dialog5. Practice.Homework 1. Warm up.What did you do yesterday?I _ _.What didnt you do yesterday?I didnt _.2. ReviewNational Day, learn, stay (stayed), ride, bike, get up, walk, didnt, school, half past six3. Presentation.T
56、show a table (CAI)TimeUsualLast Weekend7:00get updidnt get up9:00have an English classwatch TV14:00play footballdidnt play football16:00go homepaint a pictureT: this is a table from liming. Can you describe it? I can say: liming usually gets up at 7:00, but he didnt get up at 7:00 last weekend. Who
57、can try?Ss: liming usually _ at _:_, but he didnt get up at _:_ last weekend.4. Dialog.Recite the dialog M3U1.What did Lingling do at National Day?Do you know what Daming did last weekend?(2) Listen to the tape. What did Daming do?(3) Listen and circle “didnt”.(4) Read in role.T reads Daming usually
58、 do, Ss read Lingling didnt do. Then changed.5. Practice.(1) SB Unit 2 activity (2) AB Unit 2 activity 4, 5.6. 小结7. Homework1.Listenpointandrepeatthedialogueatpage10,11,12,13.2. Copy the sentences 2 times and the main words 5 times.小组合作学习这一活动的设计,充分体现因人而异,以人为本,使每个学生都敢于张口说英语,拓展学习面,学生的自主性得到提高。再次巩固今天所学的
59、知识,让学生总结效果更佳。养成学生在日常生活中说英语的习惯,由学习知识上升到运用知识.创设情景,引出回信,使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,主动完成学习任务。达标检测必做题SB: Listen and repeat.选做题Fill in the blanks in PPT英语 学科第 二 单元达标教学计划表 主备人:学 校年 级四范 围Module four Module five教材分析M4:课堂上Ms Smart告诉大家中国人发明了许多重要的东西,比如纸和印刷术,我们现在才可以印刷书籍和报纸。Sam却拿出他自己做的剪报,说这是他印刷的报纸。M5: Sam和Daming向爸爸讲述了他们昨天参加学
60、校组织的游览长城的活动。他们还为爸爸买了一件礼物:一张长城的图片。教学目标M4:谈论人类过去的发明能够听、说、读、写的单词和短语: Chinese, invent, (invented), paper, people, newspaper;能够听、说并认读的单词和短语:important, bicycle, printing, print (printed) 能够听、说、读、写的语句:Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented printing. 能够听、说并认读的语句:I printed this newspaper. He
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