



1、 PAGE 页码 16 / NUMPAGES 总页数 162022年新概念四年级下学期英语期末复习课间习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图题写单词1. 看图,回答问题。(作出完整回答)1When is Tree Planting Day?2When is Teachers Day?3When is International Workers Day?4When is National Day?2. 根据图片,补充句子。1He is_.2Sam is_.3She is_. 4My brother is_.5She is_.3. 看图,回答问题。1 What did she see?2 What did

2、she see?3 What did he see?4 Where did she go?5 Where did you go?6 What did he see?4. 看图写单词。1 23 45 65. 看图,读句子,完成对话。1Ben_his face_seven oclock.2Does he play_after school? Yes, he_.3_is this? Its Joes.4_subject do you like? I like_.5The boys like_basketball_Sunday afternoon.6The sun_in the_.6. 根据句意,结合

3、单词和右图提示,选择正确的词。提示:long,girl,too,boy,shortThis is a classroom. They like Chinese. James is a_. Kate is a_. She has_hair. Ann is a girl,_. But she has_hair.7. 看图,补全单词。1c_t 2d_g3p_da 4_lephant5m_se 6p_g8. 看图,回答问题。1Is the library on the first floor?2Is the art room on the second floor?3Do you have a com

4、puter room?选择题9. What time is it? ( )_A.Here is my homework. B.He is 36. C.Its 10 oclock.10. Horseslove _ grass. ( )A.eat B.toeat C.eats11. Is this Yifans?( )_. Its Zhang Pengs.A.No, it is B.No, they isnt C.No, it isnt12. _ birthday is in June? ( )A.When B.What C.Whose13. What s this? ( )_A.Its very

5、 nice. B.Its a book about London. C.Yes, it is.14. Look! Its _. ( )A.rains B.rainning C.snows15. 选出不同类型的单词。1A.four B.fifth C.seven D.nine( )2A.1st B.sixth C.five D.fourth( )3A.old B.new C.wind D.sunny( )16. _ you like PE? ( )No, I_.A.Do; do B.Do; dont have C.Do; dont填空题17. 选词填空。A. playground B. hot

6、C. PE class D. classroom E. go to bed1Today is so_.2Its 9: 00 p.m. Its time to_.3Its lime for_. Lets jump and run.4That is our_.5That is our_.18. 写出下列单词的复数形式。1this 2cow3sheep 4tomato5that 6horse7potato 8animal19. 看图片,选择恰当的单词或词组补全句子。A. sunny and warm B. windy and coldC. Rainy D. snowy and cold E. clo

7、udy and foggy1Its_in New York.2Its_in Sydney.3Its_in Toronto.4Its_in Beijing.5Its_in London.20. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Whats in_(he) pencil box?2His_(glass) are blue.3Help_(your).4Whats your_(mother) job?5I can use_(chopstick).21. 选词填空。1There are_(twelve; twelfth) months in a year. December is the_(twelve; twe

8、lfth) month.2Sunday is the_(one; first) day of a week.3There are_(seven; seventh) days in a week.4My birthday is in_(June; July). Its the sixth month of the year.5There are_(eleven; eleventh) girls in the game. Lucy is the_(eleven; eleventh).22. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1It is_(sun) today.2_(who) bag is this?Its

9、 my bag.3We can go_(swim) in summer.4A year has four_(season).5My brother likes_(go)_(climb) in autumn.23. 选择合适的单词填入横线上。in baby glasses on knife1Turn_the light.2Would you like a_and fork?3Is this your_brother?4Whats_the classroom?5Wu Yifan is tall and thin. He has_.24. 选择合适的单词将其序号填在横线上。A. biscuits B

10、. sweater C. eggs D. home E. funny1They are birds_. Dont touch them.2Look at the_monkey.3Im hungry. Can I have some_?4He wears a white and black_.5Welcome to our_. Please come in.连词成句25. are, wall, they, to, you, going, colour, the, white (.)26. ducks, the, two, play, together (.)27. eats for He ban

11、anas thirty-three breakfast (.)28. about hot a dog what (?)29. a, panda, Its, fat (.)30. you my Do see phone (?)31. your sister a Is doctor (?)32. clean the Let me teachers desk(.)阅读理解33. 阅读对话,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Amy: Look at our new classroom. How many Chinese books can you see?John: I can see twelve.Amy:

12、 How many desks can you see?John: I can see thirty-five.Amy: Oh, my schoolbag is heavy.John: Whats in it?Amy: Ten storybooks and fifty picture books.John: Oh, so many.1There are many English books in the classroom.(_)2I can see twenty Chinese books.(_)3I can see thirty-five desks.(_)4Amys schoolbag

13、is heavy.(_)5There are ten storybooks in the schoolbag.(_)34. 阅读下面的对话,判断正(T)误(F)A: Good morning.B: Good morning. I am Amy. Whats your name?A: Im Ling ling. I am ten. And you?B: I am nine.A: Look! A red pencil(铅笔)!B: Oh, its my pencil. I have(有) three red pencils. And you?A: I have(有) two black penci

14、ls.1Amy is nine.(_)2Ling ling is nine too.(_)3Amys pencil is red.(_)4Ling ling has(有) two black pencils.(_)5Amy and Ling ling have six pencils in all(一共).(_)35. 阅读短文,判断正误。 My uncle has a farmThe farm is very bigThere ale thirty cows,twenty homes and fifty hensMy uncle likes potatoes very muchHe has

15、many potatoes on the farmToday is sunnyI go to my uncles farmI eat apples and tomatoes thereIm very happy ( )(1)My uncle has a big farm ( )(2)There ale thirteen horses ( )(3)My uncle has many onions on the farm ( )(4)Today is windy ( )(5)I eat apples and tomatoes there36. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hello , Im Jack .

16、 Look at this picture . They are my friends . The little girl is Amy . She is flying a kite . The boy is Mike . He is riding a bike . The man is my English teacher . He is talking to his friends .( )(1)There are four people in this picture .( )(2)Amy is flying a kite .( )(3)Mike is talking to his fr

17、iends .( )(4)Jacks English teacher is reading a book .( )(5)Jack is playing football .37. 阅读理解。Today is Sunday . Its cool and dry . Some children are in the park . Some girls are sitting under a big tree . They are singing . Kitty and Eddie are flying kites . They are happy on the grass , the boys a

18、re playing football . John is watching them . There is a pond in the park . Some ducks are in the pond . Betty is drawing the ducks . She likes drawing .(1)What day is today ?(2)Where are some girls ?(3)What are some girls doing ?(4)What are Kitty and Eddie doing ?(5)What is Betty drawing ?38. 阅读理解。

19、Su Yang and her friends are in the park. Now, its four in the afternoon. Su Yang is tired. Shes hot too. Liu Tao is hungry now. Mike is hungry and tired. Where is Yang Ling? Look! She is over there, under a big tree. Shes thirsty. But she can t open her water bottle (壶). Liu Tao and Mike open the wa

20、ter for her.( )(1)Where are Su Yang and her friends?A. At home. B. At school. C. In the park.( )(2)Is Su Yang tired and hot?A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she isnt.( )(3)How is Liu Tao?A. Hes thirsty. B. Hes tired. C. Hes hungry.( )(4)Wheres Yang Ling?A. Under a big tree. B. Behind a big tree.

21、 C. In a big tree.( )(5)Who opens the water bottle?A. Liu Tao B. Mike C. Liu Tao and Mike39. 阅读对话,完成句子。Li Shan: We are going to have a party. What can you do, Su Nan?Su Nan: I can sing a song.Li Shan: Can you sing an English song?Su Nan: I can try.Li Shan: Kevin, can you play the music at the party?

22、Kevin: No, I cant. But I can take photos for you.Li Shan: Thank you. You are helpful. What can Colin do? Do you know?Kevin: He can draw pictures for us.Li Shan: Thats gooD.Kevin: Li Shan, can you dance?Li Shan: Yes, I can. I am going to dance at the party.(1)Li Shan can.(2)Su Nan can.(3)Kevin cant.B

23、ut he can.(4)Colin can.40. 阅读理解。Its eight oclock in the evening. The Wangs are at home. Mr. Wang is reading a newspaper. Mrs. Wang is washing the bowls in the kitchen. Alice is sitting on the floor. Shes playing with her doll. Eric is drawing a monkey in his bedroom. Grandma is tired. Shes sitting i

24、n the sofa. The TV is loud, but shes sleeping.( )(1)The Wangs are in the sitting-room.( )(2)Mr. Wangs washing the bowls.( )(3)Alice is playing with her doll.( )(4)Eric can draw a monkey.( )(5)Grandma is watching television now.41. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。Im Yang Ming. Im in Class One, Grade Four. There are forty students in our class. Twenty-one boys and nineteen girls. Today is Wednesday. We have six classes.


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