已阅读5页,还剩41页未读 继续免费阅读




1、-. z. HYPERLINK l d5 十、构词法 英语主要有三种构词法,即转化法、合成法和派生法。 HYPERLINK l d51 一转化法 把一个词从一种词类转化为另一种的方法称作转化法。 1由名词转化成动词,例如:care n.照顾,留神 v. 关心,担忧,照顾 cook n.炊事员 v. 烹调 water n.水v. 浇水2由形容词转化成动词,例如: empty adj.空的v. 使空、变空 free adj. 自由的v. 使自由 right adj. 正确的v. 改正 warm adj. 温暖的v. 热起来;使温暖 wet adj. 潮湿的v. 使潮湿3由形容词转化成名词,例如:

2、right adj. 正确的n. 正确,正义,公正 wrong adj错误的n. 错误4有一些同形异类的双音节词,作动词时重音在后,作名词时重音在前,例如: record v. rik:d 记录,录音; record n. rek:d 记录,唱片有个别词,作形容词时重音在前,作动词时重音在后,例如: perfect adj. p:fikt 完美的; perfect v. pfekt 使完善5有些词,因词尾有清辅音和浊辅音的差异而属不同词类。一般说来,词尾发清辅音的多为名词,发浊辅音的多为动词。词尾读音不同,拼法也常不一样。但s和th既可读作清辅音,又可读作浊辅音,因而有时没有拼法的变化。例如:

3、advice dvais n. ; advise dvaiz v. e*cuse ikskju:s n. ; e*cuse ikskju:z v. use ju:s ; use ju:z v. 个别词拼法稍有差异,但读音一样,例如: practice n.; practise v. 还有一些词在转变为另一词类时,元音和拼法同时发生变化,例如: food fu:d食物 n. ; feedfi:d喂养,给以食物 v. 有些词既可作形容词又可作动词,词形不变而读音不同,例如: live adj. laiv活的,活泼的; v. liv 活着, 生活 HYPERLINK l d52 二合成法 两个或两个

4、以上的词结合成一个新词的方法称作合成法。用这种方法构成的词叫合成词。 1合成名词 1名词+名词 前面的名词修饰后面的名词,后面的名词表达中心意思。前面起修饰作用的名词可以表示各种不同的概念,如人、物、用途、时间、地点等。例如:basketball, birthday, football, homework, newspaper, policeman等。 2形容词+名词 如:blackboard, midnight, loudspeaker等。 3动名词+名词 如:dining-room, drinking-water, swimming-pool等。 4动词+名词 如:pickpocket 扒

5、手等。 5名词+动名词 如:handwriting 等。 6动词+副词 如:take-off 飞机起飞等。 7副词+动词 如:ine 收入等。 8其他方式构成的合成名词。如: go-between 中间人等。 2合成形容词 1形容词+名词+ed 如:cold-blooded, near-sighted, warm-hearted等。 2形容词+现在分词 如:good-looking等。 3副词+现在分词 如:hard-working等。 4名词+现在分词 如:peace-loving等。 5名词+过去分词 如:man-made等。 6副词+过去分词 如:well-known等。 7形容词+过去

6、分词 如:new-born等。 8名词+形容词 如:ice-cool, life-long等。 9其他方式构成的合成形容词 如: first-rate 3合成动词副词+动词可以构成合成动词。合成动词里的副词除少数外,多半是由介词转化的副词 1out 表示超过,如:to outdo优于,战胜 2over表示过分,如:to oversleep睡过了头 3under 表示缺乏或在下, 如:to underline在行下划线 HYPERLINK l d53 三派生法 在一个词上附加前缀或后缀构成新词的方法,称作派生法。前缀附加在单词或词根的前面,一般不改变原词的词类,但要引起词义的变化;后缀附加在单词

7、或词根的后面,一般不改变原词的根本含义,只改变其词类。使用前缀或后缀可以派生大量新词,但是由于情况复杂,初学者不应随意乱用它们自创新词,应在使用中多查字典,弄清其准确含义及读音。 1常见的前缀 1dis-表示否认,可附加在名词、动词和形容词前面构成新词,如:名词:disorder 动词:disagree 形容词:dishonest 2in-, im-, ir- 表示否认,主要附加在外来语形容词及其派生词或副词前面,构成新词,如: inactive adj. 不活动的 incorrect adj. 不正确的 impossible adj. 不可能的 impolite adj. 不礼貌的 3un-

8、主要附加在大多数形容词及其派生副词或名词的前面,也可以附加在起形容词作用的分词前面,如: 1un+形容词 unable 不能够的 unfair 不公平的 unfit 不适宜的 unusual 不寻常的 unhappy 不快乐的 unreal 不真实的 2un+过去分词 unarmed 没有武装的 unborn 没出生的 3un+现在分词 unbelieving 不信的 4re表示再一次,重新,返回,向后几乎可以附加在所有的动词及其派生名词或形容词前面,构成新词。如: rebuild v. (to build again) reopen v. (to open again)readdress更改

9、地址 rebirth复活,再生 recall回忆,记起 recollect记得 recover恢复 reentry再进入,重回 reissue再发行 repay报答,回报 reproduce再生,繁殖 recount重计,再算 5tele含义是far (远),多用于与远距离有关的词,如:telephone, television 6kilo含义是thousand千,如: kilometre 7a-含义是on, in 或at, 可以附加在名词上,构成形容词或副词。如:ahead, asleep 2常见的后缀 1名词后缀 1-era. -er附加在动词后面,表示从事*种职业或进展*种活动的人,如:

10、 farmer driver writer worker teacher readerb. -er附加在名词后面,表示与这个名词有*种关系的人,如: officer prisonerc. -er附加在表示地点的名词后面,表示住在*处的人如: villager Londonerd. -er附加在合成词后面,表示从事*种职业或与*种情况有关的人,如: newer storekeepere. -er附加在形容词后面,表示有*种特征或性质的人,如:foreigner strangerf. -er附加在一局部动词后面,构成名词,如:poster recorder 2-or得含义和-er一样,主要附加在外

11、来语后面,如: conductor visitor 3-ista. 表示从事职业的人或擅长*种知识或乐器的人,如: pianist chenistb. 表示信仰*种主义或制度的人,通常都有一个相应的以 -ism结尾的名词,表示主义,如: socialistsocialism munistmunism4-ian附加在以ic(s)结尾的名词或形容词后面,表示有*种专长或从事*种事行业的人,如: musicmusician politicspolitician 5-al多半附加在外来语动词后面,构成名词,表示动作或行为,如: arrivearrival refuserefusal 6-ion, -s

12、ion, -tion附加在外来语动词后面,构成名词,表示动作或动作过程,如: a. 直接加-ion: actaction collectcollection inventinvention b. 动词变化, 再加-tion 或 sion 构成名词,如: attendattention repeatrepetion 7-ful可以附加在名词的后面,表示以该名词容量为单位的量,如: glassful (一杯) plateful (一盘) 这些词变成复数时,直接加-s,如 glassfuls, handfuls等。 8-hood表示处于的状况在时期或具有气质。a. 附加在亲属邻里关系的名词后面,表示

13、身份、性质、状况,如: brotherhood fatherhoodb. 附加在表示不同年龄性别的人的名词后面,表示在时期或具有*种人的气质,如: childhood boyhood 9-ment附加在动词后面,表示行为的结果或从事行动的手段,如: development improvement 10-ness附加在形容词后面,表示状态、情况、特征、程度,如: carelessness illness kindness badness 11-ship附加在表示人的名词后面,表示处于的身份或状态,如: friendfriendship 12-y表示状态、品质、活动等义,附加在形容词或动词后面构成

14、名词,如: difficult adj,difficulty n. 2) 形容词后缀1-able或-ible几乎可以和所有的及物动词构成形容词,表示能够适于或值得做的意思;还表示倾向于、有利于或使成为等意义。-able远比-ible用得多,参看以下例词; believebelievable fortfortable 2-al附加在名词后面,构成形容词,表示: a.有的属性,象 b.具有,与有关,用于以 al (以及-ial, -ical) 结尾的形容词,多半是外来词或由外来词根构成,很少是英语的派生词。有些以 -al结尾的外来词,在英语里没有原名词词根,如:real, social等。再如:

15、centrecentral musicmusical3-an多半加在以元音结尾的地名上,构成形容词,如: AmericaAmerican IndiaIndian4-ian常附加在地名或人在地名或人名后面,构成形容词,如: CanadaCanadian ParisParisian 5-ed可以附加在名词后面,构成形容词,表示有的,如: ageaged6-en可以附加在物质名词后面,构成形容词,如; woodwooden goldgolden这类形容词作定语的含义和原来的名词词根作定语的含义不同,试比拟: gold medal (金质奖章) golden medal (金光闪闪的奖章) 7-ese

16、可以附加在一局部国名后面,表示地方的,构成形容词;也可构成名词,表示国的人,如:ChinaChinese JapanJapanese8-ful可以附加在名词后面,构成形容词,表示充满的,易于的或具有性质的,如: beautybeautiful carecareful useuseful hopehopeful 有少数动词也可以附加-ful,构成形容词,如:forgetful健忘的。9-ive和-ative可以附加在外来语动词词根的后面,构成形容词,表示从事于该动词所表示的行为或倾向于该动词所表示的行为,如: inventinventive创造性的,有创造能力的 talktalkative好说话

17、的10-less表示没有,可以附加在名词后面,构成形容词,如: careless colourless homeless helpless11-ly表示具有品质的,附加在人称名词后面,构成形容词。这种形容词多半具有赞美的意味,如: friendly 友好的 fatherly(父亲般的) -ly也可以附加在其他名词后面,构成形容词,如: earthly现世的,世俗的 lovely 得意的 -ly还可以附加在时间名词上,表示按周期发生的意思,这些词既可作形容词也可作副词,有的还可作名词当期刊、杂志的名称周刊、季刊、月刊等,如: hourly每小时一次 weekly 每周一次 quarterly每季

18、一次 monthly 每月一次 yearly每年一次12-ous表示充满.的或具有性质的,附加在名词后面,构成形容词,如: dangerdangerous famefamous 13-some表示具有特征的,附加在名词或动词后面构成形容词,如: troubletroublesome 使人苦恼或烦恼的,麻烦的 tiretiresome讨厌的,令人厌倦的 worryworrisome令人烦恼的,容易烦恼的14-y, -ey可以附加在名词后面,表示充满,具有特征,有的性质或由组成等义,如: airairy空气的,在空中 iceicy多冰的,严寒的,冷淡的 lucklucky幸运的,偶然发生的,桔兆的

19、 rainrainy多雨的 sunsunny阳光充足的 windwindy多风的,有大风的,空洞的3动词后缀1-en表示使成为、使具有、变得或变成为等意思,附加在形容词后面,构成动词,如: brightbrighten sharpsharpen 以元音和字母n或w结尾的一局部形容词,有些可以直接转化为动词;有些可以附加前缀en- 构成动词,这些词一律不用后缀 -en,如: to free to clean to ensure to enable 转化动词有时和加 -en的派生词并存,但含义或用法不同,如: to black boots用黑鞋油擦皮靴 to blacken ones name玷污

20、*人的名声-en在个别情况下也可以附加在名词后面,构成动词,如: frighten hearten2-ize (或-ise) 表示使变成状态,使化,以处理,采取行动,变成状态或化等意思,附加在形容词或少数名词后面,构成及物动词和少数不及物动词,如: modernmodernize现代化 realrealize认识到,实现 memorymemorize记住,记录 organorganize组织,使有机化4副词后缀 -ly是最为常见的副词后缀,可以附加在形容词上,构成与原形容词词义一样的副词,如: angrily brightly cheaply carefully内容提要: HYPERLINK

21、l a11 一、一般现在时 HYPERLINK l a21 二、一般过去时 HYPERLINK l a31 三、一般将来时 HYPERLINK l a41 四、现在进展时 HYPERLINK l a51 五、过去进展时 HYPERLINK l a61 六、现在完成时 HYPERLINK l a71 七、过去将来时 HYPERLINK l a81 八、过去完成时HYPERLINK l a91练习本讲正文:动词的时态初中阶段应掌握的时态共有八种,即一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时,现在进展时,过去进展时,过去将来时,现在完成时,过去完成时。现从构造,作用,时间状语三方面加以介绍。 HYPERLI

22、NK l a1 一、一般现在时其构造为:be动词肯定句主语+am,is,are+其它。否认句主语+am,is,are+not+其它。一般疑问句 Am,Is,Are+主语+其它?特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+am,is,are+主语+其它?实意动词1主语为第一,二人称及第三人称复数时肯定句主语+动词原形+其它。否认句主语+dont+动词原形+其它。一般疑问句 Do +主语+动词原形+其它?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+do+主语+动词原形+其它? 2主语为第三人称单数时肯定句主语+动词第三人称单数 +其它。否认句主语+doesnt+动词原形+其它。一般疑问句Does+主语+动词原形+其它?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词

23、+does+主语+动词原形+其它?其作用为:表示习惯性,经常性的动作;表示现在的状态与特征;表示普遍真理其常用时间状语为often,always,usually,sometimes,everyday(week,year.), in the morningafternoon,evening等。E*. 1._she_(go)to the library every Sunday此题为习惯性动作,答案为Does,go. 2.They often_(swim)in summer. 此题为经常性动作,答案为swim. 3._(be)everyone here此题表示现在的状态,答案为Is. 4.The

24、earth_(travel)round the sun.此题表示普遍真理,答案为travels. HYPERLINK l a2 二、一般过去时其构造为:be动词肯定句主语+was,were+其它。否认句主语+was,were+not+其它。一般疑问句 Was,Were+主语+其它?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+was,were+主语+其它?实意动词肯定句主语+动词过去式+其它。否认句主语+didnt+动词原形+其它。一般疑问句Did+主语+动词原形+其它?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+did+主语+动词原形+其它?其作用为:表示过去的情况或过去习惯性动作其常用时间状语为yesterday,the day be

25、fore yesterday,.ago,last.及其它表过去的时间,如in 1998 等.E*.1.I_the number down on a piece of paper a moment ago. A write B writed C wrote D writing此题表过去的情况,且write为不规则动词,答案为C.2.Everything_ready before Father came. A were B was C is D are此题句中暗示为过去时,且everything后跟第三人称单数,答案为B.3.He always _me last term. A helped B

26、helps C helping D help 此题表过去习惯性动作,且help为规则动词,答案为A. HYPERLINK l a3 三、一般将来时其构造为:be动词肯定句主语+will be+其它。否认句主语+will not be+其它。一般疑问句 Will+主语be+其它?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+will+主语+be+其它?实意动词肯定句主语+will+动词原形+其它。否认句主语+wont+动词原形+其它。一般疑问句Will+主语+动词原形+其它?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+will+主语+动词原形+其它?当主语是第一人称时,助动词可为 shall.且假设为疑问句只能为shall.其作用为:表示将

27、来*个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态.也可用主语+am,is,aregoing to do+动词原形+其它来表示方案,打算或决定要做的事情。对于很快就会发生的事,还可用进展时态表将来,但常局限于有位置移动色彩的动词,如go,e,leave等。其常用时间状语为 tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,ne*t.,in+时间段及其它表将来的时间,如in 2010 等.E*.1.Hurry up,or you_PAGE # 页:# will be(be)late. 2.What_PAGE # 页:# areyou_PAGE # 页:# going to do(do)tomor

28、row 3.They_PAGE # 页:# Will have(have) 6 subjects ne*t term. 4.I think it_PAGE # 页:# C again later in the day . A rains B will going to rain C is going to rain D will be rain 5.Where_PAGE # 页:# Athis time ne*t year A will you be B will be you C you will be D will you going to be HYPERLINK l a4 四、现在进展

29、时其构造为: 肯定句主语+ am,is,are+现在分词+其他. 否认句主语+ am,is,are +not+现在分词+其他.一般疑问句 Am,Is,Are+主语+现在分词+其他 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+am,is,are+主语+现在分词+其他 其作用为:表示说话当时正在发生的动作或现阶段正在进展的动作其常用时间状语为 now,this week,these days 等,也可是置于句首的 Look,Listen.现在进展时也可表示最近按方案安排将进展的动作,常会有一个表将来的时间状语。但仅限于少量词语,如go,e,leave,arrive 等。注:表态度,情感的动词和感官动词不能用于进展时态l

30、ike,know,want,hear等E*.1.They are planting trees on the hill. 改为否认句 They are not planting trees on the hill. 2.Tom is writing a letter to his friend. (改为一般疑问句 Is Tom writing a letter to his friend 3.I am getting ready to run. (就划线局部提问 What are you getting ready to do HYPERLINK l a5 五、过去进展时其构造为: 肯定句主语

31、+was,were+现在分词+其他. 否认句主语+was,werenot现在分词+其他.一般疑问句 Was,Were+主语+现在分词+其他 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+was,were+主语+现在分词+其他 其作用为:表示过去*个时刻或时段正在进展的动作。其时间状语为:at this time过去时间 (at this time yesterday),at that time, at具体时间点+过去时间at 9:00 oclock last night,from 具体时间点 to 具体时间点+过去时间(from 7:00 to 10:00 yesterday morning)。过去进展时还可以与一般

32、过去时搭配用于时间状语从句中。强调动作延续时用过去进展时,强调动作瞬间发生时用一般过去时。常用连词为when,while.E*.1.He _(not work) at that time. wasnt working. 2.When the teacher_(e)in,they_(talk) loudly. came 为瞬间发生的动作,were talking 为持续的动作。 3.What_you_(read) last night 如此题强调的是昨夜正在读什么,则答案为 were,reaing如此题强调的是昨夜读了什么,则答案为 did,read 4.His mother _(return)

33、while he_(do)his homework. returned为瞬间发生的动作,was doing 为持续的动作。 5.My father_(watch)TV while my mother_(cook). was watching,was cooking 两动词均为持续的动作。while 后的从句动词必须为进展时态。假设主句和从句均为进展时,连词必须为 while. HYPERLINK l a6 六、现在完成时其构造为:肯定句主语+ have,has +过去分词+其它。否认句主语+ have,has +not+过去分词+其它。一般疑问句 Have,Has+ 主语+过去分词+其它特殊疑

34、问句特殊疑问词+ have,has+主语+过去分词+其它其作用与时间状语:1表示过去发生的动作影响到现在,常与 already, yet,ever,never,just,before 等副词连用。2表示过去发生的动作持续到现在,常与表一段时间的时间状语连用。如 for+时间段, since+过去时间,提问用How long.此外,so far,in (during) the last (past)+时间段也是该时态的时间状语。现在完成时强调过去与现在的联系,而一般过去时只强调过去的动作,与现在无关。在现在完成时的第二个作用中,必须使用持续性动词,故*些表瞬间的动词需要特定的转换形式。如:die

35、have been dead,openhave been open,closehave been closed,buyhave had, borrowhave keptarrive (in,at),e(to)+ a placehave been in +a place,leave+ a placehave been away from+ a place,join+团体have been in+团体,have been a+团体成员等E*.1 How long have you_the book A borrowed B kept C lent D bought答案为B。因此处需要一个持续性动词

36、。2.We _each other since he _.A didnt see,left B havent seen,has left C havent seen,left答案为C.因since的主句为现在完成时,从句为过去时。 3._he_(wait) for you for an hour Has,waited 4.We_just_(have) our lunch. Have,had 5.So far,no man_(visit) this village. has visited HYPERLINK l a7 七、过去将来时其构造为:be动词肯定句主语+would be+其它。否认句主

37、语+would not be+其它。一般疑问句 Would+主语+be+其它?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+would+主语+be+其它?实意动词肯定句主语+Would+动词原形+其它。否认句主语+wouldnt+动词原形+其它。一般疑问句Would+主语+动词原形+其它?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+would+主语+动词原形+其它?注:也可用 was,weregoing to do 的构造来表示。其作用为:表示从过去*时看将要发生的事情.此时态常用于主句是一般过去时的宾语从句中。E*.1.Linda told me that she_(go)to the park the ne*t day. would

38、go 2.We didnt know when he_(arrive)until he called us. would arrive 3.They asked if they _(visit )the farm by bus. were going to visit HYPERLINK l a8 八、过去完成时其构造为:肯定句主语+ had + 过去分词+其它。否认句主语+ had+not+过去分词+其它。一般疑问句 Had+ 主语+ 过去分词+其它特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+ had+ 主语+过去分词+其它其作用为:过去*时之前已发生的动作或情况,即过去的过去,与现在无关。此时态常用于1以by,

39、before+过去时间,时间段+before,the (week.)before为时间状语的简单句中。2主句为一般过去时的宾语从句中。3与一般过去时搭配,用于when,after,before引导的时间状语从句中E*.1.We _(be) there twice by the end of last year. had been 2.They_(finish)the work before 1998. had finished 3.He said he _(see) the film the week before. had seen 4.The sun_(rise) when he got

40、up. had risen 5.Yesterday,I _(leave)the classroom after I _(clean) it.lefthad cleaned现在完成时中,关于终止性动词与持续性动词的要求,在过去完成时中,依然适用。 HYPERLINK l a9 E*ERCISES用所给动词的适当形式填空1.IusuallyPAGE # 页:# get(get) up at si*,but yesterday I PAGE # 页:# got(get) up at seven, and tomorrow I PAGE # 页:# will get(get) up at eight.

41、2.When I got there,you PAGE # 页:# hadalreadyPAGE # 页:# started(start) playing.3.She PAGE # 页:# was drawing(draw) a horse at this time yesterday.4.We PAGE # 页:# have studied(study) in this school for 3 years.5.If it PAGE # 页:# doesnt rain(not rain) tomorrow,they PAGE # 页:# will go(go) fishing.6.Lily

42、said that she PAGE # 页:# was going to put(put) on the new dress the ne*t day.7.How many times PAGE # 页:# hasthe girlPAGE # 页:# seen(see) the film since last year8.Jack PAGE # 页:# has collected(collect) more than two hundred Chinese stamps.9.By the end of last month,hePAGE # 页:# had taught(teach) us

43、four English songs.10.The doctorsPAGE # 页:# are operating(operate) on the sick boy now.11.My brotherPAGE # 页:# speaks(speak) French well.12.There PAGE # 页:# will be(be) a volleyball match on the playground tomorrow afternoon.13.Look,the studentsPAGE # 页:# are having(have) a physics lesson in the lab

44、.14.When wePAGE # 页:# arrived(arrive) home yesterday afternoon,the wind PAGE # 页:# was blowing(blow) hard.15.WePAGE # 页:# haveneverPAGE # 页:# heard(hear) the story of Miss Evans before.16.I PAGE # 页:# havent written(not write) to my friend Mike for a long time.17.PleasePAGE # 页:# dont open(not open)

45、 the window.ItPAGE # 页:# is(be) cold outside.18.Hurry up!WePAGE # 页:# are waiting(wait) for you.19.Listen! SomeonePAGE # 页:# is knocking(knock) at the door.20.Do you know if he PAGE # 页:# is ing(e) ne*t week21.Soon theyPAGE # 页:# will bulid(build) a high way between the two cities.22.I PAGE # 页:# ha

46、vejustPAGE # 页:# bought(buy) a dictionary.IPAGE # 页:# bought(buy) it last week. Now,I PAGE # 页:# am looking(look) up a word in it.23.He PAGE # 页:# finished(finish) junior middle school in July 1997.24.Kates sisterPAGE # 页:# plays(play) the piano wonderfully.25.We didnt get the tickets because our te

47、acherPAGE # 页:# had given(give) them all to the other class.26.PAGE # 页:# Didit PAGE # 页:# take(take) you half an hour to finish your homework yesterday27.The teacher told us that we PAGE # 页:# wouldnt have(not have) a maths test the ne*t Monday.28.PAGE # 页:# Hasthe busPAGE # 页:# e(e) yet29.These fo

48、reign friendsPAGE # 页:# have been(be) to the Great Wall twice.30.Jim isnt at home.HePAGE # 页:# has gone(go) to his uncles.31.Mother,may I go out and playPAGE # 页:# HaveyouPAGE # 页:# cleaned(clean) your bedroomYes,IPAGE # 页:# did(do) it five minutes ago.32.The boy is not hungry.HePAGE # 页:# has had(h

49、ave) his lunch.33.I think the suit PAGE # 页:# will fit(fit) me before long though it PAGE # 页:# doesnt fit(not fit) me now.34.As soon as the rainPAGE # 页:# stopped(stop),theyPAGE # 页:# went(go) out and played happily.35.TheyPAGE # 页:# will call(call) you in a day or two.36.IPAGE # 页:# will tell(tell

50、) her the news as soon as shePAGE # 页:# es(e) back. I promise you.(我容许你)37.Her aunt PAGE # 页:# was studying(study) in Germany at this time last year.38PAGE # 页:# .HaveyouPAGE # 页:# read(read) this book No,but IPAGE # 页:# will borrow(borrow) one from the library .Would you like to go with me39.Please

51、 keep quiet.Cant you see we PAGE # 页:# are talking(talk) about something important40.Our teacher oftenPAGE # 页:# works(work) at night but she usually PAGE # 页:# goes(go) to work on time.单项选择、填空 HYPERLINK l ti11 ()1.Where is Kate She_to England.Ahas been Bhas gone Cwill be Dwill go HYPERLINK l ti21 (

52、)2.What_he_ when his mother opened the doorAdid,do B had done C will do D was,doing HYPERLINK l ti31 ()3.How long_the man_ For 4 years. Ahas,died Bdid,die C was,died Dhas,been dead HYPERLINK l ti41 ()4.She told us that she_our factory the ne*t day. A had visited B was visited C would visit Dwill vis

53、it HYPERLINK l ti51 ()5.We _ not go to the cinema if it_this afternoon. Awill,will snow B will,snows Cdo,snows Ddo,will snow HYPERLINK l ti61 ()6.Mr Lee said he_never_to Japan. Ahas,gone B has,been C had,gone Dhad,been HYPERLINK l ti71 ()7.The earth_around the sun all the year. A has moved B moved C

54、moves D will move HYPERLINK l ti81 ()8.He_his bike,he has to walk to school. A lost B loses C has lost D had lost HYPERLINK l ti91 ()9.I was late for the meeting.When I reached there,all the people_. Ahad left B has been left Chas left Dhad been away HYPERLINK l ti101 ()10.Two years has passed since

55、 I_you the first time. Ameet B have met C met Dhad met HYPERLINK l ti111 ()11.I _in Beijing for half a year now. A was Bhave e Chad e Dhave been HYPERLINK l ti121 ()12.When we_the railway station,the train_for 5 minutes. Agot to,had been away B reached,had left Carrived,has been away D arrived at,ha

56、s left HYPERLINK l ti131 ()13._ we go and see Liu Ming tomorrow Good idea!He _be very pleased. A Will,will B Shall,will C Shall,shall D Will,shall HYPERLINK l ti141 ()14.The story_in London in1940. A happened B has happened Chappens D was happening HYPERLINK l ti151 ()15.Look,the birds_towards the s

57、outh.They _to the south every year. Aare flying,flies Bfly,are flying Care flying,fly Dwere flying,flew HYPERLINK l ti161 ()16.How long have you_the book A bought B borrowed C keep D hadHYPERLINK l ti171()17.I have _the USA for two months. A been to B gone to C been in D went HYPERLINK l ti181 ()18.

58、We_millions of trees on the hills in a few years time. Ahave planted Bplanted C will plant D plant HYPERLINK l ti191 ()19.They_a film this evening. Asee Bare seeing Cshall see Dare going to see HYPERLINK l ti201 ()20.My brother_a League member for three years. A has been B has bee C has joined Dwas

59、HYPERLINK l ti211 ()21.He knew Beijing very well because he_there many times. A had been B went C has been Dwas HYPERLINK l ti221 ()22.His uncle_the Army two years ago. A joins B joined Chas joined Dhas been in HYPERLINK l ti231 ()23.He_there already. A arrives B arrived C has arrived D has been HYP

60、ERLINK l ti241 ()24.Please_to me as soon as you_there. A write,get B wrote,got C writing,get D write,will get HYPERLINK l ti251 ()25.He_some friends and he often_them during his stay in Tokyo. A has,visits B has,visited C had, visited D had,visits HYPERLINK l ti261 ()26.How often_you_to the park whe


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