6Sigma六西格玛精益生产持续改善分析管理常用工具资料 07_Graph_Analysis(图形分析)_第1页
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1、Graphical MethodsChampion Training1Six Sigma Champion Training Real World ScenarioDesign: A superconducting magnet designer needs to know the correlation between resistivity and temperature.Manufacturing: A process engineer is monitoring the cable diameter for ignition wire sets.Administrative: A cu

2、stomer service manager wants to know the distribution of customer claims as a function of claim value.2Six Sigma Champion Training HistogramDot PlotBox PlotRun ChartControl ChartScatter PlotPareto DiagramCause and Effect DiagramIn this session, you will learn how to graphically analyze data, using t

3、hese tools:3Six Sigma Champion Training HistogramHistograms show how data is distributed. Open Ewma315.mtw.The Output Variable is DBP (used in the production of carbon black.) This represents 6 days of data collection, 12 hours per day.In Minitab: GraphHistogram, graph variable is DBP. Click “Option

4、s.” and specify “Number of intervals” = 8.DBPTimeDay 951110021104311054110851 9961100711048110191105 101(The First Ten Observations)4Six Sigma Champion Training Dot PlotA Dot Plot is another way of showing how data is distributed. Minitab displays the plot in the session window.In Minitab: GraphChar

5、acter GraphsDotplot, variable is DBP.Now try a Dotplot using Day as the by variable. What Information do you get? : : : . . : . : . : : : . . . : : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -+-+-+-+-+-+-DBP 93.0 96.0 99.0 102.0 105.0 108.05Six Sigma Champion Training Box PlotA Box Plot is a simp

6、ler way of showing how data is distributed. It is like a histogram, but plotted on its side.Q1: 25%MedianQ3: 75%GraphBoxplot, graph variable Y is DBP.GraphBoxplot, graph variable Y is DBP, variable X is Day.lowest point within Q1-1.5(Q3-Q1)highest point within Q3+1.5(Q3-Q1)6Six Sigma Champion Traini

7、ng Run ChartRun charts are used to view the data as a function of time. Use it to look for trends or patterns.Create a run chart for variable DBP.In Minitab: GraphTime Series Plot, graph variable is DBP.7Six Sigma Champion Training Control ChartControl Charts are used to monitor process mean and var

8、iation over time, and to determine if process is in control.It looks like a run chart, but it also has the process mean and upper and lower control limits plotted.Using the same data set in Minitab: StatControl ChartsIndividuals, graph variable is DBP.8Six Sigma Champion Training Scatter PlotScatter

9、 plots study the relationship between two variables.Open Scatt39.mtw.In Minitab: GraphPlot, Y variable is Customer, X variable is Supplier.SupplierCustomer336325418375355367445385365375455395395395405365346355429385(First Ten observations)9Six Sigma Champion Training Check SheetCheck sheets are amon

10、g the most valuable Diagnostic devices of all the quality tools.“The Memory Jogger” has a good description of Check Sheets1. Used to systematically record and compile data as they happen2. Creates easy to understand data that comes from a simple, efficient process3. Builds with each observation, a c

11、learer picture of “the facts” as opposed to the opinions 4. Makes patterns in the data become obvious quickly10Six Sigma Champion Training Check Sheets and SPC123456710.010.811.612.413.214.0Individuals by Day% PCurrent Data Week 1MU=12.70UCL=13.38LCL=12.02Reason1234567Change in Variable A header pre

12、ssure4Inconsistent lab results4Temperature T/H2O Temp/H2O flow4Variable A valves in manual and wide openRate changesLong lag before lab results returnPressure controller/nent stack problems4Valves sticking4444444444411Six Sigma Champion Training Pareto DiagramPareto Diagrams are an essential tool to

13、 help prioritize improvement targets. Paretos usually allow us to focus on the 20% of the problems that cause 80% of the poor performance. Open file Pareto64.mtw.In Minitab: StatQuality ToolsPareto Chart, use Chart defects table, Labels in Defects, Frequencies in Freqs.DefectsFreqsWeekAir Bubble 931

14、Air Bubble 812Air Bubble 623Air Bubble 574Weight Dev.1201Weight Dev.1322Weight Dev. 913Weight Dev. 884Deformation 181Deformation 292Deformation 313Deformation 424Color 241Color 422Color 393Color 27412Six Sigma Champion Training A second level Pareto is used to drill down into the data. Open Exh_qc.m

15、tw.In Minitab: StatQuality ToolsPareto Chart, chart defects data in Flaws, BY variable in Period.FlawsPeriodScratchDayScratchDayPeelDayPeelDaySmudgeDayScratchDayOtherDayOtherEveningPeelEveningPeelEveningPeelEveningPeelEveningScratchEveningScratchEveningPeelNightScratchNightSmudgeNightScratchNightPee

16、lNightPeelNightPeelNightPeelNightOtherNightOtherNightScratchNightScratchNightPeelNightScratchNightSmudgeNightScratchNightOtherNightScratchNightScratchNightPeelWeekendPeelWeekendPeelWeekendSmudgeWeekendSmudgeWeekendSmudgeWeekendOtherWeekendYou should drill down using third level, fourth level, etc.,

17、as far as it makes sense in solving your problem. BossSecond Level Pareto13Six Sigma Champion Training Cause and Effect DiagramThe Cause and Effect Diagram (Fishbone, or Ishikawa) helps display possible causes of a particular defect.In Minitab: StatQuality ToolsCause-and-Effect, put each of the caus

18、es into the corresponding places for the effect “Surface Flaws”.ManMachineMaterialMethodMeasureEnviroShiftsSocketsAlloysAngleMicrometersMoisture%SupervisorsBitsLubricantsEngagerMicroscopesCondensationTrainingLathesSuppliersBrakeInspectorsOperatorsSpeed14Six Sigma Champion Training Design: A superconducting magnet designer needs to know the correlation between resistivity and temperature.What tool would you use? _Manufacturing: A process engineer is monitoring the cable diameter for ignition wire sets.What tool would you use? _Administrative: A customer service manager wants to know the distri


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