已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、DOS下用FDISK对硬盘分区硬盘分区并不复杂,只要你按照下面的图示步步为营,很快就能学会的!首先你需要利用软盘或光盘启动盘启动计算机,下图是软盘启动后得到的画面:Microsoft U in do us XP 版本 5.1.2600 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft CorpA: fdisk在提示符后敲入命令fdisk,然后回车,将会看到以下画面:Your coripu-ter has a disk larger than 512 MB. This version of UindoHS jh仪如fMproved. suppurt修 歧客蛤; 典我咀*胸疏 做诧 就如use o

2、f disk space an large drives, and allouing disks over 2 GB to be fornatted. as a single drive.IMPORTANT: If you. enable large disk support and create any new drives an this UjsSj; JjH MH able tii access iSe 节甑 虹j唾彼上您村敏 EiW 同国或tihg systens, including sone versions of Uindous 95 and Uindous NT, as uel

3、1 as earlier versions of Uindous: and MS-DOS. In addilion, disk utilities thai Mere nd designed.:ly fjor FAT32: fi;l 剥渤曲? will.iiclt be able to uork uilh this disk. If you need Io access ihis disk with other operating systens or older disk utilities, do noi enable large drive support.Da y(m wish io

4、enable large disk support (Y/N)?Y画面大意是说磁盘容量已经超过了 512M,为了充分发挥磁盘的性能, 建议选用FAT32文件系统,输入“Y键后按回车键。现在已经进入了 Fdisk的主画面,里面的选项虽然不多,但选项下面 还有选项,操作时注意别搞混了。CurrentLixfed qigk df i嗥;淫Choose onethe f 1 loHi-ng :蔽.:鎏剧够腌 DOS part it ion,海野珈敏控联;薄IS Drive 羹上璃中可湖:part i是馋我.踱:l.og ical DOS B谗熊y: 魅 卖isp逾粉赣t ipn infi)M展斑必Et

5、iter choice : 1Press Esc to ex it FDI S.K图中选项解释:1、创建DOS分区或逻辑驱动器2、设置活动分区3、删除分区或逻辑驱动器4、显示分区信息选择“1后按回车键,画面显示如下:Create DOS Part it ion or Logical DOS DriveClivreiit :f:ixiaddisk drive: 1Choose one ofthe following:1- Create Prir-iary DOS Part it ion:骂.w.耳巅 乾Ex*?nded BOS Pari it ion;3:.能凝jt豆:氐注:;i cst i:

6、BO 5 B T1 vei f 7 i : t 徵义ups: ip ft:Eiitjer:1图中释义:1、创建主分区2、创建扩展分区3、创建逻辑分区一般说来,硬盘分区遵循着“主分区一扩展分区一逻辑分区”的次 序原则,而删除分区则与之相反。一个硬盘可以划分多个主分区,但 没必要划分那么多,一个足矣。主分区之外的硬盘空间就是扩展分区, 而逻辑分区是对扩展分区再行划分得到的。一、创建主分区(Primary Partition选择“1”后回车确认,Fdisk开始检测硬盘.Create Pr inary DOS Part it ionCurrent fixed disk drive:

7、1 * *- , ,.- - - - 心, , . - .r * - 以前邮嗔咽ijg 赣;9成,言血t谖仔渎琵族聿1萍:pQ诚窿或te.f. _你是否希望将整个硬盘空间作为主分区并激活?主分区一般就是C 盘,随着硬盘容量的日益增大,很少有人硬盘只分一个区,所以按“N” 并按回车。Creaie PriMary DOS. Part iorCurreni fixed disk driue: 1煎-承欢::市虢理.嶂i旺h忍Max急ft或赧典IM臼s:try DOS队典钥爪谯*遍H硕窈有屎蠲i电竟斯.谑珍诲国痂莪、? :.公;.,;.: ,.: z:理F显示硬盘总空间,并继续检测硬盘Create P

8、r inary DOS Part it ionCurrent fixed disk drive: 1Total disk space is 51151 Mbytes (1 Mbyte = 1048576 bytes)Uerifyinq drive integrity, 15% conplets.u设置主分区的容量,可直接输入分区大小(以MB为单位)或分区所 占硬盘容量的百分比(%),回车确认。CreateDOS. Part itionCurrent fixed disk drive: 1Tnt祺.悸廨蚪瓠够乾I参.雾器MbjH龚谗* Mbyl滇弓1048576 bytesJ MaxiMUM s

9、pace簸滇1 ab L联*育彭 施邈讶侦镜1151 Mbpt日s (1朋 .类驱H:墟建.:座娘段.赣尊凄德Mbyt取.j欺.:至痴新璟电蠢速熊翼:非ace C案*角 海相:遍直融L,心心祁 1: . 八主分区C盘已经创建,按ESC键继续操作。Create PriMary DOS Partit ionCurreni fixed disk driue: 1Pari;Stat(i Type Uo lunie Lab翔;,flbyt蜷z: Syst.en UsageC: 1PBI DOS3030 UNKNOWN:: 晓Pr#臻蜘.即目&. Part it ioh: jgri&ate.dPress

10、Esc to cantinue_二、创建扩展分区(Extended Partition回复至Fdisk主采单,选择“1”继续操作。FDISK Options违Wf 波说通 凝娜:诲弥泗 -:- - I . -. I : - - : - :- : -.!: .-Choose one of the folloHiBg:浜.碇它愈.敢n蜓用卸臻斑.a侬谗也n煦逾jj够-:面性瘫- 玄;.:睇第登庭.麻:枣七盛癞诙$翻稔:貌酬院:.饵般由!)6瓯:;帷1遍:耳;据朝1侦艘:加Tt it io茂爰睦urn展机典EtrtBr choice:皂】加朦段鄢!4簌卅谜1饷裳鬲*.粉I M徵翁诲-iij域变.玲赣

11、也整瞬*诚建谁成- 、:. _.;. . , . , - . 7 .- .1 -:: %丁 .- . . :-a- . 悟 -r - ,.: 4- .a g art it ion -set activePress W:C- io exit: FDISK这一步选“2”,开始创建扩展分区。Current fixed disk drive: 1Choose one of the f 1 lokiing :略:噤憩需彦-囊演碰i轶晦,小壕您瀚fH:喜松:既簸玄彦;,惑滨毓凝*:询& 凝谯*土疏甘-.实,:二饕鼬条每痈赡*璘柬餐瑜* 加癫袋零R知M专鲂 姓瓣裙期! .曲壤;莪簇汁考麟Enter choi

12、ce: 2硬盘检验中,稍候Create Extended DOSPartit ionCurrent fixed disk drive: 1Mbyte SysieM3838 UNKNOWNUsage6XPartitijaii Status Type Uolune LabelC: 1PPI DOSUerifying drive integrity, 9充 coNplete.习惯上我们会将除主分区之外的所有空间划为扩展分区,直接按回车 即可。当然,如果你想安装微软之外的操作系统,则可根据需要输入 扩展分区的空间大小或百分比。Create Ext列ded DOS Partition - : - -L

13、:- - X- E.E ?:-Current fixed disk driue: 1: - .-T : . ,- . : - - . - - : . ::, . .- . -.斑麒珑I蹄:躁簌W 野袒. 照询猝1渐阈?.村螂躇:,撤蜂嘲晦春踱, , C: 1PRI DDS3330 UNKNDUN 蔬探壕. .赡餐 翻碇豪巍:睦捷象他以姓. . 明涟菖;U.-理螂序 邮琴费项蠢演衅藏而捱:遢电黛袖虹诲W厘磴:照质 痣:篷既用醯握盆,沮瘤;.,孝现电既愤#;宝黄修哉蔬.蛹.侦:熊rir :谗rc麻* .咨.蜘旗:,赐堡.魏i :曲掠海:命感融;前普 程冠.: .八 m*. , . . ,- A -

14、 , k. . . .J 讣 :, . - % . . , . S .- - - -. , - 11 . - .-. 5,- - . - - :- 、扩展分区创建成功!按ESC键继续操作。Create Expended DOS Part it ionCurrent fixed d isk dr ive :蝙D粉硕:StaiusTypeUoluMe Labcjl.MbytesSystenUsage.阵茅PRI DUS3030tlHKNOUN敬2EXT 岫::8195UHKNDUN3避Extended DOS Partition created三、创建逻辑分区(Logical Drives画面提示

15、没有任何逻辑分区,接下来的任务就是创建逻辑分区。Create Logica1 DOS Dr iue(s) in the Extended DOS Part it ionNo logical drives defined侦宣f崖警舞ii诃耳窘口息:;加七窟感.,1G瞬coMpXf*: - _前面提过逻辑分区在扩展分区中划分,在此输入第一个逻辑分区的大小或百分比,最高不超过扩展分区的大小。:reate Logical DOS DriueJ:n the Extended VQS Partit ioS;Io logical driues defined或务我瀛勉度is 48195 Kbytes. (1

16、- .J048576 bptes国通煎落pge available far logj颂薰;魂穗愈.藤:瘢既 MbytesIB临演.;Infer iegicl drive size in Mbytes .percent af disk space 槌为4B19I逻辑分区D已经创建。EanSiiiJe Logica 1 DOS-W tJie Extended DOSDru Uolune Labe 1 Mbytes Systen Usage D:5005 UNKNOUN :W%Uerifying drive integrity, 9案 DOS Hriqe:;cf

17、口奇责识H .iftr iue .匚套、及H也由fjr addqd.如法炮制,继续创建逻辑分区。Create Logical DOS Driue(s) in the Exiended DOS Part it ionBru UoIuhs Label Mbytes SjjsIbm Usage。:展 5005 UNKNOUN ./ 1 臆 亲;To鬣*琢和觑觐 DOS Part it idjii;is: 4B195 Mbytes; (1 触盛*= 1048576 bytesHaxiMUM space available far loifical drive is 4319B Mbytes 9我)En

18、ter logical drive size in Mbytes or percent of disk space .L43L90Logical DOS Oriue created, drive letters changed nr addedPress Esc to return to FDISK 耶tioita逻辑分区E已经创建,按ESC返回。90嚣5005 43190Uolune Labe 1SysteM UsageUNKNOUHUNKNOUN叫拿母嗾点回.赣钢真i n 更蹬理巷*诚缝 谿二.:1看0.*C蒿 蛭屯莒竟 Esc to cont inue.打嶂顶缪藜麒黑 D暗:玲i玫十槌颜

19、 drives.当然,你还可以创建更多的逻辑分区,一切由你自己决定。四、设置活动分区(Set Active Partition又回复至主菜单,选“2”设置活动分区。FDISH OptionsCurrent fixed disk drive: 1Choose one of the folltiHina::,;-:-. -. . - - - -.: .T.- .Far1. Creaie DOS part it施1留二曲璜应ti淹j; DDS Dr.羸魏藉谴毛跻谯萌h :H Seleie part it ion-明塞噬嶂:.Display partition inforMationEnier cho

20、ice 12UARNI NG! : :N0诚潍ita iwi 士 are se t?嫂=乒甫 isk 4 舞逑谜 st art able uni essa part if ion is set act iue ;- - .只有主分区才可以被设置为活动分区!选择数字“1”,即设C盘为活动分区。当硬盘划分了多个主分区后,可设其中任一个为活动分区。Set Active Partit LonCurrgni fixed disk drive: 1Ssteri UNHNOUN UNHNOUNPart it 5on Status Tjpe Uolune Lbel Mtytes PR I EOS 3通4EXT

21、 D0S:4B195Total disk space is 51199 Hijites El Mbjite = 104857B htes)Int&r the nunber of the it ion ,pau uant to Hake activeC盘已经成为活动分区,按ESC键继续。Set Act ive Part it ionCurrpirt fixedisk drivs* 1Part at ion StatusTypeUblUH LbeLMbytesUsageC :?: 1AHUI DQ.$ 13幽4UN 渊 OWN2EXT DOS48L95UNBNDUN皿Tot*J disk冀;.S1

22、199 Kb妙晦:担 Mhpt e=1R4G57& bytes)Part it ion 1 Madeactive五、注意事项必须重新启动计算机,这样分区才能够生效;重启后必须格式化硬盘的每个分区,这样分区才能够使用。Ynii MUST ret&rt your esIbm for ytiat changes io take effect.Hmy drives you have created or changed Must be fDrMatted AFTER. ji:痂&莅礁拿面鹫:Shut dokin klindoNS before restart img.六、删除分区如果你打算对一块硬盘重

23、新分区,那么你首先要做的是删除旧分区!因此仅仅学会创建分区是不够的!删除分区,在Fdisk主菜单中选“3”后按回车键。FDISK OptionsCurrentfixed disk driue: 1Choose one ofthe f1loHing:Create DOS part it ion or Log ica1 DOS Dr iueSet act ive part it ion氮壬珞舅藻顽遂壁:诲,勇.哄菸霰二琅穹鼬西FEart it n for Mat:删除分区的顺序从下往上,即“非DOS分区”一“逻辑分区”一“扩展分区”一“主分区”。注意:除非你安装了非Windows的操作系统,否则一

24、般不会产 生非DOS分区。所以在此选先选“3”。Delete DOS Part it ion or Log ica1 DOS DriveCurrent fixed disk drive: 1Choose one of the fo1louing:Delete Pr inary BOS Partit ionDelete Extended DOS Part it ionDelete Lo口顷j BOS BriufttaJ in th.DOS Pari LtiianDelete Non-DOS Part it ionEnter choice: 3输入欲删除的逻辑分区盘符,按回车确定。UolutHe

25、Labe I Mbytes System Usage5005 UN制DUN 1明43190 UN 制 DI4M 卯思Tata ExtBiided DOS Partition size is 4BL95 Mbytes U = 1048576 tastes)期州府G!典溥照力睡期理谟神一WS Drive will be lost吐麒;:,遍击i 斑:瞋魏史以牛 V-.:. n T .,:. *. -.- *-.;. ?Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Pari it ionDru UolimeLabe LMbytesSystenUsag

26、eD:5005UN制 DUN10E:43190口HHNDUN9服Total Extended DCS Part it ion size is 4日L95 Kbytes1 MByte = 1048576 bytes)MANNING! Data in a deleted Lcgicai BOS Driue uil be lost.What drive da uau want tn deleteE敲入该分区的盘符(卷标),无则留空。 TOC o 1-5 h z Delete Logical DOS Brive(s) in the Extended DOS Part it ion - . - -Dru

27、 UdluMe Label Mbytes SysteM UsageD:5005 UNKNOWN1骐E:43198 UNKNOWN9瞧Fatal Extended DOS Partiiian size is 48195 Mbytes (1 MBute = 1048576 bytesEARNING! DaU in a deleted Logical DOS Drive uiH be lost.I谱更帷1麒质板喊语航诳蹴或:! - N. T.A -:-. *.用 T *3,如*? Enter Uo lune Labe 1 . . . ? .- 1 - -!- ., , ,- 十.s - - 按“Y确

28、认删除。Delete Logical BOS BriueCs in the Extended DOS Part it ionBrv UoIumsLabelMbytesSsteMUsage0:5005UN K NOUN阪E:43190UNKNOUN90%Total Kxiended DOS Partition size is 48195 Mbytes (1 HBytR = 1040576 bytes!:厕眼叫噢垃 尊禽醵1姓期:顼瓣鳗t叫 噢黑 梃我* .邮:段漉置国麒. djii 更前f;:.原诳 暨谯破虑兰.;. f.:%”,:.丫:*.“土,原.,工:笋够(Enter UoIumg Lab

29、e ?11而熊寸觐:箓*迎:败期鼠m:. 虬,.*、. 上,- ,:$, , .土. :s. f心 潸.诳.如是,可将所有逻辑分区删除。Delete Logical DOS Ilriue(s) in the Extended DOS Part it ipnDrvUd luMe Label溶w U忘宜 1 由Drive deletedAll.幌若氏Elg弋典:j.n the.EkteirdQd DOS Partitipii.Delete Logica1 DOS Dr ive(s) in the Extended DOS Part it ionNo logical drives definedDr

30、ive letters have been changed or deleted返回到主菜单,再次选“3”,预备删除扩展分区。FDISKOptionsCurrent f ixeddisk1 drive : 1Choose one pFthe to 1 lokiiTig :partition or Log.iiilpet糕斑涣晰::.Create DOS . Set actiue L ;i)e l&te p旦在:3tij)gical DOS . Display part it ion infornat ionBOS DriveDriveEnter choice: .31选“2”后回车。Delet

31、e DOS Part it ion or Lorica 1 DOS DriveCurrent fixed disk drive: 1Choose one of tiie following:薮:. JI飙蜷慧.蜜密尊醒密U D0 #襁演为遗瑜备:Delete Extended DOS P廿ti稳硕i豪己Dele煎;鬲敏:嚓攵项项彦j麒媛j上演1阖舞瓣褪|顾如煎(曜嬲箕耕t.ionDelete Nan-DOS PartitionEnter choice: 12确认删除,按“Y”。Delete Extended DUSCurrent .藜;xed disk drive.#:Part it ionP

32、a r 侦耕曲:StatusC: 1A2TypeUglune Labe 1PRI DOS EXT DOSMbytes Systew 3004 UNKNGMN 48195UsageTot a 1 disk spa(*j:.:i51199 Mbyte: (1 Kbyte=1048576 bies)UAHNING!:维颛 In tie d斑畔注 Jgiided DUS Do ?au uish to Y1lost.Delete Extended DOS,r : - -. .: , ,Partition .y .m- : .c .-r.-Current fix

33、ed diskdrive: 1., -V. L -:巍麻m毓潘瑜C: 1ATypeUoluHe LabelPSI DOS b :.V.-.Mbytes SysteM 304 UNKNOUMUsae础Tot a dis* space is5119 IMbutes 1 Mbyte . , . /二 1048576 bvtes)UhRNING! Data in the deleted Extended DOS . - . _ . ,: -T- .- 1 : - , ,: : . . L ! : . ,: , . - , - - /k;. :V EK.lost.Extended DOS Part ii

34、 ion de leted-Current f ixeddisk drive: 1Choose one ofthe fo1louing:返回到主菜单,依旧选“3”。彖,蔑字詹黄嫁上D 0 S室爵必妙i ctg: :击您 问奥冷其 JJ3DS 暖童翊 煮:宣琏:&谶商.挺:如鞭谖箕加.曝.::击富j戳:藤潦蔚襟演裁菊;囊ical D峻打襄家巍露.:蠲spl叫 口日球建家磷 infbrMaf:Enter choice: 3选“1”,删除主分区。Delet DOS Parf jjtiort or ;Joical DOS DriveCurrent fixed disk drive: 1Choose onef the loui-ng :沌#. Be lete 奴.jj、舆距熊 3京 De le 4*. Be letePr


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