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1、第一章专业英语翻译的语言特点1. 1专业英语的词汇特点1. 2专业英语的语法特点1. 1专业英语的词汇特点1 .1. 1专业词汇词义专一在普通英语翻译中,一词多义和一义多词现象非常普遍,但在专业英语翻译中对用词的要求极为严格一个概念通常有其特定的表达,翻译时不能按其字面随意译出。1. 1. 2合成术语信息量大事实上,人们不可能给每一个新出现的概念都用一个新单词去命名,在大多数情况下,是采用原有的单词构成词组来表示新的概念。因此,合成法(compounding)正发挥着它在构词中的主导作用。下一页返回1. 1专业英语的词汇特点一般认为,合成法主要用以构成复合名词。复合名词是由两个或多个名词,有时

2、还可以加上必要的形容词、分词等构成。复合名词具有构词能力强,语言简练,信息量大,语义单一,能客观、准确地传递信息等特点。1 .1. 3缩略词使用广泛大量使用缩略词是专业英语文章的特点之一,缩略词一般是专用词汇术语、物理量等单位的缩写或一些政府机构、学术团体、科技期刊和文献等的简称。上一页返回1. 2专业英语的语法特点1 .2. 1长句较多.多由复合句构成道桥英语属于科技文体,长句占有很大比例,长句翻译要依据原文的句子结构,分清层次及逻辑关系,再按照汉语特点译出原文。长句翻译法通常有顺译法、倒译法和分译法等。1.顺译法如果英语中的从句很长,但表达顺序和汉语大体相同,这时可采取顺译法,即:基本按照

3、英语的语序,把长句拆分成汉语中的短句。上一页下一页返回1. 2专业英语的语法特点2.倒译法如果英语的表达不符合汉语的表达方式,比如英语句子一般先讲主句,然后再使用从句或分句补充细节;或者先交代结果,再讲明原因,那么译成汉语时,可采用倒译法。 3.分译法 有些英语长句,含有较长的定语从句、同位语从句以及较长的短语修饰语,在排列次序及表达方式上与汉语差别很大,这时可以考虑打乱原文的结构,将修饰语句单独译为一句或几句,并通过恰当的概括性词语把它们同主语连接起来,也就是运用了翻译过程中的“得其意而忘其形”的手法,使句子的眉日更加清晰,更符合汉语的表达习惯。下一页返回1. 2专业英语的语法特点1 .2.

4、 2被动语态频繁使用.多译成主动形式1.译成汉语的主动句,原句中的主语仍作主语当原文中的主语为无生命的名词,且句中没有由by引导的行为主体时,原句中的主语仍作主语。2.译成汉语的主动句.原句中的主语在译文中作宾语 将英语句中介词by后面的宾语,即动作的发出者译成汉语的主语,原句的主语译成宾语放在动词“使”、“让”等之后。上一页下一页返回1. 2专业英语的语法特点3.译成汉语的主动句,加入具有广泛意义的词作主语 某些带宾语或宾补的动词用于被动语态,翻译时,需要在其前加上“人们、大家、有人”等具有广泛意义的词作主语,原来的主语译成宾语。4.译成汉语的被动句,强调被动动作的句子强调被动的动作应由汉语

5、的完全被动语态去翻译即由“被”和与“被”意义相同的“用”、“中”、“由”、“把”等被动助词来表达。上一页下一页返回1. 2专业英语的语法特点1.2.3定语从句逻辑关系较复杂.汉译时多调整语序1.前置法对于较短而具有描述性的定语从句,可将其译成“的”字结构放在被修饰词前。例8 The smallest stress that produces a permanent deformation is known as the elastic limit.译文产生永久变形的最小应力称为弹性极限。上一页下一页返回1. 2专业英语的语法特点 2.分译法 对于定语从句过长,语法关系比较复杂的句型,翻译时通常

6、采用“分译法”,即把定语从句译成主句的并列句,放在主句之后。 例9 The first big bridge in Australia was the Hawkesbury River railway bridge,whichwas built by an American company to link Sydney with Newcastle in 1889.译文澳大利亚第一座大桥是连接悉尼和纽卜斯尔的霍克斯伯里河铁路桥,它于1889年由一家美国公司承建。上一页下一页返回1. 2专业英语的语法特点 3.融合法 把原句中的主语和定语从句融合在一起,它需要改变句子结构,用原句的主语作主语部分

7、,原句中的定语从句作谓语部分,译成一个独立的句子。 例10 Soft-rock tunneling has as its main characteristic the tunneling process which needsno explosives.译文软岩隧道施工的主要特点是在施工过程中不需要使用炸药。上一页下一页返回1. 2专业英语的语法特点1 .2. 4常使用It结构.表示非人称的语气和客观态度 1.形式主语句 在这样的句子中,占有主语位置的词不是句子的真实主语,而是代替其真实主语的形式主语it。在翻译时,可译成无人称句、用真实主语代替形式主语句、主表倒置(即把真实主语译成表语,而

8、把原句表语译成“的是”判断结构作主语)等方法。 例11It is estimated that about one third of all accidents happen when it is dark,although obviously there is more traffic during daytime.(无人称句译法)译文尽管自天的交通明显繁忙,但据估计,大约有三分之一的事故发生在晚上上一页下一页返回1. 2专业英语的语法特点2.形式宾语句形式宾语it可代替句中的真实宾语,而it后面的说明语(多为形容词)在逻辑上是主表关系它的翻译方法和形式主语句基本相同。 例14The mag

9、nitude of such a system makes it even more imperative that sound engineering principles based on all of the best available data be used to ensure the most economical design.(无人称句译法) 译文这一系列的宏大,使人们更加迫切地采用可靠的工程原理(建立在所有最合理数据基础之上的),以保证设计最经济。上一页返回第二章专业英语翻译的基本知识2. 1专业英语翻译标准2. 2专业英语翻译技巧2. 1专业英语翻译标准2.1.1专业英语

10、翻译以“信”求实 翻译标准中的“信”就是必须要忠实、正确地传达原文的内容,尤其是对专业英语的翻译尤为重要。因为专业文章的任务在于准确而系统地论述专业技术问题。2. 1. 2专业英语翻译以“达”求通 翻译标准中的“达”,就是要求译文要表达通畅、明了、易懂。具体地落实到翻译中,就是要考虑到汉语的行文习惯和表达,用词避免逻辑不清、文理不通、晦涩、涩生硬、生搬硬套,这样才能表达原作的思想。返回2. 2专业英语翻译技巧2. 2. 1理解过程的技巧1.阅读全文.领略大意2.解析句子结构.明辨逻辑关系3.结合上下文.判断词义2.2.2 表达过程的技巧1.准确贴切.简洁流畅2.表达所运用的翻译方法下一页返回2

11、. 2专业英语翻译技巧2.2.3核实过程的要求在核实过程中,要注意以下几个方面:(1)人名、地名、日期、方位和数字的翻译;(2)译文的词与句有无遗漏;(3)译文中句子修饰成分的位置;(4)有无错别字;(5)标点符号有无错误等。上一页返回Part I专业英语翻译基础第一章专业英语翻译的语言特点第二章专业英语翻译的基本知识Part II Introduction of Civil EngineeringUnit2-1Civil EngineeringUnit 2-2 Civil Engineering MaterialsUnit 2-3Concrete CrackingUnit2-4 Design

12、 Principles of Prestressed ConcreteUnit 2一5 Contract for Civil Engineering ConstructionUnit2-1Civil Engineering Civil engineering is defined as a general discipline of science and technology to build all engineering construction and facilities. It includes all construction objects,i. e. buildings,tr

13、ansportation facilities,infrastructures,etc.,and materials as well as profession required during the processes of design,construction,and maintenance.下一页返回Unit2-1Civil Engineering Civil engineering is the broadest disciplines in engineering fields,extending across many technical specialties that are

14、 not independent but interact with each other. Over the past couple of decades,the broad field of civil engineering has been specialized in a number of areas. Major specialties within civil engineering are:Structural engineering;Water resources engineeringEnvironmental engineering;上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civ

15、il EngineeringTransportation engineering;Surveying engineering;Geotechnical engineering. Structural Engineering Structural engineering deals with the design and construction of all types of structures including buildings and bridges (Shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).The job of structural engineers is to

16、create the new designs or to evaluate and improve the load resistance capabilities of existing structures which may have been damaged during an earthquake.上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil Engineering The structural engineer must be knowledgeable about the behavior of deformable bodies,about the sources,magnitud

17、es and probability of occurrence of applied loads,about material properties,design philosophie and governmental design codes,and about computer programming and usage.上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil EngineeringWater Resources Engineering Water resources engineering covers the planning,management,design and oper

18、ation of water supply and distribution systems,flood control and flood hazard mapping,hydrologic and hydraulic aspects of environmental problems. San Xia Dam is a famous water resources engineering in China. Shown in Fig. 3.上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil Engineering Water resources engineering usually deals w

19、ith the application of fluid mechanics principles to water flow problems,but may also include fluids ranging from blood to magma. Some problems encountered in water resources engineering include: floods,sediment transport, water supply,wave forces,hydro-machinery,and the protection or restoration of

20、 surface and ground water resources. Engineers in the hydraulics/ hydrology area may spend their time with applied mathematics,laboratory experimentation,or field construction and testing.上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil Engineering Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental engineering is concerned with air pollut

21、ion,water pollution,solid waste management,radiological hazard control,pesticide hazard control and water supply. Environmental engineers design systems such as,water treatment/distribution systems and wastewater treatment facilities to provide safe drinking water and to prevent and control pollutio

22、n in water, air, land,and ground water. Shown in Fig. 4.上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil Engineering Transportation Engineering Transportation engineering is concerned with the movement of people and goods by means of a system of fixed facilities and a control system that permits movement in geographical space

23、in an efficient and orderly manner.Transportation engineers focus on the planning,design Systems Construction and management of transportation systems. These consist of the facilities,vehicles,control mechanisms,and policies that are combined to permit the efficient conveyance of people and goods. S

24、hown in Fig. 5-Fig. 7.上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil Engineering Surveying Engineering Surveying engineering is involved in the precise measurement of the earths surface to obtain reliable in formation for locating and designing engineering projects. Even before a design is completed,and as construction progr

25、esses,teams of surveying and mapping engineers are at work Modern surveying and mapping engineer use electronic instruments and even satellites to measure the dimensions of the project. Shown in Fig. 8and 9.上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical engineering is a disci

26、pline of civil engineering that deals with soil,rock and underground water, and their relation to design,construction and operation of engineering projects.Geotechnical engineers analyze the properties of soil and rock that support and affect the behavior of structure,pavements and underground facil

27、ities上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil Engineering They evaluate the potential settlements of buildings,the stability of slopes And fills,the seepage of ground water and the effects of earthquakes. They take part in the design and construction of earth structures (dams,levees Etc.)foundations of buildings and st

28、ructures such as offshore platforms,tunnels,and dams,and developing excavation techniques and construction methods for tunnels and other works.上一页下一页返回New Words and Expressionsdiscipline n.训练;纪律;专业;学科 训练:惩罚facility n.容易,灵巧,设施;设备装备specializev. (使)特殊化;专门研究,专门从事(in );特加指明,列举,逐条详述specialtynn.特性,性质;专门研究;

29、专业;专长;特产;特点;细节;特别事项surveynn.纵览;视察;测量;俯瞰;调查geotechnical adj.地质的;土工的;岩土的;土力的evaluate vt.对估价.对作评价上一页下一页返回New Words and Expressionsmagnituden.大小长(度);尺寸,幅度;巨大;重要性property n.财产;所有物(不可数);地产,房地产;财产权distribution n.分配,分发;配给;配给物;分配装置;配给方法;mappingn.绘图,测绘;测图;定位,作图;数映象,映射hydrologyn.水文学,水文地理学magman.稠液:乳浆剂:岩浆:浮悬液上一

30、页下一页返回New Words and Expressionsradiological adj.放射线学的;放射线的;放射性的;辐射的dimension n.尺寸(长,宽,高),尺度,线度undergroundn.地下:地铁:地道:秘密活动adj.地下的;秘密的adj.在地下:秘密地pavementn.路面;人行道;铺面路;铺路材料settlement n.安顿;解决,处理;结算;殖民,殖民地;沉降seepagen.渗出,渗出量;渗出现象;渗滤;渗漏上一页下一页返回New Words and Expressionslevee n.(国王或贵族起床后的)早朝,接见;大堤excavationn.开

31、凿;开挖;挖掘;穴,洞sediment transport沉积物运移:泥沙流移:输砂:沉积物运输focus on集中(在)上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil Engineeringfinancial adj.财政的,金融的outcome n.结果;成果;后果;结局analysis n.分解,分析;梗概,要略纲领;数解析,解析学,分析学alternativen.取舍,抉择,可供选择的事物credit n.信赖:荣誉:赞扬:贷款:信用证implementation n.执行.履行:落实investor n.投资者.投资方creditorn.债权人;贷方上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil

32、 Engineeringintangibleadj.触摸不到的;无形的;不可捉摸的;难以确定的tolln.通行费,代价,钟声vt.征收.敲钟.鸣钟vi.征税.鸣钟deterrencen.制止:威慑:阻止aggregate vt.结合;集结;(使)聚集;共计上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil EngineeringExercises1 .Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below,changing the form when necessary.1._engineering

33、deals with the design and construction of all types of structures.2. The broadest disciplines in engineering fields is_3. Even before a design is completed,teams of_ engineers are at work.4._engineers analyze the properties of soil and rock that support and affect the behavior of structure.上一页下一页返回U

34、nit2-1Civil Engineering5._engineering is concerned with air pollution,water pollution,solid waste management,radiological hazard control,pesticide hazard control and water supply.6. The movement of people and goods are studied by_engineering.7._ engineering deals with flood control and flood hazard

35、mapping,hydrologic and hydraulic aspects of environmental problems.上一页下一页返回Unit2-1Civil Engineering11 .Write T in front of a statement if it is true and write F if it is false according to the text.1.Structural engineering is the broadest disciplines in engineering fields.2.Survey engineers take par

36、t in the design and construction of earth structures and foundations of buildings.3.Transportation policies can make the conveyance of people and goods more efficient.4.Environmental engineering includes all construction objects,i. e. buildings,transportation facilities,infrastructures,etc.上一页下一页返回U

37、nit2-1Civil EngineeringIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. Structural engineering includes all structures built according to scientific principles,from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities.2. Civil engineering is the broadest disciplines in engineering fi

38、elds,extending across many technical specialties that are not independent but interact with each other.上一页返回 Unit 2-2 Civil Engineering Materials Civil engineering materials can be natural and manmade. They contain rock, metals,timber, concrete,bitumen,soil,polymers,bricks and blocks,etc. Besides th

39、ese traditional materials,new types of constructional materials are also investigated and developed and will be applied gradually.Now green civil engineering materials and The even eco-materials for civil engineering are recommended based on consideration of sustainable development. 下一页返回 Unit 2-2 C

40、ivil Engineering MaterialsThis has the benefits of reducing energy,saving resources and protecting the environment,doing minimum harm to human health. Timber Timber is known as one of the oldest civil engineering materials (Fig. 1).In addition to its usefulness as a structural material,timber has al

41、so fulfilled a role in temporary structures. Although timber is a kind of sustainable resource,the consumption speed of forests must be slowed down because of the relative slow ness of tree growth.上一页下一页返回 Unit 2-2 Civil Engineering Materials Strength of timber is affected by factors such as density

42、,moisturecontent and grain structure as well as by various defects. Density is almost certainly an indication of strength : the more dense the timber has,the stronger it is. There is optimum moisture content and an excessively dried-out timber may have a lower strength. Grain structure and continuit

43、y are of significance in a strength context and any disruption due to growth defects or seasoning defects will induce a reduction in strength.上一页下一页返回 Unit 2-2 Civil Engineering MaterialsMetals Metals consist of ferrous metals and nonferrous metals. The ferrous metals mean iron and alloys made mainl

44、y from iron,while the nonferrous metals include all the other metals and their alloys.The properties of metals which make them unique among constructional materials are high tensile strength,the ability to be formed into plate,sections and wire,and the weldability.上一页下一页返回 Unit 2-2 Civil Engineering

45、 MaterialsOther properties of metals are electrical conductivity,high thermal conductivity and metallic luster,which are of importance in some circumstances. Perhaps the greatest disadvantage of the common metals,and steels in particular, is to protect them from corrosion moist conditions and atmosp

46、here.上一页下一页返回 Unit 2-2 Civil Engineering Materials Concrete Concrete is a man-made composite the major constituent of which is natural aggregate(such as gravel and sand)and binding medium(such as cement paste,bitumen and polymers).The binding medium is used to bind the aggregate particles together t

47、o form a hard composite material.(Fig. 4)上一页下一页返回 Unit 2-2 Civil Engineering Materials Normal concrete has a comparatively low tensile strength and for structural applications it is normal practice either to incorporate steel bars to resist any tensile forces(steel reinforced concrete)or to apply co

48、mpressive forces to the concrete to counteract these tensile forces(prestressed concrete or pos一stressed concrete).Shown in Fig. 5. Constituents in concrete include:(1)Cement;(2)Aggregate;(3)Water;(4)Chemical admixtures;(5)Mineral admixtures.上一页下一页返回 Unit 2-2 Civil Engineering Materials Bituminous M

49、aterials Bitumen is obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum(crude oil)Bituminous materials have the following properties and advantages:(1)relative cheapness and availability in large quantities(2)durability;(3)good adhesive;(4)the ease with which they can be handled at elevated tempera

50、tures, but quickly become stiff and resistant to deformation at normal temperatures.上一页下一页返回 Unit 2-2 Civil Engineering Materials Earliest known uses of bitumen relate to hydraulic uses as waterproof materials. It is also used as good material of chemical一attack resistance . Nowadays the main use of

51、 bitumen is in road surfaces,named bitumen concrete road.上一页下一页返回New Words and Expressionsmanmade adj.人造的,人工的timbern.木材.木料vt.用木材建造bitumen adj.沥青moisture n.湿气,水分,潮湿;(空气中的)水蒸气grain n.谷粒:颗粒:谷类:纹理:本质optimum n.最优化:最优值ferrous adj.铁的,含铁的,亚铁的,二价铁的;ferrous metal黑色铁类一金属nonferrous adj.非铁的,不含铁的nonferrous metals

52、有色(非铁)金属gravel n.砂砾,碎石;(医)肾结石,膀耽结石上一页下一页返回New Words and Expressionsincorporate adj.合并的,组成公司的,一体化的bitumious adj.沥青的,含沥青的adhesiveadj.拈着的,涂有拈性物质的waterproofn.防水材料tensile strength抗拉强度,拉伸强度tensile force拉力compressive force压力reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土prestressed concrete预应力混凝土pos一stressed concrete后张法预应力混凝土cru

53、de oil原油上一页下一页返回ExercisesI .Underline the choices that make each statement correct according to the text.1. Green civil engineering materials have _harm to human health. A. medium B. maximum C. minimum D. great2._ is known as one of the oldest civil engineering materials. A. Metal B. Timber C. Concr

54、ete D. Bitumen3. At normal temperatures,bitumen quickly become_and resistant to deformation. A. soft B. warm C. stiff D. slight上一页下一页返回Exercises4. Normal concrete has a comparatively_tensile strength. A. high B. low C. great D. medium5. The properties of metals which make them unique among construct

55、ional materials are_tensile strength. A. high B. maximum C. minimum D. low上一页下一页返回ExercisesII .Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. As we all known,civil engineering materials can be natural and manmade.2. Aggregate in concrete can be classified as coarse aggregate and fine aggregate ac

56、cording to its diameter.3. When in service,metal frequently have to resist not only high tensile or compressive stress and corrosion,but also conditions of shock loading and low temperatures.上一页下一页返回Exercises4. Grain structure and continuity are of significance in a strength context and any disrupti

57、on due to growth defects or seasoning defects will induce a reduction in strength.5. Bituminous concrete may be dense graded,open graded,gap graded or intermediate between these types. It may be hot mixed-hot laid,warm mixed-cold laid,or cold mixed-cold laid.上一页下一页返回ExercisesIII. Translate the follo

58、wing sentences into English.1.木材是最早被应用的土木工程材料之一。2.金属材料具有高抗拉强度,可以形成板材、型材和线材,并具有可焊性。3.沥青材料相对廉价和可大量应用,广泛应用于公路建设领域。上一页返回Unit 2-3Concrete Cracking Reinforced concrete is a composite material where load-bearing and deformation properties are determined by the behavior between the elements一steel and concre

59、te一as well as the individual constituents of these elements,particularly those of the concrete. Concrete,at all ages,has a low tensile strength compared to the compressive strength. Under load,the tensile strain builds in the tensile zone. This tensile strain is taken up by the reinforcement but it

60、is inevitable that regular but controlled cracking will occur. 下一页返回Unit 2-3Concrete CrackingThis is accounted for as part of the structural design process,where the crack widths are limited by an appropriate area of reinforcement suitable to the working environment. Tensile strain and the possibili


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