1、第 PAGE20 页 共 NUMPAGES20 页外研版八年级上module7单元试题及答案 (1)415学年外研八年级上学期Moule7试题(广东)Class:Nme: arks: (满分100分)一。单项选择(本大题有0小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从下列各题所给的A、B、和D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项 ( )1。Whae you doing, Lna? Im readn boo. book isboutadntures. A。a; An B。a;e 。a; 。he; ( ).I lved in a salvia he rver。I oftns in it wen was y
2、ong。.by B.in C.at .beween ( )。 E_cus me, can you tel me hwtet tthzoo? Im oingthr, t。You a m。 A hep B。flow C。nsand D。answer ( )4.he weath is vy thedas Yes,itdoesnt r for months A B.fine C。cold D。dry ( )5。Tere is i todays ewspper You eedtread it. A.nothig important iprta notng C soething importat D。ev
3、eyhinimortt ( )6。What id Daming say jtnw? Srry, ot know。I o usic addint hea i. am istenng B。list C。a lstening D.willlen ( )7。 Look!A o womacant coss the street. Yes, lts helpher alk the street.A。over B。acros C。cros .off ( )8。 Did yohar a tte bo n ene_ room? - Ye, but ont worry。H Onow. A.cre .to cry
4、C。rying 。cries ( )9. Wt hppened? Badck。I aakng, stoe hme on hhed。A。Afte B.W .Bcuse D。f ( )1。-Wer ou wacnTV a:3 lt nig? 。Iwas playing ches. A。Yes, Iw B.No, dnt C。Ys,Iid D.No, wan ( )11. hat tie iit nw? L e ook t my Oh, fv。Letso home. .atch B。ook C m D.pan ( )12。 Whyare yun suh ahur? My nc wil ijng it
5、wentyminutes.meethim attheairpor.A。go t 。rive i C。et ff D。take of ( )1 Woud ouleto g shopping with e now? - es,Id loe to。havnothing at he moment。 will do B。do C.ding Dto d ( )14。tvr ice o u me withmy hmewok。A.helpg B.hel C。ohep D。helped ( )1。 Mm, ca Iply per ges ow? -! Firt ofl,yo mst ish yur homwok
6、。A。Sory B.OK .God luckD.Enjoy yorself ( ) stnWats singin?Te song sso eautiful。 Loo! Is yelw bid th tree. in B。as C.fr 。in ( )17。Do oknow th bo rryotr? Ye, itsver intestng。A.call B。cllig tocll.caled ( )8。 did M Grecoeto Bejng for? Tovisit histace in the pimary so。A.Whn B.y C.What D。How ( )9.a nyf。h s
7、 young goto chol。 。eryto B.sohat toto D.tofor ( )2。 Loo!Amn is runnin the bu。 Oh,tats Mr Wn.es yng o cath h us to go towrk. A.y B。afer .i f f D.pat 二、完形填空 (本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Lcy a aneight-yea-ol irl。She went t er gadfahers hose 21 hefmily i smmer holiday。S cold
8、t 22hatday foree.n th mrnng of uly 3,she wa payinghiean-seek(捉迷藏)wthherto brothers wanted t bein he clset23 s on a vry difrentword in it.heneworld a ad very old。She et an (半人半羊的神话人物)nd he evn her t dik some ea t h hu. Lc sted ther fo long tme a 26.She wok up (醒来)te net mnig and wasso wrie bot he ami
9、ly。ey olthinkhe was 27。She adgoodye o he fau and went ac t2ganfathers hous. Lucy wsvry29.er broher didnt ve finse wa iss。eae was still Jul a tllhame me te 30。Hocldit be? s it true or wsit t a ra? Lucy eself culdnt tell。( )21。A.t B。in C.wit .on ( )22。A。remember .forge 。am D.like ( )23。A.btB。i .o D。or
10、 ( )2 A.sprig B.sumer C.autumn D。wier ( )5 A.orde B。made C.ked 。offere ( )2.fel aeep B.elloer C.r away 。wld t ( )27。A.dad B。il 。lst .suried C。sad D。ecte ( )。A。it .rning 。aftrnoon 。evenig 三、阅读理解(本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读A、两篇短文,并做每篇短文后的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。A Once, twouny mice enteed dair
11、(乳品店) As they e lokin r soethig o et, hy fll ito a lrgejar fullof mlk。Tey didnotkow ow to sim。So hystrtdrwning (淹没).thof hem tidthibest t stay abvethe mik。ne ofth micesaid, “Fend, tink are onto down.o oe anelp s now.I wish Go ou end somonet epu!” eoter mouse sad, “Donot b afad,my friend。Wemust ot lo
12、se hear。eus keeptin。” Bu a few mnts latr, hefirstmousgp (放弃)hop。e dint try o he drone。The her mu saw his frieddrowing inhmil andfelt verysorr He keptovi hi g totry okeep aflo。Wth greateffor, the mous climbed ot o sfety。The ouse realid hatGod hlps hsewho hlpthemelves。( )31。The tw mice et to hedairy b
13、ecauseth wre 。thirst B。huny C。tire 。weak ( )2.hdi th frst mouse die early? A Beuegave uphope to arly. B Becuse h wawee tha th second one。C.Bause he ws i beoeh felto the jar. 。ecause he washunry。( )33。Wat id th scd moue fl whn the ist on d? 。Hap。B。citd。 C。Any。D.Sad.( )34.What des theurle wor “afoa”ma
14、 i Chinee? 。浸满水的B。远离的 C。漂浮的D。沉默的 ( )35 Fm th sty we can larn A.mice coldhelpeeles B。God hepsthosewho help hemsee C。od od send somne to help u D。o not bfraidwh wee anger One day frmrohi rse to th ow r sale an hoped to bing s mone me.Onhiswy esaw a ldwoman。She loed wek,s the farme carried he his ors。B
15、efore the woma si godye,shege te farm a rin.he olhiht the ringa magic power and could make any drea e rue.But hecul k lyne wish tr the fmer sol hs hors andbegn to alk hom。hen e met ol fried andwent to his frens houseto te res.Aft dnking some wn(酒),thrmer tale to hi rienabuthe ing The friedased i tri
16、nk re wine tclerate is ood uck。Te fa drn to uhan th fel asleep。he fndtok t ig away and ut anoher one ints lace terthe farmer oke up ad lft, thma tok out te rng nd s, “Fill t house wth old。” Lots o gold fl ow like heavyrai and illed hemn.Whe th arme ghoe, hthought he suldwat util hishilren gre oldt d
17、eieat wsh was bes。o hi (藏)it an forgtout it ater sveral year。 ( )36。hefarer wtto t town to。A.sell his he B.buyr .h awn.visit his find ( )7.Why id he faer falasleep? A.ecaue h was eryird.B。Becase e lketomuh with hisfrind。ecae hwvry hppy。D.Bau hedrk oo ch wine。( )8。hat oes theuderlned word “itmean? A。
18、Th od。 B.Thehre。C.The fied。D。he ring ( )3.Wh dyou thin boutheamersfriend? A。He is ver kd.B。His eryrch C。Hei very reed (贪心的)。D.He is careess。( )40.ih is the bs tie or he sory? 。AHorse B A Mgi Ring C。AWis for Gold D。o e Famo C 配对阅读。栏是五个人的需求,栏是七条广告信息。请你分别为每个人找出合适的信息. ( )41.Mrak wts o omet Biji in Agst.
19、He ants to eet eijg Opera very muh ()4.ety anhe bofied nt to spend theeekend watchintheply Teahous。They oh l Chneseplas。( )43。M Li wants herauhtr t akesomepianoleons ring te cmig summerhliay。( )4。allywantto buy some bosabout Chinesecooing.( )45。Alla andhi ies litavelliin somcits in China.They ill av
20、 a trp n ej neweek。ey nda ta_i and a dvr who a seak Englswell. A Carlottese:It is abokabu t toy of a gana spder。It mainl tell s the fienshipan thelovbewen m.B。Tehoue:T play telsu the iein Chna beeen 98 and 95.Isauth sto of Wang a and is coes。Chldrens Activty Cer:iing less, piano essns ancing lson Tl
21、: 68992 Ad: No。2Zhongsan oad DBeijing Oea: i Lanang bave fhtig agains te Japn dring te Wr ofReistce Ais Japnsewil ieest you a lot.E.hnese Bok Cete:ere are alot o boks,ewpprs andCs abot hinselife and coing。F.T_Provi:eijigBsiness nT_i ent.Wevegood nglihspeakin drivrs。Great arelling Ctre: Difeen kndsof
22、 cas wit diferent presare on sale Tl: 09648 四、短文填空 (本大题有0小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) 请用适当的词完成下列短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。My best ay a chol ws Noembe13hen Iwas in Grad Seven。We(46) our School ay tt ayhat ment idt have(47)! tase_citng der stuns pered som ice tngs,suh as pa, alnt hws a ot_hibiton (展览)。And telayed
23、avolleyal am(48)thteachr.Can ogues wh (9) he ae? The suets id! They r grat。Ne_ we wnto t ph _hbitio.here were difeet kids f (50)。Ilike he potsofntue ().They wereveybetfuso I (52)o lea phooap (摄影) At st myfriends d Iwen to telnshow.So students(53)nd ang ther.They ()al talntd (有才能的)! ()our wa bak oour
24、 las-rom, m frends and I sg oo! hat as sofunny.五、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分) A.信息归纳(共5小题,每小题1分)仔细阅读以下材料,并按信息表中的项目要求填写信息。urbo i a crton (动画片)。urbo isa littlesnil (蜗牛)。Hedreamsof bcon te graesre (赛手) n torld.Onis trip to h Ind500,he metsTio。Tito dedes t hl Trbo raiemoney ad make his dreameu。Michael edubbd
25、(配音) for Tito in te film efolowig is pa f his iterview TFK:hat can yuell us ut to, yourcharacr in te film? PEA:Tito and hs brther have a ompnycaed Dos Bros Tacos.Its ha r hem torisemne nlby lligtacos(墨西哥夹饼)。i i tying o m Turbs ream ome re.eally ptimistic (乐观的) TK:Wy doyo thinkkis il eny Turb? P: Its aninteresing tor。Turisreal funny。o ave t your eso fowht yoat。ot etnoneknockyou down。InforatiCrd urbo dream tbc(56) in e orld。 ubo mets T on Turbo trp to (57)。(58) deide
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