1、Passage 1My neighbour Mitzi is a very bright 3-year-old who often comes over to my house to ask questions. We were taking a walk one day and I noticed that about 10 feet ahead and off to the side of our path was a dead bird. Well, Mitzi is a curious child and rather than get involved with a lot of q
2、uestions about a dead bird. I made a detour and directed her attention in the opposite direction. I learned then that if you dont want a 3-year-old to see something you step on it. Walking around it only makes it more obvious.“Whats that?” Mitzi asked.“It is a dead bird,” I responded.As we approache
3、d the bird, she questioned further, ”Whats dead?”“Dead is when the birds heart doesnt go thump-thump anymore. The bird doesnt breathe. It cant sing or fly anymore.”“Oh,” she acknowledged and started to pick up the bird. The bird had been dead for several days, so stopped her from touching it, giving
4、 her a stick instead to investigate the bird with. Very carefully she turned the bird over. There were worms and bugs on the bird, but this didnt bother(烦扰(fnro)Mitzi at all. I made sure she couldnt see my face because it bothered me.“Can I take it home?” she asked. I suggested that instead, we cove
5、r it with leaves, and Mitzi agreed.She gathered a bunch of leaves, and as she placed them on the bird, Mitzi asked, ”Do birds go to heaven?”I thought to myself, here we go. Id learned a long time ago that Mitzi frequently has her own ideas about what she asks, so I responded, ”Do you think birds go
6、to heaven?”She thought for a while and decided that they did. She continued to gather leaves and place them on the bird. All at once started taking leaves off the bird and announced, ” It wont work.”I knew things had been going too smoothly. ”What wont work, Mitzi?”“The bird cant be in heaven and st
7、ill be on the ground.” She sat down next to the bird and used the stick to poke(拨弄(b nong)at it. I was trying to figure out how to explain things to her without adding to her confusion when her face brightened and she asked, ”Can part of a bird go to heaven? ”“What part?” I asked.“The part that made
8、 the bird sing and fly.”I put my arm around her and answered, ” Yes.” Together we covered the bird and continued on our walk.While taking a walking, Mitzi and I found a dead bird_.A) in the middle of the path B) far away from where we wereC) just outside my house D) near the path we were walking alo
9、ng2. At the sight of the dead bird, I _.A) was anxious to tell Mitzi to look at itB) tried to distract Mitzi from gazing on itC) stepped on it for fear that Mitzi got frightenedD) was caught up in conversation with Mitzi over the bird3. In the passage the expression similar to “make a detour” is _.A
10、) come over B) walk around itC) add to her confusion D) continue on our walk4. None of the following statements is true except _.A)i was bothered by Mitzis one question after anotherB) Mitzi was a little girl who kept asking silly questionsC) The bird died a few days ago, covered with leavesD) My ex
11、planation of “dead” was easy enough for Mitzi to understand5. The meaning of “Here we go” is _.A) we, like the bird, would also go to heavenB) we could begin our discussion about the birdC) she raised her own question, as I had expectedD) she needed to be taught morePassage2Roger Conner is a modern-
12、day Horatio Alger hero. Roger started out as an unpaid worker in a small flower shop. He has become the owner of a florist company whose sales are well over ¥100,000 a year.One day when Roger was only twelve, he stopped at a local flower shop. He asked the owner if he could work for him, without pay
13、, in order to learn the business. Roger started working every day after school and on weekends. After two years on the job,he finally asked for a small salary. The owners told him he ”wasnt good enough to be paid.” So he quit, and found a paying job at another local flower shop. He worked hard there
14、, but after six months they laid him off because business was slow.Not discouraged, Roger decided to do it alone and started his own flower store in a basement. He started his business with only sixty-five dollars. He bought old refrigerators at garage sales and knocked the shelves out. This turned
15、them into coolers for his flesh-cut flowers. His business grew rapidly as he built up a reputation(声誉(shngy) for top quality and fine service. In 1977, Roger bought out the flower store where he had worked without pay for over two years. The people who said he “wasnt good enough” were astonished to
16、find that they were being taken over by a teenager. He had plans to renovate the whole store.One of the reasons the owners sold out to Roger was that the store wasnt doing well.But after Roger took over ownership and redid the store,business started booming. In fact, business was so good after that
17、one year, he celebrated by buying out the other store where he had worked. Roger then combined both stores and moved to a location in the center of his town.The new store has2,000 square feet and seven employees. And he did it all before he reached the age of twenty.6. The author is most eager to sh
18、ow that people who want to get ahead in business should_A) work without pay. B) work hard and be persistent.C) own a flower shop. D) work as teenagers.7. Which of the following does NOT describe Roger Comers history in business?A) He worked for two years without payB) He needed luck to be successful
19、C) He opened his first flower business in a basementD) He opened a store in the middle of his town8. The style of the passage is mostly like a _A) newspaper article. B) television play. C) humorous story. D) magazine interview9. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word” renovat
20、e” in the fourth paragraph?A) relocate B) resell C) rebuild D) repaint10. WhichofthefollowingstatementsaboutRogerConnerisNOTtrue?A) He gave customers better service than the other shops ha had worked for.B) HewasaverybraveandheroicyoungmanC) He worked hard without pay in a flower shop, in order to g
21、et to know the business.D) He is free to make decisions on the location of his shop.Passage 3Samoa Sasa sat cross-legged in his one-room, open-air home, and said through an interpreter: ”I am frightened by the sounds of progress everywhere. For most of my fifty years the time has stood still in Samo
22、a. Now western-style homes are springing up around the village and the young men are leaving for New Zealand. In the town there are people from all over the world telling my government that what we need is progress. I dont understand what all this progress is.”He stood up and drove away some chicken
23、s strutting across the floor mats. He went on slowly:” The people of Luantuanauu Village and my eight children have always worked the banana plantations and respected the custom that the Matais (family chiefs) represented absolute authority.” Sasa himself was a Matais.” All the people in the old day
24、s owned all the land communally, they elected a parliament and they administered justice in each village, so there was little for our policemen to do. All that too has changed.”He puffed at his clay pipe and went on:” We are a poor country and change must come, but I do not want it so fast. I do not
25、 want my children to go to New Zealand to look for big money. I want them to stay here in Luantuanauu and work our plantations as we have always done.”The confusion Sasa feels is shared by many of the 150,000 Western Samoans-and undoubtedly by the peoples of other newly independent, developing natio
26、ns as well.Mr. Felise Vala, the young editor of the Samoan Times, expresses another point of view. “Already the streets are being torn up for a new road system that the island badly needs. A hospital is being rebuilt and a new one-million-pound hotel is being opened to promote tourism. We are modern
27、izing the communications system and the Japanese have built sawmills and are building houses. We are being forced into the twentieth century. Of course many of our people are not sure that they want all this. Many want modern enjoyment but they dont want to throw away our culture to get them. There
28、is no easy answer because in many ways our culture slows down progress and development. The question people are asking is: what is balance between the past and the future?”11. What do we learn from the passage about Samoa?A) It is a newly independent, developing country.B) It is still in a fairly ba
29、ckward state. C) It is a country with agriculture as its major economy.D) All of the above.12. In the past fifty years or so, _.A) Samoa has had little progress.B) Samosans have built lots of western-style houses.C) People from different parts of the world have come to settle down in Samoa.D) Young
30、Samoans have kept leaving for New Zealand.13. A Matais used to have absolute control over _.A) Samoa B) his village C) his family D) his plantations14. In the past, according to Samoa Sasa, the police_.A) had to work very hard maintain law and orderB) were required to pay high respects to MataisC) h
31、ad almost nothing to doD) administered justice in each village 15. We are told that many people in Samoa_.A) are eager to have rapid progressB) find it difficult to choose between old and modern livesC) do not want modern enjoymentD) prefer to live the kind of life they are used toPassage 4 To be a
32、good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor: you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your audience; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its
33、meaning clear. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit motionless before his class: he stands the whole time while teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express feelings. Listen to him, and you will hear the l
34、oudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about.The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesnt mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teach
35、ers work and the actors. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays a certain part, even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully lea
36、rnt words and actions seem natural on the stage.A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play: they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they dont understand something, they say so. The teacher therefore has to suit his act to the needs of
37、 his audience, which is his glass. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must invent it as he goes along.16. The passage is mainly about_.A) how to become an ordinary teacherB) what a good teacher should do outside the classroomC) what teachers and actors could learn from each otherD) The similarit
38、ies and differences between a teachers work and an actors17. A good teacher _.A) knows how to hold the interest of his studentsB) has a low voiceC) knows how to act on the stageD) stands or sits motionless while teaching18. In what way is a teachers work different from an actors?A) The teacher must
39、learn everything by heart.B) He knows how to control his voice better than an actor.C) He has to deal with unexpected situations.D) He has to use more facial expressions.19. The main difference between students in class and a theatre audience is that_ .A) there is no stage to watchB) Students must k
40、eep silent while theatre audience needntC) No memory work is needed for the studentsD) The students must take part in the play20. Why cant some good teachers play well on the stage? A) Nobody has taught them how to act on the stage. B) Their audiences are different.C) It is impossible for them to do
41、 so much memory work.D) They are not used to repeating exactly the same words.Passage 5England is not a big country: from north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred miles across. But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate. People who have never visited Engl
42、and, or who have visited only one part of it, often make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet country. Except for the summer months of June to September, this is probably true of the north of England and the Midlands. In the south, however, the climate is much more pleasant. One result
43、is that when people retire from a job in the north they often prefer to move down to the milder south. Perhaps the warmest part of the country is the south-west, which consists of the countries of Devon and Cornwall. The warm Gulf stream flows across the North Atlantic ocean from the Gulf of Mexico
44、and makes the coastal regions of the south-west quite warm. Palm trees, bamboo and many semi-tropical plants grow well in the south-west of England, flowers and vegetables ripen as much as a month earlier than those elsewhere. Farmers in the area obtain a higher price for their vegetables and flower
45、s because they are ready earlier. In winter there may be several feet of snow in other parts of England but there will probably be no snow at all in the southwest. This may be one of the reasons why the southwest is one of Englands most popular holiday areas. 21. The distance from the center of Engl
46、and to south coast is about_. . A) one hundred miles B) three hundred milesC) one hundred and fifty miles D) six hundred miles22. England is a country_. . A) with a cold and wet climate B) with a surprising climateC) with a pleasant climate D) with a variety of climates23. According to the passage,_
47、. . A) flowers and vegetables from Devon are on the market one month earlierB) farmers in the southwest grow as many vegetables and flowers as farmers elsewhereC) people in the southwest have to pay a higher price for vegetables and flowersD) vegetables in Cornwall ripen as much as a month earlier t
48、han flowers24. In the north of England and the Midlands,_. . A) it is cold wet all the year round B) the climate is pleasant as a wholeC) it is warm most of the time in a yearD) only the summer is not cold and wet25. In winter, people in Devon and Cornwall _. A) seldom see snow B) never see any snow
49、 C) may have several feet of snow D) often see snowPassage 6An English traveler spent a few weeks in Sweden. When he was about to return home he had only enough money to get a ticket back to England. Thinking the matter over, he decided that as it was only a two-days voyage he could get home without
50、 eating anything. So he bought a ticket with that little money he had and went on board the ship.He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell, and when dinner time came ,he refused to go down to the place where people had their dinner, saying that he did not feel well.The following day he did n
51、ot get up until breakfast was over, pretending that he had overslept himself. At lunch time, too, he kept out of the way. By the time of dinner, however, he became so hungry that he could even have eaten paper.“I cant stand this any longer, ”he said to himself. “I must have something to eat.” At din
52、ner-table he ate everything put in front of him. When he was quite satisfied, he felt stronger and at once went to see the waiter. “Bring me the bill,” he said to the waiter.“the bill?” said the waiter in surprise.“Yes,” answered the traveler.“There isnt any bill here .” Said the waiter . “On this s
53、hip, meals are already included in the ticket.”26. The traveler thought that he_.A) would find no food served on board.B) could not get home without having meals on board.C) could do without any food before he got homeD) would not be allowed to eat on board27. “He closed his ears to the sound of the
54、 lunch bell” (Para.2)means that_.A) he did not hear the lunch bellB) He heard the lunch bell but didnt go for lunchC) He put something in his ears to close them D) He did not know it was the lunch bell28. The first day he did not have his lunch because he did not _.A) feel well B) know the time for
55、lunch C) hear the lunch bell D)have the money29. The traveler said to himself “_”.A) I cant bear any longer.B) I cant stay here any longer .C) I cant keep my feet on this place any longer.D) I must sit down for a while.30. He became so hungry that he_.A) went to sleep B) ate paper C) went to the din
56、ner-table D) kept out of the wayPassage 7There have been many great inventions, things that changed the way we live. The first great invention was one that is still very important today-the wheel. This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distances. For hundreds of years after tha
57、t there were few inventions that had as much effect as the wheel. Then in the early 1800s the world started to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. People didnt have to explore much anymore. They began to work instead to make life better. In the second half of the 19th century ma
58、ny great inventions were made. Among them were the camera, the electric light and the radio. These all became a big part of our life today.The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter in 1909. Sound movies in 1926. The computer in 1928. And jet planes in 1930. This wa
59、s also a time when a new material was first made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear. The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people get over disease. They worked very well. They made people healthier and let them live longer lives. By the 1960s m
60、ost people could expect to live to be at least 60. By this time most people had a very good life. Of course new inventions continued to be made. But man now had a desire to explore again. The world is known to man but the stars are not yet. Man began looking for ways to go into space. Russia made th
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