1、The Wizarding World Of Harry PotterName: GaoXiangTeacher: Ms. QiHarry Potter is a series of novel about an orphan named Harry Potter who lived in his mean aunts home.He realized he was nothing but a wizard by receiving a letter from a wizard school Hogwarts in his elevens,and spent 7 years studing i
2、n the school.01020304HogwartsSeriesThe charactersThree unforgivable spellsstructureHogwartsHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry(霍格沃茨魔法学校)Head:Albus DumbledoreMotto(校训): (Latin)Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus. Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon(不要打扰熟睡的龙)Purpose: Training for children with magica
3、l abilities (who may be enrolled at birth and acceptance is confirmed by owl post at age eleven)Gryffindor(格兰芬多学院)Its mascot(吉祥物) is the lionSlytherin(斯莱特林学院)Its mascot is the serpent(蛇)Ravenclaw(拉文克劳学院)Its mascot is an eagleHufflepuff(赫奇帕奇学院)Its mascot is the badger(獾)backThe charactersHarry Potter
4、(哈利.波特)The leadind character of the story;A brave, strong and smart boy, loved by lots of people;Parents were killed by Lord Voldemort, an evil wizard who scares everybody in the world of wizardry.Lived with his aunts family when he was a child.A Gryffindor student in Hogwarts.Actor: Daniel Radcliff
5、e(丹尼尔.雷德克里夫)Ron Weasley(罗恩韦斯莱)Come from a poor wizard family, Harrys best friend;A gentle boy who has red hair, humor lovely and understanding very much;Sincere but indecisive(犹豫不决的) sometimes;Married to Hermione Jean Granger at last.Actor: Rupert Grint(鲁伯特.格林特)Hermione Grange(赫敏格兰杰) Harrys good fri
6、end, a smart and beautiful girl but was Mud bloods;(“泥巴种”,对父母是人类的魔法师的蔑称)Good at study, called as Mrs. Know-All.(万事通)Helpful enthusiasm, but sometimes has perfect socialist tendency.Married to Ron Weasley in the end.Actor: Emma watson(艾玛.沃特森)Draco Malfoy(德拉科马尔福)Draco is characterised as a cowardly bu
7、lly who manipulates(操纵) and hurts people to get what he wants; nevertheless, he is a cunning(灵巧的) user of magicThe Malfoy family is one of the few remaining pure-blood wizarding clans(纯血种魔法师) in the Harry Potter series, and among the wealthiest(高富帅且坏). The anti-Muggle editor Brutus Malfoy is their a
8、ncestor. His father Lucius Malfoy was a Death Eater(“食死徒”,伏地魔的追随者) during both wizard wars.He is a Slytherin student in Harry Potters year.Voldemort(伏地魔) Harrys perfect enemy, the most ferocious(凶残的) wizard in the word of wizardry; Almost no witch or wizard dares to speak his name, instead referring
9、 to him by epithets such as You-Know-Who, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or the Dark LordKilled Harrys parents when Harry was still a little baby.Followed by a crowd of Death Eater;(食死徒)Plan to kill Harry deliberately, but die of his own curse carelessly at last.Albus Dumbledore(阿不思.邓布利多)the only person t
10、hat Voldemort fearedthe headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwartsthe founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix(凤凰社)It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.(Albus Dumbledore)沉湎于虚幻的梦想而忘记现实的生活,这是毫无益处的.(阿不思.邓布利多)Call him Voldemort,Harry.Always use the proper name for things.Fear of a
11、 name increases fear of the thing itself.(Albus Dumbledore)就叫他伏地魔,哈利,对事物永远使用正确的称呼,对一个名称的恐惧,会强化对这个事物本身的恐惧.(阿不思邓布利多)OTHER CHARACTERSSeverus Snape(西弗勒斯斯内普) head of Slytherin House,Potions(魔药学)teacher Rubeus Hagrid(鲁伯海格)Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts,also Care of Magical Creatures(奇兽饲育学)teacher.
12、Minerva McGonagall(米勒娃麦格)head of Gryffindor House(格兰芬多学院),Transfiguration(变形学) professor,and later Headmistress at HogwartsOTHER CHARACTERSSirius Black(小天狼星布莱克)one of Harrys father best friends,Harry Potters godfather, Animagus(化兽师), member of the Order of the Phoenix,Remus Lupin(莱姆斯卢平)one of Harrys
13、 father best friends,werewolf(狼人),member of the Order of the PhoenixOTHER CHARACTERSGinny Weasley(金妮韦斯莱)Ron younger sister, Harry wife in the 7th bookCho Chang(秋张)由英国华裔女孩梁佩诗饰演Ravenclaw student one year above Harry, Harrys first kiss(初恋), is described as being very pretty with long dark hair, Seeker
14、for the Ravenclaw Quidditch teambackSeriesback1.Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone(哈利波特与魔法石)Philosophers Stoneis a legendary alchemical(炼金术的) substance said to be capable of turning base metals such as lead(铅) into gold.Lord Vordemort wanted to steal it from Horgwarts to regain his power.2.Harr
15、y Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(哈利波特与密室)The Chamber of Secrets which is deep under the school (most likely under the lake), was home to an ancient Basilisk(能说蛇语的人), intended to be used to purge(清除) the school of Muggle(“麻瓜”,不会魔法的凡人)-born students.3.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(哈利波特与阿
16、兹卡班的囚徒)Azkaban(阿兹卡班) is a prison where wizards who violate the laws of the British wizarding world are sent.It is guarded by terrifing creature dementors(摄魂怪).4.Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(哈利波特与火焰杯)the Goblet of Fireis the trophy(奖杯)for the winner in a great match between Hogwarts and other
17、two wizards school.5.Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix(哈利波特与凤凰社)The Order of the Phoenix was a secret society founded by Albus Dumbledore to oppose Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters(食死徒,伏地魔的追随者). 6.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince(哈利波特与混血王子)the Half-Blood Princeis Severus Snape(西弗勒斯斯
18、内普),head of Slytherin House.Prince(普林斯) is the family name of his mother,not the meaning of KIngs son. 7.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(哈利波特与死亡圣器)backThe Deathly Hallows are three highly powerful magical objects supposedly created by Death(死神),including the Elder Wand(老魔杖),the Resurrection Sto
19、ne(复活石),the Cloak of Invisibility(隐形斗篷).Harry utimitely killed Lord Vordemort using the Elder Wand(老魔杖).Three unforgivable spellsUnforgivable Curses are three of the most powerful and sinister(不祥的) spells known to the wizarding world, and are tools of the Dark Arts. They were first classified as Unf
20、orgivable in 1717. They are the Imperius Curse (Imperio夺魂咒), Cruciatus Curse (Crucio钻心咒), and Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra阿瓦达索命咒).Using any of these three curses on another human being, Muggle or wizard, will result in a life sentence(终身监禁) to Azkaban(阿兹卡班,魔法世界的监狱), unless there is sufficient evidence that the
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